#robert moss
mountain-sage · 7 months
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innervoiceartblog · 1 year
In The Time of The Great Raven
In the time of the Great Raven even the invisible was visible. And it continually transformed itself. Animals, at that time, were not necessarily animals. They might happen to be animals, but sometimes they were humans, gods, lords of a species, demons, ancestors. And humans weren’t necessarily humans but could also be the transient form of something else. There were no tricks for recognizing those that appeared. They had to be already known, as one knows a friend or an adversary. Everything, from spiders to the dead, occurred within a single flow of forms. It was the realm of metamorphosis.
- Roberto Calasso, "The Celestial Hunter"
Drawing by Robert Moss
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unwelcome-ozian · 2 years
Do you have any information on the practice of dream work as applies to programming, and Robert Moss?
I took a course a few years back that involved a dreamwork section heavily informed by Robert Moss. The course also included other forms of seeking altered states as well as journeying via binaural beats.
Can programming be hidden under the guise of 'new age' practices and can it affect adults willing to participate?
the course induces a change of worldview at the beginning via altered states that was necessary for the rest to fall into place. I had some very, very, vivid, unusual, and unsettling dream experiences, one I consider an OBE.
Yes, programming can be hidden under ‘new age’ teachings.
“Active Dreaming is a method of shamanic lucid dreaming. It starts with simple everyday practice and extends to profound group experiences of time travel, soul recovery and the exploration of multidimensional reality.” Robert Moss
For someone to be programmed they must be in a controlled environment and it usually takes years. While thought reform/control can take weeks in a controlled environment.
I’m uncertain what you mean by a course and what occurred during this time.
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Nine Keys to Understanding Your Dreams, by Robert Moss, who created Lightning Dreamwork
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pink-lemonade-rose · 7 months
"Thinking about the special quality of the Kairos moment, I want to offer a new word for the practice of navigating by synchronicity. The word is kairomancy. Translation: divination by special moments. Alternative version: making magic by seizing those special moments. […] To become a kairomancer, you need to learn to trust your feelings as you walk the roads of this world, to develop your personal science of shivers, to recognize in your gut and your skin and in free-floating impressions that you know far more than you hold on the surface of consciousness. You need to take care of your poetic health, reading what rhymes in a day or a season. You want to expect the unexpected, to make friends with surprises, and never miss that special moment. The kairomancer understands that the time is always Now, except when the time is GO."
Robert Moss, Sidewalk Oracles
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lanawinterscigarettes · 7 months
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gotta be one of the best twink death dilf births that I've ever seen
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
On Arnaud de Borchgrave, Editor-in-Chief of the Washington Times and Friend of Gladio Terrorists
Arnaud Charles Paul Marie Philippe de Borchgrave (26 October 1926 – 15 February 2015) was a Belgian-American journalist known by ex-Moonies for his role at the Washington Times, but he also held key positions at Newsweek and the United Press International, and was a founding member of Newsmax Media. He was also known for associations with Rev. Moon’s political network, the CIA, and the global far-right. 
From the New York Times obituary, Arnaud de Borchgrave, Journalist Whose Life Was a Tale Itself, Dies at 88:
His father, Count Baudouin de Borchgrave d’Altena, was head of military intelligence for Belgium’s government in exile in Britain during World War II. His mother, Audrey Townshend, was the daughter of a British general. When he was 14, Arnaud, his mother and his sister fled the Nazi invasion by boarding a freighter from La Gironde in southwest France, bound for England.  When it changed course for Hamburg, Germany, as part of a plot by the captain, as he recounted it, he jumped overboard. The three were rescued by a British destroyer, which had been alerted and took them to England. There he attended King’s School, Canterbury, as well as the H.M.S. Worcester Nautical Training College. When he was 15 or 16, he persuaded his grandmother to claim that he was 17 so that he could enlist in the Merchant Navy. He was wounded on D-Day — shot in the leg and knee, by one account — when, trying to fix a jammed ramp, he leapt off a landing craft carrying Canadian troops to Juno Beach. After the war, the United Press news agency in London hired him as a writer, and in 1949 Mr. de Borchgrave succeeded Walter Cronkite as the agency’s bureau chief in Belgium. Two years later he joined Newsweek in Paris, where he helped hire an American Embassy information officer named Ben Bradlee. Mr. Bradlee would succeed Mr. de Borchgrave in Paris and later become editor of The Washington Post, while Mr. Cronkite became the anchor of CBS News. Debonair, perpetually tan and diminutive (he was called “the short count”), Mr. de Borchgrave cut a distinctive figure at Newsweek, where he served as foreign editor, roving senior editor and chief European correspondent. His exploits in corralling heads of state for exclusive interviews and insinuating himself into the front lines of battle were legendary, even if a few of the accounts might not have survived today’s microscopic scrutiny. (Did he parachute into Dien Bien Phu with French troops in 1954 or step off a helicopter?)
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▲ Arnaud de Borchgrave speaks at the World Culture and Sports Festival '99 in Seoul Korea, February 1999. De Borchgrave's deep connections to the Public Information Office (PIO) reveal his own Gladio connections. 
In 1950, de Borchgrave joined Newsweek as its Paris bureau chief and would stay with the magazine for thirty years, serving as Senior Editor from 1953 on and starring as its chief international correspondent throughout the 1960s and 1970s. During this period, de Borchgrave played a key role in the genesis of PIO; as Bougerol recalled in an interview, it was de Borchgrave who, in the early 1970s, introduced Bougerol to PIO's future patron, Benoît de Bonvoisin. According to a May 1981 Sûreté report on de Bonvoisin's contacts in Paris, de Borchgrave also allegedly acted as an intermediary between de Bonvoisin and the CIA.
In the late 1970s, de Borchgrave was one of PIO's prized foreign press contacts; when PIO chartered a plane to fly journalists to the Zairean province of Shaba in 1978, the plane had to wait on the tarmac for one late VIP - de Borchgrave. De Borchgrave subsequently filed reports for Newsweek alleging Cuban involvement in the Katangese invasion of Shaba; Moss drew attention to de Borchgrave's Newsweek articles in a piece he wrote for the Heritage Foundation's Policy Review in its Summer 1978 issue (262)*. De Borchgrave and Moss were already longstanding friends; they had met in 1972 when de Borchgrave, in hiding in London after writing an article on Black September for Newsweek, asked to meet a specialist on subversion (263). The meeting would herald the beginning of a long partnership between the two men which would reach its peak in the 1980s.
De Borchgrave would also benefit from close contacts with SDECE chief Alexandre de Marenches, who, when asked where would be an interesting place to spend the Christmas of 1979, advised de Borchgrave to go to Afghanistan. De Borchgrave was one of the few Western journalists on the spot during the Soviet invasion (264). De Borchgrave would be fired by Newsweek in 1980 after he was discovered to have been building files on his colleagues for several years. At the time, he was working with Robert Moss on the first of two notorious disinformation novels, The Spike and Monimbo, both heavily influenced by the veteran CIA Counter-Intelligence chief James Jesus Angleton and filled with plots of Soviet subversion launched with the assistance of the Sandinista government in Nicaragua and the complicity of left-wing journalists in Europe.
In 1985, de Borchgrave would become editor-in-chief of the Moonies' newspaper, the Washington Times. The Unification Church would be a forum for cooperation between de Borchgrave and Cline: Cline was on the Editorial Board of The World and I, the Moonies' monthly edited by de Borchgrave. De Borchgrave was a former Board member of the Moonies' US Global Strategy Council, chaired by Cline in the late 1980s. Cline and de Borchgrave also shared a platform with William Casey as speakers at a special conference series on intelligence held at the Ashbrook Center, Ohio in 1986, one of Casey's last public appearances before his death in May 1987. At this time, de Borchgrave was working with Moss and John Rees of the John Birch Society in a "risk analysis" company, Mid-Atlantic Research Associates (MARA); the three also edited a monthly private intelligence report called Early Warning (265)*.
Together, de Borchgrave and Robert Moss engaged in disinformation efforts and authored novels influenced by intelligence activities, Monimbó in 1983 and The Spike in 1980. Moss today is now grifting new age circles as a so-called shaman. 
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▲ An advertisement for a Robert Moss event In the early 1970s, de Borchgrave played a significant role in introducing key fascist figures to influential institutions, acting as an intermediary between them. He is said to have been the one who introduced Benoît de Bonvoisin to the Public Information Office (PIO) of the Belgian Ministry of Defence for the sake of funding. Bonvoisin became their primary patron. The PIO was publicly exposed as being infiltrated by and working with right-wing private intelligence entities and terroristic anti-communist organizations. Bonvoisin was also said to have been a major funder of, broadly, the far-right, funding countless Gladio operations beyond PIO. 
In the 80s, he was a senior associate at the Georgetown University Center for Strategic and International Studies.
SUBCOMMITTEE ON SECURITY AND TERRORISM (1981) - chaired by Strom Thurmond
We have another international journalist of extensive experience in journalism and with the subjects on which he has written, including the subject of disinformation and espionage. He, too, is associated presently with the Center for Strategic International Studies at Georgetown University, Mr. Arnaud de Borchgrave.
De Borchgrave was also on the Board of Directors of the US Global Strategy Council, an organization closely associated with CAUSA chaired by former Deputy Director of the CIA Ray Cline, fellow disinformation specialist at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "Inside the League” suggests that Asian People's Anti-Communist League (APACL) was also partially funded by CIA discretionary funds and/or U.S. Embassy Counterpart Funds transmitted through Ray Cline. Moon was a member of APACL during this period. 
In 1985, de Borchgrave became the editor-in-chief of Moon’s Washington Times after pro-Pinochet James Whelan left the Washington Times, denouncing it as being under the command of Moon’s movement. 
From ‘Arnaud de Borchgrave Boards Moon's Ship’ by Louis Wolf and Fred Clarkson in Covert Action Information Bulletin No. 24:
On March 20, 1985 the public was informed that Arnaud de Borchgrave was the new editor-in-chief of Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s newspaper, the Washington Times. Media analysts knew at once that Washington’s already shrill rhetoric would be reaching new heights.
Even before Ronald Reagan took office, de Borchgrave had ready access to the President-elect. On December 16, 1980, they met for a ‘‘very lengthy conversation’’ about disinformation, propaganda, and de Borchgrave’s recommendations for White House media strategy, nationally and internationally. That strategy must have paid off; de Borchgrave told the New York Times, ‘‘The Washington Times is the first thing Ronald Reagan reads each morning. He called me up and told me so.’’ (May 26, 1985.)
At the end of this article, Wolf and Clarkson wrote:
Asked whether the United States engages in disinformation, de Borchgrave said that present and former U.S. officials trying “in a free society . . .  to put the best face possible” on what they are doing or did in government is not disinformation. “That is called the management of the news.”
Related articles and notes below
The World Anti-Communist League: the Internationale of Crime - Thierry Meyssan
On the Ramparts of Freedom - Arnaud de Borchgrave at the God and Freedom Banquet celebrating Reverend Moon's release from Danbury Prison, August 20, 1985
From Bo Hi Pak's Messiah - My Testimony to Rev. Sun Myung Moon Volume II - Pak on de Borchgrave
The Unification Church and the KCIA – ‘Privatizing’ covert action: the case of the UC - Lobster Magazine
Note: The Center for Strategic and International Studies was founded in 1962, the same year Bo HI Pak began studying part-time the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, after over a decade of intelligence work. From 1961-1964, Pak was working as the Assistant Military Attaché at the Korean Embassy, in constant communication with his bosses and colleagues at the KCIA and the US CIA.  More on Georgetown University’s Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) from The "Terrorism" Industry: The Experts and Institutions That Shape Our View of Terror by Edward S. Herman and Gerry O'Sullivan
The semipermanent terrorism experts of CSIS have been Ledeen, Laqueur, Kupperman, and Cline, but Yonah Alexander, Claire Sterling, Paul Henze, Arnaud de Borchgrave, and Robert Moss have been occasional participants in CSIS's activities bearing on terrorism. We noted earlier that the spectrum of terrorism opinion may be divided into three categories: (1) establishment moderate; (2) establishment far-right; and (3) critical and dissident. In this spectrum, of the four semipermanent and five transitory experts at CSIS, none fit category (3), only two (Laqueur and possibly Kupperman) fit category (1), and the seven others fall into category (2) right-wing extremist. The CSIS is not a "moderate" organization by this measure, or others noted above.
More on the United States Global Strategy Council from The "Terrorism" Industry: The Experts and Institutions That Shape Our View of Terror by Edward S. Herman and Gerry O'Sullivan
The council links together individuals connected with the Unification Church and other far-right operations (ASC, CIAS, and IFPA), to CSIS and the omnipresent Yonah Alexander. It has former officials Cline, Kirkpatrick, and Rumsfeld to lend respectability-to its terrorism studies. With this political cast, that South African viewpoints would be put in the frame of Soviet support and insurgent "terrorism" is a foregone conclusion.
More on “The Spike” by Arnaud de Borchgrave and Robert Moss - DE BORCHGRAVE (The Washington Post) - July 8, 1984
In two bestselling novels, The Spike (1980) and Monimbo (1983), de Borchgrave and coauthor Robert Moss lay out the scenario of this underground war, one battled with such subtlety by the enemy that most of us don't even know it's going on.
The story is one of classic decline and fall: barbarians (the Soviets) from without and decay (a media honeycombed with Marxist dupes) from within. The allegations of this plot have not gone unnoticed by some in the Reagan administration. At a Washington book party for Monimbo last September, administration figures who showed up included presidential counselor Edwin Meese, Attorney General William French Smith, USIA director Charles Wick and FBI director William Webster.
Because he has spent more than three decades as a reporter, The Spike and Monimbo aren't seen only as novels by de Borchgrave fans, but as thinly disguised accounts of what he thinks goes on in the media gulag. And because he spent so many years as a reporter, the vision of the world presented in the novels has many former colleagues scratching their heads about how he came to believe such a proposition.
1979 Assassination of U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Adolph Dubs Set Groundwork for America’s Longest War - Covert Action Magazine
Shortly before his death, Anwar Sadat admitted to the world the massive role played by the U.S. in the Afghan rebellion. He revealed. to the consternation of U.S. officials, that Egypt was the conduit for U.S. arms shipments to the rebels, suggesting a scale of paramilitary involvement even greater than had been suspected. U.S. intervention in Afghanistan even reached the Style’ section of the Washington Post in a recent note describing a propaganda film supporting the rebels. The film benefit was sponsored by a shadowy group called Youth for Understanding, which sends American students overseas in highly-controlled and isolated programs. YFU's board includes David Abshire, Director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, base for many “retired” intelligence officers. Attending the screening were CIA Director William Casey and disinformation specialist Arnaud de Borchgrave.
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sweetestgirlblogger · 3 months
i want the aka lizzy grant vinyl so bad!! ♡
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jenniferchecksbitch · 2 months
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urv3nicebitch · 10 months
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Girl Versus World🌎
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pinupdelore · 2 years
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❤︎︎Brigitte Bardot❤︎︎
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innervoiceartblog · 2 years
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louisbxne · 9 months
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Extra TV Interview with Melvin Robert at the 2024 Golden Globes
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roberts-island · 7 months
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Consider: how fun it is when your coursework is aesthetically pleasing for once
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lanawinterscigarettes · 4 months
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His side profile makes me weak
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hai-yaaah · 9 months
Michael, L. (Photographer). (2024). Golden Globe nominees [Photograph series]. Vulture.
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