scamilleon · 6 years
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A illustration for class—women in science. I of course chose the one German name from the list given by my prof … whose contribution to science (nuclear shell theory) was the most difficult to illustrate: Maria Goeppert Mayer
(physicists and other scientists: I did my best with what limited resources I had, including consulting my engineer sister, I know the little diagrams don’t all match up one to one with Goeppert Mayer’s work)
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scamilleon · 6 years
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asked to illustrate a well-known fairytale for class back in May; here’s my snowy, probably after dusk, Little Red Riding Hood
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scamilleon · 6 years
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Hey!! I’m not dead (unless you count sleeping more than average)—here’s an illustration that really has no context
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scamilleon · 7 years
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some other choice professions (also I received only 3-4 word combinations, so every result I received was totally ludicrous)
So I made a random generator of future scientific careers and the results range from totally practical,
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to very niche academic paths that conjure up a very specific mental image
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to carrers that I’m not entirely sure how they would work but what do I know
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to ??????
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scamilleon · 7 years
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a glowing orange gouache on watercolour paper tree from a class assignment; those goddamn mushrooms took way too long to paint 
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scamilleon · 7 years
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Long live the new flesh 
poster for David Cronenberg’s Videodrome, for class, back in March
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scamilleon · 7 years
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The Sun Summoner 
Uploading this before I forget I drew it—was messing around with combining digital and traditional art 
(disclaimer: by this point I think I’ve forgotten the the character descriptions from the book; it’s inaccurate, I concede, but I left out the sea whip scale fetter because it would’ve created asymmetry, which I was ... avoiding)
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scamilleon · 7 years
Dumbledore, died at age 115
Horcruxes made: 0
Voldemort, died at age 71
Horcruxes made: 7
Conclusion: Voldemort was the most useless, magic dependant wizard that ever existed. He could have lived till like 200 if he just ate well and exercised, but no he had to go and split up his soul and ruin perfectly good jewellery, fucking dumbass.
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scamilleon · 7 years
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Some sketchbook drawings from the last couple months—pencil on paper with some gouache slapped on. It’s been rainy! and I haven’t done anything of value.
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scamilleon · 7 years
There are three types of people:
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scamilleon · 8 years
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Last illustration of fall semester, being posted in March—assignment prompt was “anything”; as always, gouache on watercolour paper
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scamilleon · 8 years
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Out, damned spot! 
 Other recent classwork, self portrait as Lady Macbeth, acrylic on paper. 
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scamilleon · 8 years
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An illo from class, the Mothman, perched ominously in a tree; (mostly) gouache and (minimal) coloured pencil on paper 
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scamilleon · 8 years
the most unrealistic thing about harry potter
is that no teacher ever called him James by accident, or that Ron never was called “Bill-, eh Charl-, no Per-, argh!”
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scamilleon · 8 years
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The psychiatrist who wrote the criteria for narcissism just made an extremely important point about what’s wrong with diagnosing Trump with mental disorders
Dr. Allen Frances says in speculating about Trump’s mental health, we are doing a disservice to those who do suffer from mental illness. In a series of tweets, he explained why he doesn’t think Trump is a narcissist — and how harmful it can be for us to keep assuming that he is.
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scamilleon · 8 years
tumblr: [pornbot x] is following you!
me, ruthlessly slamming “block user”: no they ain’t
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scamilleon · 8 years
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Anne Frank could be a 77-year-old woman living in Boston today. But was denied a US visa.
“As President Trump prepares orders to wall out Mexicans and shut out refugees from America, today marks one of the most hateful days in our nation’s history… Today the Statue of Liberty weeps over President Trump’s discrimination. President Trump is beyond the wrong side of history. He is driving our nation off a moral cliff. When President Trump uses national security as a guise for racism, he doesn’t strengthen our national security. He compromises our national security by engendering disrespect for America by people around the world. Make no mistake, suspending visas for citizens of Middle Eastern and African countries is not called national security. It’s called prejudice.
President Trump is now exacerbating the largest global refugee crisis in history. His slamming America’s doors on the starving, the wounded and the abused is a grotesque blot on our nation’s history of freedom. The President’s actions are an embarrassment to the timeless vision of America as inscribed by Emma Lazarus to “give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Demonizing refugees and immigrants, and spending billions of taxpayer dollars to keep them out of our nation, will go down in American history as one of the most tragic deviations from our national conscience.”
- Statement of Steven Goldstein, Executive Director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect
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