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Seeking a Simmons to my Fitz 💗
So, I’m working on building a new site and I have decided to play Fitz for the first time. There’s going to be a mix of current canon and AU on this site and I’m going to start my hunt for a Simmons early on because she’s a character that at least 2 of my own characters will heavily revolve around. If you’re into literary RP (the site will be hosted through jcink) or want to get into it, let me know and we can start figuring stuff out before I open the site. So excited for everything!
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Reblog if you are a fanfiction author and would like your readers to put one of your fic titles in your ask + questions about it
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
2: What scene did you first put down?
3: What's your favorite line of narration?
4: What's your favorite line of dialogue?
5: What part was hardest to write?
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
7: Where did the title come from?
8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
11: What do you like best about this fic?
12: What do you like least about this fic?
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn't listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
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Hey all, I’ve got 4 more prompts in my ask box and 3 are sketched out to write. Just want to let you know there are fanfics on the way. Thank you all again for the prompts! I love having some new stuff to work with! You are all amazing and I am so lucky to have so many cool people to talk to about AoS!
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Fitzsimmons finding out that Will isn't exactly real and something bad actually happened to Simmons
I had another Will themed prompt as well so, I hope this works: http://science-babies-fitzsimmons.tumblr.com/post/132965555845/will-as-an-interplanetary-side-effect
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I need fitzsimmons fic like I need air so here's a prompt for you... Fitz finds something about Will that doesn't add up and tries to tell Jemma about it which leads to a fight :D
This one didn’t come out so much as a fight but more as resolving conflict. I hope it’s okay. I will probably end up writing and posting other Fitz/Jemma/Will things in the future. For now, here you go: http://science-babies-fitzsimmons.tumblr.com/post/132965555845/will-as-an-interplanetary-side-effect
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Will as an Interplanetary Side Effect
“Fitz, have you seen my research? I could have sworn I'd left it at my work station.” Jemma's voice rang out in the lab, a cross between frantic and needy. It seemed she was always misplacing things since she'd come back. Fitz was worried she'd misplaced more than just physical things now though.
He didn't speak, only looked weakly in her direction, unable to meet her eyes properly. He knew what he would see if he did; lies, confusion, madness. Whatever had driven Jemma to this point, Fitz wasn't sure he could handle learning what had really happened.
When he didn't meet her gaze, Jemma paused her search and looked at him with a different kind of panic. She took a step closer, but her movement seemed shaky. Fitz lifted his gaze up and finally looked at her. The moment was a flood of different feelings for them both. This was what it had all been building up to. From the moment Fitz had jumped through the damn monolith to find her, this was where they would both end up, trying to answer all those questions they both needed to ask.
“I took it. I won't give it back.” Fitz confessed quietly as to her question of where her research had gone. He watched Jemma's expression turn to something of betrayal.
“Why would you do that?” Her voice was growing high-pitched, like she couldn't really believe him.
“Because this is wrong. You don't… You can't… I can't give it to you.” Fitz fumbled over words, unable to communicate when he needed to most.
“What about Will? I can't believe you would do this to anyone. Leave someone stranded… No matter the relationship.” Jemma was laying on the guilt but she couldn't know what Fitz knew. She couldn't know how he might counter such statements.
“You're right, I couldn't.” Fitz started, but Jemma was just staring at him with this incredulous look.
“What do you mean?” She asked him outright, incredulity transforming into confusion.
“There's no one to rescue.” Fitz told her in a murmur. He didn't want to say what he was saying, but she had to know. “Will's not real, Jemma. He never was.”
The look on her face was the worst thing Fitz had ever encountered. She was crushed and questioning everything happening inside her own head. It was like she had become one of his machines and he was watching gears tick and turn inside her, revealing pain that he himself had once felt as well. If machines could cry out in distress, it would sound like the small choking noise that came from deep inside Jemma as she slipped down to her knees, touching down on the floor of the lab. Fitz wasn't sure where this went now.
He thought back to days riddled with medication and a fabricated mental version of Jemma Simmons telling him about side effects when he couldn't quite realize that was all she was, a side effect. Was that what Will had been? A side effect? But instead of medication, it came from Jemma's panic? Her stress levels? If she hadn't been so eager to go plunging back through an alien portal, Fitz may have let her go on believing Will had been real just because then she wouldn't have to question herself like this. This heap of a person on the floor was so much more heartbreaking than any fantasized romance would ever be.
“I'm… I'm so sorry.” Fitz stammered to her, his voice lost to the sound of her shaking breathes. He stepped forward slowly to kneel down beside her and reached out a tentative hand toward her shoulder. It felt like trying to touch a volatile creature in the wild. He had no idea what to expect. He was greeted with no movement, no acknowledgment. This nothing she offered in return was worse than if she'd slapped him. He'd just broken her so much more than those months on that planet had. At least then, she'd perhaps been more sure of herself.
“Please say something.” Fitz pushed weakly, trying to get something out of her, trying to coax a reply from her. Her shoulders shook and he caught a glimpse of tears. She was crying.
“Maybe I'm wrong, maybe...” Fitz was trying so hard to give her something to hold onto, to help her feel sane. She tipped her head up to look at him then, not with hope that he was wrong but with something closer to shame.
“You're not wrong.” Jemma croaked, tilting her head down again because she couldn't look at him now.
“I'm sorry, what?” Fitz was due to feel confusion as well now. He kept his hand firmly on her shoulder and tried to process what she was saying. She knew she'd been wrong? She had known Will wasn't real.
“It was that thing, Fitz. It gets into your head. I thought it would stop when I was back on my own planet, but it's still there. It can't leave me here. It owns me now.” Jemma's confession was a spill of words into the air. She was wholeheartedly convinced of what she was saying.
“What does that even mean?” Fitz tried to understand, but this was all very unscientific, very hard to believe.
“I never really believed in souls before, or hell. But once the sand gets into your mind, it won't let go of you. Don't you see? I am not my own person anymore. It can put things in my memory. It can change what I think. It doesn't matter how much I fight. I thought Will was real because it wanted me to come back. This thing was smarter than me, it wanted to bring me back to it and it knew how weak I was.” Jemma was rambling her words, her eyes wide and her tears smudged away by the back of one of her shaking hands.
“Part of me knew it was a lie, but that thing it stays in the back of your head, moving things around, changing what you saw.” Jemma covered her face with both hands then, trying to block everything out. Fitz didn't know how to deal with this confession. How could he assure her that her mind was her own? How could he be certain that it was? How could he fix this? Memories, thoughts, complicated mind tricks. This was all too much for one person to take on. And he couldn't help but notice Jemma had been bearing this weight for who knows how long? All those months on the planet? All the weeks since she'd come home?
“We can handle this. We've handled alien stuff before. And this time, we're not even on a plane you can jump out of.” Fitz tried to sound reassuring rather than lost. The result came out as half humor, half desperation. He removed his hand from her shoulder and began to pace, his hands going to his hips and his posture slouching.
“We have to tell the others. We can't do this alone.” Fitz started. He brought one hand up to his forehead, thinking of what steps came next. “Tahiti. That machine… Or something similar… I could build something.” Fitz was already starting to plan inside his head but paused his line of thinking when he looked down at the woman on the floor just a few steps from him. She'd stopped crying and was looking upward now, but Fitz saw an emptiness there that he couldn't just idly stand by and let her feel. This was Jemma. This was the woman he'd gone to hell and back for.
Fitz brought himself back down to her level. He was on his knees once more, but this time he was facing her. He lifted both of his palms up and brought them to cup her cheeks gently. He looked into her eyes with determination and tried to see past the emptiness. Something glimmered, a slight movement in her eyes, and she met his with a crinkle to her features. She was afraid. Fitz could tell that she was truly scared. He had watched her perform acts of bravery that few he had known before would ever tempt. She'd jumped from a plane, covered a bomb with her body, swam through a sea so deep neither of them stood much chance. She'd faced Hydra when they were all hiding underground recuperating from the overtake. This reckless, fearless, noble woman wore fear that was so deep rooted in her that she couldn't trust her own thoughts. Fitz wanted to fix it, to fix everything. He just had to get her to hang on a little longer so they could find a solution.
“I won't let this thing stay.” Fitz promised, still locked on her eyes with his own. “I will do whatever it takes to help you be your own person again. This thing can't own you.” Fitz was trying to sound reassuring once more but his voice was so serious. His words had the intended effect as a spark of hope could be found in her expression. She'd stopped shaking as much and seemed a little stronger now.
“It can take my memories, my thoughts, everything; but it can't take my faith in you.” Jemma whispered. She leaned forward and let her forehead rest against Fitz's. They were still for a moment, neither ready to move away from the other. After a long pause with two scientists on their floor with their heads literally put together, a knock sounded in the doorway to the lab. Bobbi stood there, glancing down at the two of them like she'd only just realized she was interrupting something.
“Oh, uhm, you guys are busy… I'll come back, I guess.” Bobbi stepped backward apologetically shooting Fitz a concerned glance.
“I'm so sorry. The lab is yours. I'll just...” Jemma started to say, shifting to her feet sheepishly. Fitz followed suit and felt Jemma's hand slip into his before they could exit the lab.
“What's going on?” Bobbi asked, one brow rising, concern still present. She had asked both of them, but she was looking at Fitz for the answer.
“We're, uhm, not looking for Will anymore.” Fitz started, not sure how to put this without upsetting Jemma again.
“What? Why?” Bobbi asked. This question, it seemed, was going to be asked a lot in the near future.
“He's not real. He was an illusion.” Fitz said it quickly, ripping off a band-aid. He saw Jemma wince slightly as if he really had ripped off a band-aid. Bobbi's eyes widened and she met Jemma's gaze. Before anyone could react, Bobbi stepped forward and hugged Jemma, the embrace saying more than her words would.
“I'll tell the others.” Bobbi told them. Fitz was thankful that he wouldn't have to go around repeating it, answering questions. Jemma looked ashamed. Fitz would have to help her get through that. It wasn't her fault.
“Thanks.” Fitz told Bobbi before she went down the hall and he and Jemma headed in the other direction toward the sleeping quarters. Jemma was such a mix of emotions, Fitz felt like he was disabling land mines each time they spoke. It was worth every sentence though.
“I didn't want to hurt you. I know how you feel. Or, felt.” Jemma started, but Fitz gave her a look that said she didn't need to keep going.
“Feel.” He clarified. “My feelings haven't changed. Probably never will.” He glanced down, afraid this was the part where she said her feelings before couldn't be pursued after everything she'd been through. That would be entirely understandable, even if painful.
“My feelings are… Much more confusing now. But you've always been important to me Fitz. I've always...” Jemma paused and stopped in the middle of the hallway. She caught his gaze and gave him a very meaningful look. “I've always loved you. In many ways. And it's only grown stronger the longer we've known one another.” Jemma told him with sincerity. He wasn't sure what to say. She loved him. And he loved her. And they had always, always been complicated. He realized that they had spent so much time trying to decipher each others feelings that neither of them knew what to do when they learned to read the other.
“I love you too Jemma.” Fitz decided on what to say, speaking it like a promise. He thought it would be much too forward and stressful for her if he kissed her so, he held back. He didn't want to startle her or upset her. It was a bit of a shock when she made the first move instead, tentatively stepping up on her tip-toes to place a shy, delicate kiss on his lips. This was the biggest moment, the land mine one, the one where a bomb would either explode or their lives would be spared. Fitz was riding metaphoric adrenaline and he was receiving his first real kiss from the woman he loved and he wasn't doing a damn thing and he was very afraid she would think kissing him was a lot like kissing a wall so, he leaned in and let his lips apply more pressure to her own. It became a little less shy and a little more, well, them. That was the best word Fitz could describe it as. It was like all the years they'd known each other had been recorded and stored in a digital time capsule and now, they were watching the tape on fast forward and converting it into one emotion: love, them, FitzSimmons. If people could bottle feelings, Fitz would bottle this one and get drunk off it every night for the rest of his life.
They pulled back after what had been only seconds but felt like something that existed outside the idea of time. They met each others gazes, looking for regret or shame or guilt and finding nothing but a mirror of their captivation with one another. This was what they had both been looking for; they'd finally found it.
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Fitzsimmons and first kiss
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A First Kiss
“Shhh, I don't want to break any rules,” nineteen year old Jemma Simmons stage whispered to her best friend as they drunkenly made their way up toward her dorm room. The pair had just left the Boiler Room and had made the mistake of taking celebratory shots in honor of the completion of their exams. Though they weren't legally old enough to drink in the US, both were of age back home.
“I'm not gonna break any rules. Hardly anyone's even here.” Leo Fitz grumbled in a voice that suggested he truly didn't care if she shushed him, he would go ahead and speak at whatever volume he wanted.
“You're probably right, I saw more than one student passed out at the bar. No one wanted to walk back in the rain.” Jemma observed absently. She rummaged around in a small purse and found a key card which would admit them into her dorm room.
She stepped inside first, dropping the aforementioned purse onto a desk with neatly stacked papers and a closed laptop. Fitz followed right behind, immediately sinking down onto the floor to rest his back against her bed, soaking the duvet with his damp curls. Jemma gave him a curious look as though just realizing that he had followed her up to her room instead of just going to his own.
“Tea?” Fitz asked expectantly. Jemma gave a quick nod and puttered over to an electric kettle she had on her bathroom counter. She turned it on and stepped back out to get some tea from a box. After her items had been secured, she turned to Fitz, waiting for the kettle to sound.
“We drank too much. I'll get us some ibuprofen and vitamins to lessen the blow come morning.” Jemma told him to fill the silence. He was just staring at her, after all. He could be a little bit awkward like that, always having stepped jaggedly over lines of personal boundaries. They were just best friends, but people thought they were dating. Neither had interest in the other romantically, yet they always ended up on each others doorstep after they went out with someone else. It was a strange relationship but they called it friendship. Then there were those moments when he would just look toward her like right then and some small inkling in the back of her mind would wonder if they had any chance of being anything more.
Jemma shook the thought from her head, embarrassed by the very idea, and moved to get the kettle as it beeped, grabbing a few bottles from the medicine cabinet along the way. Once she had the tea ready, she moved to sit down beside Fitz on the floor. She handed him a steaming mug of chamomile tea and a handful of medicine.
“Take those, doctors orders.” Jemma joked.
“You're not even that kind of doctor.” Fitz told her lightheartedly as he downed his pills and washed them back with a gulp of surely burning tea. Jemma decided not to mention it, perhaps he was too intoxicated to care.
“I have more doctorates than you.” She countered, looking smug as she usually did during this kind of conversation.
“And you'll never let me forget it.” He carried their banter in stride. It was so rehearsed, such a default for them. It was a conversation they could probably carry in their sleep. It was then that it occurred to Jemma just how very dream-like the whole situation felt. Two drunk young adults trading words they'd shared before, hazily sipping tea in a lull. She reached out an arm and pinched herself out of curiosity. It barely phased her. How many shots had she done? 3? 5? More?
“I don't mind it, ya know?” Fitz was mumbling to her. “You're brilliant. I'm just lucky to work with you.” This took Jemma off guard. Usually their conversation ended on the number of doctorates they each had, not in some sentimental bit. Maybe she was dreaming after all. She hoped she hadn't fallen asleep at the Boiler Room, the place was filthy.
“You're pretty brilliant yourself. We're both lucky, I suppose.” She told him with a sigh somewhere in her tone.
“No, Jemma, it's more than that. I just… I'm thankful to have you as my friend.” Fitz stammered, adjusting awkwardly to face her. She held his gaze, not sure where this was going. He broke her gaze after a moment and glanced down at his now empty mug of tea, at some point, he had finished it. Jemma's had barely been touched.
“I… I feel the same. It's good to have a best friend.” Jemma tried to contribute as Fitz shuffled to stand up. Following his movement, albeit more slowly, Jemma got to her feet as well.
“I think I'm a little drunk, getting emotional. I'd better head back to my room.” Fitz told her with clarity. Jemma nodded as he moved into the doorway. She followed after to say goodbye. It was there, in the door frame to her standard issue shield academy dorm room, that Fitz did something very stupid that both of them would casually forget. She leaned in to give him a hug, thinking it felt appropriate as a goodbye and he leaned in and placed a hazy kiss upon her unsuspecting lips. The moment felt like the dream Jemma was almost certain she was having. The kiss was this transformation of a thing. It started out in that drunk lilt and progressed into recognition. They each had distance between one another still, but the movement felt almost ordinary, like they were a couple that had been together since childhood and had done this dozens of times already. The realization of the action itself was a mixture between noticing that they were kissing and thinking that it wasn't actually happening at all. They broke apart and met one another with looks of confusion and disorientation.
“Night Jem.” Fitz murmured as if this were somehow all very ordinary. She shook her head again to try and wake up and tilted her head slightly to the side.
“Night Fitz.” Jemma said back, giving up on trying to make any sense of it. She stepped back into her room as he strode away down the hall. She washed the mugs in her bathroom sink and stowed them away before crawling into bed, wondering how she would be able to fall asleep when she was already inside a dream. Without too much over thinking, she fell into sleep wistfully.
The next morning, Fitz woke in his dorm with a slight headache and a faint memory of the night before. He went about his usual morning routines and tried to recall if he'd done anything stupid. Once, when out drinking, Fitz had thought it would be a good idea to bet someone he could beat them in a robot battle which had led to a late night bot-building session in a broken-into engineering lab and a lot of shards of metal on the front lawns outside his dorm building. He didn't remember any wagers, but he had a feeling he had done something stupid at some point.
Figuring her memory would be clearer than his, Fitz made his way to meet Jemma. They had a table in the library where they always studied on weekends and Fitz found Jemma there. He handed her a paper cup of tea from the campus coffee cart and she smiled up at him with tired eyes.
“Did I do anything stupid last night?” Fitz asked her, brows raised in question.
“I honestly don't remember. I believe there were shots and things got a bit blurry.” Jemma confessed. Fitz nodded as if that made sense. “I had a strange dream though.”
“You did? I think I might have as well. Whole night was pretty blurry for me too though so, no reliable memory.” Fitz told her, vaguely recalling a dream with chamomile lips and confused brown eyes. He shook his head slightly as Jemma did the same movement. They shared one look before both settled back into their usual routine and pulled out study materials. They never spoke of what had happened, both having assumed it was nothing more than a dream. Years later, Jemma would tell a friend that nothing romantic had ever happened between her and Fitz, not even a drunken kiss. She would never know that she'd lied without meaning to. And years after that, Fitz would kiss Jemma again and feel the familiarity that he'd only ever felt once before, in what he'd thought was only a dream.
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Ohmygosh, you guys are absolutely amazing and I am totally in love with the prompts I have received so far. I’ve got the first one finished and ready to post. I was given “fitzsimmons + first kiss” by anonymous. I’ve gotten more than one kiss related prompt so, the first kiss one will take place in academy era. Hope people like it. <3
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After reading all the #jessicajones #alias comics, I wanted more. Lucky for me, I found #thepulse . #marvel #marvelcomics
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Now taking prompts for FitzSimmons fanfics. Give me a keyword, scenario, lyric, whatever and I'll run with it. Just hit my ask box and I will publish as I go.
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Every episode of season 2...
Me: It’s okay, my eyes are just leaking. They do that whenever FitzSimmons are on the screen.
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