scarlet-cookie · 1 day
Problem : In pain from ORV
Solution : Find Secretive Plotter and Oldest Dream fluff fanarts on tumblr
If anyone can refer me to any at all please don’t hesitate, I am in so much happiness looking at the 999th round found family :]
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scarlet-cookie · 1 day
massive orv spoilers incoming
anyways it fucks me up rereading the scene where kdj and co meet the oldest dream for the first time. just. the raw emotionality of kdj looking at himself, that traumatized teenager and seeing the abuse that litters his body, the way he’s far too small for a child his age (probably malnutrition), and just silently walking up to the boy, to himself, and pulling out a sword to cut him down. The first thing he says to his younger self is that he’s a monster, that they’re both monsters. Not only that, kdj is desperate to kill the oldest dream, he literally doesn’t even hesitate to try and stab the blade into his own neck. The company literally has to hold him down to make sure he doesn’t kill himself.
And then secretive plotter comes out and kdj becomes resigned. He thinks that above all, sp is the one person who has earned the right to kill the ancient dream above all. Except sp doesn’t. He looks at kdj and sees just how hurt this child is, how the entire world turned his back on him, and ways of survival was the one thing he could cling to to inspire him to keep going. The 999th round companions see it to, they see that their tragedy was not done for someone’s sick amusement, but the unintended side effect of one child’s dream, fueled by a desperation that fuels the universe to keep watching them, pushing them to fight on and on. The most omniscient and powerless existence, crying for help all alone. They see that and the understand, they forgive.
But kdj cannot fathom that forgiveness. His mind so utterly rejects it that he assumes sp and everyone are just being swayed by the will of the story- because how could anyone who when through what they did forgive the cause of it all? He weighs his trauma against sp’s, the tragedy that lasted for a “mere” 10 or so years, the tragedy of one lifetime against sp’s thousands, and to him, his sin far outweighs any other factors. He starts getting desperate again, desperate for someone to see that no, he has to die to absolve himself of his so called crime.
Only the people he feels he has wrong have long forgiven him. The tragedy is that kdj hates himself far too much to even comprehend why or how. He sees the light return to ancient dream’s eyes, carried by the characters who saved him for so long and are saving him now, the smile on sp’s face that shines in liberation, and he cannot understand.
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scarlet-cookie · 2 days
this is so funny. go watch it🫵
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scarlet-cookie · 2 days
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scarlet-cookie · 2 days
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Testing out CSP...!
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scarlet-cookie · 2 days
Massive, unfiltered Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint spoilers under the cut
After finishing the all 552 chapters I can finally make this ramblings of a thought post. Oh my god, ORV, what a story. I actually found this novel like two years ago back when Akumuno posted a lonely religion meme of it. I wondered if I should’ve picked it up back then, but I think me back then probably wouldn’t get this story as well as I do now-
This story hit home so hard that my home flew way over there. It’s so unique but also reminds me of other stories I personally like and (mwah) it’s so comforting. Anyways, there are way too many things I wanted to say out loud while reading but didn’t. One of the things I remember though- was that when Hui-Won tried to group regress over and over again to find Dokja. Hui-Won. No. Nope. I am not- I am not gonna watch you lot pull a Homura Akemi. I might update this more as I find more things to ramble about. For now, I’ll leave it at here.
(About 3 hours after I made this post) oh, yeah, also ORV made me understand time loop time space time (I ran out of words to describe this) logic a bit more and I’ve gained an extra inkling of understanding of Memory Joey and M!Henry from BATDR now. I’ll keep adding date marks when I update this post.
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scarlet-cookie · 2 days
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One story read, countless worlds killed.
Still, you kept reading the next word, to keep yourself alive.
Hyperfixation from 2022 meets hyperfixation from 2024.
If I had a nickel for every time I read a story with an omniscient protagonist who has self sacrificial tendencies, thinks they’re a monster, and also happened to get stabbed by the one they loved the most I’d have two, which isn’t much but it’s strange it happened twice.
I love them both so so much ù-ú, our beloved archivist and demon king of salvation
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scarlet-cookie · 2 days
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scarlet-cookie · 7 days
The urge to draw little Jon Sims reading A Guest for Mister Spider and little KDJ reading TWSA
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scarlet-cookie · 8 days
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and the hands of time will free you
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scarlet-cookie · 11 days
Mari lair I forgot how to reblog temporarily so imma have to reblog your post.
A-ny-hoo, tags time
i think it's great when someone tries to pull off a tragic self-sacrifice in a story and there's at least one guy who's just like "no this is fucking stupid actually. you're an idiot." about it. because it kind of is. i love a good tragedy but let's be honest with ourselves if a friend tried to indulge a noble sacrifice fantasy would you not be a little annoyed. like come on man.
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scarlet-cookie · 2 months
reposting this again so I don’t have to flip tumblr to find it
Managed to get the Raven video to save! Now, people who don't have instagram and refuse to get one can finally view it. Credit to Aaron Landon, obviously, the original post can be found here if you want to view it on insta for some reason https://www.instagram.com/tv/BohxjrSh-jF/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
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scarlet-cookie · 3 months
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Hello! 9 days ago I (finally finished and) posted the Lonely Religion very one-sided Jenry PMV on YT! If anyone would like to check it out, here’s the link : https://youtu.be/7i1jea9WR_M?si=UFDdbRvfd2AP9Gxu
Extra loreeee for the Untrusted AU in description
I used a color palette that… honestly I don’t even remember where I got it from. It’s called “disquiet”. If anyone knows who made it pls tell me so I can credit them tyyy
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scarlet-cookie · 3 months
What does this premise sound like
Heartless on discord showed me a tweet of the trope of “guy, secretly an eldritch abomination” and I really like that trope+some other stuff so I wrote a short premise for something one shot and idk if I should expand on it or not if anyone can give thoughts will be much appreciated
In another universe, there exists a race of divine beings, called The Saviors, aiming to destroy the magic core. The core that upholds the existence of the very world you are on.(this part is from another story of mine)
The (idkyet) Planet, in (idkyet)’s 5th star system.
Your world is a land of crystallized stars and stones, the land’s culture akin to our world’s Netherlands, and a place where natives have the natural ability of telepathy.
You are a part of a cafe, hiding an organization that exterminate The Saviors for the peace of this land and the universe.
The Saviors are agile, and can pass on their wisdom to others, turning them into a Savior as well. They can hide among the natives, will attack fast, and will not leave a trace.
Your job as a barista and an exterminator is to get rid of them.
One day, after closing time, you hear a thought from inside the cafe, one that belongs to a Savior. 
Your five other coworkers and you turn to look at each other, each having the same thought.
One among you all is a Savior.
soooo yup
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scarlet-cookie · 3 months
Disappeared again and then coming back after realizing : wait, I have tumblr! Is very crazy
Anyhow I will immortalize these silly thoughts I had on the internet forever
Cyclebreakers but at one point Henry got so bored in his containment chamber he starts telling the rest about his cycle shenanigans while they try to remember dirt about Joey and the studio to tell Henry in return and in the end they all just have a therapeutic gossip session.
Henry : Yeah- crazy, right? Like, 400 something times.. just listening and watching the world go by..
Sammy : I wouldn’t want to imagine how that felt like. Sucks for you. Bertrum : Second that.
Alice : Truly terrible
Projectionist : (Unholy screeching)
Sammy : ….Anyways anyone wanna hear more about Joey’s embarrassing moments that I just remembered?
Henry : Spill the tea
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scarlet-cookie · 4 months
idk what to put as the title
Oh golly it’s been a while since I posted (been on) here holy moly.
Didn’t finish ID 2023. Oof. Guess that’s the inevitable fate of having finals and ink demonth in the same month.
Anyhoooo the new Cage pics look amazing don’t they. Man sometimes I remind myself that whatever’s in the cage is what all canon Gent characters witnessed/created/worked with. Really makes me question what they were cooking there.
Heyyy wouldn’t it be interesting if the equipment they worked with were purposely faulty and corrodes the worker’s mind and body to the point of ink. Wouldn't it be. A bit messed up. Uhh
Bc Gent prolly wouldn’t pick and choose who to experiment on right. Once a worker starts going insane from a bit too much exposure to ink. You know.
I hope they have crazy equipment/weapons purposed for Defense Against The Dark Arts. I mean defense against ink monsters.
Hoooo boy the Gent Corp. system must be insaneee
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scarlet-cookie · 10 months
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Have to halt ink demonth for the meantime, until finals in September’s over, here’s what I’ve been working on (a project from July)
Henry and Joey
Lyrics : Magenetra, the religion of loneliness (JP OG by syudou)
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