scarlettgauthor · 2 days
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scarlettgauthor · 4 days
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what if unicorns were the size of cats?
and they just… lived with us, in our homes?
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scarlettgauthor · 4 days
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Interesting genre of image
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scarlettgauthor · 4 days
My Throat: Hey, we got a bit of a tickle here. My Brain: Oh, yeah? My Throat: Yeah, it's like something has irritated us. Sorta itchy. My Brain: That sounds annoying. My Throat: It is. My Brain: Got any ideas for how to fix it? My Throat: Boy, do we! Get this: We're gonna cough. My Brain: Oh? My Throat: Yeah, just hack and cough for ages. Really scrape things up. My Brain: And that'll get rid of the tickle? My Throat: For sure. And it definitely won't add to the irritation, thus making the whole problem worse in the long run! My Brain: That all checks out to me! Carry on! My Throat: You got it, boss!
[horrendous, extended coughing fit ensues]
Me: I hate you both.
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scarlettgauthor · 6 days
Women can write m/m. Men can write f/f. Asexuals can write filthy smut. Lesbians and gay men can write m/f. It's all arbitrary anyway. Who give a shit.
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scarlettgauthor · 8 days
Coolest part about writing smut is sometimes you awaken things within other people and now they will never be the same.
People send me asks about how I’ve changed their brain chemistry and have gotten them obsessed with random kinks or concepts.
You’re welcome.
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scarlettgauthor · 9 days
Yekaterina Lisina 👀💦
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scarlettgauthor · 11 days
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Celestial Body - submitted by @adoralea
#F72585 #7209B7 #3A0CA3 #4361EE #4CC9F0
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scarlettgauthor · 11 days
I'd like to take a couple of minutes to talk about NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writers Month) and their terrible, very bad, no good stance on genAI (generative artificial intelligence) and why I won't be writing anything for this challenge again.
I'm very aware that I am an active and vocal genAI hater. But I am willing and open to hear about positive and useful things LLMs (large language models) can do. There are valid scientific uses for the technology and some really fascinating medical and academic breakthroughs that come from LLMs. But the use of genAI in creative writing context is complete bullshit.
Come with me for the breakdown.
The first part of their statement:
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NaNoWriMo has made it clear they are not just tolerating genAI in their month long writing challenge, but that those of us who don't are 'classist' and 'ableist' because we don't.
The post was later amended with a list of reasons why they make each of those claims. We'll start from the top.
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GenAI uses the technology in a way that is morally, ethically and environmentally bankrupt. See, all LLMs have to train on something. When you're using it to, say, detect cancers you can feed it images of cancer scans so that it builds up a dataset of what those look like to predict future scans. But when you want to generate text, images and video you have to feed it text, images and video. Those things came from people, actual people and actual artists who overwhelmingly did not agree to train anything with their work and can no longer wrest their work from the machine now that it's been stolen from them.
It also isn't 'intelligent' at all, considering it has that word in the name. Think of genAI like an alien learning our language with absolutely no frame of reference for what it's learning. It can predict that the letters "w-e" and "c-a-n" often come after the letters "y-e-s" because the phrase "yes we can" will come up often in training data, it's a common phrase. But it doesn't actually understand what any of those words MEAN. Just that they often follow one another so that when prompted it will, statistically, try put those letters and words together again.
So when it comes to actually writing or responding to prompts what you're getting is the most likely outcome based on a massive amount of data input. It is not actually giving you feedback on what your writing looks like, it's giving you the most statistically possible response based on input. It's fake feedback, a thousand other feedbacks crammed together and extruded into a goo that looks and sounds like feedback but is actually meaningless. ChatGPT doesn't understand your writing sample anymore than a phone tree understands your anger and desperation when you continue to say "OPERATOR" as clearly as you can to try to get through to a real human. Both understand you input a word and will output based on that, but context, emotions, cultural mores etc. are all beyond it.
This is why AI is so absurdly shitty at things like math, counting letters in words and identifying words that start with the same letter. It's mashing together a million math problem answers betting on the likelihood that statistically someone has already answered that question enough times in the training data that it can spit the correct answer out at you.
TLDR: If you're using genAI to get feedback on your writing you're not actually getting feedback on your writing at all, but the most statistically probable set of words that relate to feedback. So right off the bat the idea that genAI is going to help you be a better writer is just flat wrong. It doesn't know how to write, it doesn't even know how many Rs are in the word 'strawberry'.
Second point has the same issues as the first:
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I actually agree with them on the point that if your brain doesn't handle certain writer activities well it's perfectly okay to use an outside source for help with it. GenAI isn't actually helping you be a better writer, though; it can't. It doesn't understand anything you write nor can it provide meaningful feedback when it's just spitting out statistically probably words to you based on your input. So while the point here is actually good on the surface, the solution of using genAI to help people who have trouble with certain aspects of writing is still not correct.
The final point:
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Again, this is a very good point... if it wasn't being made in conjunction with a defense of generative AI WHICH DOES NOT HELP OR SOLVE THIS ISSUE. In fact, because of the known issues of bias in how genAI LLMs are built they can make issues for marginalized writers worse.
I genuinely have no idea how this very true paragraph about people who are routinely pushed out of traditional writing spaces is helped by genAI. Their entire point thus far seems to be that genAI is a 'cheap' alternative to some traditional writing aids but considering genAI doesn't work like that it's all dead in the water as far as I'm concerned.
If NaNoWriMo was actually concerned with solving these access issues to things they consider critical to writing in general, why not offer a place for real people to read and critique one another on their platform? There are myriad other technological solutions that don't cost huge amounts of water AND actually help aspiring writers!
All of this to say that you should write for yourself, write what you enjoy and get better the same way generations of people before you have: by reading other people's work, talking to and exchanging time with other authors and writing and rewriting in your own words until you're satisfied.
Wasting water asking genAI to do things for you that would make you a better writer to do yourself or with trusted allies is just that, a waste.
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scarlettgauthor · 11 days
I first posted this in a thread over on BlueSky, but I decided to port (a slightly edited version of) it over here, too.
Entirely aside from the absurd and deeply incorrect idea [NaNoWriMo has posited] that machine-generated text and images are somehow "leveling the playing field" for marginalized groups, I think we need to interrogate the base assumption that acknowledging how people have different abilities is ableist/discriminatory. Everyone SHOULD have access to an equal playing field when it comes to housing, healthcare, the ability to exist in public spaces, participating in general public life, employment, etc.
That doesn't mean every person gets to achieve every dream no matter what.
I am 39 years old and I have scoliosis and genetically tight hamstrings, both of which deeply impact my mobility. I will never be a professional contortionist. If I found a robot made out of tentacles and made it do contortion and then demanded everyone call me a contortionist, I would be rightly laughed out of any contortion community. Also, to make it equivalent, the tentacle robot would be provided for "free" by a huge corporation based on stolen unpaid routines from actual contortionists, and using it would boil drinking water in the Southwest into nothingness every time I asked it to do anything, and the whole point would be to avoid paying actual contortionists.
If you cannot - fully CAN NOT - do something, even with accommodations, that does not make you worth less as a person, and it doesn't mean the accommodations shouldn't exist, but it does mean that maybe that thing is not for you.
But who CAN NOT do things are not who uses "AI." It's people who WILL NOT do things.
"AI art means disabled people can be artists who wouldn't be able to otherwise!" There are armless artists drawing with their feet. There are paralyzed artists drawing with their mouths, or with special tracking software that translates their eye movements into lines. There are deeply dyslexic authors writing via text-to-speech. There are deaf musicians. If you actually want to do a thing and care about doing the thing, you can almost always find a way to do the thing.
Telling a machine to do it for you isn't equalizing access for the marginalized. It's cheating. It's anti-labor. It makes it easier for corporations not to pay creative workers, AND THAT'S IS WHY THEY'RE PUSHING IT EVERYWHERE.
I can't wait for the bubble to burst on machine-generated everything, just like it did for NFTs. When it does some people are going to discover they didn't actually learn anything or develop any transferable skills or make anything they can be proud of.
I hope a few of those people pick up a pencil.
It's never too late to start creating. It's never too late to actually learn something. It's never too late to realize that the work is the point.
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scarlettgauthor · 11 days
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scarlettgauthor · 11 days
anyway werewolf service dog task brainrot is back
werewolf who you've never met but as she passes you she sniffs you and then grabs you and goes "hey your heart rate is really high" and holds you up as you start to get lightheaded
werewolf who sits in your lap to give you deep pressure therapy
werewolf who just stands there with you menacingly to give you space from people
werewolf who learns your allergies and starts telling you when your food has something you're allergic to
werewolf who pushes your wheelchair and carries you up stairs
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scarlettgauthor · 12 days
Need it to be understood that whenever I have m/f ships I ship them in an explicitly bisexual manner
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scarlettgauthor · 12 days
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chase me if you must, but i’ll be the one to capture you
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scarlettgauthor · 12 days
surviving the current age of internet means saying no to subscriptions and premiums for basic features. you must endure the inconvenience of not being able to use every server emoji in discord. you must build the patience to find alternatives like NewPipe so you can listen to music on youtube while your phone screen sleeps. do Not give these corporations your limited disposable income. tiktok not letting me view videos on my phone without downloading the app? i will outlast tiktok and the execs will be remembered as dull,disgusting capitalists. listen to me, listen to me. if you do not know how to pirate shows from hulu, learn. if you can't pirate it, it is not worth the money to rent it. please i'm on my hands and knees. do not accept this form of internet.
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scarlettgauthor · 12 days
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scarlettgauthor · 14 days
As someone who works with social history for a living, I feel like I’m the aggressive opposite of an anti-vaxxer
I fucking LOVE vaccines, friends. Give me the science stab. I’m so ready. it’s a beautiful day to not die of a Bajillion and one diseases that carried off like half the population before they had even reached age 10, and a significant portion before they made it to old age, 150 years ago
I go to the old cemetery. I see the vast numbers of infant and child and young adult graves. And then I go to my doctor and get injected with Potion of Fuck That Noise. This is beautiful and miraculous and I do not remotely understand how some people can reject it – not just for themselves, but for their children
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