scrappyyounghungry · 4 years
hey! it’s been a while!
if you’d like to see more of my writing or make requests, please follow the account i’m now active on!!
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scrappyyounghungry · 8 years
Strict Ambitions
Word Count: 1661
Character: John Laurens x Reader
A/N: I understand that this is absolute trash and I’m not even sure why I’m publishing it, but this is in response to an unpublished request. So again, sorry for the trash. Set in canon times, obviously.
It was a lovely afternoon in July, when you and your courter, Lieutenant-Colonel John Laurens, were taking a stroll on a path between fields of wildflowers. It had been several months since your father first gave John his blessing to court you, and they were, without a doubt, the happiest months of your life. You had decided a while ago that John embodied everything you could ever wish for in a partner, and you wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of your life with him. The ongoing war with England made it an inconvenient time to think of settling down and marrying your soldier boy, but neither of you seemed to be able to stop wondering and wishing for it.
           After walking for some miles, John suggested you both rest at the foot of a large tree, its branches hanging low and providing some shade from the sun’s rays that neither of you were overly fond of. He gracefully removed his overcoat and spread it across the trunk of the tree where it met the ground, so that you’d not dirty your petticoat. Laurens sat down and took your hand, gently helping you down and moving as necessary to help you get comfortable as you leaned against his side. Your shifted your head against his shoulder so that you could look up into his glistening green eyes, and he into your (e/c) ones. Although you and John could most certainly spend hours talking and debating with each other on every topic imaginable, you were at a stage in your relationship where you were also both at the utmost comfort with not speaking to each other verbally at all. No, it was moments like these, where the two of you would gaze tenderly and intensely into each other’s orbs that you often had your most meaningful conversations. More was said between your eyes at these times than during probably any of your most passionate verbal conversations. His eyes were a spyglass into the depths of his soul, and neither of you held anything back; you each found endless honesty and solace in the other’s gaze. After some time, John would tenderly place one of his hands on one side of your neck, as you brought your faces closer until your mouths were together, communicating the undying flames your hearts held for the other. At times like these, you felt endless. There was no war to worry about, you didn’t have time to fret about your family, and any fear of the unknown that consumed your idle days melted away into John’s touch. He was so there with you, every atom of his being was alive, and devoted to you and you only. And this is what you lived for, and wanted to live for throughout the rest of your waking days.
           After spending a good amount of time like this, John helped you up and brushed off the back of his coat before slinging it over his shoulder, gearing up for the walk back to his house as the sun began its earliest stages of setting. The walk back was not a short one, but that suited the both of you just fine. You were both perfectly content to stroll along, hands clasped with the sun slowly drooping in beautiful colours before you. Eventually, however, you did reach his household, and you both retired to sitting on the steps of his front porch, watching the remainder of the sun peaking above the hills to slowly slip away. You both sat leaning back against the columns at the entrance of his house, sipping lemonade that John surprisingly made exceptionally well. Eventually, he averted his focus from the barely-there sun and made his way over to seat himself by your side. John gingerly took one of your hands in his own; you could tell something had changed. The boy was in agonizing thought about something, and you could tell he was due to the way he intensely gazed to and fro, from the ground to the sky, back to the ground, and finally, back into your eyes.
You tried not to worry, but you were determined to figure out what was going on with your lover, and to help him with whatever you could. You removed your hand from his and let it rest lightly on the side of his face. “John”, you breathed. “What is the matter, dearest?”
He dropped his gaze from you momentarily before swiftly sitting up straight and looking you in the eye with such a suddenness and fierceness that you were half-startled. “Y/N. Love of my life.” He stopped and looked at you, searching your face for something, and you were unsure of what it was.
“Yes, darling. I am listening. Please go on,” you asked, sliding your hand until it was resting on the back of his neck.
“Well, you see, it is just that. The love of my life is exactly what you are. And I know it, I do not have to even spend a moment more contemplating it. I understand that this is all very rushed, but I cannot hold it back any longer.”
“John. I love you with all of my being, you know that. There is nothing you can say that will push me away, so please, explain your feelings to me.”
He closed his eyes, and leaned back into your touch, the last of the sun’s rays shining off his face. You watched as the small curls that framed his forehead move gently in the breeze, and contemplated whether it was possible to ever be more in love with another human being. “My whole life, I have had dreams; strict ambitions that I thought I would die miserable without seeing come to fruition. In all honesty, marriage was never one of those dreams. But then you came into my life, and everything was turned upside down. In the best way possible,” he said, opening his eyes in order to gauge your reaction.
You were beginning to get an idea of where he was taking this, and your heart sped up. However, your brain told you to take things slow, and you reasoned with yourself to approach things in a logical sense. “John,” you said, moving both of your hands to his shoulders, “I love you. I am ready and more than willing to devote myself to you for the rest of my life. But we must go about these things in a timely matter.”
“We have been waiting for what feels like several centuries for a convenient time, and for all we know we could be waiting several more. I do not know when the war will end, and I am unable to tell you when I shall be able to live at home once again. At this point, I am only sure of one thing, and that is of my ardent affections and devotion to you. And if you will permit it, I am ready and eager to pledge that devotion to you till the end of time,” he said, eyes never leaving yours. “Please, Y/N. I know it may take some convincing, perhaps a little time. But I am prepared to speak to your father about the matter. I have a house here that we can make our home, and Washington will undoubtedly allow me more time than ever to be with you if we were wed. I can provide for you, and even if, God forbid, something happened and I could not, my father has more than enough to ensure that your life would be a comfortable one. I wait only for you to give me the word.” He heaved a sigh of relief after finally saying his piece, and averted his eyes from yours at last, anticipating your response.
You felt the ends of your eyes begin to sting as you took in all that he was putting out to you. You wanted nothing more than to be married to this man, and you had been wishing for it for quite some time. You only hoped that in the current rush of emotions, you and John wouldn’t make a decision whose rashness would bring you harm. However, as much as you knew this could end badly, you could not reject John. You knew you had no choice but to give in, for even if your words said no, your eyes would tell him yes. You moved over to sit closer to John’s side and leaned your head against his shoulder, turning to watch the sky with him. The action proved to surprise him in a positive way, as he tenderly wrapped an arm around your shoulders, awaiting your response with anxiety. “It is apparent that you have spent much time thinking this over, my dearest”, you said.
“I have,” he immediately responded. “I have spent agonizing hours thinking this through, Y/N, I assure you. This is a serious matter, that I understand directly correlates to the paths the rest of our lives will take. But I do not wish to live a life any longer in which you are not mine, in every sense of the word. And I think, finally, the time could possibly be right.” He said this with such certainty that it made you feel safer, and your path set more straight.
You straightened up to look him in the eye again. “As you wish then, Mr. Laurens. You are aware of my deepest and unwavering wish to become a Mrs. Laurens, so let us make it happen.” John’s grin grew wider with every word you said, as did your own. “Why do you not dine with my family tomorrow? You may speak with my father about the matter then.”
“That would suit me just fine, Miss (L/N),” he answered, playing with your hand in his. “And Y/N? I love you,” he said, before leaning forward and enveloping you in a tender embrace.
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scrappyyounghungry · 8 years
Can I get a ship, friend?? I'm agender AFAB, pansexual, 5'7", with short blonde/purple hair. I'm basically every Gemini cliche ever. I'm super withdrawn at first and never initiate conversation unless I really have to, but once I get to know you, I'm really annoying. :D I loud too loudly and hug *everyone*. I hate boredom and silence and really like reading and writing!
Hello, friend!
I ship you with Thomas Jefferson. He’d be quite entranced with your two-tone hair. You two would get along great once you got to know each other, cause Thomas, also, will never leave people alone once he gets to really know them. He’d always welcome your hugs and be more than willing to offer them to you, as well. He’d be very interested in whatever you were currently writing, and often ask for advice from you on his own writings, since he’d trust your opinion.
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scrappyyounghungry · 8 years
Hey!! Can I get a ship my friend? I'm pretty outgoing, bubbly, optimistic and hyper but pretty quiet as well since I stutter quite a lot. (And somehow I have a very large vocabulary.) I am also pretty emotional and get scared easily. I get angry somewhat easily and I'm very much a tornado when I'm angry. I'm 5' with long curly red hair and brown eyes. And my body is pretty skinny, like probably unhealthy amounts of skinny. I also enjoy singing, writing and learning whatever.
Hello, lovely! 
I ship you with Lafayette! He would be protective over you due to your emotionality and easily frightened nature, but in a loving way, not a smothering way. He would wish to spend hours just gazing into your beautiful eyes. Sometimes, he would like to take a rest and listen to you sing, as it helped him relax. You both would always wish you had more time together, but you always would make the most of what you’d get. 
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scrappyyounghungry · 8 years
Can you do a John Lauren x reader? Where the reader is really self conscious about wearing skirts and He helps her by get over it and what not!
Hello, darling! I’d love to do a Laurens x reader, but I’m a little unsure as to what exactly you want. I guess I should’ve specified this already, but when I write I try to think of in canon times, and unless you’re specifically requesting a modern AU I don’t understand how the reader would have a problem with wearing skirts, since that is all women wore back then. 
I’m very, very sorry if I’m misinterpreting anything. If you’d like to explain more I can try, or if you have a different Laurens idea set in canon times, I’d be more than happy to write it!
Also, I have a list of requests I haven’t forgotten about, I’m just very busy lately. I don’t have many followers yet, but I love you all, and will get to your requests as soon as I can.
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scrappyyounghungry · 8 years
Your blog looks super duper cool!! And may I request a fic with america's favorite fighting frenchman!!! LAFAYETTE!! The reader is chubby and doesn't know french and Laf keeps saying how much he loves the reader and their body in french.
Thank you so much, darling! I will add this idea to my list. I’ll work on this along with a couple other things I have to write when I have more spare time, as these take longer and I can work through ships much faster. Thank you so much for the request, and for your patience!
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scrappyyounghungry · 8 years
May I get a ship please? I'm very shy and quiet but I can also be super hyper. Lots of people say I'm very kind, caring, sweet and loving. I enjoy reading, writing, drawing and singing. And I have long black hair and brown eyes with freckles and a chubby body.
Definitely! :)
I ship you with Hercules Mulligan. He’d be constantly in awe of your drawings, and one day he’d even work up the courage to ask you to draw a portrait of him. He’d play with your long, flowing hair on lazy summer days, as you’d both talk about the revolution and your future together. He’d sometimes try to count the freckles on your face. Overall, Hercules would adore you.
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scrappyyounghungry · 8 years
can i please have a ship? im 5'3, long wavy brown hair, and dark brown eyes. im p much a stubby, chubby smol. i love dogs!!!!!! i also enjoy singing (a LOT), playing piano, writing, and reading. my friends often call me "(too) loud" and i'm very excitable and humorous. i do have depression and anxiety though. my favorite color is pastel pink, i love any kind of pasta, and im a capricorn. so,,,that's me. thanks!!!
Of course, dearest!
I ship you with Thomas Jefferson. He would often catch himself getting lost in your deep, brown eyes. You’d both enjoy taking care of your animals together, the puppies in particular. He’d be proud of your accomplishments, and enjoy listening to you play the pianoforte. He, also, could get loud and worked up, so wouldn’t mind when you would do the same. He’d be cognizant of when your mood would drop, and do whatever he could in his power to lift your spirits again and be there for you.
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scrappyyounghungry · 8 years
hello! could i get a ship, please? i'm female, blonde, and 5'5". i'm somewhat reserved and cynical of people when i'm uncomfortable (which isn't too often), and once i'm no longer uncomfortable, i become very outgoing, extremely witty, and fairly sarcastic. i'm pretty considerate and empathetic, and very intelligent. i love music, art, literature, baking, and cats, and i adore travelling and learning new languages, but will stick with my friends before anything else. thanks so much in advance!
Absolutely, dearest!
I ship you with George Washington. He would be surprised at himself, how quickly overcome he can get because of your beauty. It would take a while for you two to truly get to know each other, but once you do, you’d both be partners for life. He’d adore your quick-wittedness, and would be impressed with your many accomplishments, never missing a chance to show you off to any and all people he knew. 
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scrappyyounghungry · 8 years
Hi! Can I please have a male ship? I'm Nicole, I have log red hair, freckles, brown eyes, and I'm 6ft tall. I LOVE acting and singing, as well as Broadway. I would like to say I'm selfless, loyal, friendly, outgoing, and pretty chill, but I'm also, loud, sarcastic, and sometimes clueless. I love going out to eat, because I love food. I am adopted, and that makes me very family oriented, but I'm also very close to my friends. Thanks and good luck on the blog :)
Hello, dear!
I ship you with Alexander Hamilton. He would be enchanted by your voice, and revel in the depths of your brown eyes (he’d also be pretty crazy about your hair, too). Your outgoing personalities would coincide nicely. Because of his less than ideal early family life, he, too, would be extremely family oriented, and would try his very best to give you a good life. 
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scrappyyounghungry · 8 years
Hi, can I have a ship? I'm a short girl, with freckles and dyed red hair. I am very sarcastic and witty and I love to have fun with my friends. I am straight, however I don't mind if you ship me with a girl. Thanks!
Absolutely, darling!
I ship you with Hercules Mulligan. I think you’d both get along due to your fun-loving nature. The size difference in the relationship would undoubtedly also be cute, given his largeness compared to your shortness (and I mean that in the best way possible ;). He’d be very protective over you, but wouldn’t be overbearing. Hercules would adore your gorgeous fiery locks, and would find himself having trouble sometimes keeping up with your wit, but he would love you too much to let that bother him.
Thanks for the request, and I hope you like it, dearest!
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scrappyyounghungry · 8 years
For anyone interested: I appreciate all types of requests, but if anyone wants to request a ship I can definitely get to those much faster. :)
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scrappyyounghungry · 8 years
Uhhhh hamilsquad fluff with reader. Not really romantic but friendship like. Please and thank you!
I’ll get on that ASAP. Thanks for the request. :)
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scrappyyounghungry · 8 years
Howdy! Good Luck!
Aww, thank you so much, darling!
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scrappyyounghungry · 8 years
Hello, all! This is a new blog (hence the messiness of it all) where I shall take requests for Hamilton-related ficlets, imagines and ships. Please, feel free to send along requests, and I’ll get on them as soon as I possibly can!
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