shadowlight17 · 3 months
Commissions Are Open! :D
Heyo! So, I'm finally ready to open commissions. I mentioned the sketch idea in my original interest post, but if you want more details I can provide ^^
For everyone who spread that post, thank you thank you! I'm so glad to know that people are interested in this funky l'il idea I had haha. Yall are total gems!
Anyway, here we go! Below are the example images with their pricing. I used the process of one single image just so you can see what each looks like in context. If you have questions or want to commission me, please just DM me! I'm so so excited to kick start this process and see what becomes of it. ^^
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shadowlight17 · 4 months
Hey y’all! Been a little bit since I posted.
Life has been busy, but I’m hoping to become more active again.
With Pride Month not too far away, I’m gearing up for some fun with it! I am a writer and a fiber artist. With that in mind, I’d love to be able to celebrate Pride and share some of that creativity!
If you would be interested in a crochet amigurumi plushie either with subtle pride or loud and proud pride colors, engage with my post a bit!
I’d love to hear what you all would think regarding which animals would best represent the queer community’s identity!
For example, I’m currently working on an asexual crochet hedgehog with an in between subtle and loud and proud design.
Love to see what your thoughts are! My hope is to potentially even offer some sort of “pay for shipping only” commission thing with this lineup of animals! Thanks all!
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shadowlight17 · 5 months
Okay, so, I work at a school, and summer break is coming up. I won't get a paycheck for about 3 months, and I already only work part time, so I'm thinking about finally doing commissions. I have to create a portfolio from scratch since I've been working so hard on my art style, but I'm okay with that lol.
I do have a question, tho, and I'd REALLY appreciate it if you circulate this around as a kind of interest check.
Would yall be interested in like, commissioning rough sketches? Like, $5 a piece, but a basic sketch that you can trace, color, and/or clothe however you want? I've never seen it done before, but I know sometimes all I've wanted is a reference sketch or something I can just play around with 🤔
Anyway, also have this Fives sketch/study I did as a sort of example what I can get up to lol. It's really heckin pale I know but I swear that's just bc I was playing with my watercolor brushes lmao
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shadowlight17 · 11 months
Oh! Thanks for the tag!!
Last song: there was a few on my way into work today, but Spotify has Doomsday by Jared Benjamin.
Favorite color: blue! All sorts of shades
Currently watching: That Time I Reincarnated as a Slime
Last movie: it’s been a while since my last movie. Uh…I want to say it was Howl’s Moving Castle from Studio GHIBLI
Currently reading: Ranger’s Apprentice and Star Wars fanfiction plus my little sister’s high school essays to help her with them 😂
Sweet/savory/spicy: I do NOT do well with spicy. I prefer sweet, and savory is delicious too.
Relationship status: single
Current obsession: depends on genre of obsessionable things. Crafts? Crochet. Fandoms? Star Wars. Foods? Sandwiches
Last Google: Home Depot address while helping sibling with one of their projects
Currently working on: some crochet amigurumi animals, betaing for a bang project, some Zine projects, and work. So so much work irl.
Tagging: @ifonlyweknewwhatiwasdoing + anyone else who feels the desire
Thanks for the tag @creepycreepyspacewizard!
Last song: Lost Luggage
Fav colour: Navy blue
Currently watching: Star Trek SNW specific episodes that I need for a Thing
Last movie: Star Trek 2009
Currently reading: mostly fanfic
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy: how dare you make me pick. (sweet)
Relationship Status: lowkey pining
Current Obsessions: Star Trek (all of them)
Last Google: "autodesk sketchbook" (somehow got it for free on my previous laptop & am wondering if I should get it again)
Currently working on: trying to nail Ethan!Spock's face for this one art; several corsets at various stages of completion; typesetting a long-ass fanfic for printing & binding (am Busy)
tagging: @come-chaos @valkeakuulas @silverxsakura @elismor @nemesis-the-first @reaalikaasu
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shadowlight17 · 1 year
Y’all look!! It’s Iviin! He’s an adorable Coruscantii citizen during the Clone Wars and after!!
Huge thank you to Nik!! Check out their commissions!!!
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Before the club
Keep reading
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shadowlight17 · 1 year
Aaahhhh!!! Thank you so much for doing him!!!
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Clone Trooper Bronze. General Krell looming over him after giving him a lightsaber burn over his ear.
Thanks for commissioning me @shadowlight17!
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shadowlight17 · 1 year
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Hey friends, foes and otherwise! If you follow @hyperlanenomads​ you may know we’re on hiatus until I finish my move. While I’m in between packing boxes, I’ve still got bills to pay and moving is expensive, so I’m opening a few commission slots!
Check out the details, including how to get in my queue, to terms and conditions, below the cut. I’ve also got a Ko-fi and even just reblogging helps!
All kinds of support are very much welcome and appreciated!
Keep reading
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shadowlight17 · 2 years
Use the generic clonecest or cloneship tag so those of us who don't want that nasty garbage in our tags can block it.
Hi! I thought I did, however I might’ve missed it. Thanks for letting me know!
For future reference and *especially* if you follow me, use kinder language to let me know that there’s a tag I missed.
I believe in curating and avoiding the things on the internet that I don’t want to see so it’s no issue to me that you want to avoid something I enjoy. No skin off my back ☺️ but using language such as the above ask becuz you’re salty you saw something that *MIGHT* have a snippet of cloneshipping or clonecest in it does not generate any goodwill. Small bits of kindness go a long way and I will never forcibly submit anyone to something they don’t like.
If cloneshipping and clonecest are really not your mojo or cup o’ tea, you should probably block “cloneshipping events” “cloneshipping Big Bang” and any other tags like that if you don’t want to see it.
Have a lovely day all of you and please be kind to each other! Even and especially if you don’t agree with them!
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shadowlight17 · 2 years
CloneShipping Big Bang Sneak Peek!
Here is the sneak peek for Squad Two!! @cloneshippingbigbang
So excited to bring this to you all! It's my first time podficcing so this will be fun! PRESENTING With @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan as Author. And as Artists @artoforesteia, myself, and Lightning Dropkick (who is also Beta). Fic Title:
Time is an Illusion, The Galaxy Makes No Sense
Rated: Mature. Word Count: 50,300
Pairings: Brill(OC)/Boss, OC/Fixer, OC/Sev, OC/Scorch
Tags: Temporary Character Death (Boss), Game Mechanic Shenanigans, Brain Surgery, Clone Commandos, Republic Commando, Alternate Universe, A/B/O,  Clone Trooper Discrimination, Clone Troopers Deserve Better, Sheev Palpatine is His Own Warning, Yandere Clone Troopers, Dark Clone Troopers, OC/Boss, OC/Scorch, OC/Fixer, OC/Sev, Possessive Clone Troopers, Dub Con, mentions of non con off screen, The Force, Magic-ish
Major Archive Warnings: Major Character Death, Dubcon.
Boss has an Unusual Defect, one that makes it seem like he can travel back in time to a point in the past. Usually, once he has been healed up at a bacta tank dispenser. One of the things that he realizes is, not only is he shifting through time, he is shifting through Alternate Dimensions and Timelines, most of them are very similar to the ones that he originally came from, and some of them are very different. But as a Commando, he was trained to roll with the punches, and flying blaster bolts, and is determined to keep his squad alive. No matter how many times he has to die in order to get a happier ending.
Snippet and Sneak Peek below!
He... pauses and listens, asking questions and slowly following after Sev. Quiet and determined- and interested in that cure- and offering his help, in what little can, what with knowing only enough medical stuff to patch himself and his vode 'e up mid- and post-battle.
Still- Sev encouraged his interesting Other Things- rather than eyeing his blaster with the desperate gaze that he's seen in other vod'e- he's still on Being Watched- for... Suicidal Ideation. Just in case. Boss listens and learns much as the geneticists allow him to of the testing and what they are doing- them finding the Cure- and then later a shelf-stable version of it.
One that he very studiously learns how to make- his joints, oh, how they ache and crack, even though getting the rapid aging cure helps, he is still suffering the after-effects of the rapid aging, before it had been shifted to normal nat-born aging rates for a near-human species.
Still- during one of the times that they are helping the Rebels out with administrative tasks, teaching tactics, and whatnot, which helps them, most of these nat-borns are very painfully civilian.
It's interesting, teaching other skills to fight and defend and tactics to kill and harm. Then the alarm klaxons ring, and as the Empire descends on them, Boss makes sure to help others evacuate and fight.
He sees Sev get dragged on a transport- who turns to look- eyes widening in alarm as he sees Boss not on the ship as the last transport takes flight while he is still on the ground- Sev is trying to move there is noise and light and heat and pain... light, darkness, and a howling silence.
Boss's eyes snap open and his eyes flicker around swiftly as he tries to assess where he is, when it is, and what's going on. He mentally frowns as he looks around, everything seems... bigger- and he notices the harsh white walls and blinding- not blinding lights.
Kamino. Why the kark is he all the way on Kamino? That doesn't make sense- he should be somewhere in Kashyyyk not on Kamino. Perhaps it was because it had been so long since he had done a Return?
Hm... Finishing using the bacta tank dispenser on Kamino he walks- almost wobbling, Sweet karking force how young is he? He finds a mirror and sees a cadet just barely out of decanting peer at him in the mirror.
Well, kriff. He's back years in the past- before the start of the War, and well before the Rise of the Empire- and the fall of the Republic. Which had been more decaying into the Empire- but alas, such quibbles are for those that care about politics and mega-conglomerations.
One of the first things that the tubie-cadet Commandos are taught is how to use the bacta tank dispensers. The only times they are sent to the medics are for is when they get shots and their annual medical checks that all vod'e have to take.
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shadowlight17 · 2 years
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Mod Apps are open! They will run from March 20th to April 3rd. If you're interested in joining Forgotten Chapters Zine team, please fill out the form here. Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm and interest! A reminder if you haven't already, turn on notifications for the zine so you won't ever miss an update. We try to post as often as we can to make sure you all know what's happening! - The Forgotten Chapters Team
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shadowlight17 · 2 years
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Many thanks to everyone interested in Forgotten Chapters!
Be on the lookout, on March 20th Mod Apps open to the public. Let's make the forgotten series of Star Wars be remembered once more. The Muunilist 10 are waiting for your support!
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shadowlight17 · 2 years
I love it far too much! 😂
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…this is @jadetheaverage and @shadowlight17’s fault
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shadowlight17 · 2 years
Okay I know I’m usually a Star Wars blog and usually in that fandom, but I’m a Tolkien-nerd as well. Would…someone PLEASE tell me if they would honest to goodness join a The Mellon Chronicles discord server because *PLEASE*. Reading that fanfiction series was an integral part of my fanfiction journey. If I could? I’d love to say thank you to the original authors 😭😭 but yeah…fellow Tolkien nerds and Mellon Chronicle loving peeps, would you join it? Does one exist?!
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shadowlight17 · 2 years
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Writer, Artist, and Beta Sign-Ups are now Open!!
Writer sign-ups will be open until November 26th. Artist and Beta sign-ups will be open until December 31st. We look forward to seeing you all part of this project!! :D Please be sure to ask any questions you have, review the rules and guidelines and schedule so you know what to expect before you sign up! Moderator Applications will be open in the next week or two. The discord server invite is in the sign-up forms and is at this time, only for the participants of the big bang. Writer Sign-Ups - Open until November 26th.
Artist Sign-Ups - Open until December 31st.
Beta Sign-Ups - Open until December 31st.
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shadowlight17 · 2 years
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shadowlight17 · 2 years
Pong krell, Wolfee and Plo koon
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shadowlight17 · 2 years
what if i asked you to have a good day? what then? hm!?
Then I guess I'd just...be obligated to have a good day?
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