scandalous-night · 4 years
Yandere Josuke
Hear me out, I love Josuke so much. I watched the entire JJBA series, + read the mangas, and he always stood out to me. So I decided to do some headcanons~!
Yandere Josuke
Josuke is the type of person to not notice his obsessive behaviour. He’d be incredibly clingy and would follow you around almost everywhere.
This loveable bean is very romantic and would show lots of affection to you.
He’d call you so many cute names! Examples are, “sweetheart”, “love”, “cute”, and more!
He’s very sweet and calm near you, however if someone fucks with you (or even him for this matter), he’d snap hardly, almost killing the person.
Please don’t insult his hair... It’s for your own good.
He’ll definitely stalk you, taking stuff from you in the process. You’d never notice, anyways. You’d be thinking you were going crazy.
He’ll kidnap you, but treat you so well. You’d be forgetting that you were kidnapped.
If you threaten to escape, he may just break a couple of bones in your body... But not to worry, Crazy Diamond can fix that straight away.
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scandalous-night · 4 years
my blog~!
Welcome to my blog~!
I write for DDLC, Love Live, MHA, JJBA, Hetalia, and Harry Potter.
1. NSFW is allowed, although I'm not good at it. (If you don't wanna see this stuff, block the tw: nsfw tag, please.)
2. English is not my first language, forgive me if my writing is off or anything else.
3. Request up to 4-6 characters, however the more you request, the longer it'll take for me to write.
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