shineefivebyyourside · 2 months
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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shineefivebyyourside · 3 months
“You don’t have to freak out,” Steve rushes to say.
Eddie’s brow crinkles, panic flying over him as he looks down at himself to find the problem. 
“What— oh.”
Eddie’s hard.
He’s tenting slightly inside his thin boxer briefs. It’s been so long since it happened without tremendous effort that usually ends with crampy hands and even more frustration than before, he forgot what it feels like. He didn’t notice the signs, the natural build up of heat slowly pooling between his legs. Now he’s got a boner right in front of Steve Harrington.
Not just in front of him, because of him.
Eddie’s voice cracks, “Oh man, Steve, I’m—” 
“Hey, it’s fine.” Steve’s hand twitches like he wants to reach out assuringly, but can’t because Eddie’s boner is right there. “That… kinda happened when I did this with all the guys on the team too. Just part of getting a massage, no big deal.”
“The whole team, huh?” Eddie feels delirious as he blurts out, “Slut.”
Before he can clap a hand over his stupid mouth, Steve laughs and shoots back, “Virgin.”
Ao3 Link
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shineefivebyyourside · 4 months
Everyone gets “The 90s” look wrong so let’s fix it
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If you weren’t here for part one, lemme sum it up real fast:
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Okay, all up to speed? We’re being served 80s throwback stuff with the serial numbers scratched off, re-labeled as yo totally 90s. What we’ve got now isn’t completely wrong, but I’m telling you, there’s so much gold left unmined.
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As we saw in part one with Memphis Milano, these things get messy. Trends don’t start and end neatly every ten years. The first wave of 90s throwback attempts focused on the early part of the decade, and nobody since really pushed to represent the other seven years. Well, if you really wanna do something, I guess you gotta do it yourself.
I have suggestions. Get your flannel ready, we’ve got a lot of ground to cover.
Keep reading
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shineefivebyyourside · 4 months
Everyone gets “The 90s” look wrong and I hate it
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Couple years ago I saw these two board games at the store back to back. Well, not saw them per se, but ya know. Spied them out of the corner of my eye. And for a moment without reading the text, I couldn’t tell you which was which decade at first. Funny. Either they were in a rush to get these out the door or they wanted their throwback trivia game boxes to look uniform. I didn’t think too much of it.
Only, from then on I started seeing it MORE. Every time someone markets a 90s or 80s throwback…
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Goddammit they’re identical! What??! How did we let this happen? As a 90s survivor and a designer, this drives me up a wall.
Look, I know I’m late to the party to complain about “the 90s look” when we’re just starting to get sick of the Y2K nostalgia train. But c’mon, the 90s were not The 80s: Part Two™ 
Trust me when I say that we weren’t all wearing neon trapezoids up until the year 2000. The 90s look being peddled is so specific to the tail end of the 80s and an early early part of the 90s - a part of the 90s when it wouldn’t stop being the 80s. This is Memphis design being conflated with the wrong decade.
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Keep reading for a long ass graphic design history lesson and pictures of old soda and fast food.
Keep reading
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shineefivebyyourside · 5 months
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shineefivebyyourside · 8 months
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Oh my fucking god dude, I need a cat. Please provide images of your pet cat below to provide me with the sense of comfort one may bring to me :)
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shineefivebyyourside · 11 months
i LOVE hearing about these instances.
i work the front desk at a gym. the doors are to my right. when members leave, i usually say something along the lines of, “‘bye! have a good day!” or “have a good one!” i can’t tell you the number of people who’ve walked in front of me from left to right that i’ve given well-wishes to, including, but not limited to: a doctor in the emergency room, at least three people at a bus stop, pedestrians in the crosswalk while i was on a bike, again while i was in a car, my boyfriend,
I worked with toddlers and pre schoolers for three years. Sometimes I accidentally slip and tell a friend to say bye to an inanimate object (“say bye bus!”) & occasionally they unthinkingly just do it.
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Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.
I'm trying to prove something.
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I posted these images of myself yesterday where you can clearly see my bits are covered along with one more of my stomach and legs in underwear and a croptop. I posted these photos in response to a post about transphobia and intersexism and how terfs will label cis women's bodies as men's bodies.
Staff not only labeled those as SEXUAL, but autohides the post if I try to share the image of my stomach and legs. It just won't appear on anyone's dash.
Thin hairless women can post themselves in a bikini and not get moderated to hell. I can't discuss intersexist violence without being SHADOWBANNED.
If yall aren't reblogging fat and queer bodies, you're condoning this fucking erasure.
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Reblog if you’re over 20 and still read/write fan fiction.
I’m curious!
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first day as a second century warlord i have my men tie branches to their horses’ tails to stir up dust and make it look like there’s a lot of us but i forget it just rained so there isn’t any dust and the enemy can clearly see there’s like twenty of us all spread out in a line
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A Twitter Thread from David Bowles:
[Text transcript at the end of the screenshots]
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I'll let you in on a secret. I have a doctorate in education, but the field’s basically just a 100 years old. We don’t really know what we’re doing. Our scholarly understanding of how learning happens is like astronomy 2000 years ago.
Most classroom practice is astrology.
Before the late 19th century, no human society had ever attempted to formally educate the entire populace. It was either aristocracy, meritocracy, or a blend. And always male.
We’re still smack-dab in the middle of the largest experiment on children ever done.
Most teachers perpetuate the “banking” model (Freire) used on them by their teachers, who likewise inherited it from theirs, etc.
Thus the elite “Lyceum” style of instruction continues even though it’s ineffectual with most kids.
What’s worse, the key strategies we’ve discovered, driven by cognitive science & child psychology, are quite regularly dismissed by pencil-pushing, test-driven administrators. Much like Trump ignores science, the majority of principals & superintendents I’ve known flout research.
Some definitions:
Banking model --> kids are like piggy banks: empty till you fill them with knowledge that you're the expert in.
Lyceum --> originally Aristotle's school, where the sons of land-owning citizens learned through lectures and research.
Things we (scholars) DO know:
-Homework doesn't really help, especially younger kids.
-Students don't learn a thing from testing. Most teachers don't either (it's supposed to help them tweak instruction, but that rarely happens).
-Spending too much time on weak subjects HURTS.
Do you want kids to learn? Here's something we've discovered: kids learn things that matter to them, either because the knowledge and skills are "cool," or because .... they give the kids tools to liberate themselves and their communities.
Maintaining the status quo? Nope.
Kids are acutely aware of injustice and by nature rebellious against the systems of authority that keep autonomy away from them.
If you're perpetuating those systems, teachers, you've already freaking lost.
They won't be learning much from you. Except what not to become. Sure, you can wear them down. That's what happened to most of you, isn't it? You saw the hideous flaw in the world and wanted to heal it. But year after numbing year, they made you learn their dogma by rote.
And now many of you are breaking the souls of children, too.
For what?
It's all smoke and mirrors. All the carefully crafted objectives, units and exams.
We barely understand the physical mechanisms behind MEMORY. But we DO know kids aren't empty piggy banks. They are BRIMMING with thought.
The last and most disgusting reality? The thing I hear in classroom after freaking classroom?
Education is all about capitalism.
"You need to learn these skills to get a good job." To be a good laborer. To help the wealthy generate more wealth, while you get scraps.
THAT is why modern education is a failure.
Its basic premise is monstrous.
"Why should I learn to read, Dr. Bowles?"
Because reading is magical. It makes life worth living. And being able to read, you can decode the strategies of your oppressors & stop them w/ their own words.
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how do you feel about the tumblr shop taking the place of the account tab on the mobile app?
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please reblog after voting for a better sample
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hello everyone! long time, no talk. i know it's been a minute since I've posted anything -- I have been writing -- but I have a request.
graduate workers at my alma mater are currently striking for a livable wage. while the strike just started on Tuesday, the university has already escalated things by halting their pay, benefits, and tuition remission as of 5PM tonight. you know. villain shit.
every little bit helps, and they have a strike fund. if you're able to donate, even just a few dollars, if you send me a screenshot of the confirmation of your donation, I'll write you a commissioned one-shot in the following fandoms:
star wars
stranger things
honestly suggest me a fandom they need money I will probably do it
one-shots length will be around 3,000-ish words, but at least 3,000 words. we can talk more in my DMs!
here's my masterlist. i'm a decent writer. help me help my friends.
(if you don't want a one-shot or can't donate, please reblog this!)
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Black cats are lucky. (via leahweissmuller)
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Do you ever remember an unfinished and abandoned fic from years ago which touched you so deeply that it still sometimes resurfaces and lingers in your mind?
And you’re just like, dear unknown author, i hope you are doing well, wherever you are. It wasn’t finished but i loved it, thank you for your words.
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excerpts from a seemingly distant past:
lincoln square, chicago 2009.
if i lived in a paradise, time would not exist.  we would float along on tiny clouds of our choosing, but never, ever worry about their disappearance due to mechanisms of the lungs.  we would burrough ourselves deep under the wieght of conversations and wake up the next morning still smelling of the memories of the night before.
if i lived in a paradise, we would never be cold, unless it meant we were going inside to be warm, as if tight embraces and infinite blankets…
if i lived in a paradise, we would smell like whoever we wanted, whenever we wanted, and the memory of them - their arms around your shoulders, their hands pressing your back to your belly to their belly to their back to your hands, their neck burrying your nose as if to kiss - would seep so seamlessly into our veins and so fully into our chests that we would have to pause.
if i lived in a paradise, we would look through windows made of diamonds, and everything would be clearer.  we would enjoy the rain and find that it would make us appreciate our eyelashes a little bit more every time.
if i lived in a paradise, we would always have a place to sleep.  we would never be uncomfortable, save for those necessary situations which arise in fits of real, human interaction.
if i lived in a paradise, we would all ride in train cars buzzing with the noise of the insides of our heads.  we would smell the sweetest smells and take the time that wouldn’t exist to appreciate everything that does.  we would look at one another through windows made of irises and learn that nothing is clear.  we would kiss eachother goodnight one thousand times over and still never be able to feel the true weight of our own bodies.  we would love and love and love and
if i lived in a paradise, we would always be able to find our way home.
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