I hate people who treat sidewalks like wide lanes. Walk in a straight line! Or at least be drunk so your meandering makes sense.
Felicia T.
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Free Secret Of The Day: I am not responsible for my kids. Though, the government keeps telling me otherwise. We need to keep the government out of our lives.
Nancy D. Toms River, NJ 
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Free Secret Of The Day: I don't change my underwear. It doesn't smell, so what's the point?
Becky K. Jacksonville, FL
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Free Secret Of The Day: I always talk to girls, but I never get their number. Keeps them wanting more.
Gabe T. New York, NY 
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Free Secret Of The Day: Most of the time my mind controls my body, but sometimes my body doesn't listen.
Jordan D. Jackson, MS
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Sometimes secrets creep up on you.
Dr. Doug
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Free Secret Of The Day: I like my bread moldy.
Ruth D. Geneva, NY 
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Free Secret Of The Day: I use pens to pick my nose. The ink really adds a sweetness the dried mucous needs.
Bradley T. Hartford, CT 
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Free Secret Of The Day: When I get the chance to get out on that beautiful blue ocean, I like to pretend I'm on Waterworld. Sure that movie was horrible, but so is my life.
Herold T. Hartford, CT 
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Free Secret Of The Day: I like to go out to a field and practice driving with my eyes closed.
JT D. Elk City, OK 
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Free Secret Of The Day: I send bullets anonymously to people I like.
Ralph T. Hagerstown, MD
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Free Secret Of The Day: Pushing children isn't really my thing, it's just something I like to do in my spare time.
Nancy D. Raleigh, NC 
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Free Secret Of The Day: I have never met my parents, but I tell everybody they're really nice. Especially, since they let me still sleep in their bed.
Corey D. Portland, OR 
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Free Secret Of The Day: I'm fattening my husband up so I can eat him in a few months.
Sharon D. Worcester, MA 
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Never forget a secret you've made up. It could come back and bite you in the balls.
Dr. Doug
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Free Secret Of The Day: I sometimes drive out to the desert and pretend I'm a caveman.
Robert T. Chandler, AZ 
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Free Secret Of The Day: I had a runny nose this morning that made my lips numb.
Brent D. San Diego, CA 
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