saturnus-et-stellae · 11 months
everytime the rain soaks you or something you cherish at the moment, think of her merging as one with the river, melting as her thoughts of you forget to cease. think of her clinging onto the void of her merciless memory trying to get back home to you.
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saturnus-et-stellae · 11 months
We plan so soon, so far in advance the things never seem to catch up
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saturnus-et-stellae · 11 months
But i was so ready to paint the sky a whole new colour
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all there is to say is etched deep in the half moons on the transparent parchment skin
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you underestimate my ability to sit in a flowy gown laced with crumbs of my broken heart in a burning castle and smile like it's the year of the century at any given moment
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No but screaming under the ground for a hot minute might fix me
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"i could write you poems, I could write you letters, I could leave my heart right by your window every night, I could love you so embarrassingly, so brutally if you ever just set yourself free."
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Oooh when you're terrible at speaking to new people but can't help but want to talk and speak with them at length because they seem soooo interesting and fun and you just knoowwww you could be good friends
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The quote about life having the worst sense of humour, giving you the things you want at the worst possible time
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When words start feeling so heavy and dug up so deep inside, but you can't help but want someone to pull them out, rip you open and sit with you in all the bloody, painful glory
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Ray Bradbury, the lake
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bunnies made by the enchantlings
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Going through your days, sleep deprived, running on black coffees with droopy eyes is a vibe you just can't get. The way migraine and fatigue magnifies every sound, every emotion just SO MUCH is tormenting sure buttttt you know if you know.
Definitely not endorsing not sleeping but but but the vibess lol.
The rainy, cloudy nights seem too pretty to not be stared at through the night. And the way you sway through the days like a ballerina 🤌
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van gogh green | monet violet | salman toor green | van gogh yellow
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That fleabag quote about wanting someone to sit you down and tell you everything about life and stuff
“i want someone to tell me what to eat, what to like, what to hate, what to rage about, what to listen to, what band to like, what to buy tickets for, what to joke about, what not to joke about. I want someone to tell me what to believe in, who to vote for, and who to love (and how to tell them)...I just think I want someone to tell me how to live my life, Father, because so far I think l've been getting it wrong. And I know that's why people want people like you in their lives because you just tell them how to do it. You just tell them what to do and what they'll get out at the end of it. And even though I don't believe your bullshit , and I know that scientifically nothing I do makes any difference in the end anyway, I'm still scared.Why am I still scared?”
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poetry is a fundamental food group if you dont read a decent poem once or twice a month you get soul anemic bone tired and all that
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