scrambledinklings-blog Ā· 9 years
Time for a fresh start
This blog is being dedicated to nothing but my projectĀ ā€œFade to Bloom,ā€ along with the occasional correspondence I might receive and any other writing I come up with. I will make another post shortly on information about the project, along with a tentative schedule of when and where Iā€™ll be streaming my brainstorming and my actual writing itself. After that, Iā€™ll take a look at the blog layout itself, and see if it needs touched up. Hopefully Iā€™ll have a promo of sorts up after all of that.
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scrambledinklings-blog Ā· 10 years
Why is Man a four-letter word all of a sudden? Why are folks actually saying they are ashamed to be men? This is incredible to me. A man is nothing more than a human with a penis. Our struggles and pains are not the same as a womanā€™s (a human with a vagina), but they are struggles and pains, nonetheless. Unless you want a sex changeā€”and more power to you if soā€”a man should not be ashamed of himself as long as he is a decent person.
When I see someone from another race, gender, or sexual preference thatā€™s being an asshole, I donā€™t call slur them besides calling them assholes. There are good people in the world and there are assholes. It doesnā€™t make any difference what shape or color they are. None. The insecurities of any asshole come from the same basic place. Making wild blanket statements about any one race or gender is where wars start. Big ones. For anyone to say one group of people is worse than any other is a scary thing to me.
As long as a man is good to the people around him, thereā€™s no issue. Thereā€™re plenty of bad seeds out there and I could never deny that, but to be ashamed of who you areā€¦what torture thatā€™d have to be.Ā All any of us have to do is try to be good. Thatā€™s it. That may be a wild blanket statement itselfā€”and itā€™s certainly vagueā€”but itā€™s got to be better than the alternative.
Nobody should be ashamed of anything other than what they are responsible for in this life. If a man feels terribly for the way they feel their gender treats others, thatā€™s fineā€”but thatā€™s a calling, not a regret. Try to help others if and when you can, sure. I try to work with inmates and various prison programs, not because I am ashamed that I was once an inmate, but because I want to help the others out there. If I sat around and felt sorry for myself, nothing would get done. I cannot take my DOC number awayā€”and if I could, maybe I wouldā€”but I donā€™t have to pity myself for having one either.Ā If you want to change the world, you have to understand who you are and what your place in the world actually is.
Just do your best. Remember that there are good people and bad people and that you ought to stay in the right column when you can. Stay up.
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scrambledinklings-blog Ā· 10 years
I am sorry for loving you so strongly it made you want to run away from me. Every time your arms were wrapped around me I hugged you so damn hard because I always feared one hug was going to be the last. I am sorry for staying up late one day and showing you a beautiful white laced dress I found on google. Jesus, I regret showing you a wedding dress and telling you I wanted it if I ever got married. I am sorry for having wedding vows stuck to the margins of my journal. Iā€™ve been questioning myself lately because i frequently wonder if youā€™ll still be by my side if you never saw my journal. Oh my gosh, I am sorry for having such a colorful imagination. Iā€™m sorry for looking at you too closely and remembering all your quirks and gestures. Sorry for remembering your favorite bands and the favorite line from a movie you loved. Sorry for remembering the first time you told me ā€œI love you.ā€ I am sorry for kissing you too much and for doing it with so much passion implanted to my lips. The thing is your lips made me feel like I was carrying the moon inside my heart and every time you kissed me I felt like it was going to be the last. I am sorry for remembering too much. I always memorized all the things you said to me and all the things we did. The things is you made me feel like I was carrying stars on my fingertips and azaleas in my mind. I am sorry for gazing into your eyes too much but I swear the solar system was stuck in your eyes, and everyday when I stared at you it was like being in outer space for the first time. Your eyes were so captivating and they made the evilness within my mind melt. I am sorry for telling you ā€œI donā€™t know what Iā€™ll do without youā€ every other day. Sorry for corrupting your oxygen with my sticky words. I am sorry for sleeping in one of your t-shirts every single night. The thing is I never wanted to be away from you. I am sorry for being too insecure about us half the time and bombarding you with a million questions you detested. The thing is I always over analyze everything because everything Iā€™ve had always gets swallowed by a black hole. I am sorry for not giving you my virginity and walking away every time you attempted to go far. The thing is my mother has always lectured me in the art of sex and self worth. My mother always tells me ā€œdonā€™t allow a guy to run away with your innocence. Standup and walk away. If you allow that to happen youā€™re going to be like a damaged - broken painting no one can study because itā€™s lost all meaning.ā€ For the past days my thoughts have been going back and forth. Maybe if you killed my innocence you never would have suffocated me with your departure. However, there are days Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t allow myself because you wouldā€™ve packed your heart in a suitcase and ran away anyways. Jesus, I hope the next person you meet doesnā€™t trip over your stupid mesmerizing tricks. Iā€™ve been writing too many ā€˜I am sorryā€™sā€™ lately and I realized that I should say sorry to myself. I should write an apology letter to myself because I constantly bury myself in a million disasters. I bury myself knowing the same thing is going to happen, knowing the people I fall for carry sourness inside their head. I always go out of my way and jump in fire for other people when they wouldnā€™t even get dirt or water to calm me down; instead theyā€™ll get gasoline and infuriate the fire. Dear me, I want to apologize for being too hard on you lately, for blaming you on everything when your mind deserves sunshine and sweetness. You shouldnā€™t blame yourself for having a heart and a mind bigger than the whole entire universe, for hoping too much and loving people with your swollen heart.
Alexa Evangelista (via vodkakilledtheteens)
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scrambledinklings-blog Ā· 11 years
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scrambledinklings-blog Ā· 11 years
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By ArchetypeWriting.com
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scrambledinklings-blog Ā· 11 years
Muse's Motivation
You see all these poets being true to their roots, I am true to mine also, But I also extend out of my old limits, My old limits used to have a happy ending, Or it was deemed to unsettling in my heart, But now that I have a fan base that accepts me, For who I am, Not just "oh she needs to have a happy ending", You guys, Everyone who reads my poetry, Has all affected me in a positive way, You have allowed me to write on how I feel, You don't judge me based off of my words, You accept me for an undecided genre of a poet, I try to provide excellent poetry, And you all make me feel like I have great poetry, After I've had my years of skepticism, But my question to myself is, What kind of poet am I?, And I will always strive to improve lives
~Lexi Morris~
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scrambledinklings-blog Ā· 11 years
Every first draft is perfect, because all a first draft has to do is exist.ā€
Jane Smiley (via inspired-to-write)
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scrambledinklings-blog Ā· 11 years
Fade to Bloom Characters
First, we have the Shaders. Only child and a single father, with all of those struggles that follow it.
Ben Shader: 17 Years old, 6'0", lean and lanky. Typical smart boy and sassmaster who has never fought or been in an actual relationship and, despite sleeping in and missing up to half the school day, manages to keep an easy 4.0. Ben is dating the track star, Sara Miller, but she only has him to keep the "smelly athletes" away and to get her homework done. She does make passes to do "terrible" things with him, but something always gets in the way and poor Ben never takes the hint.
Kyle Shader: 43, 5'7, with a muscular build from all the labor jobs he's done. Single father who doesn't get his sonā€™s quirks, but supports Benā€™s happiness. He believes in a hard, honest days work and works at the coal mines, wishing his son would grow up. The man also happens to have a soot soul patch that never washes off of his face. Kyle hoped to work for the Fiore family when he was younger for their publishing company, but gave up that dream with the divorce 5 years ago.Ā  (The mother/ex wife will be a part of the tale, I promise. I just haven't been able to piece her together just yet.)
Next we have the members of the Fiore family. A well-to-do family that owns and operates a printing press, with a secret lost in myth.Ā The Fiore is a family of vampires, and they keep their lifestyle secret. Most were former hunters of the highest caliber, knowing the ways of their former prey long before joining their ranks.
Baldric:Ā Appears to be 18, 5'7, toned and very well defined arm muscles. Very similar to Ben, but he's a gamer who has a bit of a build, and has experience with women. Although terribly protective of his little sister, he is usually calm and cool, his abilities of catching impulses guiding him to success. He is also a live steel fighter, wielding a large buckler and a massive sword when fully armed. He does lose his temper when his family is threatened though, and his rage makes his talent of empathy useless.Ā 
Elizabeth: Appears to be 15, 5'4", lean and developed.Ā A model for a Gothic clothing line who loves to cosplay, especially Victorian or steampunk costumes. Elizabeth doesn't remember how old she really is or that Baldric and Marcus are her actual family, thinking she was adopted in and that she doesn't quite fit in with her family. She isn't much of a fighter either, compared to the two males, but she wields the power of influence along with many other latent abilities that are only revealed in times of certain danger. Unfortunately, the "surge" takes a toll on her memory.
Marcus:Ā Appears to be 50, 6'0" with defined muscles when they can be seen, which is almost never since he typically dresses in formal attire. Patriarch of the Fiore. Actually Baldric and Elizabeth's father. Former Knight of the round, Baldric's comrade-in-arms and trainer. (He's gonna be fleshed out more at some point, but again...drawing blanks on this one. Same with other members of the Fiore family, not excluding a butler and the matriarch.)
Now we reach the Miller family(A last name that is likely to change before this project takes off), a clan of vampires that are responsible for turning the first four members of the Fiore family into vampires.Ā To this day, the Millers still bully/harangue the younger family. They barely hide what they are, only just enough to keep hunters at bay.
Sara Miller: Abuser of Ben Shader and his fake girlfriend. Ordered to turn and enslave the young man for a power she doesn't quite understand. Not exactly thrilled with the orders but she carries them out anyways. She's made numerous attempts to get Ben alone, but something keeps getting in the way.
(I feel so awful for not having fleshed out this family more as they are obvious major antagonists..but once again, I'm having a huge problem with that.)
Lastly, we have the Smiths, a long line of hunters who keep their identity hidden to safeguard their existence.Ā A line of hunters who keep their oath, and their true nature, hidden. The family was sworn in long ago, during the dark ages, and actually hunted alongside Marcus and Baldric before they were turned.
Danny:Ā Benā€™s Rival throughout the series. The young man manages to keep a perfect GPA but he struggles for every inch. On time with all he does. The fact that Ben never tries gets under his skin. He doesnā€™t even know heā€™s in a family of hunters or even what they are till he comes of age at 18 and suddenly disappears for two years for training and indoctrination.
(Again, I apologize for not fleshing out another important family. Luckily, I have some time before these folks become an important part of the story.)
Now, with all that information in hand, what character is your favorite? Do you have any suggestions or questions on Fade to Bloom? Feel free to ask! Want all the updates on the project? Make sure to track the tag "fadetobloom" or simply follow my blog and check the link. Updates may be a little infrequent, with the second quarter starting and me actually getting back into college so bear with me as I get my schedule under wraps! Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy Fade to Bloom as much as I do.
Christopher Joseph Cannon
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scrambledinklings-blog Ā· 11 years
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Progress - Source
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scrambledinklings-blog Ā· 11 years
it looks like scramble dinklings what the fuck is a dinkling? (I know what its supposed to say)
Eheheheheh. Okay, I got a chuckle outta that. A dinkling could be a little din...wait, no. Family friendly Chris. Family friendly. Hmmm.
Darnit anon, I refuse to be stumped by this! A dinkling is an inkling that bothers you in the night, that keeps you awake. For example, let's say you want to go to bed and you brain starts piling on all these ideas for you to write about...or possibly it decides that a deep philosophical debate with yourself and your telly bear Ralphie is the only way it will be satisfied enough to let you sleep.I think I just made a word. Heaven help me.Ā 
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scrambledinklings-blog Ā· 11 years
Ties that bind
A lonely soul who cant find harmony A passionate heart, lost in memory The familial ties, thought thicker than water A symbolic flame that no longer grows hotter
A patient mind lost in its inner workings A nervous spirit who found naught but inklings
The bonds of love, broken by time The hand of fate, severing the fondest of.crimes
A ring of bonding that surpass eternity A fatal loss, unexpected causality
All things that breathe and wind, With movements and their own mind, Will lose their vibrance and vigor As they lose all possession in a deathly quiver Keep close this thought inside That forever is lost in kind, Strangled by the ties that bind
~Christopher Joseph Cannon~
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scrambledinklings-blog Ā· 11 years
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motojourney answered your post: ā€œNow that I've stoked the fires a tiny bit,ā€:
I think you should just write! The followers will find you as long as you use hashtags well, and interact with with like-minded tumblr users
Well, yes. But how much do I share with the followers? How far should I pace it out when I get on a regular writing schedule? Thank you for the input, by the way!
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scrambledinklings-blog Ā· 11 years
Now that I've stoked the fires a tiny bit,
Ā I should make sure all my tags are in order for my links. But first, an introduction to the project!Ā 
Iā€™m hoping it can be a graphic novel, but artist I am not and I am most certainly without means to pay for an artist right now. Itā€™s calledĀ Fade to Bloom, and will be a fantasy series with hints of romance and comedy. Least thatā€™s how itā€™s planned, itā€™s sure to get dark here and there. It will center around Ben Shader, a procastinator and genius who easily maintains a 4.0, and his relations with the Fiore family, a family of vampires with a storied past and quiet life in the current setting. The other major protagonists are Danny Smith, Benā€™s academic rivalā€¦and Elizabeth Fiore, a model who falls for Ben at a convention. I already have a good picture of how the tale will unfold, but Iā€™m awful with details, so writing may come slowly. More updates can be found hereĀ as they are posted or on the tag #fadetobloom.
As for the book itself, how should I promote it? Post teasers of the chapters to gather some intrigue? Maybe post the whole chapters to build a following and support base? Possibly post a short bio on the cast of characters to get an opinion and build intrigue without spoiling the story?
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scrambledinklings-blog Ā· 11 years
i kissed a boy with pretty lips, and a dirty heart; i tasted the corpses hiding beneath your razor tongue, wondering where i would be buried next.
your eyes are dice that keep rolling to two.Ā  "girlfriend" is not a word designed to be plural.
to you, my skin is a season, inter- changeable. itā€™s in your nature. you build me from flowers, then embody winterā€™s inevitable slaughter.
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scrambledinklings-blog Ā· 11 years
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scrambledinklings-blog Ā· 11 years
Let me bring you a thing back
blond= male
brunet=male or female
Good day.
I did not know this.
things that should be taught in english lessons but arenā€™t.
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scrambledinklings-blog Ā· 11 years
Despite my occasional frustrations
with your faltering expressions,
I know that behind every silence
filled with your mind
disconnecting from your mouth,
is something beautiful.
Somehow, despite the nonverbal communication,
I understand your intentions.
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