sent-to-the-sun · 8 years
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A little while ago, I posted a little charm I’d worked up on a whim. Tonight I decided to refresh it, as well as putting together another one. Originally, I thought I had more old bottlecaps lying around, but I ended up having to crack open a cider while I worked. There are worse problems. ;)
The original charm was a bottlecap with Horny Goat Weed and wax from my Man Candle, intended to accomplish exactly what you think.
I wanted to make another one focused on helping me manage my money, so I went looking for basil in my spice cabinet. I didn’t find any, but I did find an Italian spice blend that contains basil, marjoram, rosemary, thyme, oregano, savory, and sage. All of those have various associations with money, health, happiness, etc. so I figured an all-around Lucky Charm would do nicely. I used a green candle because money is the area where I need the most help.
The charm itself is very, very simple:
Sprinkle herbs into bottlecap.
Melt wax onto herbs.
Don’t light anything on fire unintentionally.
As wax cools, seal the spell with your thumbprint without scalding your thumb.
And that’s about it. Keep the charm with you as you go about your daily life. This isn’t intended to drop a bag of cash in your life or swing things wildly off track– more like a gentle nudge in the preferred direction.
Note: I recommend those little votive-style candles or tealights for this. Tapers like the one I used tend to be formulated not to actually melt (disappearing wax!) and take a lot more effort to fill the bottlecap.
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sent-to-the-sun · 9 years
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Dua Heru-wer, bone breaker, Golden one whose body is sky and whose eyes are moon and sun. Great one of speckled plumage. Great of flame, Lord of terror.
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sent-to-the-sun · 9 years
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Dua Wesir, Lord of eternity, King of the Gods, with many names, with many awesome visible forms, with mysterious rites in the temples, a splendid Spirit, first of the everlasting, with great wealth in his holy precinct.
Offerings: Roasted Barley Emerald Green Tea and a green candle.
For more details see last year’s Wesir post here.
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sent-to-the-sun · 9 years
I see this a lot, no one has actual names, or any reference for names, that are legit Native American, varying among the tribes, for their characters.
Babynames.com and shit like that will give you names made up by white people.
However, I’ve got your solution.
Native-Languages  is a good website to turn to for knowledge on a lot of native things, including native names. If you’re unsure about the names you’ve picked, they even have a list of made up names here!
Please don’t trust names like babynames.com for native names, they’re made up and often quite offensive to the cultures themselves.
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sent-to-the-sun · 9 years
It's probably a stupid question, but what exactly is the Ka embrace?
its basically a hug that you give the gods that makes everyone warm and fuzzy and happy.
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sent-to-the-sun · 9 years
Never apollogize for your bad puns about greek gods
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sent-to-the-sun · 9 years
The sun is out, the air is warm, and thus the fog has lifted and I feel the Gods again.
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sent-to-the-sun · 9 years
urban legends  (◠‿◠✿)
scary stories (◕ω◕✿)
creepy things (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*: ・゚✧
paranormal and supernatural things ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* \(◕ヮ◕✿)/ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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sent-to-the-sun · 9 years
So, I’ve been thinking about the recent upsurge in the poop execration talk again.  And I will admit to having a bit of a concern about it.  I’m going to ramble about this under the read more and it can either be discussed or ignored.
I’m down with execrating things on a monthly basis.  I think it’s a good community building project and I also feel like it gives people more reason to execrate.  There are a lot of people who, except for big festivals (cough – like myself – cough), may not take on the rigmarole of what an execration may entail for a lot of reasons.   By having an open and ongoing project of this size, it gives those of us who don’t do this on the regular such as myself reason enough to actively participate and to actually feel as if we’re doing something constructive against some shitty stuff. I think my concern is that we need to keep in mind that we also have to actively do when it comes to execrations.   We can’t just rely on pieces of paper or pots of clay that have been smashed, stepped on, spat upon, and burned to a crisp to get something we want done.  We also have to go out there and fight the daily battles against the things we execrate: from the personal items that we add to our monthly execrations to the bigger and overarching things, like isfet and the poop. Let’s talk about Zep Tepi for a moment.   I swear this relates. So, I talked about this in a post two years ago and I’m just going to recreate the pertinent statements here:
But as Warboar mentions here,  “Wep Ronpet itself is a reenactment of Zep-Tepi, also known as ‘The First Occasion,’ when the sun first dawned over the new Creation, when all created things were in their purest state, and the Creator was at His strongest and most youthful.”  Or, as the KO website, WW Wiki states,  “On Wep Ronpet, Zep Tepi or the ‘First Time’ occurs again, renewing the year and bringing renewal to ma’at and to the world.”
What I failed to realize immediately upon writing the above was that Zep Tepi is a renewal of ma’at and the world… and it occurs every morning.  We tend to see it in relation to larger things – Wep Ronpet, specifically as the quotes above would have us believe.  But it’s more than that.  Each morning, the solar barque successfully passes through the twelfth gate of the Duat and enters the world.   Ra has rejuvenated both the Duat and himself to undertake the new day, the new cycle, and prepare for the upcoming battle that will occur again the next evening.
I think that’s something that we must also keep in mind when we do these execrations against things that we are seeing in the world today and that we are experiencing in our personal lives: each day is a new cycle and it is up to us to battle anew.  In effect, what I’m saying is that we need to embody Ra, Set, Bast, Sekhmet and all of the other netjeru who battle the poop each evening as the solar barque passes through the seventh gate of the Duat.  And we must not only embody them when we execrate the poop, but also in the daily battles we have against the things that we execrate along with the poop each month.
I say this a lot during my monthly heka for all of you to Sekhmet: you must do in order to see the change you are asking her to help you with.  If there is anything that I have learned from my time with Sekhmet and from watching my friends in their relationships with the gods, they will not help those who can’t be bothered to help themselves.  It’s one thing to ask for help if you are actively working on whatever it is you are looking for help with, but it’s another to look to a deity in the hopes that they will magically cure it for you without you having to do the hard work entailed.
None of the things we are execrating will be easily won against with a simple pot smash and a few small words.  These are major undertakings to help ourselves and to help our gods.
In many cases, we aren’t just execrating that big fuckface in the seventh hour, but we are also adding things that have caused us pain: the way the world has been flowing lately and the politics that dishearten us; personal demons and failures; mental health issues; emotional health issues; physical health issues; blocks that we view as preventing us from moving forward, etc.  These are all things that are going to take more than a simple act – no matter how much heka is raised with all the other Kemetics swooping in and doing their rituals as well.
We have to constantly work at it to see the changes we want to manifest.  Let’s also keep in mind that, especially with regard to the poop, even the gods have not been able to prevent it from resurfacing each evening; it always reappears at the seventh hour.  Think about that: the very netjeru to whom we give our attentions to do battle against the poop every night, without fail.  This is something that will eventually win when all of existence is flushed down the cosmic toilet… only to lose out when it is started all over again.  And still the netjeru have been unable to make the bitch get gone.
So, what I’m trying to get at here is the fact that, in many cases, it could be a long time before we see the change we are hoping to promote with our monthly execrations.   We must be patient when it comes to the personal things that we are execrating: we may not execrate it at the exact right time to manifest the change we are hoping the spitting, stomping, breaking, and burning will enact the first time around, the second time around, etc.  We may need to keep at it, not just with our execrations, but with our ongoing personal battles as well.   Each day, we must be renewed and ready to take on the battle or as much of the battle as we possibly can.
And we must remember that isfet and the poop are two things that thousands of years of execrations at the hands of the ancient Egyptians – a populace who lived and breathed their religion – did not bring about its downfall.  They only helped to keep the tide back long enough for the netjeru to battle again and again and again.
That is something that we must keep in mind, as well, when doing these execrations.  It isn’t an end game for all the poop for all eternity that we are aiming for here.   We are only helping the gods to stem the tide so that they may go through the seventh hour battle each night while we wait patiently to see if the sun will rise, to see if they won yet another night.
TL;DR  Don’t forget that execrations are only a part of the whole that we’re aiming for here.   Don’t forget that you must also actively fight against the things you are execrating, each day, as the gods do against the poop each night.  Don’t forget that no matter how many execrations you may undertake against the poop, it will still be there.  And above all, do not look to this as a magical cure as there isn’t one. I know; I’ve looked.
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sent-to-the-sun · 9 years
thank you so much for that post of alternate herbs and such, I've been trying to find appropriate alternatives since we need to give our planty friends way more room to breathe
Thank you, I'm glad I was able to help. Feel free to ask if you have any questions about specific herbs and such and I'll help if I can. 
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sent-to-the-sun · 9 years
Being a Conscious Consumer: Herbs, Resins, and Oils
There have been a few posts going around lately about the effect new age religions have had on wild sage numbers and that irresponsible consumption of these goods can have a very real impact on the environment. Here are some easy substitutions you can make to improve your footprint and help lessen the strain on endangered species. All of these apply to the herb/resin and their accompanying essential oils.
Sage- Avoid white sage bundles due to dwindling wild sage numbers Grow your own or use lavender or rosemary
Sandalwood- Avoid S. album and S. ellipticum, they are both endangered  Purchase S. spicatum or use thyme or orris
Slippery Elm- Avoid bark, harvesting bark severely damages the trees and leaves them susceptible to infestation Use collected twigs or cypress or parsley
Frankincense- Avoid most species, almost all are endangered or at risk of endangerment Use B. sacra or myrrh
Copal- Avoid entirely, authenticity is difficult to determine and some species live on protected habitats Use pine resin
Benzoin/styrex Avoid large leaf snowbell in Indiana and bigleaf snowbell in Illinois and Ohio, they are under state protection Use all other species
If you want descriptions, source links, and details as to why I listed these substitutions, please check out my post here. 
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sent-to-the-sun · 9 years
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I’m excited to announce the new Polytheist Community Forum! The Polytheist Community Forum is a place for intellectual exchange, education, growth, and camaraderie amongst people of varying polytheistic faiths. It seeks to do this by providing a safe environment for people to share their scholarly and spiritual research, experience, and opinions. Presentation of historical, reliable sources is the forefront of this mission but unverified personal experiences are also welcomed and encouraged.
On it, we have boards involving Polytheist 101 such as:
Polytheism 101
Recovering Monotheists
How to research and critically think
Problematic behavior to avoid
And of course, boards about various polytheist religions:
Brythonic Polytheism
Gaelic Polytheism
Gaulish Polytheism
Germanic Polytheism
Hellenic Polytheism
Kemetic Polytheism
Near Eastern Polytheism
Norse Polytheism
Roman Polytheism
We also are always open to adding other polytheist religions to this growing list if interest arises.
Please stop in! We’re eager to build this community.
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sent-to-the-sun · 10 years
Are there any places you recommend to purchase Kemetic-type jewelry (ankhs, Eye of Ra, gold/blue things, etc.) or Kemetic statues and trinkets? Amazon is taking forever and I'd prefer to hear it from someone I trust. I have ankh earrings and an Eye of Ra necklace but I want to expand my collection and I stumbled across my current ones by accident. Any advice?
I buy most of my jewelry via Amazon. It’s just easier, to be honest. I’ve since incorporated jewelry I’ve found at local store - like Target - to have personal religious significance, but the ankhs that I own are all bought via Amazon.
As far as statues, shadow of the sphinx is my go-to. All of my statues are from him (except for the resin Hetheru but I plan on having a custom piece made by shadow of the sphinx, so.)
As far as amulets, on the temple steps, which is owned and operated by bigbadjackal. The amulets are all top rate and fucking perf.
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sent-to-the-sun · 10 years
Personally, I think the spiritual benefits of being a postmortem organ donor far out-weighs the risks. You're putting the lives and well being of potentially over a dozen people above your spiritual vanity. Plus, it means your heart (or whatever else may be borrowed after passing) will be used for longer. I think it's a win-win because you're doing something good for others (which I think most of us consider an important part of living in ma'at) and you're extending your physical presence beyond death and continuing to impact the world positively.
So I can't stop thinking about this and I was hoping you might have ideas/links? I've been wondering about being organ donor and a kemetic? I'm an organ donor but what happens if somebody gets my heart? Like in regards to my afterlife? Do their actions effect my heart and vice versa? Do I have to wait longer to be judged? Lots of questions about this haha! Thanks in advance
I don’t think we’ve got a whole lot of historical stuff on this, tbh. I know that the priests who put together Ramesses II’s mummy accidentally jacked his heart up, and had to sew it back into his body (heh). So I mean, to them it was obviously important to have it.
However, I personally don’t think it was as big of a deal as we make it out to be. The odds of poorer people (which made up the majority of the nation) being able to afford a lot of things was pretty slim, and I’m sure people were buried without parts of their bodies in the case of warfare and accidents.
In my experience, you’ve got physical you and you’ve got non-physical you. And I don’t think one will necessarily directly effect the other (so no heart here != no heart there). So from my perspective (which this is nothing more than my opinion, because Egyptians didn’t have organ donors) it would be fine if you donated organs to other people and weren’t buried with them. The Egyptians knew that things happened to mummies and dead bodies, which is why there are so many other backups in case of problems. Ka statues, busts, stela and relief images of the deceased were all supposed to be there to ensure the deceased could make it through the Duat- just in case the body got destroyed somehow. So if you had pictures of you, people to remember you by- you should be fine organs or no.
Whether the new owner of your heart would have an effect on you- idk. Odds are, you’d actually have an effect on them, since many people who receive others’ organs report having shifts in their habits. But I don’t think the actions of your organ’s recipient would effect your outcome in the Duat.
At least, that’s my take on it. Any other Kemetics want to weigh in?
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sent-to-the-sun · 10 years
I ran out of spoons halfway through my day and it ended up being the worst day I've had in a long time.
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sent-to-the-sun · 10 years
We’re the generation of women who will teach their sons to act respectfully instead of teaching our daughters to beware
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sent-to-the-sun · 10 years
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