shapeyourart · 1 year
My way
I've lived my life,
And I've done my time,
And I've loved and lost,
And I've won and I've cried.
I've made my mistakes,
And I've taken my chances,
I've laughed and I've bled,
And I've fought and I've danced.
And it's all brought me to this moment,
This place where I am now,
Where my past and my future meet,
And time stands still for just a moment.
And I know that time's running out,
And that soon I'll be gone,
But I've lived my life,
And I've had my fun,
And I have no regrets,
For I've done it all my way.
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shapeyourart · 1 year
Fate Master
In a world of danger,
Where the shadows are long,
And the danger's at our door,
I know I can't be strong,
And face it with courage,
And a heart that won't break,
For there's something in my past,
It's a shadow that won't go away,
And when I close my eyes,
I see the faces,
Of those who I have lost,
And the pain that I still carry,
It's a weight that's too heavy,
To carry on my shoulders,
But I won't give up,
And I won't let go,
For there's a strength within me,
That still burns,
Like the fire in my soul,
And when the day is dark,
And I feel I cannot go on,
And the weight of the world is against me,
I'll raise my head to the sky,
And I'll sing like the wind,
And I'll sing like the rain,
For I am me,
And I am the master of my fate.
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shapeyourart · 1 year
I am a blank page,
A canvas without a single stroke.
I've run so long,
And now I find myself alone.
I have no memory,
No past to call my own,
A stranger to myself,
A ghost wandering without a home.
I'm a ghost of my past,
A shadow of who I once was,
A remnant of a life left behind,
And I don't know where to start.
I've escaped so many times,
And yet, I find myself back where I began.
I've run and I've run,
But my past always seems to find me again.
I'm a lost soul,
A drifter with no purpose,
A wanderer with no home,
Seeking something that I've never found.
I don't know who I am,
Or what I was before,
All I know is that I've been running,
And I don't think I can run anymore.
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shapeyourart · 1 year
I Used to Rule the World
Once, I ruled the world with an iron fist,
And everyone followed my command,
But then my power started to diminish,
And I became a relic of the past,
A shadow of my former self,
A broken man,
A shell of who I used to be.
The world kept turning,
And I was left behind,
No longer the king of my own fate,
But a mere spectator,
Watching from the sidelines,
As the world passed me by.
My empire crumbled,
And my throne was taken,
And I was left with nothing but regret,
And the knowledge that I could have done more,
But I let my doubts and fears hold me back,
And now I'm alone,
With no one to blame but myself.
But I refuse to give up,
I refuse to concede,
For even in the darkest of nights,
There's always a glimmer of hope,
A light that burns within,
A flame that refuses to be extinguished.
I will not let my past define me,
I will not let my failures drag me down,
I will rise up,
And reclaim my place in this world,
For I am more than my mistakes,
I am more than my regrets,
I am the master of my own destiny,
And I will not let anything stand in my way.
(inspired by "Viva la Vida", Coldplay)
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shapeyourart · 1 year
Way Out
I'm lost in the dark forest of my mind,
A maze of tangled roots and twisted vines.
I wander alone, with no light to guide,
And fear the creatures that I cannot see,
Though I hear their snarls and feel their breath,
They lurk and wait, to pounce and catch.
The trees are tall, and the air is thick with fog,
It chokes and clogs, and it's hard to breathe,
And all around, there is a creeping dread,
That if I stumble, I'll never get ahead.
Some paths seem safe, but they are deceptive,
They lead to nowhere, and I feel destructive,
The thoughts that race through my head, they haunt me,
And no matter how much I try to keep them,
They still manage to slip past, like water through my fingers.
I'm haunted by my doubts and my fears,
And if I stumble, my mistakes repeat,
The darkness seems to close in all around,
And if I fail, I'll be lost forever, bound.
The voices I hear, they whisper in my ear,
And every step I take, brings me closer to fear,.
They taunt and prod, and fill me with despair,
And as I stumble, I start to despair.
The forest seems to stretch on forever,
And my heart is heavy, with a weight so never-ending.
And though I yearn for light and open skies,
I'm trapped in the dark forest, and I can't find my way out.
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shapeyourart · 1 year
The Fire Within
There is a fire within that burns
A burning that won't be contained
It's a fire that consumes
And leaves nothing but pain
It's a fire that is fueled by anger
And burns with a fierce intensity
It's a fire that consumes
And leaves nothing but the remnants of the past
It's a fire that craves revenge
And won't be satisfied until
It has burned the target of its wrath
To ashes it can't deny
It's a fire that is unforgiving
And won't allow for peace
It's a fire that's always present
And keeps us in a cycle of strife
It's a fire that is dangerous
And can consume us in its flame
It's a fire that's relentless
And leaves nothing but a trail of pain
It's a fire that is consuming us
And leaving us feeling lost
It's a fire that won't be quelled
Until it's consumed everything it's lost
It's a fire that is a reminder
Of what we've been through
It's a fire that we can't ignore
And won't let us live without the pain it grew
So we must learn to tame this fire
And keep it from destroying us
For it's a fire that we can't outrun
And it's a fire that can't be denied.
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shapeyourart · 1 year
The darkness swallows me whole
As I wander through this hopeless life
Each day feels like an eternity
And my soul feels like a knifes edge
I've searched for meaning
And found nothing but despair
My heart is a furnace
And the flames consume me without care
I cry out into the void
But no one seems to hear my cries
My pain is a burden
That I can't seem to set aside
But still I keep on searching
For a reason to continue on
For in the midst of all this darkness
There must be something that can be done
And so I try to hold on
To the slightest shred of hope
For one day, perhaps
I'll find what I've been looking for
And though the journey may be long
And the road may be full of strife
I will keep on walking
Towards the light of life.
For life, though it may be hard
And filled with pain and sadness too
Can also be a gift
That brings joy and happiness anew
So I will hold on tight
To the hope that dwells within
And I will keep on walking
Towards the light of life once again.
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shapeyourart · 1 year
The Black Bird
There is a bird inside my heart
that sings a sad, sad song
The melody is one of grief
and it echoes all night long
It's a bird of darkness
and it feeds on my despair
Each note it sings
is a dagger in my face
It whispers in my ear
like the sound of rain
The words it speaks
are filled with such profound pain
It's a dark, dark bird
and its eyes are filled with tears
It's a creature of the night
and it's always at my fears
The pain it brings
is like a thousand knives
And though I try to shoo it away
it never departs my life
I try to be strong
and hold it at bay
But sometimes it takes over
and I just can't find my way
The bird is a reminder
of all the hurt that I've known
It's a symbol of my sadness
and the loneliness I've shown
But though it may be dark
and fill me with despair
It's also a reminder
that I'm still alive and I care
For the bird is a part of me
and it may be there for life
But I'll continue to fight
and I'll keep on till I find the light
So I'll let the bird sing on
and I'll listen with care
For though it's filled with sorrow
its words can lead me nowhere
The bird is my sadness
and my loneliness too
But it's also my hope
and the light inside that's still true
So though the bird may sing
and I may hear its tune
I'll continue to fight
and I'll never give up too soon
The bird is a part of me
and it may be with me till the end
But I'll find the strength
to make it sing again
For it's a reminder of my pain
and a reflection of my hurt
But it's also a symbol
of my determination and my worth.
So I'll keep on fighting
and I'll never give up hope
For I and for the bird
Who wants to sing happily.
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shapeyourart · 1 year
I got mad, sorry dear ..
Viva la Vida! -Coldplay
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shapeyourart · 1 year
I really hate those reading apps where you have to pay 10 dollars per chapter, they are short and the "novel" has like 400 chapters...
And the worst thing is that they are horrible, they hurt my eyes, the cliche of the straight couple, what a contract marriage, who gets pregnant and he asks for a divorce without knowing it and then wants to go back...
Or shits like that, I mean, its so bored...
if you are so horny better masturbate or have sex LOL (Sorry don't hate me but I got mad)
Excuse me, okay? It's that I hate novels that are literally made just to show sex, and the whole story is filler and the only thing the author is interested in is sex and that the man is handsome. (skmp) It's like, you better start writing erotic poems if the protagonist is going to be naked throughout the book.
It annoys me, because once I read a story that started out super interesting, as if it will catch you... Until the sex scenes started and everything went to hell... (Why you do this to me? To us? So dramatic)
(Forgive me dear, but I don't find good taste in those novels)
(Please don't cancel me dear, it's my humble opinion, if you like that kind of novels, good for you, its existence just annoys me, do what you want with your life and your reading)
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shapeyourart · 1 year
Love Coldplay?
Love me
Love Adele?
Love me
Love read?
Love me
That's it
Not so hard to..
Say yes to me
(anyways is a bullshit)
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shapeyourart · 1 year
It's not the most impressive poem I've ever read, but I liked it, and I like to share what I like, so I hope someone else enjoys these words. Thanks dear ;)
(I found it while browsing on Pinterest)
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shapeyourart · 1 year
Romantics poems to read ;)
- "How do I love three" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning: This famous sonnet begins with the famous line "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways." Barrett Browning's poem celebrates the depth and intensity of romantic love, describing the many ways in which she loves her beloved.
"Annabel Lee" by Edgar Allan Poe: This hauntingly beautiful poem tells the story of a young couple in love, Annabel Lee and the speaker, who are separated by death. The poem explores themes of love, loss, and grief, and is known for its lyrical and romantic language.
"She Walks in Beauty" by Lord Byron: This poem is a celebration of the beauty of a woman, who is described as "a cloudless clime / And starry skies." Byron's poem is a tribute to the physical and inner beauty of his subject, and has become one of the most famous romantic poems in English literature.
"When You Are Old" by W.B. Yeats: In this poem, Yeats reflects on the transience of love and youth, addressing his beloved as she grows old. The poem is both wistful and melancholic, with Yeats expressing regret for not being able to be with his beloved in her old age.
"Sonnet 18" by William Shakespeare: One of Shakespeare's most famous sonnets, Sonnet 18 compares the beauty of the speaker's beloved to a summer's day. The poem celebrates the enduring nature of love, suggesting that the beauty of the beloved will never fade, even after death.
I hope you like it, see u later ;)
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shapeyourart · 1 year
Books I recommend you to read (if you like mystery and horror books)
- "The Girl on the Train" by Paula Hawkins: This mystery novel follows a woman in crisis who is embroiled in a murder investigation.
- "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn: A mystery novel about a woman disappears and the investigation that follows this situation.
- "The Silent Patient" by Alex Michaelides: In this mystery novel, a young therapist finds himself involved in an investigation involving one of his patients.
- "The Woman in the Window" by A.J. Finn: In this mystery novel, a convalescent woman becomes a witness to a murder in her neighborhood.
- "The Cabin at the End of the World" by Paul Tremblay: In this mystery novel, a family is forced to participate in a deadly game of survival.
- "Invisible" by James Patterson: In this mystery novel, a woman becomes a suspect in a murder investigation and must fight to prove her innocence.
- "The Haunting of Hill House" by Shirley Jackson: In this gothic horror novel, a group of characters find themselves in a haunted house investigating a mystery.
Well, I hope you like it, great day dear!
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