sayitwithurheart · 2 months
Fear and inaction will cost you
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sayitwithurheart · 10 months
After Unraveling
I love the way we love
Caressing hands with fingertips
The way a forehead kiss can heal me
Sweet, soft breaths against my collarbones
Smiles in kisses
My lips feeding yours
Your warmth against mine
Your skin remembering where my hands were last
Elated when I breathe you in
Enchanted by your glow
Then your eyes smile
Oh, those yellow jaspers
Honeycomb and ambers gazing
Your mouth follows
Then a whisper
A crystal upon your cheek
So softly
I know
Tender rains
Dew on orchid petals
Silken lillies
Bountiful bouquets
How they glisten after rainbows
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sayitwithurheart · 2 years
There's a daddy shaped hole
Where you used to be
I see every part of you
When I look at me
Losing you so young
Took half of my heart
You never let me down
But now we're far apart
We were just getting started
And then you were gone
Now I only have memories
And the time away is long
I still carry you in my heart
I still hold you dear
So much I never got to experience with you
Sometimes it brings me to tears
I hope wherever you are
You are watching over me
You were all I ever wanted
Just a little girl still needing her Daddy
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sayitwithurheart · 2 years
In the midst of turmoil, somehow my hand found yours
In the darkness that was shrouding my view
Somehow I found you
You felt the beat of my heart and it connected with yours
Singing a song that brightened my world
A Beacon to shine through
An illuminating beam of magnificent light
Right down to the core of where the heavy pain sits in my chest
You rescue me daily with your love
With the words of life you speak into my soul
For this, I remain forever grateful
Forever yours
Forever loving you for the way that you love me
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sayitwithurheart · 3 years
Smile (2003)
Smile for the birds, smile for the bees
If not for Mother Nature smile for me
Smile for the trees that sway in the breeze
If not for Mother Nature smile for me
Smile for the flowers that come from April showers
If not for Mother Nature Smile for me
Smile for me
Smile for the bees
For every good thing
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sayitwithurheart · 4 years
Depression suffocates self love
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sayitwithurheart · 4 years
Hold On
Hold on to me
In my darkest days
In my longing for the pain to stop
Hold on to me
When the light fades from my eyes
And I can't see you through the tears
I will reach for you
Even when afraid
Even when shattered
I will reach to find you through the darkness
To feel the touch that revives me
Warm as a sun ray on flesh
To find my way home
My way back to your arms
Where I know I will find rest
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sayitwithurheart · 5 years
Violet, Everlasting
As the first notes of John Coltrane's 'While My Lady Sleeps' plays, she does
And I watch her
The first notes of the song of my heart plays in tune with Trane's sax
I read her poetry until she fell asleep
under the cool breeze of a crisp February night
Blankets piled over her like cumulonimbus clouds
She rolls over and wraps her arms around me
A soft sigh of contentment
She snores softly
Being the sole reason for my heartbeat
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sayitwithurheart · 5 years
You are the only thing I can think about even when I'm with you
You are the only thing I can write about
And I wonder does that make me selfish
That all I want to do is immortalize you through paper and ink
To keep you forever
Even when you're not in my arms
To have you etched into every crevice of my brain
To always have the memory
Of your eyes
The curl of your lips
The curve of your body
The softness of your hands
The beauty of your mind
How effortless it is to love one another
So much so that the outside world
Ceases to be when I'm holding you
Such is fate that I am allowed your presence
Blessed by your splendor
I sing a song of gratitude
I dance a dance of enchantment
For nothing is more precious than this gift of love you have given me
A keepsake that I hold so dear
A love that illuminates any darkness that dares to creep into my heart
For fear
For hate
There is no room
Only joy and bliss
To share the space in my heart
Right next to you
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sayitwithurheart · 5 years
In a Body
It was always
"I'd like to see you in this"
"Why do you always wear that?"
"You should shave your legs sometimes"
There was a time when I didn't feel good enough
When I didn't feel like I was enough
For you
That this amalgamation of feminine and masculine
Was too much
Contained in a body that has curves
That when the masculine in me ruled you wanted what I was not in the mood to give
You wanted what I did not have the spoons for
My comfort aside
Though I was woman I was never traditional
Never one for gender roles
And yet you wanted what I perceived to be a housewife
I was never that
Never obedient
Or the good woman
I broke rules
I made my femininity my own
Made it what I saw fit even if there was a splash of masculinity as a side dish
But it was mine to claim
Something no man could define for me
It was mine and mine alone
To reclaim
To have it be what I wanted
And it was not enough
Never enough for the Male view
I guess you forgot
I don't possess femininity
For you
I possess it
For me
My girl friends
My nieces
And my future daughters
Grand daughters
Great great grand daughters
For them to reclaim what is theirs only by birthright
A rite of passage
What is viewed as a curse
A burden
Is but a privilege
Bestowed on only those worthy
To bear the weight of greatness
To exceed all expectations
To conquer
With our boots on the neck of those who doubted our right to exist
As is
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sayitwithurheart · 5 years
If You Confess
I talked to God today
Though I didn't remember how
I needed to tell him to watch over you
With tears in my eyes and a croaky and shakey voice
I asked him to strengthen you and to keep you whole always
It's been a long time since we talked
And it's been a long time since he's answered
And I don't remember the last thing I said to him
But I needed him to see you for me
Needed him to know the blessing he gave me when he sent you
How remarkable it is to love one made in his perfect image
I told him to give me every hurt you feel
Every tear you shed
I asked him to help me be your lighthouse in the storm
Your warm embrace
Your crying shoulder
Your peace
Never so much did I mean the words I spoke to him about you
And never so much have I loved enough to speak them
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sayitwithurheart · 5 years
They say it takes about 7 years to fully regenerate all the cells of the human body
This means I'm almost on my way to my second body that you will never have touched
For the one stolen so long ago I began to feel was not my own
Every part had your seal of shame on it
And I gave you the power to bestow that shame upon me
But now I reclaim that body that I shrouded in fear so long ago
As a testament to the survivor that lives now
Loved and whole and free from the bondage of blaming myself for your monstrous actions
I was always whole
Even when you tried to shatter me
This body is free to be
To love, to dance, to move, like fluid, liberated
This is what surviving looks like
My body is my own to cherish and to choose
Whom I will grace with this blessing
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sayitwithurheart · 6 years
Butterfly Kisses
I awakened from a dream last night
Where all I could see was you
Awashed in the sun light that cascaded softly over your curves
And flesh abundant
Warm like home
You breathed lightly, steadily
Entangled in the sheets that lie over you
Just above the small of your back
I admire the beauty before me
Just existing as is
No expectations
I lay my head against the nape of your neck
And breathe you in
I caress the tresses and curls of your soft hair
You yourself are a dream
A vision of a picturesque portrait of goddess and woman wrapped up in a bow that embodies pure art
Proof of divinity
Created by a being that loves purely
And without condition
And this dream of you so sweet
To make my heart
Soar like the bluebird
Etched into you
I want nothing more than to dream of you until gray hairs play at the edges of our temples
Until wrinkles peek around the corners of our eyes and lips
I wish to see that smile rising just like the morning sun
Brighter even
Illuminating my whole word
To bring me the purest light
Ousting any darkness that may live within me
To forever hold the softest hands against an old cheek
Worn with age and experience and so many moments of laughter
And pain, perhaps
A dream I know
Will someday be reality
To be always in the arms that welcome
All the beautiful and ugly parts of me
The arms that will hold me in all times of trouble
In all times of triumph
And my arms will be that same solace for you
The same warmth of home
Inviting you to rest always
When you bring me your pain
And weariness
These arms will melt it all away
As I breathe into graying locks of your hair
And wake from the dream
Into the reality of all of you
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sayitwithurheart · 6 years
Whatever comes
I'll keep you safe in my arms
Monsters have no place
In the light of our love
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sayitwithurheart · 6 years
Lost & Found
You knew me once before
I was a distant memory then
Lost in a toxic wasteland
Fighting my way through the smoke and ash
I emerged from the other side
But hurt and healing
Giving my hands away to others who needed them
You came back to me
The same way you found me then
And now I give you these hands
Hoping that you will be the one
Always keeping them warm
Against your beating heart
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sayitwithurheart · 6 years
Pinky Promise
I made a promise
To take care of your heart
Everyday I choose
To keep it
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sayitwithurheart · 6 years
Magnum Opus
You send me floating on your rhythms and passion
Like the notes of a song penned just for me
How well your instrument plays those notes
How expertly you read the notes on my pages
The compliment and accompaniment
Of this ebb and flow through your musical interpretation
Sing this song forever
Serenade me in love always
Take with you the passionate rhythms and the notes in which our love lives
Pieces of me to have in my absence
This song you shall always remember
Sing a song of us
While you send me
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