sherlockianid · 8 years
Sherlock Episode Review S4E2: The Lying Detective
The second episode of this Sherlock series is the triumphant return that we have all been waiting for. It’s dark and funny and thrilling, it’s one of the finest works in the series. We haven’t got anything like this since Scandal in Belgravia and how long ago was that again? The Lying Detective is a Sherlock essential - here’s why. Spoilers ahead!
First things first, this episode is from Doyle’s The Dying Detective, Story-wise, this is indeed loyal to the canon to a great depth that only the second series has ever reached before. We love that the show gets back to the episode-long case format, we’ve missed it so! The episode introduces Culverton Smith, portrayed by Toby Jones, who is shown as an entrepreneur/philanthropist by day and despicable serial killer by night who can’t stop killing and - apparently - can’t stop confessing. Surrounded with fame, money, and power, Culverton is untouchable and has access to means of catering his “special needs”. He has his own hospital to deal with his victims and his own memory-inhibitor drug to let him freely confess to his own small circle and have them forget quickly after. Culverton Smith becomes the horrendous and chilling figure that is easily the highlight of this episode.
However, the case in itself turned out to be the follow-up of Mary’s message from the previous episode, in which Sherlock was instructed to “pick a fight with a bad guy” and “throw yourself in harm’s way” to get John back. Despite that most of what Sherlock gets himself into for Culverton is a lie, we’re quite sure this is a bit not good, considering the resulting violence when John was projecting his fury at Sherlock as well as the danger when Sherlock laid himself bare and dying in front of the murderous Culverton. We don’t know at first if it was good that the bigger purpose of the case is essentially John Watson, because it makes the Sherlock-John dynamic seem obsessive, dependent, and potentially harmful in a way we aren’t sure is healthy. However, it worked out in the end to wrap up our Baker Street Boys’ rough journey, and we can only hope their relationship gets better from here on.
Another important thing is how heart and humor is nicely woven with said horror and violence in this episode. After Sherlock and John’s fallout from the last episode, we see Mrs. Hudson in all her badass glory (speed-driving while on the phone and guns and handcuffs!) trying to clean up the mess that are grief-stricken John and drug-addled Sherlock. Una Stubbs’ performance is especially wonderful in this one, finally getting the spotlight she deserved from long ago. Other fun bits were Irene Adler’s text alert cameo and flirtatious interactions between Mycroft and Lady Smallwood. Mary (in the form of a hallucinated ghost) makes a heartwarming return, guiding John through his grief all the way to the reconciliation with Sherlock and the confession of his infidelity. Her part in the episode was just enough to tip things off the right direction and makes us miss Amanda Abbington even more. Ultimately, Mary was the one who brought it all into one big moral conclusion: “it is what it is”, for there’s only so much a human being can do about their own dark side and the things they cannot control.
The episode ends with a massive reveal of a secret Holmes sister and a cliffhanger that we think is very much on par with that pool scene from The Great Game. It was exciting to find out not only that she exists, but also that she was literally three different people throughout two episodes! There are questions to be answered in the next episode, like why she disguised herself as E for John or as Smith’s daughter for Sherlock, where she has been, why she is here now, and why Sherlock doesn’t recognize her the first time round. A round of applause is due for Sian Brooke who was simply astounding and successful in tricking us all into undermining her not-so-minor character(s).
The Lying Detective is the Sherlock episode we’ve all been waiting for. Halfway into this series, if it ends up becoming the last, we cannot be more grateful to have this story in it. With renewed mysteries and heightened dynamics, we can’t wait to see what’s in store for us next week!
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sherlockianid · 8 years
[CLOSED] Nobar Marathon Sherlock Series 4 (#SIDGath2017)
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Hi Sherlockians! It’s that time of the year again!
Bulan Januari 2017 adalah bulan perayaan ulang tahun Sherlock Holmes (6 Januari), anniversary Sherlockian Indonesia (15 Januari), dan tentunya yang paling ditunggu-tunggu - Series 4 dari Sherlock!
Pada tahun ini, kami mempersembahkan Nobar Marathon Sherlock Series 4 dan bekerja sama dengan Gilafilm.id! Selain nobar, acara ini akan diisi juga dengan games-games seru untuk seluruh peserta.
Acara ini akan diadakan pada:
Hari/tanggal: Sabtu, 21 Januari 2017 Waktu: 09:00 - 15:00 WIB Lokasi: Paviliun 28, Jln. Pedogogan No.25, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan.
Kali ini, akan ada tiga paket HTM yang kami tawarkan dengan isi merchandise yang berbeda-beda. Yaitu:
Paket John (Rp60.000): Merchandise pin dan mini calendar
Paket Sherlock (Rp85.000): Merchandise pin, mini calendar, dan mug
Paket Mycroft (Rp115.000): Merchandise pin, mini calendar, dan T-Shirt
Untuk mendaftar, silakan mentransfer biaya pendaftaran sesuai paket yang dipilih ke BCA 4970821304 (a.n. Ayu Gayatri S.) dan kirimkan bukti transfer melalui email ke [email protected] dengan subyek SIDGATH 2017 dan rincian nama, no. telepon, email, paket, dan jumlah peserta.
Setelah terdaftar, kami akan mengirimkan nomor pendaftaran yang dapat ditukar dengan tiket nonton pada hari-H. Pengaturan tempat duduk akan dilakukan pada hari-H dengan sistem first come first serve.
Batas pendaftaran untuk paket Sherlock dan Mycroft adalah 16 Januari 2016.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan cek akun Twitter kami @SherlockianID atau hubungi 081296213978 (Lat) / 087885682863 (Ayu).
Daftar secepatnya karena tempat sangat terbatas. See you there!
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sherlockianid · 8 years
Sherlock Episode Review S4E1: The Six Thatchers
It’s been three years since His Last Vow (discounting The Abominable Bride that came out last year and in fact technically took place during the few last seconds of His Last Vow and a few minutes after) and the Sherlock fandom has been eager to see what’s coming. The third series ended with a broadcast of Moriarty’s “Miss Me?” which has been teased all throughout the buildup of the fourth series’ premiere. How did it deliver? SPOILERS AHEAD.
The beginning of the episode dealt with the aftermath of His Last Vow rather quickly - taking, in fact, only four minutes of the episode - in which Sherlock was cleared of his actions with the help of Mycroft and the British Government. He was then “free as a bird” and allowed to resume his life, free of consequences. It was a little sad that the finale was brushed off just like that and Sherlock walked free as if it never happened - we would’ve loved to see more of how it affected him or the following stories. But then again this has been a pattern that worked quite effectively in the previous series to get going into the main story, if we remember how the pool cliffhanger was resolved in Scandal in Belgravia and how Sherlock faked his death in The Reichenbach Fall, at the end, didn’t really matter.
That aside, we see the most notable change in this series’ premiere is how they shift away from the 90-minutes case-centric story format, which has beautifully graced the first and second series. His Last Vow arguably still stuck to that format, but we’re not seeing it anymore in The Six Thatchers. The first half of the episode was pleasant to watch for a moment. It introduced John and Mary’s new life as parents-slash-crime-solvers and Sherlock trying to interact with little Rosie Watson. There were other little cases that came and went (lovely references too - The Engineer’s Thumb, The Lion’s Mane, The Red-Headed League, The Sign of Four, etc). But then it settled on one case of mysterious death, which was apparently solved in mere minutes. Then it moved on to another case of smashed busts, which didn’t turn out to be a case after all but rather - coincidentally - an entry into the story of Mary Watson’s past. It’s quite different and as the show progresses from series to series, it moves the spotlight from exciting crime-solving to dramatic character-building, just as we saw in the third series (although that one was a little bit better). Character-building is great of course (most of the time), especially with the added fighting and gunshot sequences. However, we think that this time the balance tipped too far away from the breathtaking deductions and thrilling cases that made Sherlock… well, Sherlock. We can only hope it will be back on for the rest of the series.
The second half of the episode revolved mainly around Mary, her past, and how Sherlock and John are dragged into it. Mary is the woman whom this show has elevated from just Watson’s wife in the canon to a kickass ex-international agent/spy/assassin who gets just as bored as John does in domestic bliss without adrenaline. Here we see her character highlighted as Rosie’s lovely mother, Sherlock’s clever and adventurous friend, and John’s protective wife. We see Sherlock giving his all to fulfill his vow in protecting her and her family, resulting in excellent dynamic between the two. We see that Sherlock has come a long way into becoming more human, forging an ever stronger friendship with the Watson family.
The episode seems to want to prove that none of these three main characters are who they seem to be. Mary turns out to have even more secrets from the past than what she had told us. John turns out to be not as loyal as we think (and it was rather disappointing, because John has been our dependable, solid rock when we first entered this show). Sherlock turns out to not have yet learned the consequences of being arrogant and overconfident, and he must learn in the worst way possible - through a tragic death that he himself have triggered.  These are dark turns indeed and played very nicely by the ever-wonderful Amanda Abbington, Martin Freeman, and Benedict Cumberbatch. The characters fleshed out great except for John’s, we think, because his imperfection seems to have come out of nowhere and contributes to nothing within the arc - unlike Mary’s secretiveness that was meant to protect her family, or Sherlock’s unfiltered deductions that was meant to get a culprit. Aside from that possible infidelity, there was also the matter of John not functioning as a doctor when his wife was dying in his arms as well as projecting his guilt/anger at Sherlock (who have clearly done a lot more to protect and love Mary than John ever did in this episode), so we aren’t sure if these out-of-character “flaws” are necessary in the end.
Other things we were unsettled with (or perhaps that was the purpose of this episode?) was how Mary’s story didn’t end as a tribute to her character, but rather a trigger to further test Sherlock and John’s friendship - it was back to them again. Understandably as in the canon, she was meant to just pop by until Watson moves back in with Holmes. However, since this version of Sherlock set her up as an extraordinary woman, we thought we could have her arc concluded extraordinarily as well. It was heroic, but it served very little purpose for her character.
The episode ends with a huge rift between Sherlock and John, questions about that flirty girl on the bus, mysterious John-centric video message from Mary before her death, and absolutely no answer as to what the dead Moriarty will do next. As an episode plot in itself, there were still a lot of things that were unclear. However, directing was done beautifully by the wonderful Rachel Talalay (especially the London Aquarium bits!) and the music was stellar as ever, composed by David Arnold and Michael Price. Atmospherically, this episode is undoubtedly Sherlock.
Perhaps there’s more to what we have right now and with this show we never really know what’s real and what’s not. There are two more episodes to this series and we hope the bigger picture assembles itself much sooner than later!
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sherlockianid · 8 years
Bincang Hangat Sebangsa dan Komunita.id Bersama Sherlockian Indonesia
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Hey, Sherlockians!
Sherlockian Indonesia akan mengikuti acara Bincang Hangat yang diselenggarakan oleh Sebangsa dan Komunita.id pada awal Januari tahun depan. Acara ini akan diisi dengan nonton bareng episode pertama dari season terbaru Sherlock yang akan rilis saat tahun baru nanti, yaitu “The Six Thatchers”.
Tanggal: Jumat, 6 Januari 2017
Jam: 14.00-18.00
Tempat: Sebangsa HQ, Jl. Langat 1 No. 16 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan.
Acara ini tidak dipungut biaya alias GRATIS! Untuk info lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi twitter kami @SherlockianID
Untuk reservasi dapat menghubungi 081294312661 atau 081281773884 (Tami) karena tempat terbatas. Kami tunggu kehadirannya!
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sherlockianid · 9 years
[DIBUKA SESI KEDUA] Sherlockian Indonesia Gathering 2016 (#SIDGath2016)
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Hari/tanggal: Sabtu, 9 Januari 2016 Waktu: 10:00 - 13:00 WIB Lokasi: Kineforum, Taman Ismail Marzuki. Jl. Cikini Raya No. 73, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 
Hi Sherlockians! It’s that time of the year again!
Bulan Januari 2016 adalah bulan perayaan ulang tahun Sherlock Holmes (6 Januari), anniversary Sherlockian Indonesia (15 Januari), dan tentunya yang paling ditunggu-tunggu - Sherlock: The Abominable Bride!
Tahun ini, kami mempersembahkan Sherlockian Indonesia Gathering 2016 dengan tambahan acara Nonton Bareng Sherlock: The Abominable Bride, yaitu episode spesial dari serial BBC Sherlock edisi hari raya natal.
Acara ini akan diadakan pada:
Hari/tanggal: Sabtu, 9 Januari 2016 Waktu: 10:00 - 13:00 WIB Lokasi: Kineforum, Taman Ismail Marzuki. Jl. Cikini Raya No. 73, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat  Biaya: Rp 55.000,- per orang
Biaya pendaftaran sudah termasuk paket mini merchandise (notebook, pin, dan cookie oleh Jane dari Dunia Kue) dan kesempatan memenangkan hadiah merchandise dari Sherlockian Indonesia. Jangan lupa, untuk kalian yang hobi cosplay, akan ada hadiah untuk kostum terbaik lho!
Untuk mendaftar, silakan mentransfer biaya pendaftaran ke BCA 4970821304 (a.n. Ayu Gayatri S.) dan kirimkan bukti transfer melalui email ke [email protected] dengan subyek SIDGATH 2016 dan rincian nama, no. telepon, email, dan jumlah peserta.
Setelah terdaftar, kami akan mengirimkan nomor pendaftaran yang dapat ditukar dengan tiket nonton pada hari-H. Pengaturan tempat duduk akan dilakukan pada hari-H dengan sistem first come first serve.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan cek akun Twitter kami @SherlockianID atau hubungi 087885682863 (Ayu).
See you there!
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sherlockianid · 9 years
[READY STOCK] Sherlock Merchandise
Belum sempat beli merchandise Sherlockian ID di #IRF2015? Yuk pesan merchandisenya online!
Merchandise yang tersedia:
PIN 4,4 cm: Rp 5.000,-
POSTER A3: Rp 15.000,-
STICKER 8,7 x 7,2 cm: Rp 15.000,-
NOTEBOOK 1/4 A4 (bergaris, kecuali N-2): Rp 20.000,-
HANDMADE KEYCHAIN 11 cm (kecuali K-2, 9cm): Rp 45.000,-
MUG: Rp 50.000,-
TOTEBAG: Rp 50.000,-
DEERSTALKER (S - kid, M, L, XL) : Rp 120.000,-
Merchandise dapat dilihat di: https://www.flickr.com/photos/sherlockianid/albums/72157662102268845
Prosedur pemesanan:
Kirim pemesananmu melalui email ke [email protected] dengan keterangan nama, alamat, nomor telepon, kode barang, dan jumlah barang.
Setelah diterima, kami akan menginformasikan jumlah harga, ongkos kirim, dan nomor rekening untuk pembayaran.
Pembayaran dilakukan melalui transfer ke nomor rekening yang sudah dikirimkan.
Setelah diterima, pengiriman akan dilakukan melalui JNE/TIKI (reg). Harga ongkos kirim dapat diperiksa melalui website layanan tersebut.
Yuk segera pesan merchandisenya selama stok masih ada!
CP: Ayu (087885682863)
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sherlockianid · 9 years
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Dear Sherlockians,
Cinemaxx Theater telah mengumumkan bahwa tanggal rilis film Mr. Holmes akan diundur menjadi 11 November 2015. Sherlockian Indonesia sayangnya tidak dapat mengadakan acara nonton bareng untuk tanggal tersebut maupun untuk beberapa minggu setelahnya. Maka, dengan berat hati, acara nonton bareng film Mr. Holmes bersama Sherlockian Indonesia akan dibatalkan. Bagi Sherlockians yang telah mendaftar, biaya pendaftaran akan segera dikembalikan.
Walaupun demikian, kami sangat menyarankan Sherlockians untuk menontonnya di bioskop bersama teman dan keluarga di Cinemaxx Theater terdekat. Tunggu acara Sherlockian Indonesia selanjutnya!
Halo Sherlockians!
Mr. Holmes adalah film yang dibintangi oleh Ian McKellen (Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, X-Men) sebagai pemeran utamanya. Mr. Holmes bercerita tentang Sherlock Holmes, berusia 93 tahun, pada masa pensiunnya dan berusaha menggali kembali rincian mengenai kasus terakhirnya.
Film ini pertama kali diputar di 65th Berlin International Film Festival dan telah memenangkan penghargaan Best Actor (first runner-up) di Seattle International Film Festival 2015 serta mendapatkan nominasi penghargaan Best Narrative Feature di Sydney Film Festival 2015.
Pada kesempatan ini, Sherlockian Indonesia akan mengadakan acara Nonton Bareng Mr. Holmes! Acara akan diadakan pada:
Hari/tanggal: Minggu, 8 November 2015 Tempat: Cinemaxx Theater, Plaza Semanggi Lt. 5, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 50, Jakarta Pusat Biaya: Rp 55.000,- per orang (tiket dan paket merchandise)
Untuk mendaftar, silakan mentransfer biaya pendaftaran ke BNI 356826689 atau BCA 5270861271 (a.n. Ira Indriani). Kirimkan bukti transfer melalui email ke [email protected] dengan rincian nama, no. telepon, email, dan jumlah peserta.
Setelah terdaftar, kami akan mengirimkan nomor pendaftaran yang dapat ditukar dengan tiket nonton pada hari-H. Pengaturan tempat duduk akan dilakukan pada hari-H dengan sistem first come first serve. Pendaftaran ditutup Minggu, 1 November 2015.
Untuk info lebih lanjut, silakan cek akun Twitter kami di @SherlockianID.
Yuk segera daftar dan jangan lewatkan keseruan bersama teman-teman Sherlockians lainnya!
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sherlockianid · 10 years
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For all Sherlockians who are based in Jakarta,Indonesia. Join us on our gathering party that wil be held on January 25, 2015 due to Mr. Holmes’s birthday. It is that time of the year where we’re all could have fun and share together. Don’t miss it!
Check out twitter or tumblr for more info :D
Those who are not located in Indonesia, please reblog this to let our other Sherlockian/Holmesian friends know. Thank you xx
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sherlockianid · 10 years
Sherlockian Indonesia Gathering 2015: Sherlock Party!
Hey Sherlockians!
Untuk Sherlockian Indonesia, tahun 2014 adalah tahun yang menyenangkan, dari Gathering 2014: Marathon S3 awal tahun, event kolaborasi dengan Sel-Sel Kelabu (Satu, Dua, Rahasia Kartu-Kartu di Meja), dan pameran stand kami pada event Indonesian Reader Festival 2014.
Seperti perayaan Tahun Baru lainnya, kita memulai tahun 2015 dengan dua perayaan tahunan: Sherlock Holmes' birthday (January 6th) dan Sherlockian Indonesia's anniversary (January 15th)! Pada tanggal itu kami mengadakan #SIDGiveaway di Twitter (@SherlockianID), dan untuk puncak acaranya...
Sherlockian Indonesia presents our Gathering 2015: Sherlock Party! Dalam rangka merayakan ulang tahun Sherlock Holmes dan komunitas Sherlockian Indonesia, kami akan mengadakan gathering pada:
Hari/Tanggal: Minggu, 25 Januari 2015 Waktu: 13:00 - 16:00 WIB Tempat: Comma Indonesia, Jalan Wolter Monginsidi No.63B, One Walter Place Lt. 3, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12180 Biaya: Rp 55.000,- per orang (jika terjadi pembatalan, tidak tersedia refund)
Biaya pendaftaran sudah termasuk:
Makan siang
Cupcake bertema Sherlock oleh Vereen
Cookies bertema Sherlock oleh Jane dari Dunia Kue
Kesempatan memenangkan hadiah merchandise Sherlock dari Sherlockian ID
Kesempatan memenangkan buku Sherlock Holmes baru (masing-masing bernilai Rp 127.000,- diterbitkan hard cover dengan gambar Benedict Cumberbatch) dari Gramedia
Games, diskusi, sesi pendek nonton bareng
Sebagai tambahan, Sherlockian juga bisa membeli deerstalkers dari @Detectives_ID.
Untuk mendaftar, silakan mengirimkan email ke [email protected] dengan format:
Subject: GATHERING SHERLOCKIANID 2015 Isi: Nama, email, no. telepon, jumlah tiket yang dipesan.
Jika email Anda sudah diterima, kami akan mengirimkan email balasan berisi no. rekening untuk transfer biaya pendaftaran beserta instruksi lebih lanjut. Pendaftaran diperpanjang hingga tanggal 23 Januari 2015. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi Twitter kami @SherlockianID.
Segera daftarkan dirimu dan siap-siap party dengan Sherlockians lainnya! Kami tunggu kehadiranmu - see you there!
EDIT: Transportasi: Kopaja 57 atau metromini 75 dari Blok M, turun di depan One Walter Place. Untuk pengguna KRL, turun di stasiun Sudirman lalu naik TransJakarta ke arah Blok M, kemudian mengikuti instruksi sebelumnya.
Acara ini didukung oleh Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Detectives ID, Vereen's Cumbercupakes, dan Dunia Kue.
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sherlockianid · 10 years
Late post: photos of Sherlockian Indonesia at Goodreads' Indonesian Readers Festival, Museum Nasional, 6-7 Desember 2014.
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sherlockianid · 10 years
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Case Closed Detectives!
Thank you to everyone who participated, I hope you enjoyed our game. 
Huge thank you to all our suspects
Sherlock France
London Sherlockians
SoCal Sherlockians
US Sherlockians
Sherlock Brazil
Sherlock Canada
Chris Redmond
If you have any feedback, positive or negative, feel free to drop us a message and we’ll do our best to improve this project should it be repeated next year.
The winner will be announced within the next day. Congratulations to everyone who was able to sort out this case!
Until next time detectives.
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sherlockianid · 10 years
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In the week of August 11-18 2014 we will be running our second live cluedo murder mystery.
This round will take place aboard flight 221 from New York to London. The project will be run on tumblr and twitter and involve the participation of any Sherlock fans who are up for a little mystery solving.
Calling all Detectives
Being a detective means you will be assisting Inspector Gregson in solving the case.
What your job will involve:
Asking questions of the suspects through twitter
Submitting evidence to the tumblr account
At the end of the week submitting who you think the murder is and what the murder weapon is
At the end of the week there will be a draw for the prize. Ways to enter the draw:
Submit correct evidence that moderator deems important: 1 entry
Submit correct solution: 10 entries
We will be drawing two winners, first place gets first pick of the prizes and second gets the remainder
DVD of Delicious starring Sherlock’s Louise Brealey and produced and composed by Michael Price. The DVD is signed by Michael Price and the director of the film.
EW magazine issue #1295 featuring Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock on the cover
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sherlockianid · 10 years
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Damn - Is there ever an end to this photoshoot ? 2013 08 22 - ’ Unlocking Sherlock ’ Promotional Shots by Robert Viglasky
This is just an overview. For the early pics #01 to #04, there are bigger versions around, for the later pics #05 to #09, I wish there were bigger versions. And you are welcome to direct me to Hi-Res versions 1280 pixels wide or even wider regarding the later pics.
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sherlockianid · 10 years
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Here’s a first look at the new style for the character profiles done by the lovely timevstheworld! We’re still accepting applications for suspects so if you’d like to join us on the planning side for this round head over to the application.
Confirmed Suspects:
Mr. France - @SherlockFrance
Miss United Kingdom - @LSherlockians
Dr. Iceland - @darkgreendesk
Ms. Indonesia - @SherlockianID
Ms. USA - @US_Sherlockians
Mrs. Canada - @Sherlock_Canada
Lord Los Angeles - @SoCalSherlock
This game will involve two roles, the suspects and the detectives. For more information on both head over to our about page and prepare yourself for August 11 when we try to solve the mystery of Flight Plan 221.
More Information || Apply as suspect
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sherlockianid · 10 years
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International Live Cluedo - Flight Plan 221
Join us for a week of Sherlock inspired cluedo. We are now accepting applications to be a suspect. Above are the suspect profiles from 2012’s game ‘A Preview of Murder’. If you’d rather test your detective skills stay tuned till August 11 and prepare to join Inspector Gregson in solving the case of Flight 221.
More Information || Apply as suspect
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sherlockianid · 10 years
A week long interactive murder mystery. Apply now to be a suspect or prepare yourself for August 11th when you can test your detective skills to solve the murder before the week’s end.
In the week of August 11-18 2014 we will be running our second live cluedo murder mystery.
This round will take...
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sherlockianid · 10 years
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nominee 1 of 6
like or reblog this post to vote sherlock for best fandom forever!
scope out all the other nominees and see who’s in the lead. then watch the mtvU fandom awards on sunday, july 27 at 8/7c on mtv to see which o.g. fandom takes the crown!
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