shortytori · 2 years
Does Florian have a fairy animal he have a telepathic link with??
I would say "no" but it's kind of a "i don't really know yet". Like Abe has this pet that looks to be a cross of a squirrel and a reptile, and was thinking "what if this was originally supposed to be Florian's animal but it just liked Abe more and Florian was cool with it cuz he didn't like it anyways?"
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shortytori · 2 years
Any lores on Shayna, Zi, and Fang?
Shayna, the daughter of Wuya and Butt Witch, is the oldest of the three, already graduated high school. She's also the most merciless out of the three sisters.
Fang, daughter of Aku, is the middle child, and is very rebellious. She's currently in a forbidden relationship with Mandy and Gaz's daughter.
Zi, the youngest, was a self-made creation of Wuya, created from her magic. This is why she has silver hair instead of red like her sisters. She is currently learning how to make friends and work as a team in Einstein Prep.
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shortytori · 2 years
AU question for Max: Which XS-Idols (Fakémon) would be in his team? The link provided for you to see the team. There are many psychic type fakémons btw.
Oh, he’d want a shiny Seammonz, hands down. He’d tell people he’d want a dragon type of something, but the moment he sees a whale jamming out he’d be like “that’s the one”
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shortytori · 2 years
Which of your ocs is chronically online?
Yoko basically lives online because that's the main way she communicates with her customers. Cleo and Leo are both constantly online because they're hackers.
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shortytori · 2 years
Is Karlee a fan of Jack Spicer?
She thinks he's okay. She's more of a fan of Cyborg
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shortytori · 2 years
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Brain empty
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shortytori · 2 years
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Replaying doki doki!
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shortytori · 2 years
i made a which member of the mystery gang are you uquiz! scooby doo bitches rise up
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shortytori · 2 years
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Follow your dream
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shortytori · 2 years
Tbh this will be one of my favorite pieces I’ve made! Like my friend still uses it as his pfp
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Finished my first commission yesterday! Woo! Really happy with how it came out! They wanted Luffy in Rick and Morty style and I think I delivered! :o
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shortytori · 2 years
I made an animatic for Hurricane from the death note musical! This song is absurdly good I’m obsessed
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shortytori · 2 years
Even though I’m not posting content, I am working on profiles and headcanons and Abe is now agender! So whoever you are, Anon, you helped me out with this question and I thank you! 
If Abe Diaz-Maheswaran was agender they would have been a Triple A threat, (What with them being Aroace)
Abe was so close xD tho! The third A could stand for androgynous? And even though they are not agender they are nonbinary.
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shortytori · 2 years
Check out AJ’s story! You can find it linked on their page!
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Cordelia and Phoebe has 200 hits soooo here’s something to celebrate! For every milestone we hit, I’ll doodle a character that’ll appear in it. This time, it’s Eclipsa! Everyone’s favorite queen
I’m happy people are giving it a look, and hope it continues! Any support is good support ☺️
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shortytori · 2 years
AN UPDATE, maybe it’s nicer sounding?
The Underworld is currently at war over leadership of their domain. The former rulers were once the Lucitor family, however, on the day of Tom Lucitor’s coronation a powerful witch by the name Wuya crashed the formal event with her two partners, Aku and Fanny Belleni (popularly known as “Butt Witch”). The trio had declared that they were the new rulers of the Underworld, and already having a large and loyal army under their control chased the Lucitor family out of their kingdom. 
Currently the Lucitor family is fighting to get their kingdom and throne back, however, they aren’t the only ones who are fighting over total control over the Underworld. With the change in power in the Underworld, others came out of the shadows with their own armies demanding control of the entire domain. 
Surprisingly one of those fighting was a human woman named Mandy with her wife Gaz. She had a large following because of how scary and ruthless she was. Many monsters and demons in the Underworld respected her because she had control over the Grim Reaper and was just as heartless as the strongest of demons.
The last individual is well-known on Earth for his amazing power and his iconic devil look. HIM and his oldest son, Brick, have a small following of their own because of their strengths. Currently their following is the smallest but has been growing at a rapid pace. 
They are all at war with Wuya and one another, fighting to get more and more land in the Underworld and gaining more followers with each passing day. Right now they each have their own plots of land, but they will not stop their fighting until one of them is too powerful to fight against or until the others are dead. This war is one that can last for hundreds of years.
Toriverse: Domains in the Underworld
There are three domains in the Underworld controlled by different powerful beings. Every leader of each domain are fighting the others to expand their territory and get more control of the Underworld. For the amount of followers and territory they have, the stronger they are physically. 
The one with the largest domain is Wuya, who is supported by her alliance partners Aku and “Butt Witch”. The three of them are not in a romantic relationship, but more of a business relationship that resulted in three powerful daughters. Each one has their own set of strengths, and are even more deadly than their parents. The daughter of Wuya (oldest to youngest) are Shayna, Fang, and Zi.
The second largest domain is surprisingly ruled by Mandy and her wife Gaz. From being the only human in existence to have control over a Reaper, many monsters and demons from the Underworld have pledged their allegiance to Mandy when she started seeking power. Her daughter, Tanda, is currently training to become a Reaper herself, and she is also in a secret relationship with Fang. 
The third domain is the smallest, but it is the newest and has been growing in size at a fast pace. It is ruled over none other than HIM. The only help he has received is from his son, Brick, and his grandchild. However, his grandchild has not have been able to help HIM as much as they could because they occasionally back to earth to get training from their mother on being a villain (if only they all knew how unhappy it makes them).
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shortytori · 2 years
Send Me a Number and an OC and I’ll Answer
What is their favourite food?
Do they have a fear of an animal? If so, what animal?
What do they wear to bed?
Do they like cuddling?
Do they have a secret handshake with anyone?
What do they look like?
Do they like chocolate?
What are their good and bad traits?
Do they have any artistic talent?
What is their favourite room to be in, in the house they live in?
Do they believe in luck?
Can they do magic?
Do they believe in dragons?
What is a pet peeve of theirs?
What was the last thing they cried about?
What is their sexuality?
Do they have a best friend? If so, who, and what makes them their best friend?
Have they ever been in a romantic relationship?
What does their relationship with their family look like? Are they close? Distant? Ect.
Do they have a pet?
Do they have a familiar?
Are they a supernatural being?
How do they usually wear their hair?
Can they play an instrument? If so, what instrument and what can they play?
What type a high schooler are/were they?
Have they ever been in a physical fight before? If so, with who? Who won?
What is their favourite holiday?
If they could have one wish, what would they wish for?
Do they wants kids? If they already have kids, do they want more?
Do they have a job?
Do they know how to drive?
Do they get stressed out easily?
Did they ever dye their hair before? If so, to what colour? Did they like it?
Have they ever broken the law?
Do they own a plant?
Have they ever rode a horse before?
What is their favorite gif?
Do they get along with others easily?
Do they have any tattoos?
If I wanted to draw them, what would be distinct physical features that I would have to know to draw them correctly?
What is their favourite breed of dog?
Do they live with anyone? If so, who?
Where is their dream vacation?
Do they know more than one language?
Are they a quick learner?
Have they ever won a contest before? If so, what for? What did they win?
If the world were to end in 24 hours, where would they be and who would they be with?
What does their room look like?
If they could have an extinct animal for a pet, what would they have?
If they got called out by someone, what would they do?
Have they ever shot a gun before?
Have they ever been axe throwing?
What is something that they want but can’t have?
Do they know how to fish?
What is something they always wanted to do but too scared?
Do they own their own baby pictures?
What makes them standout among others?
Do they like to show off?
What is their favourite song?
What would be their dream vehicle?
What is their favourite book?
Who, in their opinion, makes the best food?
Are they approachable?
Did they ever change their appearance?
What makes them smile?
Do they like glowsticks?
What is something that is simple, but always makes them smile?
Are they a day or night person?
Are they allergic to anything?
What do you, the creator of this OC, like most about them?
Who is their ride or die?
Do they currently have a significant other? If not, are they going to get one later one?
What attracts them to another person?
Who is one person that can always make them laugh?
Have they ever partied too hard and their friends had to take them home?
Who would be their cuddle buddy?
Who would cheer them up after a long day?
If they had a nightmare, who would they run to?
What object to the care for the most?
Do they like other people’s children?
How would they react if someone broke into their home?
Does anyone make them have butterflies in their stomach?
What is something that they are good at?
What is their neutral expression?
Do they like to cook?
What is something they can’t leave home without?
Who is someone that they rely on?
Do they liked to be tickled?
Have they ever been a sword fight before?
What is a joke that they would find funny?
Do they have a place that can go and turn off their brain?
What was their childhood like?
What are they like as an adult?
Do they take criticism well?
Have they ever jumped out of a plane?
Who do they like to make jokes with?
Have you ever drawn them before? If you are comfortable with it, would you post a picture?
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shortytori · 2 years
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I feel attacked
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shortytori · 2 years
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Bonquisha's proportions have always bugged me, why she shaped like that??
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