satamblaze · 9 years
Note from the Muse
[[As you might’ve noticed, things here have been more or less dead for a while now. While I haven’t exactly gotten a lot of people dropping a line or anything to build off of, it’s kinda my fault: I was a bit too much of a stickler for how easily my setting could interact with other universes, and I didn’t realize at the time that having this blog be a “child” to my main blog meant I couldn’t actually send others starters and whatnot. Oops.
So, in light of that, I’m probably gonna be moving soon and doing a soft reboot. Nothing too major, just getting this blog over to it’s own account so that I can interact more freely with other blogs, as well as changing some backstory a little bit so Blaze can, like, actually visit others and other useful things. Not sure how quickly I’ll be getting around to it, but hopefully it’ll be done soon. I just wanted to let everyone following know, plus give them a huge thank-you for actually keeping me in yer follows despite not actually contributing anything substantial in a few months. You guys are all awesome, ya know that?
Also, I may be starting another Ask/RP blog soon over on the Mario side of things... keep yer eyes peeled for that!]]
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satamblaze · 10 years
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Art Credit
                      — IN CELEBRATION OF 950 FOLLOWERS —
Starts: Today - November 23rd! (This Sunday) Three Winners Chosen at Random! RULES: - You MUST be following me. - You can’t enter if you’ve followed me after this giveaway started. - Only reblogs count! - If you receive a prize you HAVE to credit to the artist’s work that I use to make the theme or promo image. If you don’t — I’ll remind you until I see credit go up on your blog.
ITEMS: First Place:  1 Theme for their blog!! 1 Promo Image!! 1 Promotion from me! Second Place: 1 Theme for their blog! 1 Promotion from me! Third Place: 1 Theme for their blog!
Here are some examples of what I give!
Themes: (x) (x) (x) Promotion Images: (x)
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satamblaze · 10 years
Bast perked up at Blaze's response.
"You have a significant other? Oh, you are a lucky woman indeed. I have been... slightly pressured to begin looking for a suitor, myself, but those who have come to woo me rarely have the best intentions in mind. Could you introduce me to him? I'm sure he must be a wonderful person."
"Yeah, I recall that…" Bast admitted, smiling a bit at the memory; it was easier to look back and laugh on such things, "if you’d ever like to return, I’d be more than happy to invite you back as a Queen. I’d recommend lighter clothes next time, though.
"As for being comfortable, I don’t believe you need to worry about that; I am quite enjoying my time here! The only thing I could request is if you could possibly introduce me to some of your friends and allies. The more connections I can make for our kingdom at an event like this, the better."
She glanced over at her chaperon for a moment, who looked as grim and on alert as ever.
"… And I suppose if you have any suggestions for what Beset could do to unwind at this party, that would be appreciated, too. I’ve been trying to convince her to relax and enjoy herself, but she insists on remaining committed to her duties. I know it doesn’t look it, but she really is quite fun to be around when she isn’t in ‘guard mode.’"
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 ”Oh, sure. Of course.” Blaze responded, nodding her head. “I can invite you to many people. My significant other, my own guard, the council — whomever you would like to speak to.” There were many people here and she had to try to get to every single person, but she could spend a few moments introducing Bast to a few others. It shouldn’t take too long and it wasn’t a burden of an sort.             ”If I knew how to make a guard relax, I would have had Gardon do it years ago.” She told her alternate. “He’s been my guardian for years and he has yet to calm down around me and in situations like this. He still calls me 'your highness' at every turn despite my requests for him to just call me by my first name.”
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satamblaze · 10 years
"Yeah, I recall that..." Bast admitted, smiling a bit at the memory; it was easier to look back and laugh on such things, "if you'd ever like to return, I'd be more than happy to invite you back as a Queen. I'd recommend lighter clothes next time, though.
"As for being comfortable, I don't believe you need to worry about that; I am quite enjoying my time here! The only thing I could request is if you could possibly introduce me to some of your friends and allies. The more connections I can make for our kingdom at an event like this, the better."
She glanced over at her chaperon for a moment, who looked as grim and on alert as ever.
"... And I suppose if you have any suggestions for what Beset could do to unwind at this party, that would be appreciated, too. I've been trying to convince her to relax and enjoy herself, but she insists on remaining committed to her duties. I know it doesn't look it, but she really is quite fun to be around when she isn't in 'guard mode.'"
Bast smiled and bowed politely in return.
"I appreciate the compliment! And… I am well aware that I stand out quite a bit here. I confess, I am not deeply familiar with the local customs and manners of your kingdom, so I apologize in advance if I make any sort of faux-pas."
She paused and took a moment to observe her surroundings some more.
"I must say, though, your kingdom truly is far different from mine, especially in terms of architecture and geography! I never thought I’d see a place like this in my lifetime!”
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             ”Oh, you mustn’t worry about that.” She assured Bast. “I’m sure people will think nothing of it. Not really. I just hope you’re not uncomfortable.” She looked around, too, watching people beginning to mingle with one another. Some people came up and looked at the two women and then walked away. Blaze wondered what they were thinking.               ”Yes. That’s why, honestly, I experienced some culture shock when I visited your kingdom. Anything, though, that I can do to make your stay here more comfortable, please let me know.”
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satamblaze · 10 years
Bast smiled and bowed politely in return.
"I appreciate the compliment! And... I am well aware that I stand out quite a bit here. I confess, I am not deeply familiar with the local customs and manners of your kingdom, so I apologize in advance if I make any sort of faux-pas."
She paused and took a moment to observe her surroundings some more.
"I must say, though, your kingdom truly is far different from mine, especially in terms of architecture and geography! I never thought I'd see a place like this in my lifetime!"
[[Author’s Note: This particular RP is “future-dated”, meaning that it’s an event that’s technically not supposed to happen until a bit further down the line, as it involves Blaze in another world even though the Warp Gate isn’t done yet]]
With the state that Mobius had been in through the past decade or so, Blaze had thought she’d never venture beyond her kingdom, simply because of the threat that Robotnik posed. And yet, here she was, standing in another person’s castle, politely applauding as an ally ruler was made queen. Had the event not called for her to be formal and reserved, she would’ve been giddy at the thought of at long last visiting another land.
… Granted, it was only possible due to literally traveling to another dimension, but details.
Between the time she had received the invitation to her alternate’s coronation and now, Blaze worried that Wave wouldn’t be able to finish the Warp Gate in time, a necessary component if she wanted to actually attend. Thankfully, the swallow had come through, and now the Sphinx was here, clothed in an elegant, Tel-Bastian dress and smelling faintly of orchid. She did her best to choose something that was full-length and covering, as she knew her counterpart’s kingdom was in a temperate climate and her counterpart herself preferred more… conservative dress. Even so, she was quite aware of how “exotic” she looked compared to the fashions and decor of everyone and everything around her. Of course, the armored spider girl standing next to her making only a token effort at looking formal probably didn’t help: She was able to get Raid to stop freaking out and insisting she needed an armed guard to escort her, but she knew trying to convince Beset not to join her was an impossible task. At least she was able to convince her to simply stand by her side, rather than trying to hide in the shadows. One small mix-up with a guard there would spark an inter-dimensional incident, which was the last thing she wanted…
Blaze waited until the initial crowd around her other self dispersed a bit before approaching, the jewelry adorning her body jingling like ethereal chimes as she walked.
"Queen Blaze? I thank you wholeheartedly for your invitation, and on behalf of all of Tel-Basta, I congratulate you on your coronation."
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              Her heart was racing. Standing there was intense enough in itself, now she had to interact with over a hundred people who had attended this coronation. Thankfully, she had invited friends and acquaintances that made her feel more comfortable. Bast was the latter — they had no where near enough interaction to be considered ‘friends' in Blaze's mind. But still, Blaze was glad that she was here. Another royal that Blaze could get along with was always a good thing.              ”Well, thank you for coming and for the congratulations.” Blaze said, giving a curtsy. This dress was so large and made her feel clumsy. “May I just say that your gown is lovely.” It looked like it came straight out of a history book. “You stand out, your highness. But in a good way, I assure you.”
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satamblaze · 10 years
[[Author's Note: This particular RP is "future-dated", meaning that it's an event that's technically not supposed to happen until a bit further down the line, as it involves Blaze in another world even though the Warp Gate isn't done yet]]
With the state that Mobius had been in through the past decade or so, Blaze had thought she'd never venture beyond her kingdom, simply because of the threat that Robotnik posed. And yet, here she was, standing in another person's castle, politely applauding as an ally ruler was made queen. Had the event not called for her to be formal and reserved, she would've been giddy at the thought of at long last visiting another land.
... Granted, it was only possible due to literally traveling to another dimension, but details.
Between the time she had received the invitation to her alternate's coronation and now, Blaze worried that Wave wouldn't be able to finish the Warp Gate in time, a necessary component if she wanted to actually attend. Thankfully, the swallow had come through, and now the Sphinx was here, clothed in an elegant, Tel-Bastian dress and smelling faintly of orchid. She did her best to choose something that was full-length and covering, as she knew her counterpart's kingdom was in a temperate climate and her counterpart herself preferred more... conservative dress. Even so, she was quite aware of how "exotic" she looked compared to the fashions and decor of everyone and everything around her. Of course, the armored spider girl standing next to her making only a token effort at looking formal probably didn't help: She was able to get Raid to stop freaking out and insisting she needed an armed guard to escort her, but she knew trying to convince Beset not to join her was an impossible task. At least she was able to convince her to simply stand by her side, rather than trying to hide in the shadows. One small mix-up with a guard there would spark an inter-dimensional incident, which was the last thing she wanted...
Blaze waited until the initial crowd around her other self dispersed a bit before approaching, the jewelry adorning her body jingling like ethereal chimes as she walked.
"Queen Blaze? I thank you wholeheartedly for your invitation, and on behalf of all of Tel-Basta, I congratulate you on your coronation."
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satamblaze · 10 years
Cue a heavily raised eyebrow from the swallow.
"... What? You were here with the Sphinx just the other day! We talked about the Warp Gate and everything!... Unless..."
The bird paused for a moment before facepalming once again.
"Oh geez... Did we just mange to find yet another Blaze? How many doppelgangers does the Sphinx have out there in the multiverse, anyway?"
An awkward silence permeated the room before one of the other researchers spoke up.
"... Um... At least we were successful in bringing a living subject through the gate this time?"
The collection of stares he got from his coworkers quickly made the man realize that now was probably not the best time to be mentioning that, and he sheepishly backed off. Meanwhile, after taking a deep breath, the lead researcher offered her hand to Blaze.
"Well, I suppose introductions are in order, then... I'm Wave the Swallow, head of research and development for the kingdom of Tel-Basta. Sorry for... you know... violently ripping you from your reality and all that. I think our Warp Gate finally worked a little too well for once."
When in Tel-Basta...
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satamblaze · 10 years
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thehouseofivo said: "i hope you are able to find someone suitable. i’d try to aid you in your attempts, but i know of no rulers who are not already spoken for…"
... While I suppose that, in a multiverse of infinite possibilities, there should be a "good" Robotnik or two out there, forgive me for still being quite skeptical of your intent due to personal experiences.
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satamblaze · 10 years
Ugh... How disappointing... Remember that man I had been fawning over a short while back? I did my best to gather some information on him, and while he is the ruler of a kingdom not unlike mine, it turns out he is arrogant and commands it like a tyrant, performing ruthless, violent acts to keep the population under his control. I cannot and will not support someone who willingly does things such as that, so suffice to say, my infatuation with him is over. All I can say is, thank goodness I looked into the matter before attempting to contact him directly.
... Still, I can't deny that he is still strangely attractive, even if his actions more than override any goodwill that could possibly bring. If only I could find a suitor who was as handsome within as he is without...
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satamblaze · 10 years
"Our chief export is Power Stones," Bast explained, "the gods blessed our land with large quantities of Power Stone seams underneath the city and in the surrounding landscape. They hold tremendous energy, and we have become masters of harnessing their power, both for technology and for sorcery."
As she spoke, her hand went up and gently rubbed the jewel bound to her forehead. As she did, it began to glow softly, and something seemed to pulse and flow within it. It would be clear to Blaze that Bast's gem was not just decorative like her own.
"Power Stones are incredibly rare elsewhere on Mobius, so we have forged strong trade relationships and amassed a fortune exporting them and products that use them. Robotnik's rampage has hindered it heavily, however..."
As they reached the workshop, Blaze could see that, while the building looked as 'ancient' as most of the city, constructed of weathered sandstone and wooden accents, it was clear that attempts were made to modernize it somewhat. Thick cables could be seen snaking around the ground outside and into various windows, and the front of the workshop had a large, overhead door currently in the up position. Quite a few engineers could be seen inside, and almost all of them paused and did a double or triple-take upon seeing the two felines, seemingly trying to figure out which one was their guest and which was their deity, and terrified at the thought of guessing wrong.
"It's okay," Bast assured them, stepping forward, "I am Bast and she is Blaze. Is Wave ready to meet with us?"
♦ :: Egyptian Fire
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satamblaze · 10 years
Blaze would find herself in a large room. Although the sandstone walls and floor made the place look weathered and ancient, it was also cluttered with machines, computers, and other technology that contrasted starkly with the structure. As for the other people in the room, they were a varied bunch, consisting of numerous desert species and appeared to be dressed like mechanics or researchers... And by the time Blaze had gotten to her feet, they had all fallen to their knees, begging for forgiveness from her. At least, it sounded like they wanted it from her, but they kept using names like "Sphinx" and "Bast"...
There was, however, one member of the group that had not immediately fallen to the floor graveling: The purple swallow. Upon seeing her colleagues' reactions, she simply one hand to her forehead, as if hoping that they'd just vanish if she wasn't looking at them.
"Oh, for the love of... Guys, that's NOT the Sphinx! You can stop pleading to avoid a divine bolt of retribution!... It's not like she even does stuff like that in the first place..."
Her coworkers, upon looking up and realizing their mistake, began to sheepishly back off while the bird approached.
"So... Princess Blaze? Again? Weren't you, like, just here a few days ago?"
When in Tel-Basta...
"Alright, people, let’s try this one more time! And for star’s sake, DON’T mix up the X and Y coordinates this time!"
Wave massaged the bridge of her beak with a single finger as she watched the lab assistants scramble around and get ready. Already she could hear the all-too-familiar wirr of the Warp Gate as it slowly began to power up once more. Despite her best efforts, they were still having some serious issues making the gate functional enough for genuinely reliable use. Sure, they’d occasionally have something fall though, but it was still completely random, and sending it back was a complete crap-shot. Even when getting advice from other mechanics and scientists across the multiverse, they were still having issues. In fact, the most recent advice she had gotten seemed to just make things worse.
Needless to say, she was seriously starting to suspect the intentions of… what did that guy say his name was, again? Ral… Zeke? Zook?… of the… Isaac League?… Whatever, he seemed pretty unhinged anyway, even for an Overlander.
"Wave? We’re ready." Wave was jolted out of her moment of annoyed thought by one of the assistants. That was when she realized the gate was now humming softly, the ring hovering an inch or so above the base. It was once again fully operational, awaiting input.
"Oh, right…" Wave groaned, getting her bearings together to prepare for another experiment (and, most likely, another fire evacuation), "Okay, everyone! The coordinates for this test are 419-205-15-11! Put ‘em in, let ‘er rip… And pray we don’t have to hit the deck!"
A few key presses and a thrown switch later, and the Warp Gate surged to life. A small rift appeared, no larger than a pin-prick, but it soon grew in size, lightning crackling from within.
"Alright, let’s see what we pull through this time…"
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satamblaze · 10 years
When in Tel-Basta...
"Alright, people, let's try this one more time! And for star's sake, DON'T mix up the X and Y coordinates this time!"
Wave massaged the bridge of her beak with a single finger as she watched the lab assistants scramble around and get ready. Already she could hear the all-too-familiar wirr of the Warp Gate as it slowly began to power up once more. Despite her best efforts, they were still having some serious issues making the gate functional enough for genuinely reliable use. Sure, they'd occasionally have something fall though, but it was still completely random, and sending it back was a complete crap-shot. Even when getting advice from other mechanics and scientists across the multiverse, they were still having issues. In fact, the most recent advice she had gotten seemed to just make things worse.
Needless to say, she was seriously starting to suspect the intentions of... what did that guy say his name was, again? Ral... Zeke? Zook?... of the... Isaac League?... Whatever, he seemed pretty unhinged anyway, even for an Overlander.
"Wave? We're ready." Wave was jolted out of her moment of annoyed thought by one of the assistants. That was when she realized the gate was now humming softly, the ring hovering an inch or so above the base. It was once again fully operational, awaiting input.
"Oh, right..." Wave groaned, getting her bearings together to prepare for another experiment (and, most likely, another fire evacuation), "Okay, everyone! The coordinates for this test are 419-205-15-11! Put 'em in, let 'er rip... And pray we don't have to hit the deck!"
A few key presses and a thrown switch later, and the Warp Gate surged to life. A small rift appeared, no larger than a pin-prick, but it soon grew in size, lightning crackling from within.
"Alright, let's see what we pull through this time..."
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satamblaze · 10 years
'Sounds fun, actually~ I've just been working on Extreme Gear and computers lately. I haven't done any work on any /really/ big projects since leaving the Armada. By the way, are you descended from the Babylonians in your dimension? Come to think of it, do said Babylonians even /exist/ in your dimension?'
***** ADMIN EDIT *****
Heh, knew that would grab your attention! Do I know ‘myself’ or what?
But… er… Baby-what now? My ancestors came from a place called Anu-Malik. Nice place before it, you know, got blown off the face of Mobius. And that was before Robotnik ever showed up, if you can believe it.
But yeah, whatever. That’s ancient history, and I’m the type that prefers building new things rather than ramble about old stuff.
That said, I suppose I could ask the same questions of you: What the heck’s Extreme Gear? And did your armada have any good weaponry I could pick apart and mod? Could always use a new weekend project…
- W
***** END ADMIN EDIT *****
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satamblaze · 10 years
Wave blinks as she's apparently found an alternate of herself, and, decides to do as suggested, and drop a line. 'Hey. Wow. Have to admit, this is definitely one of the strangest things I've found while working on my computer's online connection. I'll have to remember the upgrade I used for Multiversal connection. So, uhhhhh, hey, alternate self. How are you?'
***** ADMIN EDIT *****
Eh… Just the usual for myself. Tinkering with Robotnik’s toys while trying to convince everyone around me it’s so we can use them against him and NOT because I’m secretly on his side. Because people are idiots. I’m willing to bet having morons like that is a multiversal constant too, isn’t it?
Anyway, enough talking about that… Since you’re kinda… you know… me, I’m guessing you’re a mechanic/inventor/let’s-see-if-we-can-build-this-without-it-blowing-up-person too, right? ‘Cuz I could use some help on this huge project I’m working on right now. Like, “let’s potentially irrevocably break time and space” huge. You in?
- W
***** END ADMIN EDIT *****
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satamblaze · 10 years
"Oh, of course! I know how that is... Stars know I have a hard time clearing my day of duties, myself. I'd be more than happy to have you back another time."
Bast was admittedly disappointed - she herself had set aside the full day if necessary for her guest - but she could hardly blame her counterpart for it. Apparently, being exceptionally busy was something that carried across dimensional borders...
"The workshops are just this way. If you would follow me..."
It was not long after they left the solitude of the gardens that a large, warehouse-like building came into view. If one were to listen closely, they would hear all sorts of construction noises coming from within.
"What kind of research and development does your kingdom do, Blaze?"
♦ :: Egyptian Fire
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satamblaze · 10 years
***** ADMIN EDIT *****
Sorry for hijacking your forum again, Lady Blaze, especially while you're in the middle of salivating over complete strangers of indeterminate species (seriously, the Hell is that thing?), but this little number just came in:
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So... It took long enough, but it looks like I finally found a counterpart to little ol' me. Not sure if you're listening in right now "Waviliana", but if you are, drop me a line, would ya? Maybe I'll finally be able to crack this Warp Gate thing if I'm able to work with with someone I can have an equal conversation with... which is to say, myself.
- W
***** END ADMIN EDIT *****
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satamblaze · 10 years
This appeared on my "dashboard" (I still feel that this forum has some strange terminology...) earlier today. I don't know why, but I actually find him quite attractive, honestly. I have seen quite a few other examples of different cultures with similar aesthetics as my own, but something about the way he displays them catches my attention far more than others, especially the use of gold upon his fur. It's something Beset has done for me in the past, and he presents it well.
... I must confess: I tend to not go looking for suitors (despite much whispering around the palace that I should) and most that come to our kingdom for that purpose tend to not fare well in my eyes, but... I am tempted to make an exception for him. Perhaps I should look into ways to get in contact with this man...
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