shittycalamitasdaily · 10 months
ever since i was a little girl i knew i always wanted to violate intellectual property and copyright law
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shittycalamitasdaily · 11 months
Y'know, there's a fic where Calamitas somehow enters the world of Re: Zero (Anime where MC returns after dying, gets traumatized a lot) called Re: Supreme. It's actually really good. On AO3.
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i have no idea why you think this is pertinent to me in any capacity
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NEW UPD8!!!!!!!!!!!
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my friend redrew the first scal daily pannel for the new update :) it's been really fun replaying the game after... months. it's really easy to burn out on terraria, but having new content to look forward to easily puts me in a good mood. still haven't gotten to see much of the new content tho, but the early game has been moving very quickly! X)
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i am hilarious and you will quote everything i say anyway how we feeling about the end of the calamity mod yall
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i wonder if this discord server link i posted on here is still active, this blog gets a suprising amount of activity for how rarely i post on it these days, might be neat to talk to people
i wish i could post more drawings here but it's hard enough motivating myself to do much of anything for myself, let alone for my projects lol
perhaps poking this will give me enough motivation to do something though
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drawing calamitas(?) until the draedon update is fully released day 47 - who’s this douchebag?
hey! so, school’s been a real bitch, and ive been really absorbed in actually playing the update and trying out all the changes, so if you’re wondering where ive been now you know. it’s been a lot of fun trying stuff out in the new update. for example; fighting aquatic scourge pre-hardmode! basically the day the update dropped ive been hosting multiplayer sessions with the people in the discord, and we also throw together some light lore for our characters, like how, ruth here is one of daedalus’s automatons. regardless, while waiting for someone to get their computer fixed up, decided to basically commit to a fool’s errand and fight AS. however, i uh, ended up beating it pretty quickly? it’s wild how much better ive gotten at this game; AS went from one of my least favorite hardmode bosses to one of my favorite PRE-HARDMODE bosses. anyway, while my workload permits it, id like to say this series is NOT ending because, technically, neither has the draedon update! i mean, yes, we have draedon (and his inclusion is gonna be a whole thing on here) but;
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a bunch of stuff had to get cut to push it in it’s current state! so until this is all added, im not gonna be done either! though um. it’s definetly not gonna be daily anymore. haha yeah that uh. really burnt me out. also it mostly likely won’t be just calamitas. that also really burnt me out, being force to squeeze cal into every scenario. it’ll probably just a bunch of Still Calamity Related But Not Specifically Calamitas Related Stuff now. tho ill probably find a way to squeeze her in there anyway lol. anyway, if you’re actually reading this, thanks for sticking around! it means a lot!
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day 46 of drawing calamitas until the draedon update - bloodstone barons “You’re going to have to try a little harder than THAT.” We’re not dead yet! ...technically. I mean they’re HALF-dead- look, okay that isn’t the important thing! The important thing is, I FINALLY FUCKING POSTED SOMETHING. IT’S BEEN LITERALLY ONE DAY OFF OF TWO. WEEKS. SINCE I LAST UPLOADED. god. school’s been a shitshow as im sure you can tell. got an assignment due tomorrow at midnight i haven’t even started on so u know how it be. anyway, was inspired by MfJFL’s announcement of the Challenge of the Ravager he’ll be doing when the Draedon Update drops, and I was like, oh right I was doing something when Draedon Update drops too. should prolly uh, go do something for that. so i did. also ive had A LOT of stuff in drafts. i dont know if ill have the motivation to finish any of it like the burst i got while making this BUT I AM TRYING. KNOW THIS. anyway see yall in another two weeks LMAO P.S. also, when i started this, i just said "day of drawing calamitas" which TECHNICALLY is *not* daily, so uh. im totally still on track. yup.
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u should change ur header to "not shitty calamitas not daily"
dont bully me like this im trying my hardest school is miserable
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op change your url this is great
u know i already changed it to "calamitas daily" when i post it on reddit, and i would change it here, but im pretty sure it would break the 45 hyperlinks on that link to this blog already so. prolly just gonna leave it just cause of the sunk cost fallacy lmao.
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Draw more Calamitas homestuck.
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day 45 of drawing calamitas until the draedon update - chaoslamitas THE TRUE CHAOSPOSTING! anyway i got like 3 asks for "calamitas homestuck" and like... toby worked on both so... it counts right? DR's like... adjacent to homestuck. whatever i got dupes of this anyway so be glad ur getting anything at all considering yall know my policy on ask spam lmao. anyways, look. look okay i. i find my jevil!calamitas design cute okay. and it's halloween time anyway so i get a pass. she's. she's in a costume idk. they're both chaos related anyway. don't judge me. im gonna draw her again if i want to fight me.
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draw calamitas obliterating homestuck fans please ineed this
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happy late 10/25 lmao also putting it on this ask out of spite >=3 (idk pretend she’s about to throw that fireball at you) also that background was NOT mine, it’s from DM DOKURO’s Brimstone Craig music vid; source is here. also to be fair the artist for cascade probably didn’t paint all those galaxies behind jade, they looked like stock nasa photos soooooo... giving myself a pass. also i guess this should probably count as day 45? idk what do yall think, ill leave it up to your decision if this should count as day 45 for the redditors lol, ive missed a LOT of days inbetween at this point, like 10/25, which this is for, and like, monday i think? idr, i honestly lost track, i just know im like 2 days behind, but it’ll only be 1 if i count this. aight thanks yall.
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day 44 of drawing calamitas until the draedon update - clonelamitas my beloved
i got SO much fucking dopamine drawing this you would not believe. also clonelamitas reminds me of pinwheel skullgirls cause they both have the mouth sewn shut thing. god these designs are so fucking good i cannot wait until they update to them.
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day 43 of drawing calamitas until the draedon update - cirrus’s secret stash ok i made the funny reference now back to trying to make actually good posts.
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day 42 of drawing calamitas until the draedon update - calamitas crush someone said i should draw her chipping the block which i thought was really fun but as i upload this i realize IT’S DAY 42. and i DIDN’T EVEN MAKE A FUNNY REFERENCE. im so mad. ill just do that for the next one.
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day 41 of drawing calamitas until the draedon update - frustration how do i have 50+ asks in my inbox and nothing i want to draw. im just doing this to try and get the blood flowing again. maybe ill have something original tomorrow lmao. i just never realized how hard it would be to actually do this every day for a game with not a lot of active content.
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day 40 of drawing calamitas until the draedon update - spookwave missed yesterday cause i had a big test on monday and was super burnt out, just wanna lie on the floor like a piece of garbage and disassociate for a bit so i drew that. ive got a lot of requests, so it’s not like i dont have material to work with, but sometimes it’s hard to find something i actually wanna draw that day, y’know? just felt like a quick sketch and some fucking around with the airbrush tool would be enough for now. might try to squeeze another one in at the end of the day to get back on schedule but idk. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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day 39 of drawing calamitas until the draedon update - Deuces
don’t worry, the guardians are fine; they’re supposed to shatter. it’s so they can regenerate back stronger. of course, providence usually does this herself, and much more carefully than uh... this. of course, none of them know this, and the dryad is about to get very mad at our chaos kids about it.
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