shadow-bonnie37 · 12 days
Okay, how many of you freakos are gonna be a part of this? Because I'll join on one condition... I'll be drawing my Wizard of Oz AU (aka Oz's Granddaughter) characters in this Bee-Yacht!! M'kay? Good.
Crow's TickleTober List 2024
Here we are folks! My third TickleTober prompt list in a row (cannot BELIEVE that)
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As per last year, I've done a daily list AND a weekly list - and the weekly prompts match the daily ones highlighted in white so that the last one lines up with halloween ^^
I normally post these on my main account @cantsaythetword BUT because I recently changed my follower/interaction rules to 18+ I figured it was best if I post it on my all ages blog so everyone can use it! (and cause this will be where I upload the fics of course)
There are plenty of other super cool lists to follow (that you can see reblogged on @tickletober), so be sure to check those out as well!
Happy Holidays and lets get spoooooooky <3
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shadow-bonnie37 · 1 month
Okay, I'm SO trying that with Random this weekend!!
Nothing you can do but laugh 😂
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shadow-bonnie37 · 2 months
The Wizard of Oz AU Headcanons
Okay OZ-holes! Listen up, please don't take this TOO seriously. This doesn't entirely match up with the Wizard of Oz movie or books. M'kay, with that said, try not to panic over my Headcanon for the rulers of the Land of Oz. North, East, South, West and even Mista' Great and Terrible themselves.
Griffin of the North - To be completely honest, Griff is a total Fluttershy. His nervousness is usually what gets him wrecked, although he doesn't get tickled very much. But if he does, it's Gwendolyn who tickles him the most, on 2 conditions: Do it in private and be gentle. He's not the best ler or as good as Gwen. But sometimes, Gwen will invite him to practice tickling her or (most likely) to assist with wrecking Helga and Estello. As for his acquaintance with Otto, well... uh... let's just say that Griff is "working on" getting to know them. As in, Otto's intimidating people, even though they're doing something friendly, rude, or ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Worst spots are bust, neck, and armpits. Will immediately blush before, during, and after the wrecking, for him or someone else.
Estello of the East - Oh my goodness, where do I even begin?! Estello is an S-Tier, rude selfish 21 year old dude with a wicked jealous attitude. He's definitely a Ler, with his most common targets being his sister: Helga, and Griffin (on occasion). Estello tried to attack both Gwen and Otto, but both flunked... bad. He stands no chance against Ms. G as the Lee, as for Otto... we'll say that had similar results: Massive Ls across the board. Womp womp. Who could expect Otto to be so skilled in the art of DODGING?
Worst spots are behind his knees, hips, and soles of his feet. Won't hesitate to fight back in merciless fashion, but it'll be difficult to focus when he's being a target.
Gwendolyn (Gwen or Ms. G) of the South - This witch isn't usually one to partake in tickling, but when she allows Griffin to wreck her, she won't fight back. What? She wants him to be able to bite back and not be attacked once in a while. Estello and Helga are her main targets, because they bother her and Griff. As for Otto, she doesn't mind having them around, as long as they don't mind using their powers less often in her city.
Her thighs are the worst spot thus far. Griffin can decent reaction from her by massaging her scalp and ears, during which she'll emit a slight purring. She'll be gentle with her opponents... as long as they're willing to behave.
Helga of the West - Unlike her brother: Estello, the 19 year old Helga is a very big fan of stealth and socializing. As a Ler, she's always lucky to have Estello close by to help out or act as a target. Although it won't hurt to tease Griffin for being a scaredy cat, but Gwendolyn is not making the game easy. Rumor has it that Helga blossomed emotions within Otto, but what we do know is that she did get wrecked by Mista' Great and Terrible and quickly retaliated against them... and surprisingly got let off easy.
Worst spots are the soles of her feet, hips, and spine. Will use her nails to tickle others, or any tools she can find. Helga's really playful for a Lee and Ler, and having been acquainted with the Wizard, she's started to come back to them for more interaction.
Otto of Oz (Mista' Great and Terrible) - Not a lot is released on their majesty's tickle spots outside of the Emerald City, until recently in an episode of their Ask Otto variety gameshow secretly broadcasted on the West Side's cable channels. In the episode, Otto says "It's funny for me to say because I, myself happen to be ticklish too." Before a commercial break, they say, "Hoho, Fancy that! I have ticklish hands!" And later admits on live television, "Golly, let's see where I'm ticklish... I don't like to yak about it (too much), but I'll share it with one word: EVERYWHERE!" But the MOST shocking part of this episode is that when Helga guest starred in it, she got to tickle Otto in front of the audience. Helga and Mista' Great And Terrible's reactions implies that what they weren't joking about being "ticklish everywhere".
Aside from the Witches and Warlocks, Otto loves making other creatures laugh, and that includes their own citizens of the Emerald City, Sky Folk, and their younger brother: Lieutenant O. Using partial Seraphim Magic isn't off the table, but Otto can make floating copies of their gloves, seltenvogel feathers, spiral brushes and (for some reason) back massagers. They may shy about the topic, but they're brilliant at tickling, suppose it's safe to say that Otto had enough practice on their lieutenant and vice very much versa.
Otto later said that their belly was in fact their 'favorite' spot to be tickled, because in their words, "Helga targeted the spot, and managed to coax a genuine snorting giggle from me. Sure, I might've been a teensy bit embarrassed then, but looking back now makes me smile. The lesson that day? Never be afraid to have a good laugh... even if you snort!" And if you're wondering, yes, their majesty can snort, all it takes is patience and a raspberry or two.
Lieutenant O told Emerald Insider that Otto's worst spots are their belly, toes, rump, sides and the aforementioned hands (despite being "ticklish everywhere"). And for each spot, it appears that Otto has a different style of laughter they emit in response. (Ex: For their sides, Otto will belt silly, contagious giggling. For the toes, a more high pitched, dolphin-like cackling will be heard).
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shadow-bonnie37 · 2 months
Literally me and Random! ROFL
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short king and his stepping stool
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shadow-bonnie37 · 2 months
What the everlasting F*CK is this?!?!
Is the show industry really that desperate?? Sh*t!!
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shadow-bonnie37 · 2 months
Al does look pretty good 🙃
Girl dad Alastor letting the girls play
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shadow-bonnie37 · 3 months
This looks rad!
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”Vox…you’re better off without me..” - 🦌
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"I just wanted to see if maybe...I don't know, you want to dance?" - 🍎
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”Looks like Vox is having a good time!” - 🐱
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So yah I redrew some scenes from Aplogy Tour 🤭
And yes I wanted to do some StaticApple finally!
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shadow-bonnie37 · 3 months
To Have an Empress as your Ler... and later, as your Lee.
Part 1/2 - Tumblr's TicFics are fun to read through, even the Villain League loves them too. And while we're going down that avenue, allow me to share one of my own to you...
Holy hell, that was so corny to type! Anyway, Random and the villains wanna tell you 'bout this one time Green Guy aka The Clovarian King introduced his wife, Priscilla to the Empress of the Underworld, Sadarthrerai Raath for a Hazbin Hotel binge. And remember that part when I said that this was a TicFic as well? Yeah, Green Guy's more prepared than the Empress or his spouse in the end.
Starring: Green Guy (Lee), Courtney "Sadarthrerai" Raath (Ler), Priscilla Green (Lee) and Gosselin Bee (brief appearance).
Beware of Swearing, British terms and Sadarthrerai speaking French!
That's all, enjoy!
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Once Upon a Time on a chilly and windy day, it was March (almost April) for the people of The Clovarian Kingdom. And also the kind of day for Green Guy to shout "Cilla! I'm freezing my buttcheeks off! Can I just stop here?!" Don't worry, that's typical of him to do that.
"Bloody hell?! You screech like that every time we have days like this!" Priscilla Green reprimanded. "I'm screeching alright! Bad! I'ma become a big ol' green @$$-icle in, like, 10 minutes!" Her husband of 3 years shot back.
"Surely, he could be use 2 of those minutes to get back indoors. But no, he chooses to throw a wobbly instead of being responsible." Priscilla thought, watching Green Guy slowly carry his winter possessions inside a shed.
After 25 minutes of labor and whining, Green Guy's phone rang. He picked up the older, Victorian Era telephone, The ringtone had a bassoon, cello, and organ play an eerie melody that ended with an F minor chord and wicked, deep laughter. "Hey, it's just Sid!" Green Guy sneered. "Well, answer it then. That ringtone is creepy!" Priscilla thought this 'Sid' person was another guy her husband knew.
He answered the phone call, and was greeted by an agitated and tired Empress Sadarthrerai of the Underworld on other end. "Yo Sid, what the hell's going on, dude? I thought your on vacay-." The demonic voice on the other end shut Green Guy down.
"SILENCE! Don, where's the Bordeaux Stone I told you about?" Sadarthrerai had an extraordinary stressful business trip and trusted Green Guy to guard an enchanted Bordeaux or Maroon Stone while they're away. And where was it, you ask? In the shed with Green Guy's winter stuff. Aw sh*t, if he can't get it out of shed, the stone will be lost and the Demon will have his head fo sho!
Green Guy panicked for a hot second before Priscilla butt in to chastise Sadarthrerai (not knowing of their power). "Your damn crimson boulder is all hunky-dory, don't worry about it. My husband will get back out there and find it." But Sadarthrerai knew Green Guy had forgot about that stone, and told the two other royals, "If you're so sure about the stone being safe... maybe I should change the Hazbin Hotel binge night from my castle to YOUR PALACE instead!"
Double Sh*t! The Empress is coming over?! In Priscilla's mind, she wasn't a big fan of the Underworld ruler, only seeing them a few times, but the sheer thought of them coming over here was enough for her entitlement and jealousy to get the better of her. After all you wouldn't be particularly fond of your husband getting flustered by some other creature, right?
As for Green Guy, he was scared sh*tful, NO SERIOUSLY!! He had 7 large bricks in his pants in, like, 10 seconds! Geez, what the hell did he eat? Either way, with f*cked up pants, he started to pick up the pace. Digging into the shed, trying to find the Empress's stone.
In that very moment, the usually turquoise and white, midday sky turned to a deep Obsidian night sky. The moon split, turning a creepy reddish-fuchsia color while radiating a bold yellow light. And the stars surrounded the light making an outline that... almost looks like... EYES. With the transformation completed, Priscilla looked up in horror to see the eyes in the sky looking directly at her and she screamed. "Who the f*ck did my husband invite to our palace?!" Priscilla thought.
Green Guy perked up, but he bumped his head on a shelf, causing a certain Victorian Era stone to glow. Green Guy climbed up the shelves to follow the glow until he found...
"Sid's Borgnine- Bin- BAH! The red rock! F*CK YES! I FOUND IT!!" He cheered, "I did it! I did it! La la la la la! Go me! Go Green Guy! Go! go! Gimme some!" His singing was terrible and he knew it, but he didn't care.
Hearing that off-key tune, Priscilla Green plugged her ears in detestation. Sadarthrerai Raath manifested in front of Green Guy's wife, and saying "Don, I have arrived! Damn, nosy humans. Have you found my- ARGH!! Mes putains d'oreilles!" Green Guy was still singing off-key, and was now trying to sing opera. The worst part was not only did the Empress have to witness that, but Green Guy thought he was killing it.
Finally, Sadarthrerai hushed the Clovarian king. They gently lifted him and said "DON!! *sigh* Fermez-la, S'il te plaît?" Green Guy nodded, "Hey Sid, didn't really understand you back there." he greeted the demon. "Do have you have my Bordeaux stone? Turns out, some humans wanted to see it after all." Sadarthrerai said sheepishly.
Green Guy chuckles, "Ha! I got it alright, I kinda knew that you'd need the rock." The Empress sighed in relief, setting the green creature down so he can grab the enchanted stone. "Merci beaucoup, Donnie."
Priscilla swiped the stone before her husband could give it to the demonic royal entity. "Hey! Cilla! What gives?!"
"What do you need this rock for? It's almost as big as my head, I feel very gutted that you're cocky enough to hold onto it for some other bird."
"As rude and envious those words are, I still need the Bor- Bar- BAH! I still need this fancy @$$ rock! I gotta return it, y'know?"
"But to whom? A neighborhood beyotch?-"
Sadarthrerai shouted in a deep, booming voice, "CAN YOU TWO STOP DISTRACTING YOURSELVES ALREADY?! I swear if Sir Charles Santley was alive to see this happen, he'd want to die all over again! *panting* I just want the Bordeaux Stone I'll leave."
Green Guy pried the stone from his wife's wings and finally gives it to the Empress. "H-Here," the king stuttered, "and uh- sorry about keeping you waiting." Priscilla was frozen with fear, and still paralyzed as her husband took the opportunity to help the Empress with delivering the stone.
Later that weekend...
"Did you have fun at the museum, Young Gossie? I'm glad Springtime and her husband could help you with the picture."
"I really like him, Auntie Darthy. He let me draw mama, you and the others without the negative reviews! He's like, so smart too! How does everything he know fit in his head?! That's gonna hurt. Haha!"
"Yes, I think so as well. *laughs also* Oh, I'll let you go, Gossie. We'll talk again soon, alright?"
"Okay, bye Auntie Darthy!"
"Fare-thee-well, young one."
Gosselin Bee's picture of the Villains made into the Larvae's Art Museum on the Mothrian Honeycomb Territory. Sadarthrerai giggles along with the young bee, congratulating her for making the decision to participate in the museum. They end the call when their limousine arrives at Green Guy's palace.
As soon as Sadarthrerai arrived at Green Guy's palace for the Hazbin Hotel binge, they were dismayed to find the interior trashed. Now look, Green Guy DID clean up his home, and checked for a spot for the Empress to sit. It hit Sadarthrerai when they realized that Priscilla had unfroze and was loudly arguing with her husband again, but rekt the palace, heirlooms, the food, and now the Empress's patience in the process.
"Ooh! I'm more than cross about all this bickering! All of this needs to stop, now." Sadarthrerai told themselves, looking in a partly shattered mirror in the palace halls and snorted blue flames. "I feel it's time Donnie and Priscilla learnt a teensy lesson, one that'll remind them to decline their outrageous fights in the presence of others and won't hurt them in any physical way."
They stopped outside a ballroom thought for a moment, "Do come on Darth, think of something. And I- I really need to lessen my fidgeting. Oh, and talking to meself. That has to stop too." And with that thought, they finally came up with something that made them smile so wide, they couldn't help but emit a breeze of evil chuckles as their cobra fangs unveiled.
"Back in my early years, that's how the authorities got their souls in check." Sadarthrerai says to themselves, "Even if they had harsh methods, I feel I should give this a shot... without the goats and saltwater, of course."
Triple sh*t, these two poor Clovarian royals didn't expect anything from the Empress but to enjoy some Hazbin Hotel with them. But when Sadarthrerai almost reached the living room; where Priscilla was yeeting glasses and ceramics at her spouse, the demon turned themselves into a black smoke and flew over to the unsuspecting couple. And now... let the games begin!
The first trick was somewhat easier than Sadarthrerai expected, Green Guy was dodging shards of fragile objects until he was being lifted off the floor. Sadarthrerai placed a shield around the green boi, manifested 2 pairs of sentient gloves. One pair started to vibrate upon his hips while another pair started to curiously squeeze Green Guy's neck.
The reaction was almost instant, "Whoa, Hey! Huh? Heh, hehehe. Hahahahaha! W- *gasp* Whahahat's going ohohon?!" Green Guy collapsed, hugging himself in a futile attempt to stop his cackling fit. A spin brush appears at that moment, it sat upon the jaguar's tummy and turned itself on. "Wha- AH! AHAHAHA! *gasp* STOHOHOP! WHAHAHAHY MEHEHEHE?!" Green Guy roared.
Priscilla Green airdropped herself from around a corner, holding 3 china plates. She didn't see the shield until she threw a plate at her husband, the plate shattered as it hit the shield, and Sadarthrerai grinned at the swan's dumbfounded face and started the second trick.
"Donel Craig Green, what the hell are doing?! This isn't a laughing matter! Your precious little Empress is gonna-" Priscilla suddenly realizes that she had some kind of magic strings attached to her (wrists, er... wings I suppose) and was completely immobile unlike her husband who was now freed.
Still having tears in his eyes from all the tickling, Green Guy got to catch his breath and the sight of his wife getting a glove and hairbrush treatment. "I- I can mohove again. Hell yeah, haha... what the? Cilla?! One minute, she's tossing fine china my way. The next, she's... getting tickled by floating gloves and brushes?"
As he walked closer to his wife, she shouted between her laughter, "DOHOHONEHEHEL!! GEHET ME OUTTAHA HEHEHERE!!" Green Guy was too busy wondering who or what was doing this, but looking at the floating items, he noticed a dark blue aura around Priscilla and the items and soon glanced up at the ceiling to see a black haze slowly moving like upside down seawater.
"Uh, Cilla? Is it me or does this blue and black sh*t look familiar?"
"Take a good look at it, Don..."
"I'm f*ckin' trying! I can't name who this- THE HELL SAID THAT?!"
Green Guy tried to turn around but noticed that more of the strings were on his wrists too. "DAMN IT! HEHEHEY! WHAT GIHIHIVES?!" Some more of the brushes went for his ears, which were almost as sensitive as his tummy.
"Why the anger? I thought today was a day of fun..."
"Sihid, you're hehehere!"
Sadarthrerai manifested from the black haze and floated above a futon in front of the royal odd couple, "Right you are, fellow majesties! And thanks for the opportunity to stop your quarrels."
Priscilla Green (though still laughing) was livid with the Demon, "OHOHO, THAHAHAT'S WHAHAT THIS WAHAS ABOHOHOUT?! WHY DIDN'T YOHOHOU TEHELL US?!" Sadarthrerai kept a cool head, and paused the tickling as they replied with, "Because that's no way to act around guests or anyone for that matter." Listen, you can't blame them for saying that, especially considering what happened with the Bordeaux Stone from earlier.
Green Guy's face fell when he saw the gloves from earlier taking off his shoes. "Sid, please! I said I was sorry! Don't do me like this! No! No- GAHAHA AHAHAHA! NOHOHO!"
"YES. I still think that I have you know that I already forgave you," the Empress turns to Priscilla, tail wiggling towards her, "But you, mon cygne chéri, has still yet to make up for making me wait."
"Oi! Don, you tell me SMACK about the red stone! Why'd you keep something like that away from me- EEHEHEKK!!"
Priscilla got attacked by Sadarthrerai's tail and the tickle tools again, but these ticklers looked different. As in, the tools took the forms of spirits, sparkling feathers, and enchanted dust.
Goodness Golly Gosh, talk about a Tickle Hell. "TAHAHAHA!! NAHAHA! TIK- AAHEHEHE! FAHAHAHAHACK!! PLEHEHE- AH!! AHAHAHA!" Priscilla Green couldn't think straight or speak coherently, at that point, she begged for any solution to the Empress' torture.
But luckily for her, Sadarthrerai is not one to skip to death penalties and didn't have any intention to kill her. They sighed, got off the futon, and walked in front of the now nearly driven mad swan. Priscilla couldn't feel the tickling as the demon spoke to her via a very reasonable telepathic message.
"Lady Priscilla Green, I'll admit that I've owned Donnie's soul for nearly 2 years, and I must warn you that arguing or starting violent scenes in the presence of guests isn't acceptable by ANY means. In fact, it's just distasteful to see a young royal choosing to quarrel instead of sitting down and talking about the matter... (whispering) quietly." Looking at her sternly in the eyes, they ordered, "I'll give you one more chance to clean up your act, and to spare both you and your husband's souls."
Priscilla hesitated, then said in a surrendering tone, "Ugh... f... f... fine. What bloody contract do I have to fill just to be your puppet?"
"Oh, none." Sadarthrerai replied with slight annoyance, for they've heard the 'slave' and 'being kept on a leash' hoax over and over. But stayed calm as they explained, "Donnie and I made a deal just like this, and ended the connection with a single handshake."
"What kind of b- bargain did you 2 make?"
"Long story short: I joined his Villain League and *ahem* 'sort of' taught to act around guests (mainly females), and in return, he apologizes greatly to Springtime734, and have her assist us in defeating the Blue Wizard as an ally. The only part of the deal that wasn't really intended to happen was for us to form a legitimate friendship."
Of course, Priscilla would ask, "B- What do you mean by (mainly females)? Hasn't he seen a girl before me? Argh! That was you, wasn't it?"
Sadarthrerai face blushed a neon green color in a shy smile, which was enough for Priscilla dodge that route, but what deal does the Empress have for her?
Getting back on topic, Sadarthrerai managed to discuss their deal, "One favor for me to release you and Don and to refrain from negative conflicts as long as your guests are around, and in return, you shall... Hmm?"
Priscilla managed to raise her right wing with the Demon giving her a curious look. "Y'know, that fight from earlier in the day gave me an idea. Don's always gone for nights, doing Lucifer knows what with you his other friends, well guess what? I'm not going to be left behind, ignored, or have secrets kept from me anymore! I'd like be one of his gang, doing whatever we please to whoever's stopping us."
"So you're telling me that you're going to join the Villain League?"
"So long as I'm not getting tossed in the boot for something... *makes evil face* that git thinks is more dishy than me."
Sadarthrerai wasn't too pleased with the way Priscilla phrased her request (or demand in her eyes), but they knew the swan needed to learn from an experience in that level. Then again, Green Guy has started to fall for Springtime734, and with Priscilla on the team, it could be a reminder that he is still married and she's assigned to help protect both sides from the aforementioned Wizard. Both spouses can keep each other in check.
Satisfied with the offer, Sadarthrerai said, "Very well then. One favor for me to release you and your husband and to refrain from negative conflicts as long as your guests are around, and in return, you shall become a member of the Villain League. And you're sure you're not worried about becoming a member?"
"Of course I'm not worried, unless your earlier blushing meant something dodgy."
"(Ahem) Not at all. Anyway, do we have a deal?" They put their right claw in front of the swan, she knew that was the only way to know what her husband and Springtime were up to at that point. So she raised her right wing, said the word "Deal," and placed the wing in the Demon's somehow cushiony, velvet feeling claw.
In that moment, Green Guy felt released from the tickling and comically flopped face first on the wool carpet. He had been tickled so long and so much, that he had been paralyzed, he still had floods of tears flowing down his face and his voice sounded higher, weary, and constantly cracked. "Hahaha... heh... heheh... aahh... huh? I-it stopped? Yeah! Finally, thanks Sid!"
"No problem, Donnie. Are you okay?"
"Th- thought I was gonna die there, heh. Hurgh! Gah- mrph! Ah- ow! Uh Sid?"
"Yes, mon chéri?"
"I can't move my @$$, is that bad?"
"No no, not at all. But it is to be expected after being intensely tickled for so long."
"C'mon Sid, don't do me like this. Gotta watch Hazbin later, y'know?"
"Yes, I'm well aware. And Priscilla, remember our little chat?"
"How could I forget you entering my brain JUST NOW? How did you do- uh, nevermind. Don, I've thought about your nights out with your Villain League, and-"
Sadarthrerai was recording Evidence of Priscilla Green asking nicely to join the Villain League. Priscilla succeeded her side of the deal, which made Green Guy blurt, "HELL YEAH! I CAN'T WAIT SHOW U OUR SH*T!! Right, Sid?" Sadarthrerai tries to hide satisfied chuckling, but their fur stood on end when they realized Green Guy was rubbing his face on the Empress's snake tail and growling softly.
The Empress is startled by this and hisses like, well a snake. They stifled an intrusive smile as their eyes glow like the aforementioned sky transformation but with inverted colors (now red sclera and pale yellow irises).
"Hey, Sid? I said 'we can't to show Cilla our totally cool, Villain sh*t'! Ain't that right, Sid?"
"Pfft! (Ahem) Yes, o- of course. Just watch where you're nuzzling, alright?"
"M'kay, but I swear I heard you hissing just now. You okay?"
"Nevermind that! Uh, I'm alright. Who wants to watch Hazbin Hotel?"
At the end of the Hazbin Hotel binge (it was morning)...
Green Guy was the only one who was still awake for the end of Hazbin season 1, he looked at the still asleep Empress and spouse and remembered the night before. Y'know where after the wrecking, he nuzzled Sadarthrerai's tail? Yeah, he stroked Priscilla's hair as he tried that nuzzling again but added his own tail and succeeded in making the demonic royal entity smile and emit a hissing titter in their sleep for a little bit.
"Zzzzzzz... heh... zzz- (hiss) Hehehey, Lâchez-moi. Kekekeke... lâchez-moi- hehe. Ohohoho, t- t- tehehe. So tickly..."
Tickly? Green Guy was on Cloud 9 when he heard Sadarthrerai say that. Come on, he just found out that an Empress of the Underworld was just as ticklish as he and his wife. But soon noticed that his tail moved towards Priscilla's ribs, his tail's wagging wound up tickling his wife, she laughed too, but not as much as the Empress.
"Zzz- Hahaha. Don, stop it..."
Green Guy moves his tail over and says to the snoozing girls,
"Heh, what we did last night was pretty cool. Now that I know you're ticklish too, I do you a favor and keep this between us, mkay? And besides, now I kinda like your laugh... both of you."
With that, he nestles himself in between the ladies and finally dozes off. Thinking about how Sadarthrerai managed to settle he and his wife's arguments with something they ALL (kinda) enjoy, and hopefully wishes to get the Demon back sometime... maybe when they're doing something relaxing instead.
So yeah, that's the first part of this story. Whatcha think? I'm excited for Sadarthrerai to be tickled too, but until then I'm gonna go to bed now I'm tired...
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shadow-bonnie37 · 3 months
Wacky World (Amazing Digital Circus fan song by ZAMination! and Cubical)...
Yeah. AnnaNaiya another cover, check it out.
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shadow-bonnie37 · 3 months
Why does that sound like something that would happen with Vox's upgrading his head... and Alastor's reaction if he saw it.
”Every day, he’s got a new format!📞📺”
At least his head is immortal now
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shadow-bonnie37 · 3 months
I never thought that could happen if they shared a room...
Day5: Domestic/Demon
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shadow-bonnie37 · 4 months
AnnaNaiya's vid for May just premiered!
Right Here (Departed by Brandy) cover (+ Hookpad Instrumental) [TRIMMED]
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shadow-bonnie37 · 4 months
What the hell is this?! An axolotl?
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The olm is an exclusively subterranean and underwater species, and as such it's difficult to make field observations. Individuals in captivity have been observed to live up to 68 years, and in the wild they may have a life expectancy of over 100 years. ©
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shadow-bonnie37 · 5 months
Sup, AnnaNaiya's gonna be a bit slow with some of the pictures she used for her song covers. Why? Coz real life and prom. Her dress? Purple Kin-sia-nair-ah, however you pronounce or spell it.
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In the meantime, enjoy this picture. Anna, if you're reading this, enjoy your prom and 18th birthday!
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shadow-bonnie37 · 5 months
AnnaNaiya's latest video will premiere at 8:30 am EST, if anyone wants to crawl out of bed.
Backyardigans Theme Song cover (Act 1 - First Attempt + Official Instrum...
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shadow-bonnie37 · 11 months
Tickletober: Universal Monsters || Final Day - The Invisible Man
Midnight again? Well, I guess I'll tell you what happened. GRIFFIN LOVED IT! He said that having an invisible character is extraordinary for me because it makes up for 'the backgrounds looking lopsided' whatever that means. On with part 2 of my tickle story!
"We're going to check out this Tickletober thing? What is that?" Master Puppet asked as he sat on the foot of Springtime's bed. "It's an artistic event that goes through the entire month of October. And me and my friends have researched the heck out of it, and some even participated." Springtime explained.
"Let me guess," said Master P who had a smug look on his face. "It's about how ticklish you are?" Springtime rolls her eyes and responds sarcastically, "Oh, ya got it already. Yes and no, hun. It's tickling in general, though what you said can be part of it."
The kangaroo/rabbit hybrid was getting a little sluggish but she wanted to get Master Puppet before he got her. Speaking of Master P and tickles, he's most sensitive mainly on his chest and rib area, toes, neck, bellybutton and his ears being death spots.
Master Puppet watched his wife as she struggles to stay awake, "Are you sleepy, love? It's alright, just rest your eyes." He chortles when Spring sleepily turns to him, "Nnno, I'm not. Wwhy would ii- Why is this happening?! Uuuh... naaaw."
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Master P always thought Spring sleep talking was cute, but he soon realized that when he laughed, something felt almost tickly.
Cliff hanger again but I'll make part 3 tomorrow night.
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shadow-bonnie37 · 11 months
Tickletober: Universal Monsters || Final Day -The Invisible Man
You won't believe what Griffin said! He says that seeing AnnaNaiya dressed as him was enough of a final Tickletober day! Thank goodness! But he also said that he'll come tomorrow in person to see the picture.
For the last monster in Tickletober, here's our Invisible Husband tickle story!
"Surprise!" A voice said behind a very tired Springtime734, she effortlessly falls on her bed and turns to finds an invisible presence in her room, holding a large bag of Halloween candy. "Happy Halloween and 1461 day Anniversary, sweet tea." Spring's husband, Master Puppet, retained an invisibility power shortly after the events of The Invisible Husband, and used his new power to suprise his wife. "Whoa! Hun, that's a bit longer than we've been together," Springtime smiled as she interjects. Master P chuckles softly, "I know, but it's ACTUALLY the anniversary of the time we both confessed -and made- our love. I still remember it like it was yesterday."
With that thought in her mind, Springtime thought of something funny to do that night. "Hun," she uttered, "I want to share something funny with you." Master P raised one of his eyebrows, "Is that so? What might that 'something' be?" Springtime nuzzled her husband's neck and shoulder region, causing him to snicker, "I'd like to surprise you instead, you know me. Later tonight?" "Ah, very well. And could bring my moisturizing body cream before we start? Please?" Spring nodded.
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Stay Tuned for Part 2!
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