secondwinterstill · 2 months
Haven't been on this blog in a while and hop on over to see people using the gods to excuse using AI to create art. Like,,, just admit you're too lazy to take the time to learn how to make real art and go.
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secondwinterstill · 2 months
a quick “why is my life so bad” checklist
how’s your sleep schedule
have you eaten or drank anything besides sugar and caffeine
how long have you been sitting in one spot
have you gone out in public recently
have you taken a shower/brushed your teeth/groomed yourself properly
have you spent time doing an activity that doesn’t involve a screen
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secondwinterstill · 2 months
Been considering adding Hermes to my regular circle of gods as I'm working on learning new languages and it feels appropriate and so much lately I've found myself turning to him and throwing out prayers for myself and my friends. So needless to say, once I have the space, methinks he will be getting an altar of his own soon enough
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secondwinterstill · 3 months
I wish there was more pagan-without-being-a-witch content out there.
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secondwinterstill · 3 months
At the dr for some things that will hopefully lead to some gender affirming care as well as just mitigate some health risks. So if yall don't mind saying a quick prayer for good news I'd really appreciate it 🙏 😭
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secondwinterstill · 3 months
helpols for palestine. the gods love all of their children, including those in gaza, and they would never approve of the genocide going on there right now. may lord apollon protect and help heal the injured victims of this genocide. may lady aphrodite, king zeus, queen hera, all of them extend their strength and their protection to those in palestine.
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secondwinterstill · 3 months
Khaire! I have set up a Hellenic Polytheist community page called the @@temple-of-dionysus (tumblr.com/communities/temple-of-dionysus) and will be actively adding those who wish to join. This will be the official Tumblr community page for the Temple of Dionysus (templeofdionysus.org). Founded in 2012, we are a federally recognized United States non-profit organization based out of the Southern New England area, mainly RI, and currently online only as a virtual temple, with plans and ambitions for an eventual physical property and temple.
For those interested, the Temple of Dionysus (links and relevant info are on my pinned post on my profile) accepts ALL who follow one or more of the Gods of Olympus, even if you don't necessarily worship Dionysus, your main deity is not a Hellenic god, or you're looking to explore the Hellenic path and are unsure about the gods yet, as we are an all inclusive community. Our community here is set to private, so the community page is not visible to non-members, and membership is currently invite only and limited to 500 at the moment (as communities are still being worked on by the site staff), so please drop me a DM if you wish to join so I can send you an invite.
*Note: I do get errors telling me "cannot invite that blog yet, sorry." There's no way around it that I'm aware of yet.*
While the main focus of the Temple is Dionysus, the Temple itself is run by an Oracle of Apollo and welcomes those who worship any and all the Hellenic gods. The Temple is also female, LGBTQ+ and trans lead. I, myself, will be supporting them by helping to run the Tumblr page, as I am also a FB mod for the Temple as well as Community Coordinator Support.
This Temple is all inclusive, partnered with TOLIS (Tree of Life Interfaith Sanctuary) and has signed the Xenia Declaration. Absolutely no hate, bigotry or similar of any kind is allowed in this sacred space!
Feel free to visit our website for more information on our temple, including a full list of available services, including a mutual aid fund for those who need help with various needed things, including medication, medical supplies and care for our LGBTQ+ community, especially those going through transitions. We do our best to make sure worship and community is as accessible to everyone as much as possible!
May Dionysus and all the other gods bring many blessings!
Embrace the Madness!
- Austin, Project Partner, Community Coordinator Support.
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secondwinterstill · 3 months
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secondwinterstill · 3 months
I have a creative writing idea rumbling around in my brain about the relationship of some of Nyx's children and I'm debating whether or not to actually write it down. I know there's plenty of fiction written about the theoi, but I'm still figuring out where the boundaries are on that and I don't want to accidentally be disrespectful ㅠㅠ
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secondwinterstill · 3 months
Since you said you wouldn't mind some questions: May I ask what initially drew you to Lord Thanatos? Since we both worship him, I'm curious!
Hey! Thanks for asking!!!
So, this is kind of a long, rambly one. But I've always been into greek mythology growing up, but I never delved too deep into chthonic deities before. One day, I was bored and wanted a new game to play, so I finally bit the bullet and started playing the video game Hades after putting it off for no real good reason. And that was my initial introduction to Thanatos.
And then that led into my researching more into chthonic deities and realizing that people still worship the greek gods today. My best friend and I started talking one day about who we would worship if we ever got into hellenism and I said I'd probably worship Thanatos and Hades because ultimately we're all going to die eventually, why not build a positive relationship with the people who would steward my soul one day? But I still never thought too seriously about actually following it as a religion.
A few weeks after that, someone who was very dear to me passed away and I had a hard time coping with his death. After a couple of days of sitting with my grief, something in me just called me to make an altar and pray to the gods for the safe passing of his soul. So I cleared out a shelf on my bookshelf, poured some wine into tiny plastic shot glasses, slammed down coins, lit a candle and I prayed. Years of being an atheist, and nothing has ever felt so right in the moment as it did then. I gave offerings to Thanatos, Hermes, and Hades - praying that his death had been peaceful, his soul had been cared for on its way to the underworld, and would continue to be cared for once it arrived. And after that I felt so at peace.
I didn't think too much of it initially, but after a dream of Thanatos that night, a few other signs or coincidences, and an undeniable draw to him specifically I decided that maybe worshipping him was exactly what I needed.
Dear gods this got so long. I'm so sorry 😅
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secondwinterstill · 3 months
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secondwinterstill · 3 months
I don’t understand hating or not listening to rap when ur fav genre is rock like they’re holding hands to me they r two sides of a coin….its so dark in here
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secondwinterstill · 3 months
reblog if your blog is safe for trans witches, non binary witches, bisexual witches, gay witches, pansexual witches, closet witches, mental ill witches and all type of witches 🔮🌿
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secondwinterstill · 3 months
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Hypnos and Thanatos by Christian Gottfried Jüchtzer in Hallwyl Museum.
Hypnos on the left and Thanatos on the right, leaning against each other, looking down at an altar standing between them. Thanatos with an image of Persephone slanted behind his left leg and a torch in his hand.
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secondwinterstill · 3 months
I looooove seeing people’s altars. The big creative ones. The small minimalist ones. Hidden ones, outdoor ones, travel ones. They’re all so beautiful
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secondwinterstill · 3 months
I struggle to pick up on energies. When I'm at my altar I just work on pure faith that they are there and they are listening. But today, I was having a conversation with an acquaintance of mine who is christian. We were having the most polite and respectful conversation about our religions and beliefs, and the opportunity came up where I was able to mention Thanatos. I was able to tell about how he's helped me, and for the first time, I could 100% without a doubt feel him with me. Gotta say, that was a high I've been riding for the rest of the day.
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secondwinterstill · 3 months
Wanting to include some holidays into my schedule to help feel closer with my religion as a whole but boy howdy does it seem to intimidate me every time lol
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