shaykennedyblog · 1 year
Anakin vs Dooku test shared by stunt coordinator Nick Gillard
(added the slo-mo bit for more clarity)
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shaykennedyblog · 4 years
Zoflora: my favourites for making the house smell amazing!
My current favourite Zoflora scents #cleanwithme
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If you’re obsessed with Zoflora, we can be friends. Thanks to lockdown, I’ve reverted back to my household cleaning obsession. I remember when I first started following Mrs Hinch a couple of years ago. The flurry she caused about keeping your house clean made it actually exciting to buy cleaning products!
To be honest, I was grateful for it back in 2018 as I had just moved in with Roband…
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shaykennedyblog · 4 years
Glossybox July 2020 Review
Want to know what was in this months Glossybox? Check out my review!
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I subscribed to Glossybox earlier this year so that I would have a nice little treat every month. Because of lockdown, I’ve looked forward to my monthly box even more. If you don’t know what Glossybox is, it’s a beauty box subscription service that delivers 5 products to your door in the cutest packaging ready for you to try! This months Hawaii themed box is just so beautiful, the most gorgeous…
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shaykennedyblog · 4 years
Grey and Navy Living Room and Dining Room Inspiration: Starting to redecorate
Grey and Navy Living Room and Dining Room Inspiration: Starting to redecorate
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I never thought I would be writing interiors posts on my blog. However, the more I think about it, I can’t understand why I haven’t written many of them before.
I’ve always kept my love of interiors quite close to my chest. I think it’s because when I was a student, I was skint and dreaming of fine art and beautiful furniture seemed years if not decades away. I…
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shaykennedyblog · 4 years
Albie turns one!
Albie is one!
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How is Albie already ONE?! This year has flown by!
In just under a year ago we went to see him when he was only 2-3 weeks old and saw these two tiny little wriggly white puppies in a pen. As soon as I saw him, I was in love. He was the bigger, chunky one who was already being so vocal. I held him and he cried out for food so we gave him back to his pug mummy Minnie and he hasn’t stopped eating…
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shaykennedyblog · 4 years
Opening my Etsy Shop | Shay Kennedy Designs
Opening my Etsy Shop | Shay Kennedy Designs
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Oh this is an exciting post to write! The kind where your fingers just fly at the keyboard and you’ve got to remember to refer to notes so you don’t miss anything or think too quickly and forget something!
I’ve always loved Etsy! For years i’ve bought bullet journal stickers from there, cards and gifts for friends and family and even blog themes long ago. It’s…
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shaykennedyblog · 4 years
My April Favourites
My April Favourites!
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First month of lockdown: Complete.
April 2020 is a month I don’t think I’ll ever forget! Adjusting to a new pace of life. I originally didn’t want to waste any of my makeup or skincare during the lockdown but as time has gone on I’ve realised how much applying a face of makeup can make you just feel better! Also, when am I ever going to get the time to play with it all this much and get the…
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shaykennedyblog · 4 years
PitPat Review | Dog activity tracker Review
PitPat Review | Dog activity tracker Review
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What is a PitPat?
A PitPat is a dog activity tracker that attaches to their collar by velcro that wraps around the collar, keeping it secure. You are able to track your dogs weight, exercise, rest periods, distance covered and the calories burned by your dog everyday!
Why we chose PitPat?
When we got a dog we realised that we were about to start getting far more regular exercise.…
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shaykennedyblog · 4 years
Navabi- Dressing for confidence. AD
Navabi- Dressing for confidence. AD
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Taking a look at this blog post you might think you’ve stumbled onto another persons blog. But no, that’s me, in a dress and heels!
Fashion and clothing isn’t somethingI am so at home in trackies, jeans, trainers and hoodies and have gotten so complacent and lazy with my “style”. I dress for comfort everyday and as most of my days revolve around tidying the house, sat working in the home…
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shaykennedyblog · 4 years
Spaghetti Carbonara Recipe| Cooking with Schwartz
AD| Spaghetti Carbonara Recipe -Cooking with Schwartz
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Cooking has never been my forte, but it is something I want to learn more about. When Schwartz reached out to me asking me if I would like to try their Spaghetti Carbonara Mix I was excited to give it a go!
In the three years we’ve dated, I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve cooked for me and Rob. So with 2020 arriving soon and with it our 4th year of dating and me turning 27, I…
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shaykennedyblog · 5 years
Rocketo Raw Dog Food Review
Rocketo Raw Dog Food Review
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Last year I discovered the raw food diet for dogs. When we got our rescue dog, he was itchy, unwell and when he went to the toilet- the smell! We joined a Facebook group, did our research, found a raw food pet shop and we went from there with trial and error. The difference it made to his health was amazing and we knew we were going to feed Albie it when we got him.
As wonderful as the raw…
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shaykennedyblog · 5 years
40 Gifts for Dog Lovers
40 Gifts for Dog Lovers
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If there was ever a gift guide you were going to find on my blog, it was going to be about DOGS! ( how cute is baby Albie!)
Ever since we got Albie I feel like I can get away buying pug or westie things. With our anniversary, both our birthdays and christmas coming up- I’ve spent a lot of time looking at dog-related presents. I started looking for dog friendly gifts and decided it would be a…
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shaykennedyblog · 5 years
Say Hello to our 8 week old Pugland Albie!
Say Hello to our 8 week old Pugland Albie!
Say hello to Albie! He is the cheekiest little sod but is also one of the smartest dogs I’ve ever met. Within the first week we had managed to get him to learn how to do sit, paw, lie down and spin. We’re working on perfecting them and him being on the leash in the garden, especially practicing his recall.
What’s a pugland?
Albie is the son of Teemo. If you didn’t already know, when I was a…
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shaykennedyblog · 5 years
AD | Fuelling our fitness goals with Gatorade
AD | Fuelling our fitness goals with Gatorade
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What are your favourite Summer memories?
For me my favourite summer memories are going on holiday with my parents to America! The warm weather, the theme parks, the food and drink we couldn’t get in England! I remember trying Gatorade Orange for the first time in America and using it to fuel my mad running around Universal Studios and driving my parents mad! Back then, you couldn’t get it in…
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shaykennedyblog · 5 years
Diary: Starting work on our hallway!
Diary: Starting work on our hallway!
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It’s been awhile since I wrote a blog post and I’ve been really mulling over the purpose of this here blog. I’m not a student anymore and I spend my days working in marketing so I haven’t really made much time for my blog. So it’s now going to be a brain dump, diary sort of place to chat DIY etc. I want to get my blog back to the original and interesting blogs I read when i first started a blog.…
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shaykennedyblog · 5 years
Foodie Tour of Newcastle with Triple A Food Tours
AD | Come on a foodie tour of Newcastle with Triple A Food Tours
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I have lived in Newcastle for almost 7 years and never been on a food tour! I was so excited to be invited along to a Triple A Food Tour of Newcastle City Centre! We met at monument at 1pm before heading over to the Grainger Market for our first two stops of the tour before continuing on down the Quayside to the other three stops.
La Casa Delicatessen in the Grainger Market
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Our first stop…
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shaykennedyblog · 5 years
Netflix : 5 programmes I'm obsessed with
Netflix : 5 programmes I’m obsessed with
For someone who spends a HUGE amount of time streaming programmes whilst I’m working or chilling, I really don’t talk about them all that much. So today I thought I’d share with you some programmes I have been really getting into recently!
The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann
Diving into the deep end right now! If you don’t want to read my thoughts on this carry on down to the next title.
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