shorimp · 4 days
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shorimp · 4 days
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Today's beasts are a pair of shrimp earrings, specifically Crystal Red Caridina. I am continually delighted by all the colours shrimp offer the world, both through breeding and just evolution!
If you'd like some beasts or earrings, please check out
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shorimp · 4 days
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shorimp · 4 days
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shorimp · 4 days
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shorimp · 4 days
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shorimp · 4 days
fucking hell i forget that some people violently hate polyamory and are way too proud of admitting it :/
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shorimp · 6 days
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theyy re going to make me. cry
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shorimp · 8 days
ohhh yes.. nice. relaxing.
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shorimp · 8 days
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★ 【ポテトルス】 「 カゲ 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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shorimp · 10 days
bored? try estrogen today
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shorimp · 10 days
your friends & partners will actually love it if you enforce your boundaries b/c then they will never again need to guess if they're ever making you uncomfortable & don't know. healthy living tip :)
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shorimp · 11 days
Yu-Gi-Oh! Go Rush!! Episode 118-124 Sub Release
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For the past couple of weeks, we have received extremely concerning emails and messages from people demanding us to release subs faster.
For the record, asking us to divulge personal information just for the sake of knowing why subs are delayed is not only stupid and invasive, it is also grossly entitled. Knowing why is a privilege, not a right.
In the past, when I gave reasons for delays, it was not out of obligation but just being nice as a fan who understood other fans. No one needed to know but I said why anyway. However, I realize now that giving so much information bred a culture of entitlement to the team's personal matters.
From now on, delays will not be given reasons. They will simply happen when they do, come what may. No one needs to know why.
The entitlement that people have for our free, unpaid work that we offer to the community out of love for the series and nothing else will not be tolerated. I am done being nice or silent about it.
In the middle of this long delay-break, we also had someone leave the team due to no longer having time to help. The reality is that we are all people with full-time obligations elsewhere, and life will always take priority over fansubs for an anime. This is normal, and you do not need to know why. Unless you begin bankrolling the entire team for the cost of labor, no one deserves to know why but the team itself.
So stop harassing me, my team, anyone close to us, or making up weird unfounded rumors to suit your delusions of us.
I also feel like I shouldn't have to say this, but death threats will not make the subs come out faster either.
A spot of light in all this was a single email wishing us well and hoping everything was alright. To this single email, I say thank you. It was truly wonderful to read such kind words after an onslaught of hate for not doing free work fast enough. These subs are for you.
As always, there are translation notes below, so spoilers ahead for this batch of episodes.
"How can a sparrow know the ambitions of a swan?" "Her worldly desires..." "One is the beginning of everything."
Over the course of these couple of episodes, Zeyet and Sabyuas both begin speaking strangely and in a lot of idioms. These are a mix of old Chinese idioms and Buddhist belief.
It reads like the Darkmen are slowly achieving a form of "enlightenment" (satori) in the Buddhist sense. After speaking about satori in a previous translation note, it begins to make more sense.
When Fukamura speaks about Sabyuas and Zeyet gaining "wisdom" (知恵, or chie), he is actually using the Japanese term for prajna, which means the knowledge you must gain in order to actually achieve enlightenment in Buddhism.
You could say that Zeyet and Sabyuas have found religion, haha.
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shorimp · 11 days
One weird thing about becoming a girl is actually wanting more body fat never in my life would I expect that I wanted to be more fat than I am
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shorimp · 11 days
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imaginary friend
posted one month ago on my Patreon! original text by @thestuffedalligator can be found here 💗
like my omagpies comics? consider supporting me for early access and the simple pleasure of gently taping a $1 bill to my forehead here!
publicly available Tumblr Comics can be found here using the tag #omagpies
✅ you may: crop the images to use as banners/pfps (with credit in your bio); create voice overs done by real humans with real voices
❌ you may not: repost the images anywhere, I am on no other platforms so if you see them anywhere other than tumblr it isn’t me; create voice overs using AI; create NFTs from my work
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shorimp · 11 days
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shorimp · 11 days
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