schoolofmagiclegacy · 11 months
Play the Legacy :D
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Main Blog I know that when I follow people, THIS blog shows up, but I do all of my builds and gameplay posts on the blog linked above.
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schoolofmagiclegacy · 11 months
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Sulani Brochure
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Sulani's Hawaiian and Polynesian themes have been magnified for this save file. The island chain is designed to be a vacation space, as well as help sims complete their heir requirements.
Locations in this world may be most useful to the following heirs: Arithmancy, Charms, DADA, Divination, Flying, Herbology, and Muggle Studies
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schoolofmagiclegacy · 11 months
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Strangerville Brochure
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StrangerVille is inspired by Roswell, and embraces the oddities of that city as well. Quirky sims will enjoy this world.
Locations in this world may be most useful to the following heirs: Charms, Herbology, and Study of Ancient Runes
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schoolofmagiclegacy · 11 months
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Del Sol Valley Brochure
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Del Sol Valley is inspired by Los Angeles, and designed to help sims build fame, and experience higher-end night life.
Locations in this world may be most useful to the following heirs: Arithmancy, Charms, DADA, Muggle Studies, and Potions
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schoolofmagiclegacy · 11 months
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Brindleton Bay Brochure
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Brindleton Bay had a New England vibe originally. This save file focused more on the Boston-specific area for inspiration.
Locations in this world may be most useful to the following heirs: Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, Muggle Studies, Potions, Study of Ancient Runes, and Transfiguration
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schoolofmagiclegacy · 11 months
Hey! Just letting you know that your save file has one too many 0's in the name! It didn't show in my game till I deleted one of them. Thanks for the challenge and save file btw! Can't wait to play!
Oh! Thank you for this! I need to update that because I've added/adjusted a few things since. I'll do that this weekend!
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San Myshuno Brochure
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San Myshuno was inspired by Tokyo, Japan for this save file.
Locations in this world may be most useful to the following heirs: Arithmancy, Charms, DADA, Divination, Flying, Muggle Studies, and Potions
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Windenburg Brochure
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Windenburg hosts Diagon Alley, and some of the oldest families in the magical world.
Locations in this world may be most useful to the following heirs: Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, and Transfiguration
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Newcrest Brochure
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Newcrest was built with locations from Houston in mind.
Locations in this world may be most useful to the following heirs: Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, and Potions
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Oasis Springs Brochure
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Oasis Springs lots are inspired by Reno and Las Vegas in Nevada.
Locations in this world may be most useful to the following heirs: Charms, Arithmancy, Astronomy, Herbology, History of Magic, and Potions
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Willow Creek Brochure
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The original Willow Creek was inspired after New Orleans, this save file has ramped that up a little with improvements to some homes, and businesses that feel more immersive to the world.
Willow Creek locations may be most useful to the following heirs: Charms, DADA, Herbology, Transfiguration and Divination.
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Flying & Apparition
Prompt:  There’s something about flying that has always felt like home to you - whether snowboarding down a snowy mountainside, free climbing a steep incline, or cutting through the air on your broom. Your parents always worried about your safety, but you have endlessly sought the next shot of adrenaline through your veins. 
Friends and family tease you about your fitness lifestyle, but you aren’t one to shy away from treating yourself to new, and interesting meals. All you’ve ever wanted to do was travel the world, exploring new sports tracks and games, eating your way across the globe. Unfortunately, your parents insisted that you get your degree first…
Traits: Active, Foodie, Bro
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Degree: Player's Choice
Job: Athletics - Professional Athlete
Skills: Rock Climbing, Snowboarding
Collection: Experimental Food Photos
House: Live in a home with the front door on the second floor, and round(ed) windows
Learn the Transportalate Spell, and always use that to travel within worlds
Wand: Wand of the Elementals
Familiar: Bunnerfly
Live with your parents until you’ve finished your degree
Work out at least twice a week
Only learn Rock Climbing and Snowboarding at Mt. Komorebi
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Study of Ancient Runes
Prompt:  The treasures of ancient times have never interested you much, but ever since you caught an old bottle full of runes on your fishing line, the stories veiled by strange images charged into old stones piqued your curiosity. You were a firm believer that everything anyone needed to know was hidden in secret messages from the past. 
Some might say you’re “married to your job”. You couldn’t possibly trust anyone else to unravel the truth, or to explain the importance of these discoveries. You’ve out researched, and out debated the top archeologists and linguists in your field. There are some things you just have to do yourself! Whether by land or by sea, you’re determined to learn everything you can hidden in these carved stones, and share it with the world!
Traits: Ambitious, Hot-Headed, Snob
Aspiration: The Curator
Degree: Art History
Job: Education - Professor
Skills: Research & Debate, Fishing
Collection: Fossils
House: Have stone accents in every room of your home
Learn the Inferniate Spell, cast it on any debate opponent that you lose to
Wand: Ancient Wood
Familiar: Dragon
Never get married or have children
Only learn Research & Debate skill through debating, or from a class
Have the “Savant” and “Needs No One” Rewards Traits
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Muggle Studies
Prompt:  A squib in the family was bound to happen at some point, and no one thinks anything less of you for it. You’ve fully embraced your Muggle-like lifestyle, and have always felt a greater sense of accomplishment doing things by hand instead of relying on magic. While you may not fully fit into the magical realm, you’re a superstar in the Muggle world!
After moving to the big city, you’ve fully immersed yourself in the non-magical environment. The array of available technology is better than any spell or potion you’ve ever seen. You love learning more about how the other half lives - even if the food doesn’t always agree with you.
Traits: Insider, Lactose Intolerant, Materialistic
Aspiration: City Native
Degree: Drama
Job: Actor
Skills: Handiness, Photography
Collection: City Posters
House: Live in an apartment with the “Needs TLC” trait 
Never perform magic
If you are born a Spellcaster, travel to the Magic Realm and ask for the Ritual of Dissolution to be performed on you
Wand: None
Familiar: None
Live in an apartment with the “Needs TLC” trait until you reach a 50k property value, and 50k in household funds
Marry a Muggle
Eat one serving of any dessert with dairy once a season
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Prompt:  It’s not uncommon for children to have imaginary friends, but in your case, they weren’t imaginary, they were simply invisible to most. It wasn’t until a trip to the beach, where your fascination of listening to seashells caught your parents' attention, that the truth came out - You were one of the rare spellcasters that could naturally commune with the dead.
You always felt your gift was one that should be shared with others. You made it your life goal to give others hope, and spread happiness wherever possible. Seashells have always been your greatest tool to communicate with the dead, and you’ve got a different shell for every sort of spirit you may reach out to.
Traits: Cheerful, Child of the Islands, Proper
Aspiration: Wellness Specialist
Degree: Psychology
Job: Self Employed Wellness Specialist
Skills: Wellness, Medium
Collection: Seashells
House: Live on a lot with the Island Spirits trait, and a full seance set up
Learn the Right of Ascension spell and give at least 5 people the gift of magic
Wand: Wand of the Forgotten
Familiar: Raven
Only make money through Wellness activities at home or at a Spa
Befriend all Elemental Spirits
Only “Try for a Baby” in the Sulani Waterfall
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Care of Magical Creatures
Prompt:  Your love for animals began in your crib, when you were given a sheep plushie, and couldn’t live without it. As soon as you learned to speak, you couldn’t stop telling stories about animals, and begging your parents to get you a pet. After proving yourself by doing well in Kindergarten, they finally agreed to get you your first pet!
In your teenage years you sent an animal-driven story that you’d written to a publisher, and got a deal to continue writing for them. Your family is proud of your accomplishment, but being a successful author wasn’t your dream. One day you’ll have enough money to attend college and open your own Veterinarian Clinic.
Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Slob, Overachiever
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Degree: Language and Literature
Job: Writer and Veterinarian
Skills: Veterinarian, Pet Training
Collection: Frogs
House: Live on a lot with the “Dog Hangout” or “Cat Hangout” trait
Learn the Minionize Spell and use it to make “yourself” clean up or do repairs
Wand: Bone
Familiar: Glowfrog
Own a Vet Clinic and work there
Have at least 2 pets from Childhood on
Complete a second Aspiration of your choice after completing the required Aspiration
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Prompt:  Your school records note you as “erratic”, but “eccentric” is a better fit. Sure, you’re a renegade, but there’s always a method to your madness. You process information using equations that work for you, even if they’re nonsense to almost everyone else. 
This unique perspective is what makes you excel at all your favorite hobbies - Arithmancy, piano, and programming. The websites that you build pay the bills, but all of your success is owed to reading the numbers! If only you could get others to see things the way you do…
Traits: Music Lover, Erratic, Geek
Aspiration: Computer Whiz
Degree: Computer Science
Job: Freelance - Programmer
Skills: Piano, Cross-stitch
Collection: MySims Trophies
House: Have 3, 5, or 7 rooms on every floor of your home
Learn the Deliriate Spell and use it on at least 10 different Sims
Wand: Wand of the Elementals
Familiar: Phoenix
Share Conspiracy Theories in every social interaction
Always perform a song when there is an available instrument present
Create every Cross-Stitch design
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