shortmonsterstories · 4 years
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shortmonsterstories · 4 years
In response to this prompt https://monsterkinkmeme.tumblr.com/post/183478790523/on-your-18th-birthday-your-parents-inform-you-that Citrus 
Female x Male Spider-Monster
TW: Only slight for manipulation (on the part of the mother, not the spiderboi)
I’ve never submitted before or posted a story so I’m nerv-cited.
“I don’t understand.”
“Acra, darling, I don’t know what you expected.” Mother’s voice is scolding, her tone disappointed. “You are the second born, you have three younger sisters. Your Father, bless his soul, died six years ago. How am I meant to support this family? What little we had is running out.” She tuts at me as she begins to carry clothes out to the line.
“I expected I’d get a job not…not be sold like some form of-of cattle!” I stomp after her, outraged.
She scoffs. “You’re so dramatic, darling. I’m not selling you. I promised your hand in marriage to a suitor.” She places clothes pins in her mouth and I already know this conversation is over.
“Yes, in exchange for money, Mother! Like promising a farmer a cow and then getting money for good breeding stock.”
She gasps at the insinuation, dropping the pins. “You watch your mouth. Your sister ran off, I could hardly promise her hand. The little ones are too young. Aelia is barely six. Would you rather I sent her in your place?” She turns and eyes me, the haughty expression on her face drives me insane. She always uses my sisters against me.
I’ve been essentially a second parent to them as she’s floundered and moped her way through our father’s money. She could have worked. She could have done any number of things but instead she’d sold me. She’d always been an immature and selfish mother but this was a new low.
Keep reading
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shortmonsterstories · 6 years
So the new word is exophilia? Not teratophilia?
That’s correct! Exophilia is the more correct term anyways. But it’s the tag to search for now that teratophilia is banned.
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shortmonsterstories · 6 years
help a black trans girl survive w/o help from her bullshit dad
hi im sugar and i made a post prior to this about my situation. Long story short, my dad (a black man) finally had his long-awaited mixed baby casey (here she is my lil sis 💕)
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and has decided that he longer wants to talk to, support or acknowledge me (his fully black, dark skinned, trans daughter) and refuses to help me and my mother pay for college. and ive always noticed that he was off about me, that he was kinda distant and deeply and vocally dissatisfied w me as a whole but who woulda thought huh lmao.
heres what he said to me (i blurred out the deadnaming and misgendering bc i hear it enough from him on the rare occasions i have to talk to him):
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heres what he said to my mother about me and what my mom said to him:
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and yes my mom saying we dont need help is so freaking untrue. we’re poor and my dad is the one making bank and im so freaking worried that i may have to drop out of school but if i do im worried i might never go back and honestly waking up these days is really really fucking hard lol.
my dad is keeping my sister from me, left me n my mother to struggle w paying for school and on top of that hes no longer going half for my hormones w my mom so really everything is effed lmaooo!
i’ve raised about 650 on tumblr with the help of everyone that that helped finish covering my room and meal plan and the bill is halfway paid.
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heres what my bill looks like for this semester.
here what we paid and what we owe:
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im trying to get a job on campus so i can help pay alongside my mom but my full time status may make it hard. at the very least i just wanna pay off this semester and if i have to drop out then ig i will so ty for anything anyone can do to help.
if you can please please donate or reblog or send me some nice messages bc at this point anything helps me stay grounded and hopeful
ty for ur time.
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shortmonsterstories · 6 years
help a black trans girl survive w/o help from her bullshit dad
hi im sugar and i made a post prior to this about my situation. Long story short, my dad (a black man) finally had his long-awaited mixed baby casey (here she is my lil sis 💕)
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and has decided that he longer wants to talk to, support or acknowledge me (his fully black, dark skinned, trans daughter) and refuses to help me and my mother pay for college. and ive always noticed that he was off about me, that he was kinda distant and deeply and vocally dissatisfied w me as a whole but who woulda thought huh lmao.
heres what he said to me (i blurred out the deadnaming and misgendering bc i hear it enough from him on the rare occasions i have to talk to him):
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heres what he said to my mother about me and what my mom said to him:
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and yes my mom saying we dont need help is so freaking untrue. we’re poor and my dad is the one making bank and im so freaking worried that i may have to drop out of school but if i do im worried i might never go back and honestly waking up these days is really really fucking hard lol.
my dad is keeping my sister from me, left me n my mother to struggle w paying for school and on top of that hes no longer going half for my hormones w my mom so really everything is effed lmaooo!
i’ve raised about 650 on tumblr with the help of everyone that that helped finish covering my room and meal plan and the bill is halfway paid.
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heres what my bill looks like for this semester.
here what we paid and what we owe:
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im trying to get a job on campus so i can help pay alongside my mom but my full time status may make it hard. at the very least i just wanna pay off this semester and if i have to drop out then ig i will so ty for anything anyone can do to help.
if you can please please donate or reblog or send me some nice messages bc at this point anything helps me stay grounded and hopeful
ty for ur time.
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shortmonsterstories · 6 years
Imagine a cartpenter orc making cute rockers, cribs, toys etc for their pregnant lover expecting their baby, only to find out he has to make double of everything because they're expecting twins
staaaaaaaahppp!!! I can’ttttt!!! alkdsjf;alkdsjf;alksjdf;lksj *facedesks because too cute*
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shortmonsterstories · 6 years
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Writer’s dilemma
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shortmonsterstories · 6 years
After being dropped in a real fantasy realm and are given the ability to choose your starting stats, you set off on your quest. However your decision to go with an “unorthodox” play style has led to a very interesting time.
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shortmonsterstories · 6 years
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So I made a chart for all you fuckers. (because of this post)
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shortmonsterstories · 6 years
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iM???? kkshd;bgdjsmmsnd;sn;
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shortmonsterstories · 6 years
Boris Groh is one of my favorite artists, mostly because of his works that feature LARGE skeletons just doing their thing
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shortmonsterstories · 6 years
Ghosts, when they see a doll:
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shortmonsterstories · 6 years
holy SHIT there’s a paranormal club at my school?? bouta finally find myself a cute ghost gf
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shortmonsterstories · 6 years
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excuse me
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shortmonsterstories · 6 years
The Fresno Nightcrawlers are my favorite cryptid.
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They’ve only been seen in some survelliance camera footage, and it’s been proven they are real tangible things… being filmed and have yet to be definitively explained/debunked.
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also uhhh. they remind me of this stock photo
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shortmonsterstories · 6 years
You loved walking through the forest.
Your little house was in the middld of a massive forest, with hundreds of trails and places to explore and camp, and no neighbors.
And best of all…plenty of animals. You had always loved animals, ever since you were a child, and had become a zoologist as an adult. But your main specialty was bats. You were a rather well known chiroptologist, mostly because of where you lived.
This forest was perfect for a massive bat population, with plenty of food and suitable roosts for them. Tonight you were going to camp out, in hopes of seeing a suspected bat migration that was passing over your forest.
Nearly every day and night you went out and explored the land, studying and helping the bats. You had even rescued injured or orphaned bats a few times.
But…a giant bat?
This was a new one even for you.
You had noticed the broken treetops and branches as you were walking and immediately became concerned. Following the trail of destruction, you soon came across a dark mass. A mass of dark fur mixed with gold and reddish, and big black wings.
You recognized it instantly when you came closer:
The golden capped fruit bat.
They were a rare bat the lived in forests in the Philippines and the biggest type of bat in the world…but you had never seen one this big before. It was taller then you even and you were almost too scared to approach it…but then it started whimpering in pain and you couldn’t stand by any longer, grabbing your medical kit and running over to it.
Now that you were working on it’s wounds, you noticed that it had an almost…human like body. A weird mix of man and mostly bat really. It only opened it’s eyes for a second, making a strange sound before it passed out once more.
There was a storm coming in, you noticed, and you had to move him.
It was a difficult job but luckily, there was a small cave not too far from here that you were able to drag it too. You set up your own tent near by and it was only as you climbed inside thst you realized something…
That sound it had made…
It had been talking.
And it kept talking too. In Filipino with some English, mumbling in thd occasional moment of consciousness.
You had come to accept that this bat was unlike any other before. On one hand, it was terribly exciting. On the other, it was terrifying. Golden capped fruit bats were normally okay with humans (they probably didn’t realize that it was humanity that was driving them towards extinction) but this was no normal bat and who knows how it would react.
But still…you couldn’t leave it.
Not with a broken wing and several other wounds. The break wasn’t too bad, it was really the head wound you were concerned about. All you could do was watch over it snd hope that, if it did recover, it wouldn’t be too grumpy.
“Oh, maykapal…”
You had been cooking dinner when you heard him speak clearly, as well as a few other noises. The massive bat had managed to crawl out of the cave one night, looking around slowly. It’s brown eyes stopped upon you.
“I’m happy to see you up and at ‘em but please be careful, okay?” You said.
He seemed almost at a loss for words so you slid some fruit and water over to him.
“Here. I’m Y/N. We’ve been hanging out for a couple of days.” You explained.
“I…am Angelo.” He replied softly.
“Angelo! Get back here!”
The bat had made excellent progress over the last few months. Though he still struggled with flying, he found other ways to be active, running and jumping around the forest or climbing the tallest trees he could find.
He knew it made you worry over him and he loved that. Angelo seemed to enjoy all the attention you gave him and you got the idea that he really never had much of it before.
The bat leaned low from a branch, smiling at you.
“Come and get me, sinta.”
“You and I both know that I am NOT climbing up there.” You replied.
He sighed, slowly climbing down. You shook your head, telling him to go back home. Angelo had rather liked the forest around your house, so he often hung around it, sometimes even coming to your cottage. He admitted that this wasn’t the first time he had explored a human home, though this was the first timd he had been invited.
Angelo, as you learned, was playful and sweet. He spoke mostly English but you had started learning Filipino to figure out what else he was saying. It was mostly flirtatious comments and pet names really. Which was strange at first as you started getting the idea that Angelo was a bit fond of you…and you were getting fond of him.
Maybe you had been alone far too long…
But since you had met Angelo, things had gotten so much better. No longer were you lonely and neither was he. It seemed that both of your lives had been similar, two people alone in two forests.
Now you both had each other.
Angelo kept on a steady recovery, now flying nightly. You wondered if he was going to leave and, though you wanted him to stay…you knew it would be a selfish thing to ask.
You loved to seem him fly though.
So much so that you didn’t even hear it at first. Footsteps. First on the soft grass, then on the porch.
An animal?
No, it couldn’t be. It was the heavy footsteps of two feet, not four. Slowly, you turned around, seeing a large shadow at the backdoor. Before you could run over and lock it tight like your brain was telling you, the door burst open. There stood a massive, disheveled man. His clothes were dirty and wrinkled, his hair and beard tangled. You knew that there were whst you might call “mountain folk” around but…they normally avoided you.
Not this guy though.
He was glaring at you as though you had done something terrible to him and he took a larhe step foward. His large hand reached out to grab you but, before he could, an almost painful screeching filled the air.
Angelo swooped down, still screaming as hd landed on top of the man. Beneath him, the stranger struggled before Angelo finally lept off of him, standing in front of you. His massive wings were spread protectively as he screamed.
“Get out! Out!”
The stranger had fled in a second.
But it took much longer for Angelo to calm down. He kept pacing around, glaring at any movement accusingly. And he would not leave your side.
The bat finally joined you on the couch, kerping close to your side.
“See, THIS is why I can’t leave you alone! I have no idea hos you survived for so long…”
“So you’re staying around?” You asked casually.
He did not answer, instead snuggling closer to you. Yeah…he definitely wasn’t leaving. Anf you definitely didn’t mind that…
🖤🦇 Such a sweet request! I’ve been planning a story about a fruit bat monster so I mixed the request with a monster I had already made up. Sorry if there were any mistakes with the Filipino language, the internet isn’t always right! But I tried my best!🦇🖤
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shortmonsterstories · 6 years
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