setsu-yomi · 2 years
*wipes dusts* Hello, tumblr~ Long time no see lol Guess I'll be back here tho I'm not sure when I'll start migrating my contents, but we'll see 😂
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setsu-yomi · 7 years
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some days just never leave you.
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setsu-yomi · 7 years
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History of Resident Evil Game Saga
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setsu-yomi · 7 years
Editing  & Proofreading Cheat Sheet
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– A lot of questions I receive revolve around editing and proofreading, so I decided to make an extensive guide to editing your own writing. I collaborated with some amazing friends on this post so this is dedicated to them as well as all of you. I hope you find it useful. Enjoy!
Know The Difference: Editing vs. Proofreading
Editing is about the content, proofreading is about the technical detail and accuracy. Once you know the difference and you separate the two into different tasks, going through and actually doing it will seem less daunting. Deciding which to tacking first depends on what you’re like when you edit, but if you struggling with focusing on actually improving the content because you get distracted by grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, then proofreading first may be a good idea. 
Be Intentional With Your Vocabulary
Avoid adverbs
Be frugal with unique adjectives
Only use dialogue tags when absolutely necessary
Be mindful of overused words
Take the time to find the right words
The words you choose can make all the difference so pay special attention to them.
Just Keep Snipping
A basic rule to editing that people often forget it, if it doesn’t serve a purpose, you should cut it out. A short book that is amazing all the way through is better than a long book that is redundant. Don’t worry about leaving your readers in the dark or not having enough content. As you edit, you’ll find ways and places in which to input more information.
Flow & Rhythm
This is the part where you make sure the writing itself sounds how you want it to. It’s important to read your writing aloud during this stage. Some things to pay attention to regarding flow and rhythm:
sentence length/variation
sentence structure
syllables and how they fit together
how your writing sounds out loud
Say it once and say it clearly. Redundancy bores readers so quickly, so when putting information forward, be clear, concise, and don’t add fluff. You don’t need to write a whole paragraph about how a character feels in a situation. It’s important to give the reader just enough to read between the lines.
Common Grammar Mistakes To Look For
Subject-verb agreement errors
Sentence Fragments
Missing Comma After Introductory Element
Misusing The Apostrophe With “Its”
No Comma In A Compound Sentence
Misplaced Or Dangling Modifier
Vague Pronoun Reference
Wrong Word Usage
Run-On Sentence
Superfluous Commas
Lack Of Parallel Structure
Sentence Sprawl
Comma Splice
Colon Mistakes
Split Infinitives
List from here x {Explains these further and more in depth}
Improper Use of Phrases
“could have” not “could of”
“My friends and I” not “me and my friends” {If you take away “my friends” or “I”, or one of the nouns in a sentence in general, the sentence should still make sense}
“I couldn’t care less” not “I could care less”. This should be a no-brainer.
etc.. I could go on.
Familiarize yourself with these common mistakes and avoid making them at all costs. It’s also helpful to have someone read over it and let you know when they find issues with phrases you used. Please be attentive to these mistakes because making them can destroy your credibility as a writer.
Utilize The Senses
If you’re describing something in your writing, you should be slipping in words and little details that appeal to the reader’s senses, When editing, look for opportunities to slip in how a place smells, how a food tastes, how something feels to the touch, etc. It’s unbelievable how much this enhances your story.
Punctuation & Format
Punctuation Rules In English
the period (or full stop in British English)
the comma
the exclamation mark
the question mark
the colon
the semicolon
the quotation mark
the apostrophe
the hyphen and the dash
parentheses and brackets
Source x
When proofreading and marking up your manuscript, it can save a lot of time and energy if you use marks instead of actually write out everything, so here is a little chart I found that may be useful to you:
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Other Things To Look Out For
Make sure you know who is talking
Keep tense consistent
Vary the tone from scene to scene
Run-on sentences
Inconsistencies in story details
Plot holes
Causes and effects of events are explained
Facts and technical details {Make sure you’ve researched them well}
Deviations from established background (know your story really really well and make sure your reader does too)
General Tips
Go in assuming that your work is full of errors. Maybe it’s not, but it’s better to be prepared for the worst and solve the issues now rather than when it’s too late
DO NOT BE SENTIMENTAL. Yes, easier said than done, but it’s possible. 
Make the text less recognizable to yourself in order to catch details you may not otherwise.
Print out your manuscript and physically write out the changes.
Read your writing out loud. Sometimes writing looks like it makes sense, but in reality sounds wrong. 
Do it in short periods over time so that you don’t inevitably get lazy with paying attention to little details
Keep in mind that editing usually takes longer than actually writing the draft because it is less fluid and requires more thought and problem solving.
Don’t rely on spelling and/or grammar checking software; they’re not always correct and can easily misinterpret what you’re trying to get across. 
Check for a single error at a time. It may be time consuming and tedious but it’s more effective than the alternative.
Give yourself time and read slowly through it multiple times
Split up large chunks of text to make it easier to handle. Don’t go through your whole manuscript page by page as if you were just reading it as a book. Go chapter by chapter or scene by scene or even sentence by sentence.
If something seems off, investigate it. Don’t take a chance and leave it be. If you’re stumped, highlight it and have someone else look over it.
Have a strategy. Maybe not at first, especially if you don’t extensively edit your work regularly, but with time you’ll find what works for you and what doesn’t. Create your own system and use it to save yourself some time and confusion.
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setsu-yomi · 7 years
Are you still stuck for ideas for National Novel Writing Month? Or are you working on a novel at a more leisurely pace? Here are 102 resources on Character, Point of View, Dialogue, Plot, Conflict, Structure, Outlining, Setting, and World Building, plus some links to generate Ideas and Inspiration.
10 Days of Character Building
Name Generators
Name Playground
The Universal Mary Sue Litmus Test
Priming the idea pump (A character checklist shamlessly lifted from acting)
How to Create a Character
Seven Common Character Types
Handling a Cast of Thousands – Part I: Getting to Know Your Characters
It’s Not What They Say …
Establishing the Right Point of View: How to Avoid “Stepping Out of Character”
How to Start Writing in the Third Person
Web Resources for Developing Characters
What are the Sixteen Master Archetypes?
Character: A compilation of guidance from classical and contemporary experts on creating great dramatic characters
Building Fictional Characters
Fiction Writer’s Character Chart
Character Building Workshop
Tips for Characterization
Fiction Writer’s Character Chart
Villains are People, Too, But …
Top 10 Tips for Writing Dialogue
Speaking of Dialogue
Dialogue Tips
Advantages, Disadvantages and Skills (character traits)
How to Write a Character Bible
Character Development Exercises
All Your Characters Sounds the Same — And They’re Not a Hivemind!
Medieval Names Archive
Sympathy Without Saintliness
Writing the Other: Bridging Cultural Difference for Successful Fiction
Family Echo (family tree website)
Interviewing Characters: Follow the Energy
100 Character Development Questions for Writers
Behind the Name
Lineage Chart Layout Generator
How to Write a Novel: The Snowflake Method
Effectively Outlining Your Plot
Conflict and Character within Story Structure
Outlining Your Plot
Ideas, Plots & Using the Premise Sheets
How to Write a Novel
Creating Conflict and Sustaining Suspense
Plunge Right In … Into Your Story, That Is!
Fiction Writing Tips: Story Grid
Tips for Creating a Compelling Plot
Writer’s “Cheat Sheets”
The Thirty-six (plus one) Dramatic Situations
The Evil Overlord Devises a Plot: Excerpt from Stupid Plotting Tricks
Conflict Test
What is Conflict?
The Hero’s Journey: Summary of the Steps
Outline Your Novel in Thirty Minutes
Plotting Without Fears
Novel Outlining 101
Writing the Perfect Scene
Fight Scenes 101
Basic Plots in Literature
One-Page Plotting
The Great Swampy Middle
Magical World Builder’s Guide
I Love the End of the World
World Building 101
The Art of Description: Eight Tips to Help You Bring Your Settings to Life
Creating the Perfect Setting – Part I
Creating a Believable World
An Impatient Writer’s Approach to Worldbuilding
Fantasy Worldbuilding Questions
Character and Setting Interactions
Creating Fantasy and Science Fiction Worlds
Creating Fantasy Worlds
Questions About Worldbuilding
Maps Workshop — Developing the Fictional World Through Mapping
World Builder Projects
Quick Story Idea Generator
Solve Your Problems Simply by Saying Them Out Loud
Busting Your Writing Rut
Writing Inspiration, or Sex on a Bicycle
Creative Acceleration: 11 Tips to Engineer a Productive Flow
The Seven Major Beginner Mistakes
Complete Your First Book with these 9 Simple Writing Habits
Free Association, Active Imagination, Twilight Imaging
Random Book Title Generator
Finishing Your Novel
Story Starters and Idea Generators
How to Rewrite
One-Pass Manuscript Revision: From First Draft to Last in One Cycle
Editing Recipe
Cliche Finder
Revising Your Novel: Read What You’ve Written
Writing 101: So You Want to Write a Novel Part 3: Revising a Novel
My Writing Nook (online text editor; free)
Bubbl.us (online mind map application; free)
Freemind (mind map application; free; Windows, Mac, Linux, portable)
XMind (mind map application; free; Windows, Mac, Linux, portable)
Liquid Story Binder (novel organization and writing software; free trial, $45.95; Windows, portable)
Scrivener (novel organization and writing software; free trial, $39.95; Mac)
SuperNotecard (novel organization and writing software; free trial, $29; Windows, Mac, Linux, portable)
yWriter (novel organization and writing software; free; Windows, Linux, portable)
JDarkRoom (minimalist text editor; free; Windows, Mac, Linux, portable)
AutoRealm (map creation software; free; Windows, Linux with Wine)
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setsu-yomi · 8 years
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HQ End of the Year Mini Giveaway!!
It’s almost the and of 2016 and as a thank you for all your continuing support and dedication to the askblog, I would like to host this year’s final giveaway!!
There’s only one winner for this giveaway!!
The giveaway will involve - Scarf Pairing stickers -IwaOi stickers And maybe more goodies that I can fit in an envelope hehe
How to enter: - Reblog / Like this post!! (only one reblog + one like counts!!) - No need to be following me but would be greatly appreciated!! -Must be willing to share their address with me so I can ship the prizes!! - Please have your askbox open!! - No giveaway blog please!!
Winner will be chosen with a number generator. I will ship internationally, so please have your askbox open so I can message you. If within 3 days there’s no response, I’ll have to pick a new winner.
The giveaway ends at December 31, 2016. Thank you very much, and good luck!!
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setsu-yomi · 8 years
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setsu-yomi · 8 years
Message to the Yuri on ice!!! Fandom Please stop. We get that the show has ignited a love for figure skating, but please stop commenting on the real life figure skaters account about Yuri on ice. Stop spamming the comments on YouTube videos because it’s disrespectful. These people have raw talent and skill, they deserve to read and see comments such as “ breathtaking performance” instead of “who’s here from Yuri on ice?” This comes from an actual figure skater, a competitive one as well. Please have respect.
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setsu-yomi · 8 years
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*me when not goin out*
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setsu-yomi · 8 years
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I'm so done with people. I need time to recharge. Please step back and get away from my space.
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setsu-yomi · 8 years
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This was supposed to be my entry for the inktober but I'm too lazy to do that so... 😌😌😌
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setsu-yomi · 8 years
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Giveaway Contest: We’re giving away ten vintage paperback classics by Kurt Vonnegut, Mary Shelley, Leo Tolstoy, Lorraine Hansberry, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and others. Won’t these look lovely on your shelf? :D To win these classics, you must: 1) be following macrolit on Tumblr (yes, we will check. :P), and 2) reblog this post. We will randomly choose a winner on November 15, at which time we’ll start a new giveaway. And yes, we’ll ship to any country. Easy, right? Good luck!
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setsu-yomi · 8 years
Please respect skaters
It has come to my attention that several Yuri on Ice fans have been leaving comments on Plushenko’s Facebook account telling him to “leave his wife and find a Japanese skater to fall in love with”, or that he would “look better dating a man”, and other things like that.
This kind of behavior is unacceptable. I know that there are many rumors and theories saying that Victor Nikiforov is based on Plushenko, but that doesn’t give anyone the right to actually stalk real life figure skaters to judge their relationships and harass them over what happens in a fictional show.
Sadly, I’m not surprised to know that these things are happening right now, because I was already afraid that a bunch of fans would end up harassing real life skaters because of Yuri on Ice.
Please, please, be aware that there is a huge difference between a fictional show and real life. Please realize that you are not allowed to do certain things with real people that you can do with fictional characters. Figure skaters are real human beings, with their emotions and struggles and their dignity. As a fandom, we have the obligation to protect real life figure skaters, because they don’t deserve to see their sport stained and their reputation broken by a bunch of fans who couldn’t control themselves because of their need to ship two fictional characters.
Real life figure skaters deserve every ounce of respect, and this is some bad fetishization of gay men in those comments. You simply don’t have the right to judge anyone by their sexual orientation, and you have no right to tell anyone to leave their partner because they would look better dating someone from a different gender. And this is particularly bad when you’re doing all of this because you can’t respect the limits of a fictional work.
I don’t know if other figure skaters have recieved similar comments, but I hope we can stop this right now. We don’t know if such comments could potentially hurt the careers of some skaters, but even if they don’t, nobody deserves to be treated like this. I repeat: skaters are real human beings, not fictional characters for you to play with. Stop shipping real people, and stop telling real people to change their sexual orientation to fit your twisted fetishization of gay men.
Come on, Yuri on Ice fandom. We can do better than this.
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setsu-yomi · 8 years
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setsu-yomi · 8 years
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*when people start to crowding around my personal space* *when annoying people within sight*
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setsu-yomi · 8 years
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*readying flame thrower* Come here you lil’ shits I AM READY TO FIGHT–!!
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setsu-yomi · 8 years
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Ramen are one of the best confort foods.
Food Baby, my 42 pages, full color zine, is available for individual sale ! 
Inside you’ll find recipe comics, food related journal comics, eggs adventures and a exclusive introduction comic.
I hope you’ll consider it ! 
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