scav-gifs-daily · 2 days
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I caught this lad mid spear-throw. I can’t figure out how to get ids and it’s so grainy, but they’re so pretty. Teal antler tips and teal eyes!
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ID : 10090
i can't remember the ID but they have a very similar sibling too :) its definitely this one going off the eartlers
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scav-gifs-daily · 3 days
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ID : 10240
absolute thang (soon to realise they're actually queer)
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Homophobic scavs in exposure therapy
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scav-gifs-daily · 6 days
How do u summon scavs? I’ve been trying to summon specific scavs and I dont understand how
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devconsole mod :)
command is spawn Scavenger ID.1.[id number]
(ignore the blatant fuckup of ID at first) ((also the initial 1 can be any number, doesn't change anything. no i don't know why it exists)
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scav-gifs-daily · 14 days
cough cough. hi. :)
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ID : 3172
I am utterly terrible at designing scavengers, so Im turning to Tumblr instead.
This is for my How Bad Can I Be? Saint animation thing, fi you don't know what I'm on about . . . whoops.
Long story short I need a bunch of scavs and I'm willing to use your scavengers in this animation (with some written credit in the final post description)
All I need is a colored ref from at least the head to the chest.
Reblog for a greater reach, since this could actually kill my animation due to my sheer inability to make scav designs (and I can't keep asking Doodle because then I still feel like I have to pick and I can't)
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scav-gifs-daily · 1 month
incredibly low quality scav gif
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ID : 9464
scrimbloposting again because they're the only compressed scav i have on hand
also hi this is bagels i'm still on hiatus on account of my computer broke. motherboard broked </3
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scav-gifs-daily · 1 month
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ID - 0
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ID - 1
since i went through all the requests and i kept seeing these two being requested, here's scav 0 and 1 for you all. scav 1 has been requested at least 10 times, and 0 has been requested 4 times. scav 1 has been requested the most out of any id number, with the second most requested being 42069 and variations thereof, but specifically 42069 being requested 5 times. i made a whole sheet for this
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scav-gifs-daily · 2 months
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ID - 717
looking at you with them biggol eyes
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scav-gifs-daily · 2 months
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ID - -5641980
this is bucket of wet slop, he has a pet rock
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scav-gifs-daily · 2 months
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ID - 364
this is little guy :(, frowny face included in his name
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scav-gifs-daily · 2 months
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ID - 1485
shaking sad beast
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scav-gifs-daily · 2 months
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ID - 1885603484
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scav-gifs-daily · 2 months
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ID - 5338
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scav-gifs-daily · 2 months
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ID - 742
their name is trailblazer! biggel blue eyes staring at you
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scav-gifs-daily · 2 months
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ID - 589
almost looks like he's banging out to some tunes
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scav-gifs-daily · 2 months
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IDs - 425608, 6987, -512590, 7940, 113303
trans scav flag! featuring special guest slugpup that happened to spawn.
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scav-gifs-daily · 2 months
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IDs - -281570 [dark green], -434077 [light green], 125882 [white], 10191 [gray], -435596 [black]
hi aros i see you. here's an aro scav flag!
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scav-gifs-daily · 2 months
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IDs - 157495 (orange), -3718 (yellow), 481058 (white), -434992 (light blue), 430410 (dark blue)
aroace scav flag! and as a sidenote, i won't be answering flag requests ^^; i will do my best to do as many as i can though!
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