hadesoftheladies · 19 days
anti-abortionists and pro choicers like me can agree on one thing: whoever creates the life can destroy the life. only the former have the male-self-insert god character who metaphysically acts as the one "knitting" the fetus in the womb, while those who observe the world as-is without invoking yahwhist lore rightfully attribute that ability to the woman.
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If refusing to perform an abortion on a woman who wants one isn't a medical professional's obligation unless life-threatening, then neither is a medical professional obligated to set a broken leg, reattach a finger, treat a shallow wound, save someone's eyesight, treat early stage cancer, treat various other diseases, mild infections, etc.. Not unless it's immediately life-threatening.
A wound could become infected, of course, and that infection could become life-threatening. Cancer will progress to a worse state if not treated early. And once those things happen, a medical professional is obligated to treat it. But not before then. A broken arm or limb that doesn't heal properly without proper setting will certainly affect that person's quality of life, but that person should have been more careful. Didn't they know certain activities carry the risk of injury? The broken limb is simply a natural consequence of a reckless lifestyle.
In fact, I think a lot of health insurance companies in the US think exactly that way, don't they?
But for those of us who aren't demons or with head firmly planted into ass, of course medical professionals should treat all those things, life-threatening or not, unwanted pregnancy included.
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Conservatives: 12 year olds are too young to know that they're gay
Also conservatives: they are old enough to give birth
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spectralpaws89-19m · 1 year
Hello. I’ll be brief: I’m 19, male, straight, cisgender and autistic.
I’m also pro-choice and a firm atheist who supports Ukraine, Palestine, women and girls’ reproductive rights, the LGBTQ+ community.
I also like classic 2D games and pixel art. My favorite companies are Nintendo, Sega, Capcom, Namco and (classic) Konami.
I love puppies and ponies, too. I may post when I’m proud enough of a work I’ve made.
Overall, I’m just here for the fun!
DNI if you’re/you're a:
LGBTQ+ phobic
a religious person who uses Jesus to be hateful
forced birther
sexist / victim-blamer
a creep (MAPS, Z00philes, etc. are not valid)
an overall jerk
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maddie-grove · 3 days
One of the really frustrating things about anti-choicers of all stripes is how uninterested they seem in supporting people who choose to give birth and raise children under circumstances that society considers less than ideal. They want to shit on teen moms and single moms and low-income moms and even older moms just as much as anybody else.
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kainissoable · 7 months
Side-eyeing that person who seems to think that Vorador's character flaws are him being polyam and a whore, then implicitly accused him of being heterosexual. Sorry you're insecure, boring and straight, I guess 🙄
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crazycatsiren · 2 years
Pro-life misogynistic dingdongs fuck off my blog and fall into a ditch challenge.
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skin-slave · 2 years
Top 10 things that anti-choice ppl said to me today (wrt my childhood pregnancy and termination):
10. You're just looking to be a victim, and you should take responsibility for your part.
9. It's better to commit suicide than to have an abortion.
8. It's unfair to anti-choice ppl that you had "a messy situation."
7. Yes, forced pregnancy is torture, but you can't just say that. It sounds bad.
6. Having a baby doesn't mean you have to let the other person have parental rights, and even if it did, child abusers don't abuse their own kids.
5. Doing the right thing is never hard.
4. Good thing you're an adult now bc adults don't get raped, so you don't have to worry about this kind of thing anymore.
3. We don't use physical restraints. That would be immoral. We just use intimidation, which can include threats of physical restraints.
2. I can tell you'd kill babies bc you're atheist and support the gays.
1. You're worse than a regular murderer, bc you were a child.
Honorable mention: You have no soul and you're going to hell.
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chaos-in-one · 1 year
Alright who/what did I interact with that I shouldn't have to get anti choice posts recommended to me
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Ppl really fail at pissing me off or upsetting me in regards to being pro choice (aka correct)
“Oh so you’re in the baby killing fandom?” Sure. Idgaf. Honestly that’s funny as hell sounding bc uhhh abortion would mean that more babies could be born into healthy circumstances and therefore have happier lives. And you fucks don’t care about fully realized children getting slaughtered every day by gun violence, so if I’m pro baby killing, so are you
“I’ve worked at an abortion clinic and saw the guts of a six week old fetus” no you didn’t. A fetus that young doesn’t have guts. And SO?! I don’t wanna see someone get a lung transplant either because it’s gruesome but that doesn’t mean I think they should never happen. Have you ever watched a surgery? It’s horrific. But if it’s gotta happen, it’s gotta happen.
Honestly idgaf about whether something is alive or not. It’s not my fucking responsibility to keep another thing alive if I don’t want it. “So don’t have sex” okay what about rape, then? Or birth control fucking up? In any case, no one can force you to donate a kidney or even your fucking corpse, therefore you shouldn’t have to donate 9 months of hell, at least 18 years, hundreds of thousands of dollars, emotional turmoil, countless lost opportunities, sleepless nights, etc to a life you don’t want or care about.
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thepro-lifemovement · 2 years
@pro-choicers: you live in a delusional world if you think pro-lifers are against abortion because we want to control women or increase the population.
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kakashihasibs · 1 year
I got my testosterone labs done today and had my 1st anti-choice protester interaction which was whatever. Just some old dude i ignored but he had a big wood cross with the flag of Israel on it ????
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alysha-storm6 · 2 years
Well, this is actually not that surprising. It's enlightening and very telling actually, especially about these anti-choicers.
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matchstickdolly · 2 years
Congratulations to Ana de Armas for finding a way to make herself unattractive to me.
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trmpt · 1 year
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