scibros · 7 years
study leave | tony x bruce
ship: tony stark/bruce banner (mcu) word count: 2467 rating: e
it’s essentially secret under-the-desk blow jobs in inappropriate situations okay
Kick me three times if you want me to stop.
Tony stared at the message from Bruce in confusion, but didn’t have time to over-think it before pushing open the door and leading, with his best and brightest fake smile, a small group of major investors into his office. He hated these things. Pepper called them meetings but it was closer to feeding time at the zoo, each of them trying to get a bite of him in an environment where they knew as well as he did that Pepper would have his balls on a platter if he tried to duck out of it.
He walked around to his desk, gesturing at the three chairs in front of it for them to take a seat, and pulled his chair in closer. “Right. So what is it that Stark Industries can do for you today?” He said, forcing the words out with as much sincerity as possible when there were a million other things he would rather be doing.
Plus, Bruce was in town. He regretted it, sometimes, forcing him to apply to universities further afield. He regretted it every time he jerked off and thought about how easy it would have been for the kid to go to NYU, like Bruce originally planned, and he could have had him whenever he wanted. But no, someone had to be the bigger man, and the whole point of this was Bruce getting the absolute best education money could buy. The last thing he wanted to be doing was talking to these idiots when Bruce Banner was in his reach for once, but according to Pepper, sex marathons were not a good enough reason to take time off work.
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scibros · 7 years
You are a ray of sunshine! Send this to 8 people who deserve it and try not to break the chain ✨♥
lol ur so cute i like never use tumblr any more rip but ❤❤❤❤ love u
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scibros · 7 years
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I knew from the first moment I saw him.
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scibros · 7 years
down but not out | dan x jonah
ship: dan egan/jonah ryan (veep) word count: 1786 rating: t (honourable mention to canon-typical foul language lmao) tw: panic attacks 
He can't bear to watch any more, but he can't tear his eyes away. His phone rings insistently in his pocket but he already knows what Kent is going to say, and he doesn’t need to hear it. Dan Egan isn't new to this rodeo.
Vermont businessman. Popular, well known, employs--directly or indirectly--one in six citizens of this frozen over New England hellscape. It should have been a cakewalk, a stepping stone to bigger campaigns, better candidates. A Senate race, potentially. Dan has it all planned out. And then congressional candidate Phil Mayford tries to take a selfie with the crowd at a rally, falls off the front of the stage and breaks his leg. In front of two hundred walking fucking cell phones and the local press. Ten days before election day.
It's over. They may as well pack up and go home now. Mayford’s toothy smile and fucking Dumbo ears taunt him from the posters plastered on every flat surface of the campaign headquarters, a harbinger of doom sent to personally pave his way to career purgatory.
His other phone rings, the personal one. The caller ID says Amy, but it's probably Ben, or Kent or god fucking damn it maybe even Selina herself, because this travesty of an administration is barely managing as it is and they've just lost another seat in the house, and … well, he's fired. Fired and blacklisted from D.C. for the rest of his life.
Or maybe just left to decompose in a skip in a Whole Foods parking lot, if POTUS gets her way.
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scibros · 7 years
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scibros · 7 years
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scibros · 7 years
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mcu meme - 1/7 relationships; tony stark and bruce banner.
You were actively napping?
I was, uh, I… I drifted.
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scibros · 7 years
guys im going on a date tomorrow pray for me
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scibros · 7 years
London: March for Science
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A sister march to the original Washington DC event is being planned! Please like our page for the latest updates. We also have a Facebook group for those who want to help organise the march and contribute whatever skills they have; graphics, social media outreach, knitting, etc!
Please reblog to spread the word! 
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scibros · 7 years
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So, since this is such a tough book to get a hold of, I wanted to share all the best pictures with my fellow fans! Enjoy and happy Friday!
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scibros · 7 years
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“It would be great if we had a Hulk, right about now. Any shot?”
“You really think he’d be on our side?”
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scibros · 7 years
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scibros · 8 years
sorry ive been awol for so long (if any of you cared/noticed???) but i did AND WON nanowrimo!!! honestly i have no motivation to be on tumblr any more idk anyway im gonna try and have a science boyfriends christmas fic (!!!!!!!) up soonish (like... actually before christmas i hope) yeah okay idk im just saying hi how are u guys
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scibros · 8 years
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Tony Stark + porn
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scibros · 8 years
It kind of baffles me that a lot of people never got to experience the Mishapocalypse. Not like it was something that was good, more like, it was something you’d only see on this website in like…10 years.
Imagine you wake up on April Fool’s day. You log into tumblr. Immediately your dash is encompassed with Misha’s face. Everyone’s icon has been changed to that same, staring, blank face. You check your followers. Every single one of them has that face. You try going into your normal tags. Even those are filled with Misha’s face. Nowhere is safe. Misha is everywhere. You go to Twitter to complain about it. Misha’s face is there too.
Within hours of the event starting, there’s already a wiki entry and an urban dictionary entry for it. Gifs that you may have recognized of being popular at that time have Misha’s face photoshopped over them. Repeating patterns of Misha’s face. Misha illusions. Misha’s face OVER MISHA’S FACE. 
Eventually, even Misha is like, “Yeah, this is fucking weird. What the fuck are you guys doing.” But it doesn’t stop. People hit post limit. They can’t post anymore. Suddenly, you notice that your dash is starting to thin out, slowly, one by one. There’s a hypothetical tumbleweed bouncing across your dash by 10pm that night. 
Anyone who tried to blacklist the Mishapocalypse suddenly found that their dashboard was sent into the shadow realm. Nothing is there. They tried to unfollow people who were participating in it. They had no blog content at the end of the day. 
The next day, we all wake up and continue on with our lives like nothing ever happened. It was like a fever dream. What the fucked happened. Where did our lives go for that day. 
That was the Mishapocalypse. 
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scibros · 8 years
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1.09 / 1.10
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scibros · 8 years
person: so what’s ur fave genre?
me: gay stuff
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