Plea for presale code for Boston.
I am a 1D fan (17 y.o. daughter got me hooked without meaning to!), a huge fan of Anne Twist, and most importantly a huge fan of HARRY’s SOLO MUSIC! We did not get a ticketmaster presale code. 😭😩💔💔💔 Desperate to see Harry and his awesome new band next year when he comes to Boston. PM me?
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I’m in the bargining stage of grief at the moment, so if there’s anyone with tickets to the Boston show who wants a concert buddy or to just off-load extra tickets, hit me up!! Please and thank 🙏🏼 🙇‍♀️💝
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1D lives
Dude, I was standing in a DD in Massachusetts today and History came on. WTF, 1D f’ing rules without even trying.
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Kelli! I just saw that picture of Harry with David Beckham and apparently they were training and I started thinking, what if they're doing the London Marathon? Then I remembered Harry said in an interview awhile ago that he's doing it, then I also remembered Louis just liked that picture of the woman running in London & also followed her. 🤔
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Just one of the signs seen at the March for Life!
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Josh Dun everyone // 
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Hey kids, just a reminder that
a) RBB has deleted from Twitter before b) we’ve basically had close to a year of RBB 2.0 - at the beginning of last year I remember everyone was stressed they wouldn’t make it to the next concert c) They’ve told us a LOT in those 12 months. SO MUCH. We’re still trying to decipher most of it. So maybe there’s nothing more to tell us, we’ve been given everything they can give us.
Please also remember we have two awesome archives of everything the Bears have ever done. www.rbbsbbofficial.com/ @rainbowbondagebears is the tumblr one, and @beccasafan has an archive on github (reach via her website). We haven’t lost anything. We have everything they’ve ever done catalogued in great detail.
Now it’s time to trust, fam.
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Eric Garner’s Daughter Wants You To Vote For Bernie Sanders— Here’s Why
Gifs: Bernie 2016
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Did the Daily Prophet do a story about Harry?!
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getting sued is gonna be the best thing that’s ever happened to me …. free trip to LA, meet all my larrie besties, call louis as a witness, get a photo with rbb… this is gonna be the best 
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Fun times in my tag and hjfjhfjhfdf I’M SCREAMING
Louis’ motivation behind his son’s name was to make a Larry youtube channel shrink in significance
remember when he got the dagger to mock us!!!!!! 
Louis Tomlinson’s first thought when he wakes up and the last before he falls asleep is I hate larries (his dreams consist of intense plotting on how to further express his hatred towards us)
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I want one! A husky, not a Liam :-)
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HARRY and RBB are so Busted!
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Is that Rbb ?! Who found this ? I don’t know where it is from, so if anyone knows…
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How much do you want to bet Conchobar becomes a trendy name because of this fan joke?! 
Have you seen the legit articles using your fake article as if it's a legit article????? Omggg
for those of you who don’t know, i started a rumor (as an inside joke) about how louis’ baby was named conchobar and people believed it! which, the 1d fandom is not known for checking their sources so whatever. AND THEN IT GETS INTERESTING.
sugarscape, capital fm, e online, india today, the international business times.co.uk, the international business times us, even freaking cnn all reported on it. granted, most of them did say it was a rumor started by fans, but there are some that are legit about it being a real name for baby tommo. (i’m looking at u ibtimes.co.uk who directly quoted my exclusive source @singledadniall who made it up)
i was in journalism for three years in high school and this is basic stuff people. YOU CHECK YOUR SOURCES. if something’s trending on twitter, don’t just trust twitter! get to the bottom of it! that’s just lazy journalism.
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Not just any airport - London Heathrow! Do not underestimate the star power of RBB and SBB (or 1D).
we are the point where an Airport is talking on their official twitter account about a Rainbow teddy bear. I…..wow. 
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OMG maybe JAY is the one who runs the Bears! All this time it’s been Jay! ;-)
So RBB wanted to tell us about Jay's arrival. I'm pretty positive babygate's ending this week. Louis will get the negative paternity test and his mum will be there with him for moral support. Of course we don't know anything for sure but I'm feeling very optimistic 😎 so here's some optimitism for my fellow Larries
yeah it’s not a coincidence that we saw that rbb was in london when harry and louis were both in LA. and then rbb is at the exit for heathrow. and then at heathrow. and then shortly after, jay is in LA. like, we all knew someone was going to be coming and it’s jay, our grandbearant. it does make me hopeful as well, and spreading optimism is always a good thing!!
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Here’s my take on #babygate. Louis has kept his mouth shut based on sound legal advice ever since he flew to LA last June to view the u/s, which he did to verify that there was indeed a pregnancy. There was probably some hush money and a contract about B’s social media/paps/press to keep her quiet. Now that the baby is out Louis’ lawyers undoubtedly told him to get a paternity test in front of witnesses ASAP. I believe that’s what Louis did on Jan 22 or 23. The tweet probably came right after the results confirmed that the baby was indeed his genetic offspring.
Louis has a LOT of money, and Briana and her family could make life miserable for him. Louis is not stupid. He got legal advice as soon as B told him the news. What we have seen play out, including the media silence, the ban on interview questions, the lack of bandmates comments, was based on legal advice. He couldn’t make any statements that could be construed as him claiming that the baby could be his because B might use that to hold him accountable. He had to wait until the baby was its own entity separate from B. That’s all there is to it. Now that the baby is a third party Louis can deal with the child and Briana separately. 
So that’s my take. Louis is really the kid’s dad. He only found this out for sure on Jan 22 or 23. What’s unfolding now is the logical progression from the paternity proof. This could not have happened any earlier. 
For what it’s worth, I still believe in Larry. Harry and Louis definitely had a romantic relationship. Maybe they still do. But Louis also had sex with Briana. I can’t explain it, but those are the facts.
I know a lot of you feel like 1D Mgmt, the boys, and Louis put the fans through the wringer with this, but if you think about it from a legal perspective, this is the only way Louis could navigate the situation without falling victim to whatever crazy scheme B and her family might have had concocted.
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