shancephobic · 5 years
Hey this url is uft is anybody wants it!
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shancephobic · 6 years
Female pedophiles are just as bad as the male ones and they both deserve the same punishment
And you’re more than welcome to unfollow if you think otherwise 👍
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shancephobic · 7 years
Josh Keaton, creator of the name “sheith”, said that shaladin isn’t pedophilia in an interview, pretty sassily too???
“People go and say ‘Oh, shaladin is pedophilia!’
First of all, learn the definition of pedophilia”
@joshkeaton you’re telling me that if pidge, a (at most!) 15 year old can date shiro (a 25 year old) and it wouldn’t be a problem? you’re telling me that if a minor dates a legal adult, it’s not a problem? see this is where experience comes in, honey.
i am a 16 year old girl. i am around the close age range of most of the paladins, excluding shiro (because he’s old as fuck). If a 19+ year old man or woman were to flirt with me, i would feel massively uncomfortable. as a 16 year old, i would NOT want to speak closely and too friendly with a 25 year old man. it’s wrong, admittatley. and pretty gross.
i dare you to plainly say in an interview “there’s nothing wrong with minors dating adults. it’s not pedophilia.” because for THAT you will get backlash. you are already getting backlash. i am SO happy you are getting backlash. this is FUCKING DISGUSTING AND IM SICK OF YOUR BULLSHIT, JOSH.
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shancephobic · 7 years
you guys are just bullies tbh
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shancephobic · 7 years
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Shaladins: yea we ship shiro wit minors but ur wrong for saying thats abusive !!!
Shaladins: shipping shiro with minors and teens is way better than shipping him wit slav!!!
Shaladins: u guys hate the real shiro and not the predator shiro we made when we shipped him with a 14yr!!!
Shaladins: making space dad jokes is as bad as making him date his kid brother!!!
Shaladins: U guys didnt want him!!!
Shaladins: u guys only hate shaladin cuz of klance not the fact we make him fuck teens!!
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shancephobic · 7 years
I'm very confused at your points for a couple of reasons?
1) twink and bear are often used within the gay community and parallel with butch and femme terms in the lesbian community but neither of which are inherently sexual.
2) nobody in their right mind looks at their arguing and says that it points towards canon klance and even if they did, how does that relate to yaoi at all
3)keith isn't confirmed asian and even if he was, most of the characters in voltron are meant to be attractive?
4) i don't know which lance you're watching but the lance in voltron but the only time lance needed keith's help was when his lion got stolen? he's a vital and strong member of the team just like the rest of them. however if we're calling couples who rely on each other "yaoi" then keith had to rescue shiro twice during the show already.
klance is a yaoi ship:
both are twinks
“you can tell they love each other because they argue!”
keith is made into a steteotypical uke: emphasis on how he’s a tiny asian, how he’s so pale and beautiful
or lance is made into a stereotypical uke: is whiney and angsty and needs his strong seme keith
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shancephobic · 7 years
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shancephobic · 7 years
To answer your question - Hunk: pan, allura: bi, Shiro: ace, Keith: gay
thank you!!
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shancephobic · 7 years
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shancephobic · 7 years
I'm getting my own apartment soon and I'm excited !!! I'm just really hoping it's cat friendly bc my social worker hasn't asked yet and I'm Dying cos I asked her tht weeks ago ahhbsvg
ahhh i hope you can have a cat too!! keep me updated good luck!!
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shancephobic · 7 years
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shancephobic · 7 years
if you think shir0 doesn’t have control over the other paladins (because of his age not because he’s manipulating them or smth) I’d like to just tell you that whenever I see an adult expressing an opinion on this site/arguing with a minor I automatically assume they’re right like 90% of the time. I often don’t look into things or form my own opinions because I just listen to people older than me and adopt their ideology, so please remember that minors are very affected by adults and what they’re saying, which not only affects shir0 and the paladins but also minors in fandoms!!
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shancephobic · 7 years
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in case anyone forgot
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shancephobic · 7 years
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shancephobic · 7 years
two of my friends ship she//th and,,, that ship makes me so uncomfortable (they're like brothers to each other, and not to mention the age gap). they keep rubbing it in my face,,, she//th makes me physically uneasy and it gives me anxiety,,, i don't wanna not be friends with them, but they refuse to listen to my side and continue to rub the ship in my face, knowing it makes me uncomfortable,, idk what to do
Sorry it took me so long to respond I was trying to find the best solution but if you’ve already talked to them about why it makes you uncomfortable and asked them to just stop talking about she//ith then maybe it’d be best to just stop talking to them about Voltron. Like completely cut off talk about it? If this doesn’t help though feel free to send me another ask and I can try again
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shancephobic · 7 years
tbh i think if it becomes canon that shiro and keith are blood relatives, i think shiro would most likely be his uncle. he just looks so much like keith's dad they Have To be brothers or some shit or even cousins at least (because keith's dad would have been quite a bit older)
Keith’s dad is literally just Shiro with a texan accent. And come on the show was made for kids they’re gonna try to draw easy comparisons between people. I’m calling it by S8, we’re gonna find out Keith and Shiro are related somehow
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shancephobic · 7 years
hey! you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but why do you think some of the new antis are hypocrites? i'm not as old in this fandom as others so i really would like to know if i'm doing something wrong, then again, feel free to ignore this if you want!
ohh man. for starters a lot of them Actively seek out sha/adin content just to yell at op which is…. if you don’t like it, don’t actively seek it out?
and i’ve seen a lot of death threats, which goes against everything antis should stand for.
if you can, just… calmly try to educate the person, there’s no need to tell them to choke every sentence? i’ve had some nice encounters with some of them actually, and some of them are actually really nice people. you know how i know that? i was nice to them, and didn’t immediately come at them saying “you’re a piece of shit and you should choke.” that’s just not the way to do it.
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