seasonalarchangel-blog · 6 years
Being a girl
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Having to perform femininity
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seasonalarchangel-blog · 6 years
So we (some band peeps) were playing Mafia before our Christmas parade and I was the medic so I chose to save myself (obviously) and turns out that was the right way to go because the first thing our narrator guy started with was "so Bri was watching lots of anime..."
"Accurate" (me)
"And she watched so much that she began to think she was an anime character herself."
"Also accurate" (also me)
"She was watching Little Witch Academia and decided to find a big stick to fly on. sadly, the Mafia decided to kill her. They put a bag over her head and dragged her into their black van and stole all her money..."
"Nice" (me again)
"Which was .5Âą"
"Accurate" (meeee)
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seasonalarchangel-blog · 6 years
My sympathy for men is nonexistent at this point.
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seasonalarchangel-blog · 6 years
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Jemel Roberson, a real life hero, was murdered by police. For being black.
What command did he refuse? Why was deadly force needed? Why are police acting without any training?
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seasonalarchangel-blog · 6 years
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seasonalarchangel-blog · 6 years
Mental health professionals: hitting your kids increases the risk of mental illness and could make them more aggressive in adult life
Some guy with 3 aggrevated assault arrests and a drinking problem: well my parents beat me and I turned out fine y’all are a bunch of snowflakes
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seasonalarchangel-blog · 6 years
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seasonalarchangel-blog · 6 years
As soon as anybody uses bitch, slut, whore, cunt, etc. as an insult I Iose all respect for them and immediately drop them from my life.
As soon as I hear somebody say that the only time a woman can justify getting an abortion is when she was raped, I immediately drop them from my life.
As soon as I hear anybody make a joke about domestic abuse, rape, racism, or sexism I immediately drop them from my life.
As soon as I hear somebody deny basic human biology I immediately drop them from my life.
As soon as I hear somebody trying to justify their attraction to children I immediately drop them from my life.
As soon as I hear somebody say we don’t need feminism I immediately drop them from my life.
As soon as I hear somebody say something homophobic I immediately drop them from my life.
Gotta get rid of the garbage early.
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seasonalarchangel-blog · 6 years
why is this the funniest thing i’ve ever watched please watch this IM ROLLINGGG
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seasonalarchangel-blog · 6 years
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this is like objectively one of THE best posts ever written on this site and god i wish i could reblog it but i think me and op and have been in a mutual block for three years or so
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seasonalarchangel-blog · 6 years
anti femininity post
benefits to:
not wearing makeup
able to rub eyes
can sleep in later in the morning since you dont have to waste time applying it
dont spend mad money
no need to constantly check if the makeup is still in place
clean, healthy skin
can fall asleep without worrying about taking it off
can cry or be in the rain or at the beach or pool without worrying about making running
can eat without worrying about lipstick on teeth or food
no need to carry it around and reapply throughout the day
no hair stuck in lipgloss
no scary things near the eyes
no need to dedicate hours of time to learning about and perfecting makeup skills
can rub face in blankets, pets, pillows, friends, family, lovers without worrying about it smudging off or on them
not wearing heels
feet dont hurt
can run around
able to climb on stuff
no need to worry about breaking the heel or having to replace pieces
feet wont get stuck in mud, grates, sand, etc
no blisters
never have to take shoes off after wearing them for too long because theyre painful
no damage to leg, ankle, and spine muscles
no hurting ankles from tripping or stumbling
no callouses
having short hair
keeps you cool
easy to style
no need to spend $$$ on styling products
no need to worry about straighteners, curlers, etc
easy to wash
dries quickly
shows your face
cheap haircuts
no need to always have a ponytail holder on your wrist at all times
no long hair to knot, get caught in stuff, or fly in your face
not removing hair
no razor burn or cutting yourself shaving
no painful waxing
keeps you warm
soft and fuzzy
being a beautiful mature adult woman
natural pheromones (nice if you have a lover)
shorter showers
no more making razor companies rich
no more being self conscious about stubble
for pubic hair, helps with friction during sex which makes it less rough and painful
also pubic hair— keeps out bacteria and lowers the risk of STIs
no ingrown hairs
Feel free to add!!!
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seasonalarchangel-blog · 6 years
Meredith wanted proof... Here it is
So I may be a bit infamous on my political Pinterest account... and one of the anti-choicers I frequently argue with has demanded proof of where I’ve proved her wrong (apparently she doesn’t have very good memory, long- Or short-term). So, I’ve compiled screenshots of some of the times I have, so I can link this and she might feel a little bad about how naughty she’s been. Here goes:
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That one up there she’s continuously tried claiming is false, but the facts don’t lie
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(referring to those “genuine videos” anti-choicers took that “proved” Planned Parenthood was selling fetus parts)
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Funny, because she’s also still using that to try to prove her point
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That was in a thread about anti-choice violence against abortion clinics, abortionists, and women who’ve had abortions
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Again, she still refuses to see the facts in this part
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Yeah, she needs to get a strong pair of glasses, especially after using the same link in multiple different threads
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So, just a short pile of steaming proof for her to behold
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seasonalarchangel-blog · 6 years
Rural Illinois Gothic
Everywhere looks the same. The country roads get worse the longer you drive. You can hear nothing but the crunch of gravel. Each farm you pass has the same quilt square on the barn. You know exactly where you are and how to get home, but can’t explain how.
You’ve been stuck behind a tractor on the highway and have gone 2 miles in 20 minutes. You’re not even sure you’re moving anymore. The cars behind you are restless, a truck passes 5 cars at once and disappears over the horizon, you wish him the best of luck.  
You and a friend are bored beyond belief. Somehow you end up walking around Walmart for the third time today. The greeter was in your high school class, he looks so dead inside you almost didn’t recognize him. You avoid eye contact when you walk past. You go straight to the toy section.
A boy walks past you dressed all in camouflage. Hunting season ended weeks ago, you wonder where he could be going. He turns around and smiles. He only has 4 teeth.  
It’s two in the morning and you’re starving. The only place open is McDonald’s. No one answers when you pull up to the drive thru. The static goes on for a few minutes before the menu goes dark. You drive away even though you’re still hungry.
A friend from college asks you where you live despite you saying she wouldn’t have heard of it. She ask if it’s close to Chicago. You say yes even though you live over two hours away. It’s been a long day and you’re tired. It doesn’t matter anymore, Chicago is everywhere.
You remember when the corn only came up to your knee. It towers over your head and makes it so you can’t seen more than five feet in front of you. It’s all anyone ever talks about, how the corn is doing. You’re scared for its wellbeing.
A girl in a truck offers you some sweetcorn. Even though you’ve eaten it every day for the last week, you buy ten more. Driving home, you come across another girl in another truck. You try to buy sweetcorn from her, but your car is already full.
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seasonalarchangel-blog · 6 years
So I had 2 asthma attacks today
Un-fucking-friendly reminder to not spray fucking perfume and AXE shit at school, especially not in the fucking hallways (!!!) and on the fucking bus (!!!) Like we literally had to pull the bus over because people wouldn't fucking open their windows or bother to tell someone to stop fucking spraying a shit ton of axe
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seasonalarchangel-blog · 6 years
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She knows me so well
IDK how she knew tho cuz I'm kinda the only one of my friends who's into Clare's stuff so I don't really talk about it a lot but daaaamn I musta talked about it more than I thought
(and yea ik Will's curse wasn't real but I wanted to keep the suspense and it would be really weird to explain without spoiling a ton)
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seasonalarchangel-blog · 6 years
In apush we were talking about the Salem witch trails and my teacher said that I would most definitely be tried for being one and I think that’s one of the best complements I’ve ever received.
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seasonalarchangel-blog · 6 years
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8 pumpkin
8 churro
9 s'more
A cupcake display to kill for
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