seechie-blog1 ¡ 6 years
the woods out of reach of just anyone untouched. the trees, pinus resinosa tall and strong, reaching towards the sky in euphoria; cocooning the world below from harmful gazes & their intentions. the ground soft blanketed by years of needles gently trickling down from branches above glittering in the rays of sunlight blinking through. the sounds & smells subtle, peaceful little birds, basking insects, the warm whoosh of the wind through the pine a stag picking his way through the harmony with grace. a lake hidden in the folds of the forest hills like a secret... night the dead of night, when one half of the world is tucked away and another one awakens. there are different sounds now small, chittering creatures a barn owl calling to the wood. thousands of lightning bugs mimicking the stars; the moonlight replaces the golden warmth a fresh, crisp, coolness the undertones of rich soil more apparent revitalizing. a mist borne from the gentle waters, hanging in the calm air. a woman wild & divine nothing shielding her velvet skin from touch slowly breathing exacting eyes, glinting with wisdom she walks, reflecting the elegance of the vision around her as she dips into the lake completely vulnerable yet secure
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seechie-blog1 ¡ 6 years
Full Birth Chart
**Source: Astrolibrary**
Planets and Points in The Signs
Sun in Taurus 19°  45' 17"
You are generally strong, quiet, deliberate, practical, exacting, determined, persistent, persevering, compassionate and loyal. You like getting your hands on your work, building things, and seeing the tangible, practical results of your effort. Routine work does not bother you as long as the end result is useful and serves some concrete purpose.
Possessions and material things are usually of great significance to you. This is because you don't feel emotionally secure unless you can see and touch the objects you own. This intense need to possess and enjoy with the senses can drive you to be extremely productive or extremely acquisitive. Lesser evolved Taurus natives can treat people as objects or possessions, thus leading to difficulty in relationships.
You work at a slower pace than most, but you always finish whatever projects you start. Because of this, you are reliable, trustworthy, careful and steadfast. You are better at sustaining what others have started rather than starting things yourself. You can be lead, but never pushed.
It takes a lot to make you mad, yet if you are pushed over the edge, well, all heck can break lose. Simply imagine an angry bull and you know what a Taurus is capable of when he is pushed too far. You know the saying about a bull in a china shop, right? When angered, you need plenty of time to cool down. It is best for other people to just leave you alone. Others will know when things are out of your system. With anything, you need time to assimilate and mull things over. People should not rush you or push you.
You are slow to change your opinions, but once changed it is very difficult to change them back. People tend to feel secure around you. In times of crisis, you are generally cool and collected and have the patience and ability to come up with practical solutions to problems. You hate pain and being sick.
You have a love of harmony and beauty and you can be extremely affectionate and romantic. But, you do have a decided fear of loss. The feelings that usually accompany this fear of loss are possessiveness, jealousy, laziness, stubbornness and extravagance. If there is no desire to possess anything or anyone, then there is no fear of loss. You need to learn to desire only mental and spiritual things and to release the desire to possess people emotionally and physically. Your other need is to find a true sense of values. You need to learn detachment. You must be willing to let go of people and things.
Ascendant in Capricorn 12°  36' 16"
People with Capricorn rising tend to be sensitive, timid, business-like, ambitious, controlling, reserved, practical, down-to-earth, duty-conscious, responsible, critical, and cold. You may have had trouble communicating in early life. Perhaps you suffer from feelings of inadequacy. You overcome these feelings through sheer necessity, for you have determination in achieving your goals and purposes in life. You have great ambition and do not settle until you have reached the great heights that you have set for yourself. Money, position and power are important to you. The reserve that often appears as part of your makeup is sometimes taken as coldness. To you it seems that you are being responsible and simply doing your duty. You may have had trouble with your knees. Any trouble with the knees is the outer evidence of an inner inability to be flexible.
Spiritual lesson to learn: Sociability (lighten up). Saturn rules Capricorn so Saturn will be important in your life.
Moon in Leo 26°  33' 01"
You are warm, generous, and loving in your affections and you bring out great devotion and loyalty in your loved ones. You want to be worshiped and adored like the king or queen you feel you are. You want and need a partner you can be proud of and your own pride is very important to you. You cannot love someone you don't respect and aren't proud of. It is important to you that you feel recognized and appreciated. Your feelings get hurt when you feel ignored. You dislike emotional games and dishonesty. You are popular, generous, dignified, loyal and ambitious and have a persevering, penetrating mind with leadership and creative ability. You dramatize the events in your life and your feelings. On the negative side, you may be ego-oriented, vain and/or ostentatious with a tendency to wear your heart on your sleeve.
Mercury in Aries 28°  21' 36"
You are outspoken and direct in speech and actions. Your thoughts are original and filled with enthusiasm and great energy. You love a good argument or debate and like to compete and strategize with your mind. You say what you mean and don't pull any punches. You are opinionated and love to share those opinions, even if not asked to do so. You love controversy and might need to develop a little more tact in how you express your own thoughts. Your mind is restless and filled with much nervous energy. It is hard for you to sit still. You always have to be busy, especially with your hands. Mechanical ability may be present. Your thoughts and words are quick and impulsive and you may at times suffer from foot-in-mouth disease. A lack of patience and concentration in carrying out your plans may be evident. Great wit and an entertaining personality help make you popular. You don't like to be told how to do things and want the freedom to do things your own way. There never seems to be enough time to do all the things you have on your mind. You may be quick-tempered, but hardly ever carry a grudge. You get over things quickly, then move on.
Venus in Taurus 10°  28' 41"
If you have Venus in Taurus, in love affairs you are generally loyal and steady, especially if your partner is demonstrative and affectionate. You are oriented towards the sensual side of life in everything you do and it may show through too much weight. You are tremendously responsive to beauty and physical appearances, and the physical attractiveness of your partner is very important to you. You enjoy indulging yourself and the ones you love and it is too easy for you to be extravagant and perhaps to put too much value in material things. Comfort is important to you and you hate getting your hands dirty. At times you can be lazy, hoping or expecting someone else to do the dirty work. Self-control needs to be developed and added to the qualifications you already possess -warmth, charm, sympathy, artistic. Guard against possessiveness, jealousy, and taking the easy way out in your relationships. You aim to please in practical and earthy ways. 
Mars in Aries  3°  16' 19"
You are aggressive, pioneering, adventurous, and always on the outlook to start new projects. You hate restraint and don't like to be told to do something or how to do it. You want to lead, not follow. At times you can be headstrong, impulsive, and impatient. Waiting is not something that appeals to you. You go after what you want with great zeal and you do not take "no" for an answer. You love competition and anything that allows you to test or prove yourself. Cooperation is not your strong suit and you can be very self-willed, self-absorbed, and selfish at times. The "me-first" attitude is strong in you. You are self-reliant and hate depending or relying on others. You need to be our own person and do things your way, even if it might not be the best way. Your best talent is in getting things off the ground quickly. If initial success does not come quickly, you may get tired of that project and move to the next. Sustaining is not your strong side. Long term efforts are not as appealing to you as quick, short term affairs that you can finish with quickly so you can start something else. Energy and enthusiasm are your strong side. Self-control is important for you to learn so you don't burn out. Physical activity and keeping in shape appeals to you. You may be prone to accidents due to haste. You need to learn to stick to a project until it is finished before rushing off on a new endeavor. You must learn to control your temper and impulsiveness.
Jupiter in Virgo  4°  45' 59"
You have a cautious, intellectual, analytical, and practical nature with an uncanny ability to sift the wheat from the chaff and determine the essential from the non-essential and the truth from the fiction. Your judgment is usually excellent and this helps bring success in business or work in general. You have a strong desire to expand your field of knowledge and to develop technical skill. On the negative side, you can at times be cynical, carping, critical, and mistrusting of others. There can be times when you get lost in the details and lose the bigger picture. There may be a dislike for exercise.
Saturn in Aquarius 18°  12' 45"
You possess practical common sense, self-discipline and inner sources of strength which provide stamina. Although humane in nature with a friendly and sympathetic disposition, you may have difficulty in understanding other people's goals. You need to learn tolerance for other people and must develop forgiveness. You have the ability to exercise system, organization, discipline and tact in unusual and non- traditional ways. You can think ahead and plan things with an inventive flair. Seeing things in a whole new way is one of your strengths. You tendency is to be serious, impersonal, detached and scientific. On the negative side you can be opinionated, vindictive, cold and uncaring with a tendency to get quite aggravated if your plans are met with opposition. Uranus in Capricorn 17°  52' 43"  Rx **Details weren’t provided via Astrolibrary, only what’s above in bold. Source: Tracey Rogers**
Capricorns are very comfortable with the status quo. Generally known to be the managers of the Zodiac, this is a sign that likes rules and prefers to have systems in place. It is the nature of Capricorn to be grounded and, well, predictable. Discipline and structure are keywords that describe this sign; but when you add the planet Uranus to the mix, an unmistakable quality of organized chaos results.
The Uranus in Capricorn generation is consistently consumed by personal battles of will to ‘revolt’ or ‘obey.’ They are under pressure to bring about change, and yet they are required to do so using the same old mechanisms. It is no wonder these folks are in search of a life coach or astrologer with the hopes of identifying an internal solution. But if you look closely at the social movements storming across this country and the world at large, it seems as if they have found a way to walk both sides of this cosmic coin, adopting a more structural approach to dismantling institutions that no longer serve. Those born with Uranus in Capricorn are learning the rules in order to break them. They show resistance to systems that block collective evolution, by revolting in ways that are planned and controversial.
I write all this to say that there is a need for you, dear Uranus in Capricorn. Know it or not, you do have an important role to play. Yours is the generation poised to make huge strides without fully flipping the apple cart (that approach will be used by the Uranus in Aquarius generation – 1996-2003). We need you to strategize a way forward to a new world order, so that the big shifts set to come in a few years do not bring total disruption. The only way for us to learn from you is to lead your life by example. As Martin Luther King, Jr., a rebel-rousing Capricorn once said, “The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists.” I applaud and admire you, dear Uranus in Capricorn. Thank you in advance for your service.
Neptune in Capricorn 18°  51' 13"  Rx **Details weren’t provided via Astrolibrary, only what’s above in bold. Source: Always Astrology**
Neptune in Capricorn is reserved and refined, especially in areas related to control, power, fame and success. They dream of wealth and power, even if they don't quite know how to attain it. They can use their imagination to put just about any idea to practical use and turn it into money.
Capricorn Neptune is serious and likes to think things over. They have the ability to concentrate on anything that happens, so they can solve any problems that occur. Detail work is something they usually excel at. On the other hand, they may tend towards melancholy, secrets and deceit. When they get this way, they want to shut themselves away from the world.
Capricorn Neptune may be a bit conservative and traditional. They reflect on spiritual matters, and are inspired by the Great Masters of art, music and literature. Many become cynics or critics. They may be accused of not having enough compassion.
Neptune in Capricorn excels at organization and bureaucracy, and they are conscious of status. They like to be in authority. Their only problem is getting reality to work as they think it should. They may envision a system that runs smoothly, is responsive to the needs of all those involved, and that promotes on merit. It can be frustrating for them to deal with the harsh reality instead.
Pluto in Scorpio 21°  37' 29"  Rx **Details weren’t provided via Astrolibrary, only what’s above in bold. Source: Always Astrology**
Pluto in Scorpio is ruled by strong emotions. Not only do they react according to their own emotions, but they can understand how others feel as well. They are drawn to activities that will involve them emotionally. Intensity is the key word for them.
Scorpio Pluto knows how to bring things that are hidden out into the light. They fight for human rights and they have a talent for helping the unconventional become accepted. Topics that capture their interest may include the occult, sex, the mind, death, genetic engineering and cloning.
Scorpio Pluto may tend towards dark thoughts. They naturally filter out the good and happy things, focusing on the darker, secret motives of those around us. They may feel that they know best in every situation. On the other hand, individuals born with Pluto in Scorpio may try to remain positive so strongly that they find themselves in denial, finding out when it is too late about all that was happening right under their noses.
Their emotional courage, deep understanding and the ability to face their own wounds as well as those they have given to others can create a strong person you want on your side. They can be rather manipulative or controlling at times. They tend to question all the rules and may feel oppressed by the status quo. Their passionate natures incline them to experience as much as possible. They also have great willpower. They can focus on gaining wealth and power if so inclined.
Chiron in Leo  4°  22' 59" **Details weren’t provided via Astrolibrary, only what’s above in bold. Source: Jessica Davidson**
Chiron represents the primal wound, the urge to become whole and heal the self, while Leo represents self-expression and creativity.
With Chiron in Leo the wound is to your ability to manifest your creative self-expression which may come through in the following ways: Feel uncreative, unimaginative and uninspired Feel that others don’t see your uniqueness and specialness, and you don’t feel liked Tendency to hide the results of your creativity and refuse to share with others Find it hard to be spontaneous and go with the flow of life and have fun Fear of being seen, or feel unworthy of attention or applause Or try too hard to get recognition and be the centre of attention Champion others’ creative efforts and support their talents, while hiding your own
The Gift: Your healing journey involves empowering yourself to live from the heart and your gift is to see the whole of life as a creative act. When you give yourself permission to be all that you are, your innate creativity and desire to shine will come through. You’ll be able to learn where your true talents are and find a way to express yourself spontaneously. Creativity then becomes a celebration of life and you can inspire others to express their uniqueness too.You may also be excellent at encouraging others’ creativity and talents, and know how to use creativity to get in touch with your inner life. When you develop a deep respect for your inner life, you can honour the spark of divinity within everyone.
For the context of how Chiron in Leo will manifest – see Chiron’s house placement
Black Moon Lilith in Aquarius 12°  10' 08"
Your test has to do with personal freedom and the feeling of individuality or differentiation from others. If your Black Moon works well, you will be an independent, but friendly, person. Otherwise, you could demand freedom at all costs or be a rebel without a cause. Or you might be afraid to experience freedom, even if you crave it.
Sexuality manifests itself in permanent change and in very varied ways. People with Lilith in Aquarius look for new erotic sensations in which fantasy plays an important role.
There are periods in which the libido is remarkable, and others where abstinence wins. Then, you remain in a state of incomprehensible chastity. You can appear tame, but when you come into contact with your victim, you are lasciviously devouring. All your instincts are always on edge.
Perhaps, you never had any idea of what a sexual relationship is. And suddenly you marry and go from sexual ignorance to intense knowledge, in which case you become prey to numerous temptations. It is easy to go from there to licentiousness. In extreme cases, we find true sex addicts because they refuse to put a limit on their freedom.
You fear nothing. Adventure is your reason for being and you expect nothing from your partner.
You find it hard to separate the good from the bad. You will always have doubts in the emotional and sexual sphere, which will lead you to disappointments. Sexual desire becomes a goal. You confuse friendship with sex.
You get to experience disturbing sensations. These are not always satisfactory to you because you usually make bad choices in a partner.
Your sexual instinct is anarchic and destroys all taboos. You tend to experiment in all areas in a varied and bold way.
For your Black Moon in Aquarius to work well:
It is beneficial for you to reflect on what freedom is to you, and at the same time, reflect on the idea of respect for others. Reinforce your own personality and be yourself.
North Node in Capricorn  1°  28' 44"  Rx **Details weren’t provided via Astrolibrary, only what’s above in bold. Source: Astrology Arena**
The Responsible Soul Having the North Node in Capricorn in your chart means that you are supposed to evolve throughout life by getting your act together. This is a lifetime that needs to be about true responsibility for you, which is why I call you the responsible soul. Finding deep fulfillment within is going to come from developing self-sufficiency and self-discipline. When you can figure out the right guidelines and structures to live your life by, you will be on the right track. Like with the other Earthy North Nodes (Virgo and Taurus), your spiritual growth is actually going to be a very practical thing. It’s going to come from embracing the positives of ambition and achievement. Your highest soul-expression motivates you to set respectable goals and work hard to make them a reality. Yet, with the South Node in Cancer, you have got to deal with your inner craziness before you can feel effective enough to achieve these goals. Our South Node is what holds us back from living out and fulfilling our North Node. So, it’s all about a balance here. The wonderful thing about having a Cancer South Node is how naturally sensitive, intuitive, and responsive you are. You possess a really ingrained care for other people, even if you might not always want to show it. The downside of this placement is that it can make you too defensive or too insecure for your own good. When unbalanced, your nature can become really irrational and needy, causing you to emotionally drain other people as well as yourself. You have accumulated a lot of karmic debt in terms of letting your feelings overwhelm you and also in regards to being too enmeshed with your loved ones, to the point where you have no satisfying life of your own outside of them. These are issues that have defined your past life. The South Node can either be your most recent past life or a very recent one. In this former existence, you were deeply invested in your personal life. There was a big-time emphasis on family in this life, which you took to seamlessly because it brought out your nurturing, protective, domestic sensibilities. South Node in Cancer individuals put their families before everything in this last life. At the same time, this was a major part of the problem. Making your loved ones your top priority means that you didn’t find much purpose elsewhere. I feel like a lot of Cancer South Node people were stay-at-home mothers/wives or fathers/husbands in their former lifetime. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with that. But, I think the problem was that you felt enslaved in that role of the homemaker. You didn’t develop any strong ambitions of your own, instead leaving it to your spouse to bring home the bacon. I can also see this being a major dynamic in your family of origin. You could’ve been the one who always needed to be taken care of and protected, well into adulthood. This eventually resulted in emotional immaturity, stunting you and preventing you from regulating your emotions and needs properly. A terrible moodiness developed in this life, especially if your family just “let you be” when you were feeling crabby or nutty because they were so used to your irrational ways. You could spend a ton of time just brooding over your feelings and how you’ve been hurt or wounded. A virtual addiction to those turbulent emotions developed and you turned into that person who just had to be constantly upset about something, instead of actually, you know, doing something about the situation. This only reinforced the notion that you needed to be taken care of. However, you might have also spent a lot of time taking care of other people, to a degree where your emotions and needs were actually neglected, only magnifying your sense of vulnerability and insecurity. With Cancer South Node people, their past life self fell into either category: always being protected or always protecting other people. It stemmed from deeply ingrained habits. Whatever role you played in your family, you played it to the hilt. If you were “the baby” of the family, you remained the baby all your life. If you were “the oldest”, you always acted like the oldest. Also, if you were the funny child, the screw-up child, the beautiful child, the brainy child, etc., you remained that child until the day you died. Being unable to break free of that familial role is something that really hindered your adult relationships, as well as your bond with your children. I think it would be very rare to see a Cancer South Node who wasn’t a parent in their last life. And although you were so sensitive and caring, you could’ve really smothered your children, especially since you project the same expectations on to them that your parents did to you. Repeating the cycle in a particularly unhealthy way is a major part of your spiritual baggage that you’ve carried over into this life. Those issues were not resolved in your former life. So, now, they are your unsettled business. Because of the unconscious element of the Water signs, I think that people with their South Node in Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) feel their past-life burdens much more heavily and profoundly than most people. Because of that, you probably believe in past lives, especially since Cancer is so connected to the past. Even if you don’t, these are still issues that have strongly affected your past in this life. All of what I just said is how you’ve lived out your past in this current lifetime, in one way or another. Your nature has remained way too crystallized in your childhood self and who you’ve always been in your family. This has prevented you from truly understanding who you could be in the greater world. You can also get far too wrapped up in your emotional reactions and needs, either experiencing terrible dependency and instability or a real sense of emptiness and neglect because of these pressing feelings. We all have to have a breakthrough period in life where we realize that our South Node just isn’t working for us anymore, which prepares us to embrace our North Node. As long as we remain over-focused on the South Node, it won’t get us anywhere. So, as long as you remain moody, co-dependent, reactive, and a creature of conditioning, you are going to continue to feel stagnant. Yet, I feel like it takes a lot to push Cancer South Node people out of their comfort zone, much like with Taurus South Node folks. In order to begin moving toward your Capricorn North Node, you have to “wake up” a bit harder than the next person, realizing that these habits and reactions of yours are just doing you no good. It’s my opinion that people don’t start really fulfilling their North Node until their late 20’s or early 30’s, at least, as it is a side of yourself that emerges with maturity. But, with this placement, which makes real maturity feel like a struggle, you might remain in a state of arrested development with your North Node. That comfort zone feels so warm and cozy, in spite of the fact that it doesn’t really fulfill you. It also feels like it’s essential to your very survival. So, rising above and transforming your South Node in Cancer feels a lot like leaving home, which is really difficult for you. Literally leaving home is often very scary for you. Many with this placement do live at home longer than most. Even if you move out of your parents’ place, it’s a major deal to actually leave your hometown. Being willing to step away from what’s familiar and create a new structure is the key to unlocking your Capricorn North Node. Then, you will be able to access and develop your knack for making the rules and following them with diligence. Instead of being coddled by someone else or expending too much of your energy into being a caregiver for others, you need to focus on being a boss. This means not only calling the shots and assuming control but doing so in a way that allows you to not treat the people around you like babies. You need to make your interactions with others less about coddling and more about directing, sometimes even commanding. You cannot be afraid to get tough with others when you need to because, in the end, you’ll be doing it for their own good. Yet, this is where your nurturing touch is required. North Node in Capricorn people have the good fortune of being able to be authoritative and firm without coming off as hardened or cold, which can be the possible negative outcome of just having the Sun or the Moon in Capricorn. You have to transform your South Node, and not leave it behind, by using your sensitivity to understand just what the rules and regulations need to be. In this sense, your intuition can be put to efficient use. You can then know just how to engage with other people in a manner that will keep things operating effectively and that will be for everyone’s benefit. Your higher self knows the power of a bit of needed tough love, making you realize when to stand your ground with people, instead of being so adrift in the current of their emotions. A show of tears or a sob story from someone else can easily melt those with this placement, making them forget their original aim and suddenly “go soft.” Now, I’m not saying you should stop caring about people’s feelings. But, what you should care most about is your integrity and your goals because these things will end up bringing you true satisfaction. So, don’t be so gentle or so understanding that you forget the entire objective of what you’re doing. If it so happens that it hurts someone’s feelings a bit, don’t let that affect you too much. Just know that you are a truly caring, giving person and that you’re just doing what needs to be done. Also, let the other person know that. Even if they do walk away feeling resentful or hurt, just know that they will move on. Feelings come and go. The emotional intensity of your Cancer South Node makes you forget that, sometimes. So, the thought of possibly hurting someone is made out to be worse than it really needs to be. Your soul yearns to be in a position of authority, to be seen as a respectable role model and example for other people. And any good authority figure knows that integrity, strength, and a solid vision are required in order to get the job done. With the North Node in Capricorn, you always have to see yourself as “on the job”, whether you’re literally working or not. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing. You must see it through from beginning to end with a sort of professional spirit. In doing so, you will be able to become a boss wherever you go, winning people’s respect through the seriousness of your efforts. The South Node in Cancer makes you inherently relaxed and fluid; a go-with-the-flow type. So, luckily, you won’t take anything too seriously. But, you’ll be able to work off of that natural feeling of internal comfort in order to create external structures that not only lead to your success but to the success of other people around you. Pursuing success is an important part of your spiritual development. Capricorn North Node people can be haunted by this sense of “not being ready” for their goals. You have all of these ambitions inside of you. In the past, you’ve been very passive and very willing to just allow things to happen. But, a part of you has unconsciously developed, in reaction to this, by coming up with grand schemes for the future. It’s just much easier for you to be this very instinctual creature of the moment. Unfortunately for you, listening to your gut rarely pays off, at least not when that’s the only inner voice you’re listening to. Don’t totally ignore what your instincts are telling you. But, it can’t be your guiding force. You need to be following a strong game plan when you’re moving forward in any situation. Learning how to be reasonably calculating is beneficial for you. Otherwise, you’re just left with a giant mess on your hands. No business can function without a sense of organization and strategy. The North Node in Capricorn is challenging you to handle your business, in all definitions of the word. You will be on the right track when you can develop recognition for your skills, accomplishments, and contributions, which will translate most strongly into your professional life and social status. It’s going to require a lot of conscious effort, though. More than most people, Capricorn North Node individuals are very guilty of sabotaging themselves just before they reach success. In many ways, your Cancer South Node can keep you like a child, forever in a state of dreaming about who you want to be when you grow up. Then, when you get to that stage of becoming that person, it’s too much to handle. You don’t want to grow up now! Yet, you can still be saying that into your 30’s and 40’s. It’s important for you to understand that realizing your life goals and ambitions is actually going to sustain you emotionally. Those with this placement are often emotional wrecks unless their career is in a good place. If all those feelings have nowhere to go, they can consume you and drive you absolutely mad. So, if you approach your ambitions through the nurturing instincts of your South Node in Cancer, you will feel a powerful motivation to achieve because you will understand how good it is for you and how much that sense of success is a comfort food for your soul. Through the Capricorn North Node, a pursuit of success becomes something that resonates on that deep soul level, instead of being an empty display of ruthlessness or opportunism. You feel enlightened when you realize that you have something important to contribute to your community and society as a whole. A strong sense of responsibility will then develop. Again, it’s not just in terms of your profession. You will feel fulfilled through being responsible enough to have integrity, to be committed, and to be someone worth looking up to. The more you evolve as a person, the more other people will realize how important your contributions are. A certain level of fame can even stem from this. In this extent, the feeling of intimacy and support that your Cancer South Node fosters will pay off. You understand the human soul on a deep level and, therefore, you are capable of interacting with the world at large in a manner that makes everyone feel touched by you. But, at the same time, you can provide this support within certain professional or social parameters. In the past, too much of your energy has been expended on your personal life and your loved ones. Now, your public life has to be your top priority. This doesn’t mean that you cannot have a family or you should forget about your family. It just means that you cannot be held back by your family anymore, on any level. Do not let them dictate or influence your decisions in life, which is a particularly hard habit for those with a Capricorn North Node to break. You are in charge of your life now. Also, do not get too sucked into the family dynamics, as this makes you regress back to the days of being 12 years old. Do not be chained to the expectations that come with being a Smith or a Harris or whatever your family name is. You don’t have to be what they want you or need you to be. You are unleashing the vision within to be whoever you want to be. So, as much as you may love them, a certain distance from them is probably required. Capricorn North Node people often find it very life-changing to move far away from their families and just stay in touch and only visit on special occasions. This will grant you the freedom to live your own life the way you choose it. Yet, this will also require you to take true responsibility for your actions. A part of you will always be highly emotional and rather crazy. There’s nothing you can do about that. But, you can do something with those feelings. This not only means sublimating that anger, sadness, fear, or pain into your work, finding great success even when your private life is a total mess. It also means seeing it as your duty to regulate those emotions, instead of letting them just run wild. You have to diligently do whatever you can to manage your inner child. Listening to this side of yourself will also help you delve into your issues. A ton of unresolved emotions from childhood is the signature of the Cancer South Node. But, of course, you’re not a kid anymore and you are also not your parent(s). Yet, few people are more horrified than you to wake up, as adults, and realize that they are living exactly in the same kind of household that they grew up in. Use the dedication and perseverance of your Capricorn North Node to become much more than your past, working through all of the insecurities, fears, defenses, and inner messages needed to get there. This also means that you cannot blame your parents or anyone else from your past for your issues. You’ve got to discipline yourself to overcome them and manifest the successful adult life that you want to live. You can end up experiencing great healing through having children of your own, if you use your bond with them as a guide to figure out if you’re on the right track or just repeating handed-down patterns.
Part of Fortune in Libra  5°  48' 32"
You prefer to be in agreement with others instead of expressing your own desires and what you feel, so as not to offend anyone. You do not want to disturb the harmony of the people around you, and you cooperate in any situation that life presents to you. You flow and harmonize with all its most intimate aspects.
You know that offending or going against others will make you lose friends and relationships.
You have a special sense of justice and acceptance of other people’s faults. 
Vertex in Leo 20°  15' 08" **Details weren’t provided via Astrolibrary, only what’s above in bold. Source: Lynn Koiner**
The Vertex is almost always found on the right or occidental side of the horoscope. The exception occurs in extreme northern latitudes. The occidental side of the horoscope is co-dependent and other-directed so that the Vertex represents characteristics, attributes, qualities and skills to be cultivated in this lifetime through the demand and urging of other people. For those interested in esoteric astrology, my theory is that the Vertex indicates the Ray energy to be cultivated in this lifetime – a shift in the personality, astral or mental body. When there are transits or progressed aspects to the Vertex, the qualities of the Vertex sign will be emphasized. Under favorable aspects, we are drawn by people (indicated by the House position) to express the aptitudes of the Vertex sign. Under afflictions, we seem to have problems with the Vertex sign energy. Leo: In this lifetime, you must learn to get personally involved so that you gain recognition for yourself and not share the glory with the group. You are to learn to be creative and to cultivate Self-Expression and Willpower. The tendency is to fade into a group rather than individualize. Individualization is the task at hand. A personal approach to dealing with people is needed rather than a detached and objective orientation
Midheaven in Scorpio  6°  40' 41" **Details weren’t provided via Astrolibrary, only what’s above in bold. Source: Always Astrology**
Scorpio Midheaven knows what they want and how to get it. They are self-motivated and not afraid to go after what they want. Once they decide which direction to take, they will go to almost any length to achieve their goal and make their mark on the world. They can go too far, however, and exhaust themselves. To succeed, they need a place of safety to recuperate and become inspired again. Learning to keep some of their reserves may take a while. They need to understand the limits of their own personal power within the wider world.
Scorpio Midheaven understands the basic truths of existence. Because of this, they can truly sympathize with others and can find the strength needed to achieve their potential. They learn how to deal with personal limits and assist with difficult decisions. Careers may center on research, criminology, hypnosis, psychology, acting, energy healing, therapy or social science. A change of career at some time is not unexpected. It is their goal to shine the light upon that which was once dark and unknown.
Transformation is nothing new to those with a Midheaven in Scorpio. While transitions are very intense for them, they also understand that they will survive. Because of this deep understanding of the darker side of life, they can skillfully maneuver through difficult situations. Childhood traumas may impact their lives significantly, but they have been able to deal with it. It may cause them to want their own control, however, and not be under anyone's thumb. Ultimately, they must be willing to commit their all to something. Would they be willing to die for it, either figuratively or literally? Passion is what the Scorpio Midheaven is all about, and passion must be brought to the table for them to succeed.
Individuals with a Midheaven in Scorpio can easily indulge themselves too much, and become frustrated and angry when they cannot get what they want. Learning to let go of things and desires will make them more successful and happier in the long run.
Those with a Scorpio Midheaven are at their prime when they are balancing their feelings with their intellect. Jumping to conclusions will cause strife. Reality needs to sink in. If they can understand their inner selves they can deal with emotions without becoming overwhelmed. Change is their friend...they need to creatively use their innate determination, courage and healing capacity to facilitate it.
Planets and Points in The Houses
Sun in Fourth House
You desire to build strong inner and outer foundations, but, at times, you may have the wish to retreat from society when life becomes difficult. The influence of either or both parents is strong for good or otherwise. There is pride in the home and that is where you want to shine and show your creativity. That is where you can be the real you. You want to be king of your castle, but just don't be too demanding at home. No one likes a dictator.
Moon in Seventh House
You seem to attract sensitive people as partners, perhaps those who want to "mother" you or be mothered. There can be many changes of partners and many relationships because of the need to find someone who can bring an ultimate security. This search continues because security can only be found within, not without. You desire companionship, hence many relationships. Your feelings are greatly influenced by those with whom you are in close personal contact. You want to be popular with others. You are inclined to seek partners who can bring out your sympathetic side and play on your emotions. For men there is often a tendency to seek a "mother figure" and to bring out in others a desire to mother, protect and care for them. You are therefore likely to attract a partner who is kind and domesticated. Both you and your partner may need to be on your guard against moody or fickle behavior. Marriage may be undertaken with the object of establishing a home. More than one marriage is possible. There is probably a compelling emotional need for a partner and for marriage. In order to get the best results from any partnership you must learn to control any tendency to be continually at the mercy of your moods, which may result from over-vulnerable feelings. Try to control a tendency to be too dependent on others for your emotional stimuli and you should discipline a constant desire for changes in the nature of the relationship. Concerning vocation: Your work situation is tied to the public, partnerships, a keen awareness of public expectation and the need to meet it. Perhaps marriage is essential to give clear focus to work security. For many with this position, the work profile can be labeled a "public personality." You are dependent upon others for the fulfillment of work needs. The process of relationships is extremely important.
Mercury in Third House
You are clever, alert, adaptable, versatile and studious. Mercury here stimulates the mind and the body. You can express your ideas fluently and you have the ability to bring your ideas to completion. You are apt to be a jack-of-all-trades. There may be many short journeys. This is a good position for teachers, for those concerned with detailed work, or for work with computers. Writing or speaking ability is present.
Venus in Fourth House
You desire beautiful things and a nice, rather luxurious home. You have an artistic nature with a talent for making people welcome in your home. Entertaining at home gives you real pleasure. There is a love of family and children. The latter part of life may be pleasant and comfortable, although you may find a tendency to add weight in later life.
Mars in Second House
Much energy and action will be expended with respect to money, personal possessions and resources. You may have trouble controlling your spending habits and are likely to be an impulsive shopper. Saving is probably not your strength, but you should try to improve your savings ability. You might sometime need it for that rainy day. Money may come and go in order to de-emphasize its importance. Concentrate on developing your talents instead.
Jupiter in Eighth House
You are optimistic and you have faith in your fellowman. There may be financial gain through marriage, partnerships or inheritances. You are strongly emotional and should use your emotional energies to tap your psychic abilities so you can benefit, uplift, and heal mankind. Gain, opportunity and expansion through the use of other people's money is possible.
Saturn in First House
You are probably reserved, quiet, and serious. People may take you for quite a cold person. You are responsible, hard-working and duty comes first on your list of priorities. Self-controlled and disciplined are how others see you. You may have experienced a rather austere or difficult early childhood. Perhaps there was illness that kept you on the sidelines. Feelings of inferiority, insecurity, or unworthiness may push you to great ambitions and accomplishments. Perhaps you feel unloved or that you are not worthy of love. These feelings may have been activated in your early, formative years. Pessimism and depression may come upon you because everything looks like such a struggle for you. Keep your chin up and realize that no hard work is ever wasted and that rewards will come to you later in life if you buckle down now and toe the line. Survival issues may come into play.
Uranus in First House
You are strong-willed, independent, original, perhaps a bit eccentric, freedom-loving, and intuitive. You have an exciting and stimulating personality which tends to draw people to you. You may be willful, high-strung, nervous, and anxious. You may experience feelings of unrest and loneliness, perhaps because of the uniqueness you feel. Seeking new and unusual ways of expressing traditional ideas appeals to you. Listen to your intuition because it is probably very strong, or could be developed to a high degree. You can become a leader who will pioneer new paths for others to follow. You may be ahead of your time. You may not pay as much attention as you should to your physical state and appearance because of the myriad of thoughts that occupy your mind. 
Neptune in First House
You tend to be artistic, idealistic, dreamy, procrastinating, psychic, and very (hyper)sensitive to your environment. Getting lost in your own imagination can sometimes make you moody, frustrated, unstable or impractical. You may be a sucker for the sob stories of those who feel down and out. You may enjoy playing the role of savior, or of martyr. The day-to-day pressures of the world can drive you away and into your own little world. Be sure you do not get lost in it. You still have to live and function on this earth plane. Your physical body may be susceptible to all sorts of real or imagined ailments. You are like a sponge and can soak up the influences of the environments you are in. So be careful what you surround yourself with. Watch any medicine you take because a little probably goes a long way for you. Perhaps the secret for you is to lose your ego so that you will find yourself. 
Pluto in Tenth House
Unforeseen activities can affect your career. Elements of the world society can directly influence your job or your status in the world. You are self-assertive and need to incorporate diplomacy and patience into your personality, especially when dealing with the world at large. This position can give a desire for power, a desire to retreat from society or a desire to be of benefit and service to society. Using power and force to get your way will bring your downfall. Use your skills to uplift society and the masses. You enjoy working behind the scenes to accomplish your goals. You have an instinct for knowing why people do the things they do.
Chiron in Seventh House **Details weren’t provided via Astrolibrary, only what’s above in bold. Source: The Astro Codex**
Natal Chiron in the 7th house of a natal chart indicates some emotional wounds connected with how the native perceives his close relationships.The seventh house rules partnerships, no matter if they are between us and our significant others, or of a business nature. Chiron’s presence here shows unresolved traumas concerning the concept of unification. It can signify early disappointments in the native’s love life relationships, and a subconscious fear to tie one’s reality to another person.
Generally, asteroid Chiron is responsible for traumas and their healing; thus the house where it is placed is a rather sensitive area of the native’s life. In case that the asteroid is negatively aspected, especially by Mars, Saturn or Pluto, the native may have experienced quite a lot of suffering. On the other hand, a well-aspected Chiron indicates abilities to heal other people in the respective life area, as the native has amassed a lot of wisdom through his own experiences.
Chiron in the house of relationships can indicate problems in the native’s parents relationship. Their marriage may have been quite unstable or even ended by a divorce, and the young native naturally perceives partnerships as something stressful. This can make him rather hesitant to enter some deep union, as fears of disharmony or rejection may constantly crawl in his mind. The native may pass long periods of feeling unwanted, even if his relations run rather smooth. The discomfort will frequently come through depressive ideas about a catastrophe that yet is to come in the future. Thus, a person with Chiron in the 7th house may delay his marriage or even prefer to never unite formally with another person.
The same patterns can appear in career relationships, where the individual with Chiron in the 7th house will often feel suspicious about possible partners. The native will not sign contracts easily, and will definitely prefer to create a company alone rather than include other people as co-owners. Yet, Chiron does not indicate failures when uniting forces with others. The asteroid affects mostly the native’s own perception, and not directly the events connected with his partnerships. Also, Chiron’s placement can show us early life traumas more than future situations, and can also bear some karmic debts from previous lives.
With an adversely aspected natal Chiron, the native was probably forced towards some type of partnership during his young ages. Alternatively, he has become a witness of unhealthy or painful relationships, becoming convinced that he needs to protect himself from similar behaviors. Soft aspects to the asteroid mainly imply that those experiences did not hurt him deeply, but actually granted him wisdom concerning such matters.
Even though a 7th house Chiron person may mess up with his own partnerships, his abilities to consult others may be exquisite. The native can excel in advising others about their relationships, and can even become a good psychologist for couples. Chiron can unveil to him the destructive patterns that can poison a marriage, while also the antidotes to heal from them. In addition, the native’s own inability to merge with a significant other can inspire him in helping others achieve that. Furthermore, this placement can be also good for becoming a catalyst between two or more sides in a business partnership. The native can aid all sides finding the necessary balances in order to function properly or work out possible disputes and problems.
Yet, Chiron himself cannot create a professional healer, and more planetary aspects are needed to make the native follow a career as a marriage counselor. Otherwise, the individual will just be considered by his friends as the right person to approach in case they are facing such types of trouble. His advice will give insight and different points of view to anyone who consults him. Also, he will be able to propose strategies or remedies for solving any disbalance. The cumulated wisdom through various observations on partnerships will make the chart owner find the roots of problems, while also possible ways to heal them.
Chiron in the 7th house can also signify a very hurt partner. Your significant other might be an underdog, have low self-esteem or even some form of physical debility. This urges the native to take care of him, becoming the leading partner in the relationship. In such a situation, the healing attributes of Chiron are being awakened, and the native will exercise them on his partner. The chart owner uses this relationship in order to forget his own traumas, which most of the times are of a less sharp nature than his partner’s. Thus, both of them are healed and on many occasions, this mutual progress can be of a karmic nature.
The best way to make Chiron function well when in the 7th house is understanding that you are a self-luminous person. Yes, relationships are important; but even failures concerning them are not the end of the world. Do not allow your fears make you lose a good person who tries to enter your life. Of course, there is always the risk of being hurt again, but fear is the biggest enemy and not failure. Nevertheless, with Chiron in the 7th house, be careful not to dedicate too much time towards your partners. Maybe the biggest risk you have is giving a lot more than you receive from the other person. Keep some balance between these too, so that it does not happen that you feel used.
If you have this placement, we strongly advise you to examine the natal aspects of Chiron so that you understand the whole big picture. Sometimes, by strengthening the planets that form a positive aspect to Chiron you can indirectly heal yourself, without having to dedicate a lot of time and effort in researching your childhood years with the aid of a professional.
Black Moon Lilith in First House **Details weren’t provided via Astrolibrary, only what’s above in bold. Source: The Astro Codex**
Before exploring the attributes of Lilith in the 1st house, we should mention that the article is about Black Moon Lilith. Thus, we should distinguish this mathematical point of alignment from the asteroid Lilith, and also from Dark Moon Lilith, which is calculated in a different way.
Lilith is not a planet and is not a material object. It is the hypothetical point connected to the apogee of the Moon’s orbit, the farthest spot from Earth that the Moon can reach. The Moon is not orbiting Earth in a circle but in an ellipse, and thus this calculation shows the astrological degree in the signs when the Moon transit is more distant from our planet.
Black Moon Lilith is a rather obscure point of an individual’s natal chart. This topographical extreme point of the Moon makes emotion and sentiments hit a low and show their cold side, and the placement of this mathematical spot signifies quite a lot of doubtful or even negative behaviors. Under one’s Lilith can hide subconscious energies of malice and self-undoing, yet it would be wrong to consider her as something mostly negative.
When Lilith is located in the first house of a natal chart, she is strongly connected to one’s physical self, both the body and the mind. In case that she is in conjunction the Ascendant, the native will be oozing of dark sexuality, becoming an object of desire for other people. Lilith in the 1st house can give a very hot body, and especially in a woman’s chart can make her so attractive that other people can become obsessed with her figure. Also, Lilith placed here may indicate very bad relations with the female’s father. He can be of a violent nature, and the chart owner will frequently reproduce patterns of violent explosions in her own life.
In addition, the presence of Black Moon Lilith in the 1st house can give a tendency to wear black and morbid clothes, and generally have a rather dark and alternative style. The traits are quite common as having Pluto in the house, yet Lilith brings a less serious approach to clothing – the individual desires to look extraordinary and differ from the rest of the community. Also, taboo themes such as death and sex will be used as art and style to provoke the masses. A first house Lilith person will easily wear skulls, crosses, pentacles and everything else that will make him pass as dark in the other people’s minds.
Moreover, Lilith in the first house can also give a rather provocative character. The person who has this placement can have tendencies of acting “bitchy”, indulge in mind games and manipulations and even receive pleasure from confrontations with other people. Having enemies may be a source of personal power, and they do not seem to be discouraged when not being liked by others. In fact, this helps them create an even more strong and eccentric persona, frequently making their appearance and behavior be gossiped by the society. They take pride when other people notice them and discuss them, even if it is in a negative way.
As the 1st house is associated with the native’s body and how he treats it, Lilith will spawn her magic in the native’s everyday reality through quite a lot of means. Sex and drugs can frequently appear in the native’s life, especially if Lilith makes aspects with important planets. Good aspects can even show a very responsible use of these power sources, turning the native into a very spiritual being – even if he follows darker roads towards higher consciousness.
An adversely aspected Lilith can make the native have quite a lot of personal demons, and suffer from existential questions and dilemmas. Lilith in bad aspect to Mars, Pluto or other “malefics” can bring tendencies of self-abuse, love of pain and all types of perversions involving symbolical suffering. When in a water sign or negatively aspected to Neptune, a Lilith in the 1st house can give substance addiction.
On the other hand, taming Lilith’s dark powers can grant the native a fruitful life full of sexuality, while also a mind that can connect to deeper realms and understand the functions of hypnotism. In any case, the native can seduce others easily even if he does not understand the mechanism behind such phenomena.
In case you have this natal placement, understanding how to better channel the obscure energies of Lilith will help you avoid any negative effects very much. Be careful to hold back feelings of revenge, as it can backfire on you. Also, hold yourself away from self-destruction, even if it may appear as a vice that you enjoy. Know that you are easily noticed by others, your energy cannot just pass unnoticed; thus, there is no real need of over-exaggerating in your appearance and behavior. And finally, try to keep away from troubles! In case your life indeed has quite a lot of them, you will understand that most of the times it was your choice to get into trouble. Yes, this produces adrenalin; but if you consciously do it then do not be grumpy about it.
North Node in Twelfth House **Details weren’t provided via Astrolibrary, only what’s above in bold. Source: The Astro Codex**
Having your North Node in the 12th house of the natal chart automatically also means that the South Node is located in the 6th house. This natal placement of the North Node indicates a heavy emphasis on matters concerning one’s deep psyche. The 12th house is responsible for the individual’s subconscious and unconscious, while is also connected with self-sacrifice, secrets, the supernatural and the occult. In addition, the 6th/12th axis shows that your life lesson involves your attitude towards daily routines, the health of your body, while also job and service towards others.
As the Lunar Nodes indicate Karmic debts and connections with previous lifetimes, the native who has the North Node in the 12th house must dedicate himself entirely to expanding his spirituality. The South Node in the 6th indicates that during the person’s previous life, he was a hard worker totally concentrated on daily labor. He may have been a workaholic, while even his body suffered from such a working regime. There are high possibilities that poor health from the previous lifetime will tend to re-occur during the current one. The karmic path of such a native is to break this pattern and to dedicate his life to spiritual quests. These can include auto-psychoanalysis, meditation, or any other way of unveiling the deeper layers of his mind and existence.
The North Node always shows us what road we must follow in order to develop ourselves, and most of the times it is not the easiest one to choose. Most people usually feel quite uncomfortable about marching towards fulfilling matters of the house where the North Node is located. This is because during previous lifetimes we have gathered a lot of experience concerning the South Node house matters. Indeed, we are a lot more acquainted with the roads we have already walked; yet life requires from us to abandon the safety of known patterns and face development through unknown areas.
For fulfilling our cause, the North Node strengthens everything it touches. Of course, a lot of fears can be present concerning the direction it indicates, as it is a terra incognita yet to be discovered. Yet, the North Node is quite beneficial when with conjunction with any planet present in the house, even if it is a “malefic”. Naturally, a malefic planet adversely aspected will still remain a rather harsh lesson to learn. Spiritual growth will be eventually reached; even if it comes through difficulties, but generally expect the North Node of the Moon to bless you with an expansion of the positive traits of any planet nearby. We should state that the 12th house is probably the toughest one to cope with in a natal chart, and the person who has such a placement will have to make strong efforts in order to reach his karmic goals.
The North Node in the 12th house indicates that the native must spend a lot of time with himself. Through solitude, he can understand a lot better the functions of his mind. Many times, people who have the North Node placed here are living with a lot of fears and phobias. It is a natural consequence that this house delivers. The North Node shows that he must stand up and fight them. In his battle, he is alone, and this is the reason why a solitary background is necessary. The twelfth house also rules places of seclusion. Yet, one does not need to go to a monastery so that he reaches the enlightenment he searches for. Most people can get into such a twelfth house state even by spending more time alone, without influences from people of their nearby environment. There are even plenty of beautiful ways to achieve the necessary distance from others. Living on the borders of the city, frequent closeness to nature, or just by choosing to pass time alone in your house. Curiously enough, a great battlefield for such people is night-time. By staying awake at night, they are symbolically battling their archetypes of fears and phobias. Every sunrise is a victory. This is a great way for personal customized meditation that they can use. Especially if their phobias are also connected to darkness, both literally and metaphorically.
Also, a twelfth house North Node can bring to the native a karmic road of altruistic sacrifice towards others. The 12th house is ruled by Pisces, and such a native will learn through selflessly offering to others, forgiving his enemies and even being patient during his martyrdom. In addition, the artistic traits of Neptune, the 12th house’s ruling planet, instruct such a chart owner to develop through creating art. Thus, he has the opportunity to transform his fears and pain into a symbolic redemption. If you have this placement, consider trying art even on an amateur level. Painting, poetry or even dancing may become your personal psycho-therapy. Again, prefer exercising these activities on your own.
People with the North Node in the 12th house tend to suffer from lack of faith and low self-esteem. They must, therefore, establish back this faith, both towards their own self and towards something higher, depending on their religious views. As the 12th house is a gate to the occult and the supernatural, big changes in their cosmotheory can occur after paranormal events in their life. The North Node empowers their clairvoyant abilities, and in some cases, such people can reach control over their occult powers.
The 12th house rules large animals, and the North Node makes the relationship with them a necessary part of the native’s life. Curiously enough, many people who have their North Node placed here are strongly attracted to horses and dolphins in particular. Some of them, who also have natal planets placed in the 12th house, even have a job which involves taking care of animals. The presence of animals in their life is necessary for spiritual progress and healing. Of course, the North Node acts as a benefic, and usually helps great love develop between them and the animals.
Yet, the native should be very careful with handling small animals. They are ruled by the 6th house and not the 12th, so they symbolize things we should leave back. People with the North Node in the 12th house are advised to stay away from small animals, especially if they have a malefic planet present in the 6th house. This can indicate accidents that can be the echo of difficult events of previous lifetimes. Do not bring those events to the current lifetime, stick to your 12th house.
The 12th house is all about self-sacrifice and giving, while the 6th one indicates putting a price on what you offer. People with the North Node in the 12th house know how to price their efforts and charge for them, but have not learned yet how to give for free. A life lesson for them is to understand that there are more important things than the economical value of their work.
When you activate your twelfth house and balance the karmic axis between the two Nodes, you will be able again to seek development in the sixth house related matters. So, if work, daily routines and an organized life are of a high importance for you, you may safely turn towards them after you learn your lessons. By developing your 12th house, you are actually opening the 6th house gates too. Only then you will be able to use your South Node in a proper way, this time consciously.
Part of Fortune in Eighth House
You will achieve your greatest satisfaction and fulfillment through what is granted to you by other people. Others always teach you another way, another path, or another value system. And, every time you try them, you make new personal discoveries, making your experiences richer. You will see and experience new things, very different from those you already know. It represents a revolution of consciousness and getting a new perspective.
You must reexamine all those personal values that no longer serve, by observing what stimulates them. Thus, by learning the art of flexibility, you will be able to give those values a new meaning. The more you can discover these values and apply them to your personal life, the more your experiences and your understanding of life will be enriched.
Vertex in Seventh House **Details weren’t provided via Astrolibrary, only what’s above in bold. Source: The Astro Codex**
The Vertex is a mathematical point in the chart of the native, always located at the right-hand side of his chart. It is the intersection of the ecliptic and the prime vertical, and astrologers tend to argue whether it is very important or not at all. The exact opposite point is called anti-vertex, but most astrology researchers tend to not pay attention to it.
As an astrological point, it is connected with karma and fate, and it functions when triggered by planet transits. The transiting aspect that is mostly to be observed is the conjunction, and slow moving planets are the ones that will mainly influence the native’s life. The Vertex is also widely used in synastry charts, as it is responsible for major changes, especially in relationships, births, and deaths of people – while also in important business partnership beginnings or endings. This can be easily explained by the fact that the Vertex is always located somewhere between the 5th and the 8th house, which are responsible for such kind of issues.
With a Vertex in the 7th house, an important transit can bring a karmic marriage, business partnership, or both. A karmic union is very probable to come if the Vertex conjuncts the significant other’s Ascendant or Sun, and planets like Jupiter, Uranus or even Pluto aspect the spot by transit. Of course for positive events, the responsible aspects are trines and sextiles, while the squares and oppositions tend to bring difficulties. Conjunctions strongly depend on the planet that transits and can manifest either positively or negatively. In addition, they are the most responsible ones for radical changes in 7th house matters.
The nature of events triggered also depends on existing aspects of the Vertex to other natal planets. Naturally, a well-aspected Vertex will act beneficially when in conjunction with a transiting planet, while an ill-aspected one will bring turbulence. Also, keep in mind that a Vertex that is natally in conjunction with any planet is far more potent than an unaspected one. In case your Vertex was not powerfully aspected at the time of your birth, it might not even pose an important role in your chart. Only transiting conjunctions of slow moving planets, especially Uranus and Pluto will then trigger some events.
In any case, the Vertex is connected with people that become very personal to us; on the other hand, it does not guarantee the blissfulness of the relation. When a Moon’s Node is also present in some way, the relationship can be considered extremely karmic, and generally, there is no easy way of escaping from the people that Vertex is allowing to enter in the native’s life. What the Vertex brings is rather uncontrolled, and has to happen so that both parts learn their lessons and progress. So, be careful what you wish for.
People with their Vertex in the 7th house will observe that many times, they simply cannot exist without being in a deep relationship. They crave for union and despise being on their own. Marriage can be their ultimate life goal and they will feel rather insecure without a partner. The same applies in their career; they will always prefer to share their path with a stable business partner. That is why Vertex in the 7th house can influence them to try to establish a business together with their significant other. Moreover, if they already have a business relationship with someone, they will probably upgrade their relations to an intimate level.
In case that natal Jupiter or Venus is in conjunction with the Vertex, marriage can bring tremendous happiness and it is an indicator of great luck in partnerships. Even if the planet is just in the same house without any aspect to the point, this life area is strongly empowered. On the contrary, Saturn, Mars or Pluto can be of a destructive nature concerning marriage. Saturn in conjunction with the Vertex can generate a strong thirst of finding the right person for unifying, without being able to find him for many years (if ever). Thus, solitude can become a real issue. Mars and Pluto can bring difficult bonding towards ill-tempered people, and marital life can involve quite a lot of suffering. Of course, many more parameters have to be taken into consideration, such as the condition of those planets and aspects.
Vertex can fulfill wishes – but who guarantees that what we wish is what we indeed need? It should not be taken lightly, as it can bring you something permanently that was either not clearly wished, or that you have since changed your mind about. The difficult thing actually is to let go the Vertex person that arrives, his weird presence can persist in a paradoxical way – for months years or more. There are definitely issues to be resolved between you, and the best thing is to establish a good communication, think out of the box and understand what are your real needs, who is your real You, and whether your wishes brought you what you want. The opposite is not to be afraid of. In any case, be open towards whatever the Vertex brings – after all, the most likely to happen is that you won’t manage to resist it!
Sun Square Moon (orb 6°48') Sun Square Saturn (orb 1°33') Sun Trine Uranus (orb 1°53') Sun Trine Neptune (orb 0°54') Sun Opposition Pluto (orb 1°52') Sun Trine Ascendant (orb 7°9') Moon Trine Mercury (orb 1°49') Moon Square Pluto (orb 4°56') Mercury Trine Jupiter (orb 6°24') Venus Trine Jupiter (orb 5°43') Venus Square Saturn (orb 7°44') Venus Trine Uranus (orb 7°24') Venus Trine Ascendant (orb 2°8') Venus Opposition Midheaven (orb 3°48') Mars Quincunx Jupiter (orb 1°30') Mars Trine Chiron (orb 1°7') Mars Square North Node (orb 1°48') Mars Quincunx Midheaven (orb 3°24') Jupiter Trine Ascendant (orb 7°50') Jupiter Sextile Midheaven (orb 1°55') Saturn Square Pluto (orb 3°25') Uranus Conjunction Neptune (orb 0°59') Uranus Sextile Pluto (orb 3°45') Uranus Conjunction Ascendant (orb 5°16') Neptune Sextile Pluto (orb 2°46') Neptune Conjunction Ascendant (orb 6°15') Chiron Square Midheaven (orb 2°18') Ascendant Sextile Midheaven (orb 5°56')
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