seeitallinmyhead-blog · 10 years
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seeitallinmyhead-blog · 11 years
Writing and the Pursuit of a Woman
i watched a movie called “Right Kind of Wrong” today. The movie wasn’t great but this quote was pretty great:
"Writing and the pursuit of a woman are never about immediate results. What they are about is telling the truth, and hoping like hell she’ll hear you."
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seeitallinmyhead-blog · 11 years
House for a heart
Im trying to build a house around my heart. To keep it safe from harm. But what a difficult task that is. I can't change stick to stone, although stick is stronger than hay, it just won't do the job. How easily it can be broken down and blown away. Something must change and make it safe because I just can't do this on my own. I need a heart to call mine home.
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seeitallinmyhead-blog · 11 years
Let me make you smile. Let me see those sad eyes shine bright. Let me help you through the dark.
Oh how I know the turmoil you've seen. Oh how I know the pain that you've felt.
Let me tell you. Let me say that it gets brighter. Trust me how bright it can be.
Please let me make you smile. I beg of you let me see that smile. What is it that keeps you so locked up?
If I can move your smile I can move your heart. If I can move your heart then the presence of my life was worth more than anything I could ever imagine.
Let me move your heart. Let me make things brighter.
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seeitallinmyhead-blog · 11 years
Life Worth Living
If the essence of my being has caused a smile to have appeared upon your face or a touch of joy in your heart. Then in living, I have made my mark. - William Hartnell.
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seeitallinmyhead-blog · 11 years
Genius *dies*
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“I always think of the Doctor, bizarrely, as the more human one. Because he’s sort of like, in my mind, an angel who aspires to be human. Whereas Sherlock Holmes is a human being who aspires to be a god.” -Steven Moffat
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seeitallinmyhead-blog · 11 years
There is a guy. Young, tall, dark, and, according to others, handsome. This guy, we shall call him, I. He tries his best everyday to be a decent human being. Something at which he succeeds. Although I succeeds at doing good, he is never rewarded. I ends his day, every day with a drink. Not because he enjoys it, but because it numbs him. When I is numb he has another. I starts thinking. I's thinking is too much sometimes. He asks why certain things are. I never gets a response. Who does I think will respond? The universe only knows. I understands that for every question there is an answer, however he doesn't know what they are. I has heard someone say "We're all stories in the end, just make it a good one." What will I's story be?
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seeitallinmyhead-blog · 12 years
221B Baker Street
The observations. The objectiveness. The not giving a fuck.
The ease at which he can detach himself from anything. He has the ease of not caring. So contrasting from his friend.
I tend to identify myself more with the good doctor. For more of the obvious reason as he is not a thing like Holmes.
He goes through relationships faster than Sherlock does whatever he is addicted to at that point in time.
With Holmes you’ve only ever known of The Women. The Provocatrix, the lovely con artist, Irene Adler.
Adler was the only who ever broke through to Holmes’s heart.
How I wish it were the same for me. To so easily put away feelings for so many others.
Of course he cares for Watson and Mrs. Hudson, but he never truly shows it.
I wish I could be as objective. Be as detached as to not over feel or complicate things with how he feels. To not fall in love so easily.
Perhaps I need a Sherlock in my life. A friend who is easily detached. Or maybe I need to figure out a way to become more like him.
Maybe then I can just let things… Happen.
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seeitallinmyhead-blog · 12 years
Heart in a Suit
“You have my attention.”
“Speak?” “Thats all we ask.” “Its difficult. They want a knight in shinning armor.” he said. “Yet when he shows up, he is tossed aside.” was the reply. “What they really want is that leather jacket fuckass.” he answers. “We are the same, you and I. We don’t understand where it goes wrong.” He nods. The other continues, “We aren’t that leather jacket. We don’t have that, nor do we want that.” “We have hearts, they are on our sleeves. But that’s all we have to offer, and if they want it they can take it.” he adds. “Some do want it, most don’t.”
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seeitallinmyhead-blog · 12 years
Come extinguish the fire
This is what it’s like to feel… The world around me is burning down. This is the flames as they grow larger. This is that empty feeling that no one is there.
They rise higher and higher as the day grows longer. They get more intense as the time between increases.
I lit this match, and dropped it upon the floor. The only hose aimed to save it, is the one that won’t do the job.
The one that can save this peace of mind from turning into ashes, is you. Whoever you are. You can save it.
Where ever you may be I hope that you arrive quickly, swiftly, and happily. With hope and love that can tame and extinguish these flames that have guarded and wounded my heart.
For that one day when I no longer feel, no longer have the thoughts of loneliness which started this blaze, then that day can become the new beginning of a different chapter and the rest of a better story.
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seeitallinmyhead-blog · 12 years
I absolutely love this post. From someone I look up to.
HEAVY AND LIGHT was awesome. The week that followed was not awesome. It was coughing and lonely. Coming home from camp ain’t easy. It’s pretty great being around people you love and doing something you believe in every day. i’ve always struggled with coming home. There’s a lot there but there’s...
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seeitallinmyhead-blog · 12 years
Running dream
I dream, a day dream, constantly. A boy is running, jogging, walking. In search of something.
He is not running away, not is he running to. He’s searching, high and low, left and right, far and wide.
He’s told to give up his search and just let it come to him. He refuses, he can’t sit still. He won’t let it pass him by.
The boy is running, constantly searching, never stopping.
He slows from time to time. Some pretty faces follow him around, they converse and date. Yet it never stops.
Constantly while he’s running, he closes his eyes and prays or hopes. On gods and wishes, on stars or numbers. That one of these faces, or conversations stop him.
For when it does he will find it. He will be free to halt.
But for now, I day dream, about a dreamer. Running through the seams. Searching for another.
This dreamer is me.
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