shannonmujica · 5 years
I live in a giant comma at the end of the road
The long pause
The empty space
My role in this life is a space holder
I hold space for the next in line
I am the pause before the consideration
A small mark on a page in someone’s book
Over used and under appreciated
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shannonmujica · 5 years
Wash your eyes out with soap and water
so the sting of the words you just read will disappear
Wash your typing fingers off while your at it
A demon with a pen
My words like razors cut deep and penetrate your weary eyes
Waking you from a trance
Truth makes you crazy
Tired of faking the dream
You scream
With that mouth that should be washed with bleach
Your sharp tongue with it’s nonsensical hate mail
Wash your ego in a tide pool of lye then bury it deep in the ground
No one watches like those who wish to find fault
Cleanse 8.29.19
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shannonmujica · 7 years
How many hours did we kiss that first night before tearing each other's clothes off and utilizing every surface of the dining room?
I remember how your lips matched mine how our tongues danced and how I held your face with both hands.
Anaïs nin once said, "we write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect".
I taste life in retrospect each day you aren't beside me. I hold memories of complete entanglement of limbs.
Being near you meant there was no way we wouldn't be touching in some subtle or grand way.
The force of "us" was so powerful it was surprising...especially to us. How did we contort our bodies in such random ways and still fit so perfectly?
How could I be so close to you and still not feel close enough? How was I able to breathe with my face smashed against your chest? I suppose you were my breath and I was yours.
We could only go a month at the most without contact and even friendly gestures led to cuddles, tangled up in each other so tightly wound with never enough minutes to satiate our desire to be held by the other.
Kissing led to lovemaking so powerful and wild. We'd end up in every room not knowing how or when we arrived or departed until hours later as we landed in a heap holding one another and discovering our location.
Unable to retrace our path only knowing we migrated up flights of stairs in & out of showers, on and off of beds and surfaces all the while completely connected.
Both of us knowing no other human on this planet could cause that kind of blissed out soul fucking.
No other human on this planet could tangle our hearts, our limbs, our lips, our tongues, our souls... except each other.
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shannonmujica · 9 years
To feed you...
with my hands, by fork, spoon, mouth... I want to 
your body, your soul
I want to 
you with my thoughts, desires, wants, needs
I want to feed you... fill you up then drink you in 
When you are properly nourished 
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shannonmujica · 9 years
a little ditty I wrote a while back... published on Merakiii.com today.  
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shannonmujica · 10 years
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shannonmujica · 10 years
Mechanical Girl
I can’t seem to wake up this week…
 I sleep through 4 alarms and drag myself out of bed with googley eyes
My dog stays cozy in her spot
Also unable to wake from dreams
I stand up
Put my slippers on
Take them off
I do 50 crunches in my underwear
I do 50 jumping jacks also in my underwear
I stretch again
I do 50 squats sumo and regular
I don’t do the rest of my routine I’ll start over tonight
I’m just trying to wake up
I can’t shower
It’s way too late for that
I put on a hat and a cute sweater
I wash my face and brush my teeth
I stumble to put my boots on and walk the pup
She’s awake now
I throw snowballs
She’s so happy she drools
We go inside and I feed her
I leave the house to sit under fluorescent lights for 8 hours
I write poetry because I have the time to do so
This is not poetry
This is an account of my morning
My boss asks “what are you listening to? It’s awful”!
I say, “you wouldn’t understand”
I’m listening to the Dresden Dolls
A band I forgot about until this morning when I was searching my brain for a toy-like sound to choreograph to… I found it. 
Coin-operated boy
I feel like a mechanical girl today
Wind me up
Put me to task
At least I have pants on 
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shannonmujica · 10 years
I hugged my twin in a dream
I’m still asleep lucid day walking
Ice shrouds tree limbs frozen fingers stuck in time
A crow flies through the sun and over my head
A rhythmic crunch and squeak beneath my feet
I spill my coffee and fall through a hole
I squeeze honey onto a spoon
mesmerized by the sweet golden ribbon
I place it to my mouth with intention
it attaches to the buds on my tongue
Quick quiet honey buzz 
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shannonmujica · 10 years
Love caught me by my wing Snagged with intention by a child's playful net I looked into love We married on top of a mountain playground As leaves turned to gold before our eyes We dangled our feet as we drifted on sky We dipped our toes into our own shadows and laughed because it tickled We quenched our souls with kisses as the light swallowed peaks Our bodies covered in earth we danced to our heartbeats Sparks flew the flame ignited we became so blind we could finally see The net was not there at all We trusted love to fly... not fall
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shannonmujica · 10 years
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shannonmujica · 10 years
trace the moon
I traced the moon a thousand times with my finger
I wrote poetry in my mind
I woke from a bad dream and felt the cool air against my chin
I laughed out loud as I peered through lit windows in the night 
I rested my head upon my own chest tonight and said I love you to the reflection as I brushed my teeth
I kissed my dog on the lips and nose as she nuzzled into me
I am happy even though I cried from my guts today 
I am magic
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shannonmujica · 10 years
He holds my heart
He holds my hand as he sleeps
His heart beats too many rhythms to play at once
He identifies with the lyrics written by brothers from another life
His eyes are veils to a hidden world that I may never know
I love every beat, every secret, every hidden world, every treasure that he displays with shyness and surprise to himself when he reveals such gems
I love the long pause, the right words, the consideration, the hours he takes to better himself, the sleepy smile, the only child
Defiance is his nature I’m not sure he knows why but it’s underlying and obvious depending on circumstance
He does not defy my body he gives his to me openly with wild moans and groping hands
His mouth searches for mine eyes open eyes closed he lets go
I look to the sky and see hearts in the clouds I walk the path and see hearts in the rocks I trip on the moon as it pokes me in the eye to wake up and look at my lover
I trace his lines with my kisses I memorize his body with my lips I hold his heart with both hands pressed against his chest
He is not mine he will never be mine
He will only stay until he leaves
He will only give so much and keep the rest
He loves the way he loves and I cannot entice him to love any other way
nor do I want to
He searches for me in his dreams
He weaves me into his future
He says I drink all the tequila
He likes when my lips sparkle
He likes to hear me say I love you
but rarely says it first
He likes when I dance
He likes when I visit him after a long conversation
He waits until the end of the day to get outside
He writes songs and forgets them
He plays to remember
He’s a dreamer and a doer
He needs the ocean to feel alive
He needs the mountains when the air turns balmy and hot
His hawk surfs the skies above him his coyote laughs
He drops in
He connects
He sees
He remembers
He is magic
He holds my hand as he sleeps 
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shannonmujica · 10 years
Amore-sel f Love
I have been in love a thousand times and cannot count the ones who have loved me from a distance but only smile as I pass them on the street.
I am love.
I dip my fingers into the untouched trenches of strangers’ hearts and lick them with delight devouring each sweet morsel they share with me during daily conversation.
I hold those morsels and keep them in tiny treasure boxes in my mind I want to explore every person I see wondering what I will discover
Naturally they open themselves to me and let it all out, the good, the bad, and the ugly… oh I’ve heard so much ugly but they usually leave with a smile feeling better that they shared
My love is so big, so deep, so overwhelming I cannot help but fall in love every single day with LIFE with the amazing world surrounding us, with the stories that each person holds within them. 
Today I fell in love with an accountant, a guitar maker, a new mom, a dog owner, a newly engaged man, a grandmother, a jewelry maker, a dancer, a three year old, a musician (I fall in love with him every day at least 1000 times), 2 dogs, and a little girl with pink hair.    
I am love.
 I am wonderstruck. I have wanderlust. I have lust.  I have heart.  I am gentle. I am brave. I am loyal to my tribe.
My heart belongs to the world so whoever loves me back has to understand that I will cry when I see someone else crying. I will reach out when someone needs me. I will extend myself too far sometimes. If you are the one I’m devoted to then I will love you bigger than the 1000 loves, I will hold you tighter than you’ve ever been held and I will show you every single day that I choose you.  I am able to do this because I LOVE freely, I love unconditionally, and I love solid. 
I am love.
Let me dip my fingers into your tender past and taste the grit let me place both arms around you and press your heart against my own so we can dance to our combined rhythm let me love you.
I am love. 
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shannonmujica · 10 years
Vegan for a Month!
so, I took on this 30 day challenge to eat "plant based" for one month... today I'm happy to say that I'm still alive on day 5 and I have only had one quasi-tough day, the first day... and it wasn't even until the end of the day when I went to watch some live music in the park and my friend brought the super yummy, melt in your mouth kind of chips along with queso... omg... queso is one of my all time ultimate weaknesses... and there it was sitting in front of me to look at and smell and drool over... but then I told him that I was going vegan for a month and like a total gentleman he put the lid on it and put it away so I wouldn't have to drool over it.  
I realized that I'm not that big of an "animal bi-product" kind of girl... I mean, l LOVE cheese in the sara silverman baby-bel kind of way... but cutting out eggs, butter, meat, and fish hasn't really been that tough.  I was craving sushi the other day so I got an avacado roll and a veggie roll and BAM! craving was satisfied. so, I'm hoping that the rest of the challenge goes this well for me.  It ends 3 days before my birthday so I'll be set just in case I do feel the need to dig into some of that delicious queso. mmm. 
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shannonmujica · 10 years
I totally forgot!
I completely spaced the fact that I had a tumblr account until I received an email today saying, "Everything's a muse turned 3 today"! I was puzzled and thought, what a cute name for a blog... I wish I would have thought of that! then I realized, oh hey! I DID think of that! it's MY blog where I was supposed to post something everyday for a year and I totally failed after like 2 days, I very openly admitted that I suck that this kind of follow through... because I can DO something but posting it is a hit or miss for me and it's most likely a miss. With that said, I suppose now, the "3 year anniversary" of this cutely titled blog should be put to use... soooo, I'll try again... maybe I'll just try to write a sentence or two a day but no promises... so let's see what happens! 
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shannonmujica · 12 years
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Nothing says love like a good photo bomb (Taken with instagram)
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shannonmujica · 12 years
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Beginning of my first go at quilt making (Taken with instagram)
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