shootinglesbian · 4 years
Boy Band AU Masterpost
If you’re interested in my Boy Band AU, this is a good place to start! Asks are pretty much always open for this AU so feel free to shoot me an ask about it if you’re curious! 
The Info
The introduction
some of V’s backstory (tw for abuse, alcoholism, divorce)
What V thought about each of them when he met them
What they all thought about Virgil (and also a bit about when Virgil tried to quit the band)
A bit about how Logan and Roman met (and a little more about that)
The boys are LGBTQ+ (and how they come out)
Some stuff about dancing during concerts
Some info about Logan
Virgil passed out once
A little bit about Logan seeing Picani
A little about nicknames/stage names
Virgil doubts himself a lot y’all
When V doubts himself, the boys try to help
Some V and Logan moments
a little about their popularity
cute bonding times are had while traveling/during down time
a little bit about what they wear for concerts and stuff
The boys have tattoos
Some good happy vibes
The boys can play some instruments
The Aesthetic
Core Four Moodboard
Virgil Moodboard
Logan Moodboard
Roman Moodboard
Patton Moodboard
The Music
playlist to be posted 
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shootinglesbian · 5 years
When one character doesn’t realize they’ve been accepted into the family/think of themselves as outsides, until they get hurt and everyone takes shifts watching over them and taking care of them and One taking punishment for the whole group with Logan?
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Content warnings: homophobia, implied use of the f-slur, fighting, being beaten, bruises, bleeding, cursing, let me know if I need to add anything else!
Logan was used to ignoring assholes on the street. He himself had always attracted a fair bit of attention, with his bright blue hair, multiple piercings, and aggressively spiked clothing. Since he’d moved to a new school and started tagging along with the small band of punks who attended, all of whom had their own unique, out there styles, the sneers and jabbing words had only gotten worse. 
However, Logan also was not stupid. While he was more than ready to throw down verbally at anyone who tried to “put him in his place” and physically with someone who just couldn’t let it go, he was aware of his own limits. At just under 5'8" and barely 150 pounds, he knew that some wars were better left fought on the intellectual battleground, or not at all. 
The three guys in the alley had been big. He shouldn’t have gone back. If he were honest with himself, he couldn’t even articulate why he had. Despite his seemingly sweet exterior, Patton himself was nonetheless quite used to harassment over his presentation; Logan was under no illusions about needing to defend the pastel punk’s honor.
But then that word had fallen from the thug’s lips, and Logan saw the way Patton flinched and balled the edges of his pink skirt in his fists, and in that moment, all of Logan’s logic went out the window.
The fight didn’t last long; even with the switchblade Logan carried on him at all times, he was hopelessly outmatched.
Before he knew it, he was lying on his side in the alley, each breath he took sending pain shooting across his ribs. The blood trickled from his freshly split lip tickled his chin, but he couldn’t muster up the energy to wipe it away. If he were perfectly honest, he’d be content to just lie down here in this nice, dark, cool alley and take a nap…
Yes, a nap sounded lovely right now. But before he could let his eyes close, he saw 3 blurry figures moving towards him. Perhaps that gang had come back for another bout of fun. He really shouldn’t have picked a fight with them, but there wasn’t much he could do about that now.
Logan suddenly decided that he didn’t much want to be conscious for the second round of beating, and he let his mind slip away into oblivion.
“Be gentle, Princey, we don’t know how bad his ribs are!”
“I know, Emo Knightmare, this isn’t the first time I’ve had to patch one of you dolts up after a fight, remember?”
“Guys, wait, I think he’s waking up. Logan? Kiddo, can you hear me?”
Logan groaned, cracking one eyelid open. He was lying flat on his back with something cold pressed against his left eye, which after a quick test, Logan determined to be swollen shut. For some reason, his shirt was off, and Roman and Virgil were leaning over his chest, their quiet bickering falling away as he stirred. A first aid kit was open at Virgil’s feet and Roman was holding a bundle of gauze in one hand.
“W-what…” he croaked, but Patton, who Logan realized was holding an ice pack up against his face for him, made a shushing sound.
“Take it easy, Logan don’t push yourself, okay?”
“You really took a pounding, man,” Virgil said in what most would assume was a nonchalant tone, but that Logan could hear the undercurrent of worry in. “This is typically where you say ‘you should see the other guy’ but, uh, I did. And I gotta say, I don’t think you won this one.”
“Astute observation,” Logan grunted, allowing Patton to push his head back against his pillow. “You really don’t need to bother with all that,” he added, looking to Roman and nodding at the gauze in his hand. “I have my own medical supplies at home, I would have been perfectly capable of patching myself up.”
The three punks stared at him like he’d grown a second head, and Logan blinked.
“What did I sa-”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Nutty Professor,” Roman interrupted. “We’d never leave one of our own to fend for themselves. What do you take us for, petty thugs?”
Logan fell silent again, and Patton adjusted the ice pack against his face, frowning down at him.
“Lo, honey? Are you okay?”
“Yes,” he said quickly, not wishing to cause Patton even more distress today. “I just simply…” he paused, uncharacteristically unsure of his words.
“You what, L?” Virgil asked, and Logan shifted, looking away from the three of them.
“I was not aware that you considered me one of your own, as you put it, Roman.”
“Oh, Lo honey…” Patton sounded absolutely heartbroken, and Logan got the feeling that he was the worst person on the planet for making Patton feel that way. “Of course you’re one of us…you’re part of our famILY!”
“Us freaks gotta stick together,” Virgil agreed, a small smile on his face. “Dealing with all of your problems alone isn’t very punk rock of you, you know.”
“I, that is, I-” Logan was not enjoying this new phenomenon of not being able to find his words around the others, and Roman chuckled.
“I gotta say, if I knew telling him to his face that he was wanted would be enough to make him speechless, I’d have done it ages ago.”
“Roman!” Patton chided, and Roman held up his hands.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding! But…seriously, Specs,” he added, his voice going soft. “You are wanted. And if you think you can go and get beat up by a bunch of homophobic assholes without us hovering over you while you get better? You’ve got another thing coming.”
Logan took a breath to speak but hissed in pain instead, one hand flying to his chest.
“Okay, enough chatter, this is gonna suck, but we need to figure out if any of your ribs are broken, got it L?” Virgil asked, and Logan nodded.
The three of them went back to their first aid efforts, and Logan let his head fall back against the pillow, distantly aware of Patton running fingers through his hair. As his eyes drifted closed again, he found that he actually wanted to believe what they were saying. The part of him that longed for companionship, the part he’d tried to repress for so long was rising to the front of his mind, but instead of pushing it away like normal, Logan let it surface and drink in their words. 
It was a dangerous thing, hope. But as he drifted off to sleep to the sound of Roman and Virgil resuming their quiet banter and Patton’s soft humming, he decided that for once, it was worth it.
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shootinglesbian · 5 years
Summary: Even after months of friendship, Logan didn’t know Remy’s major. There was, in fact, quite a lot he didn’t know about Remy, but Logan found he was more than willing to learn.
Pairing: Sleeplogical / Losleep
A/N: This fic is based on the lovely @sleepless-in-starbucks​' space!Remy idea!!! it’s probably also worth noting that Logan’s last name here is McKenzie, which is why that’s what Remy is calling him.
There are certain things certain groups of people will always find important.
For example, when you meet a child, they will often tell you their age down to the month—a fact not many adults will care all that much about sharing. Fisherman will talk about fish and authors will talk about books; each group has its own unique priorities.
One of the things that university students find to be particularly important is your major.
Your major can tell people a lot about you—give hints as to whether you’re practical or creative, whether you dream big or are more realistic and, often, what you are truly passionate about.
Logan’s own major—psychology—told others that he was fairly grounded, ambitious and that his misunderstanding of other human beings and how they work had culminated in a lifelong fascination in figuring it out. Had Logan been looking into practising psychology rather than simply researching it, that would have said other things, but Logan had made it very clear where his interests lay.
Logan’s roommate, Roman’s, major declared him an overdramatic idiot with his hopes set higher than it was usually possible to achieve; Patton’s major declared him sweet, caring and hardworking; Virgil’s major declared him subtly intelligent and willing to stay up to unreasonable hours to get things done. Truly, there was so much you could learn from knowing the majors of the people you socialise with.
Which is why it irritated Logan so much that he still didn’t know Remy’s.
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shootinglesbian · 5 years
A list of things the sides can be in human aus (that fits their job as a side/their personality) also, this is obviously not an exhaustive list. It’s mostly for me to use in the future.
Poet, artist, actor, director, author, drama teacher, photographer, fashion designer, architect, interior/exterior designer, filmmaker, editor, journalist, book shop owner, musician (famous or “new on the scene”), video game designer, talk show host, model, costume designer, art teacher, potter, sculptor, singer, active duty military, police officer, fire fighter, stay at home dad, coach for a sports team, YouTuber, famous athlete, owner of some sort of coffee shop, songwriter, band teacher, private lessons teacher (for band or choir), choir teacher, horse trainer/coach for new riders, nurse, gourmet chef, freelance writer
Professor, astronomer, librarian, personal tutor, teacher, dean of an university, movie critic, manager of a store, head of the board of education, historian, paleontologist, anthropologist, curator of a museum, pilot, architect, rocket scientist, astronaut, director of photography for films, editor of a newspaper, journalist, news anchor, principal of a school, sponsor of the debate/robotics/book/newspaper/honors club at a high school, band director, tech director, author, poet, speaker for an organization, scientist, National Geographic reporter, a congressman, police officer, EMT, surgeon, any type of medical doctor, psychiatrist, model, musician
Counselor, therapist, pediatrician, nurse, coordinator of an animal shelter, young children’s school teacher, stay at home dad, gardener, musician, actor, coffee shop owner, book store owner, doctor, wedding photographer, photographer, reporter, police officer, Red Cross volunteer (or something of that nature), owner of a soup kitchen, daycare worker, CPS worker, child advocate, gymnast, handyman, florist, fashion designer, veterinarian, trainer for service animals, baker,
Police officer, fire fighter, personal trainer, art teacher, music teacher, musician, singer, poet, photographer, coffee shop owner, artist, famous athlete, model, street performer, cameraman, editor, journalist, web page designer, social media/marketing advisor, therapist, tattoo artist, owner of a store that sells instruments, chef, baker, owner of a book shop, professional graffiti artist, potter, modern artist, stunt double, video game tester/designer, art professor at an university, waiter, freelance writer
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shootinglesbian · 5 years
I was thinking man I love pastel/punk aus and then I was like wow analogical has a good few and I was about to think idk which I love more, pastel Virgil and punk Logan or punk Virgil and pastel Logan- BUT I'VE NEVER SEEN PASTEL LOGAN????? let my nerd boy be soft in pastels pls
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shootinglesbian · 5 years
29. “How is my wife (husband) more badass than me?” With Logince?
“How is my husband more badass than me? Roman wailed, clutching his heart as if the thought physically pained him. 
Logan laughed breathily, squeezing Roman’s other hand in a death grip. “It’s nothing, really” he tried to play off. His eyes were laser-focused on his husband, unwavering, or he knew he would chicken out before the process was over.
Roman’s face of pretend hurt fell into something softer, something infinitely fonder. “It is, baby. It’s big, and good, and important,” he said, squeezing Logan’s hand in return, indulging in watching how prettily a gentle blush was spreading across his face. “Give yourself some credit.”
“Alright, Mr. Sanders – er, Logan, not you, Roman, sir – you should feel a slight pinch soon.
Roman’s heart broke at the way Logan scrunched his eyes shut as his body tensed. He leaned down to place a warm kiss on his husband’s lips, which Logan eagerly deepened. Roman allowed the good distraction.
They held each other’s hands during the entire blood-drawing process. It was Logan’s first time donating; he’d been adamant that he wanted to, something about a bucket list desire as well as a humanitarian one. Not to mention, gay people were finally allowed to donate, and Logan was always eager to be a trend-setter. That was part of why Roman had fallen for him. His desire to do good, to do right by the world, his unending passion and curiosity, and his stubborn nature that had lead to a few fights in their decade together, but none that had shaken them beyond repair.
About an hour later, Logan had relaxed significantly, although Roman suspected it was mostly due to blood loss, and he was now laying half-propped up on a bed in the blood bank. 
Roman picked up the glass of water they’d been given and lifted to his husband’s lips. “You did so well, love,” he said as Logan began to drink.
That blush from earlier started to creep back as Logan drank. (Roman loved that blush. It always started at Logan’s ears, tinting them the loveliest pink, and then it washed across his cheeks, and if Roman played his cards right, all the way down his neck and the column of his throat.)
Logan coughed, bringing his husband’s attention back to the present. “Thank you, Roman.” He reached up with his free arm, the one that didn’t feel leaden and wasn’t bandaged, to cup Roman’s face and pull him in for a kiss.
It was slow, almost melodic in the way their tongues moved together across lips and tasted one another as if it were that first time all those years ago.
Roman laughed into the kiss as soon as his sluggish romantic brain processed Logan’s words. “Why thank me?” he mumbled as Logan continued pressing their lips together. “You did all the work, love.”
Logan pulled back, slowly blinking his eyes open. 
The softness of his smile would never not steal all the air out of Roman’s lungs. That lopsided grin did things to him.
“I couldn’t have done it without you.”
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shootinglesbian · 5 years
logince 5 fic kiss prompts please!
thank you for sending in this ask, dear anon!
so if you know me i’m sure your aware that logince is my favorite sanders sides ship, so needless to say this one is longer than the other one just because it probably got a little out of hand
anyways, enjoy!
Stop picking! Logan berated himself, still tearing at the skin around his nails despite his better intentions. He knew it was a bad habit; he’d only just gotten his younger brother Virgil to stop doing it after gifting him a chewing necklace and some putty. At least he had a valid excuse, Logan thought. I don’t have generalized anxiety disorder.
And while that was true, he also couldn’t deny just how anxious he was at that moment. It wasn’t the mass of constantly moving people at the busy airport terminal that was bothering him, but rather the wait itself, and the highly anticipated arrival.
That of one Roman Luis Sanders.
They’d met online, connected through fandom content on Tumblr. Logan loved pulling wild yet incredibly accurate theories together based on the smallest of details, and Roman was an immaculate artist and writer. The first time they had talked had been when Roman, who at the time he’d called Prince (the name Roman used online) had messaged him, asking if he could write a fic based around a popular post of Logan’s detailing his speculations about the next episode of their favorite YouTuber’s.
There had been a lot of arm flapping and happy stimming from Logan at that time; he’d barely been coherent to anyone other than Virgil, who was familiar enough with Logan’s interests to casually talk about them and also who was willing to listen to Logan go off about them for hours at a time. The fic had, of course, been amazing, and what had started as a tentative friendship of constantly and frantically messaging each other in all caps about new episodes and cool new content and theories all related to fandom, had eventually blossomed into a full-blown romantic relationship. They’d moved from one social media app to the other, trying to find the best way to message each other. They had even been in a few Discord servers together, but always with other people, before eventually making one for just the two of them.
The only problem was that Logan lived in one side of the continental United States, and Roman the other. It was ironic, really, considering that Roman lived in Los Angeles but wanted nothing so desperately as to be on Broadway, and that Logan lived in Indiana but would rather be literally anywhere else. 
Logan checked his watch again. Roman’s flight was supposed to land at 3:30pm, and it was now 3:17. Why Roman had been the one to travel had more to do with money (and how it was more readily available for him and his family) than him actually wanting to spend time in Indiana. 
Well, he does want to spend time here, with me, Logan reassured himself. He lo– likes me.
Logan didn’t have a problem with using the l-word, the real l-word, the one that actually meant something l-word, but only really when he was thinking of and messaging Roman (which was most of the time). But actually saying it to his face was daunting in a way that made Logan more anxious than he’d been in a long time.
It was strange, the feeling of knots growing in his stomach, because the anxiety wasn’t tied to a fear, or a worry. But oh, who was he kidding, of course it was tied to a worry. The what-if’s were flying around his head as fast as the plane carrying the source and cure of his anxiety was right now.
There’s nothing you can do right now, he thought, closing his eyes and beginning a breathing exercise, like the ones he’d been doing with his brother for years now. Just keep breathing. He’ll be here soon, and everything will be fine.
Logan readjusted the sign he was holding. Virgil had helped make it, using glitter pens because he’d insisted that Roman would love it. It was a simple piece of poster board, bright red because that was Roman’s favorite color, with the word “Princey” in big golden glittery letters. 
He checked his watch again, and jumped closer to the exit terminal so he could see the arrivals better. Where is he? Logan began scanning the crowd.And suddenly, there he was, carry-on bag wrapped around one shoulder, scanning the crowd for his nerd. Seeing Roman’s face light up as they made eye contact was like watching the sunrise, blinding and breathtakingly beautiful. He couldn’t help it as he started bouncing on the balls of his feet in his place. He knew he wasn’t allowed to go much closer for those stupid security reasons, but he was barely containing the excitement threatening to bubble out of him.
Before he knew it, they were an arm’s length away from one another, breathless, and surprisingly quiet, given how talkative they both knew the other could be. They seemed to be having an intimate moment, despite the overcrowded space, the dingy lighting, and the stale air circulating around them. But the air between them was electric, buzzing with possibilities. 
“Hi,” Logan said, voice cracking. He immediately felt his ears warming, no doubt turning blush red.
Roman laughed, and it was like soft bells chiming. Odd, it wasn’t the loud boisterous laugh that Logan had been expecting. “Hi, handsome.”
Logan giggled, and Roman was pretty sure his heart was about to burst right then and there. If he died then, he knew he’d be happy. 
Well, he stopped himself, if I do die right now, there’s at least one thing I must do first.
He opened his arms in a friendly gesture, and Logan stepped forward eagerly, wrapping himself up in those strong arms and just barely reaching around that muscled torso.
Logan nuzzled into Roman’s neck, not even phased at how emotional and touchy and soft he was being at that moment; he felt so safe there, wrapped in the embrace of a ridiculously hot guy, who actually liked him, who he’d pictured meeting for years and was finally doing it. But he was definitely blushing all the way down to his checks.
Roman, although loathe to untangle their bodies now, pulled back just a hair, just enough to look Logan fully in the eyes with just the barest of inches between them. Both thought the same thing about the other, then: breathtaking.
Roman wet his lip, tongue darting out quickly, and he nearly choked as Logan’s eyes followed the movement hungrily. 
“This is definitely a tad bit forward, darling, but – ” Roman trailed off, too caught on how Logan had shivered slightly at the pet name, eyes ablaze with an intensity kept just barely below the surface. 
“But what?” Logan whispered, just for the two of them.
Roman cleared his throat. “May I kiss you, Logan, my love?”
Logan shivered again, this time not even bothering to hide it. He looked hungry, eager, ready.
“Yes,” he mouthed, surging forward before either could waste anymore air.  
Their lips pressed together chastely, not unsure as in afraid but unsure as in hyper-aware of how quickly the damn could break, ratcheting up the intensity despite just having met in real life, not wanting to cross boundaries.
Roman’s hands were burning where they pressed against Logan’s back, one crawling up towards his hairline to scratch and hold, and one smoothing downwards to tug at his shirt. Logan felt the heat through his shirt, but it was nothing compared to the direct contact when they snuck underneath. The still-functioning part of his brain thought it reminded him of wearing a heating pad.
Then, Roman started swirling his fingers, digging the tips in here and there and massaging the tense muscles he felt there. He drew gentle fingers against the muscles until he felt Logan nearly collapse against him with a gasp, momentarily breaking their kiss. It was where Logan’s stress tension usually accumulated, and he’d been stressed almost the entire month leading up to this, so to have it so quickly and softly and reverentially relaxed was an indescribable blessing.
Their kiss did not stay hesitant for more than a few moments, as Roman took the opportunity of Logan’s open mouth to venture his tongue forward. Their lips flowed as tongues shifted along teeth, searching, testing, tasting. 
Eventually, they both had to pull back for air, but they only moved a few inches away, not yet ready to give up that much space. Distance had kept them apart, and while the internet had somewhat bridged that gap, it was nothing compared to finally, blessedly being in each other’s arms.
Logan suddenly felt like he should say something, as much as he didn’t want the moment to end, and blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “Can I take you home?”
Now Roman did his trademark loud boisterous laugh. Here was his nerd, face flushed so prettily and lips swollen just perfectly, the man he loved, who had loved him for a while now, asking to take him home as if this was their first interaction ever, online or in real life.
Roman leaned forward, pressing a quick and gentle kiss to the corner of Logan’s mouth, and he chuckled as Logan seemed to chase after even something as simple as that.
“Of course, mi amor.”
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shootinglesbian · 5 years
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"I'm full rainbow all the time,"
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shootinglesbian · 5 years
This exchange:
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and this exchange:
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have a disturbingly similar energy.
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shootinglesbian · 5 years
Oh my gosh I have an outfit similar!
I really wanna draw Logan in a NASA t-shirt, a galaxy skirt, black knee high socks, and a blue flannel either wrapped around his waist or over his shirt but I just can’t frickin draw anything good…. :(
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shootinglesbian · 5 years
The Oversized Sweater: Prinxiety
A/N: Today is also @not-so-innocent-bi-sander‘s birthday, and I sent her a list of prompts as well, with absolute and total sneakiness. She didn’t suspect a thing! ;) Happy Birthday, Jordan!
Warnings: kissing, brief food mention (lmk if anything should be added! Although this fic is hella fluffy and is mostly two guys being absolute disaster gays for each other)
Prompt:  “Would it be alright if I borrow your sweater? It smells like you.”
“Roman,” Virgil hissed, glaring down in exasperation at the man stubbornly clinging to him. His boyfriend made a disgruntled, sleepy sound, somehow snuggling even closer to Virgil.
“We promised Logan and Patton we’d be there in like, an hour! We’ve slept in too late as it is,” he reprimanded.
“Mmm… they won’t miss us. You’re cozy,” Roman muttered.
“We’re helping them choose cake for their wedding, you moron. You’re Logan’s best man. I’m Patton’s best man. I think they’ll miss us,” Virgil huffed. Roman let out a defeated sigh, finally detaching himself from Virgil- only to brace himself on his elbows above him.
“Why did you have to play the wedding card? You know I’m a sappy romantic,” he pouted.
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shootinglesbian · 5 years
21 for the cuddling prompts with Logince?
21: in the water/in the bath 
“you do realize that we’re not getting clean at all, right?” logan murmurs. his back is pressed to roman’s chest, body slotted neatly between his boyfriend’s legs as roman half-heartedly wipes at his chest with a damp washcloth. 
“that’s not the point of the bath, lo,” roman murmurs, abandoning the washcloth in favor of trailing a few fingers through the space-bath-bombed water. 
“is that not the point of a bath?”
“not a treat yourself bath, lo. now shhhhhh. watch the pretty sparkly water.” 
roman kisses his head, gently nuzzling his hair, and logan slumps back against his boyfriend, limp and boneless in the warm water. he has to admit that he’s pretty damn comfortable. 
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shootinglesbian · 5 years
Cuddling in the bath because on of them has cramps? Maybe logince or lamp?
“thanks, i hate it,” logan moans, pressing his hands to his lower stomach as though it’ll end the cramps. “i am unhappy, i hate it so much, i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it -”
“come on, sweetheart,” patton hums, scooping logan into his arms. “ro is running the bathtub full of nice warm water, and virgil bought those scented space bombs that you like so much, and i’ve got a glass of tea and those sugar wafer cookies you like so much, and some pain medicine. would you like to cuddle in the bath?” 
“please,” logan whines. patton gently sets him on the side of the tub, helping him pull off his pants and his underwear and his binder. 
“into the bath, dearest.”
“will you come cuddle me?” logan whimpers. 
“of course,” patton smiles. “and i’m sure virgil and roman will join us, too.”
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shootinglesbian · 5 years
Only if you want/are doing requests: my Logince heart is hungry and I believe you may be the only one to save me from starvation-
A solid mood
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Here ya go
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shootinglesbian · 5 years
Roman with long hair? (Feat gay disaster!Virgil in the background)
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Logan been knew
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shootinglesbian · 5 years
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Happy Pride Month Everyone!!!
Decided to do a mix of traditional and digital for the occasion! Hope you like it!!!
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shootinglesbian · 5 years
Okay so I didn't know you could request more than one number so 2, 5, and 13, for Logicality please?
2. moving around while kissing, stumbling over things, pushing each other back against the wall/onto the bed
5. hands on the other person’s back, fingertips pressing under their top, drawing gentle circles against that small strip of bare skin that make them break the kiss with a gasp
13.following the kiss with a series of kisses down the neck
Vending Machine
The fluorescent lights flickered as Logan walked down the hall. Parent-teacher conferences had just ended, but he needed some kind of snack before he headed home.
Stopping at the vending machine, his eyes scanned over his choices. There wasn’t much left, considering it was a Friday. The kids had picked it clean during the week.
Settling on a granola bar, he inserted his dollar and keyed in the code.
His heart stopped as he was flipped around, only starting again when he realized he was looking at his husband.
“Patton! What are you-”
The words were swallowed as their lips collided. Patton kissed him with a hunger Logan hadn’t experienced.
Not that he was complaining.
A gasp left his mouth as Patton’s fingers dipped underneath his shirt. “I thought you said you were done at seven.”
Patton kissed him once more before trailing kisses down his neck. Logan held back a moan as he licked a sensitive spot. “I-I had a-there was-a parent came in at the last second.”
“You didn’t tell me.”
Logan yelped as Patton bit down on his collarbone, his dress pants becoming tighter with each passing second. “Pat-”
All sensations stopped immediately. The heated gaze on Patton’s face vanished, leaving his usual bubbly smile. The only sign that anything had even happened was the twinkle in Patton’s eye.
He leaned in, pecking Logan’s lips before intertwining their fingers. “Let’s go home.”
As they walked out of the school, only one thought rang through Logan’s head.
How do I make that happen again?
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