shslhockeyjock · 10 years
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ah yes im doing an idol thing with orla and grace
her name is ae cha 
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shslhockeyjock · 10 years
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My new oc design! Meet Wu Nara! She is the new lead singer of ☆ブロークン STAR☆  She wants to be a robot, likes Edgar Allan Poe, has a pet crow, and hates the lyrics she sings. 
These guys are making the other band members. Orla -Keytar Player Bri -Drummer
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shslhockeyjock · 10 years
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band member for dumb band with grace and bri
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shslhockeyjock · 10 years
Ryota suddenly snapped out of his silent stupor as he heard someone address him nearby. He looked up just in time to watch a new student, a blue haired girl this time, make a running attempt at kicking the metal-plated door down. As he watched her try and fail, he knew prior to her attempt that ”persuading” the door open with a little brute force was a lost cause. I mean, if he couldn’t do it, it was clearly impossible!
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”Haha! That WAS impressive! I mean, I’m not sure what you were tryin’ to do, but I know I never could’ve pulled that wicked super-kick off! You gotta teach me that one sometime!”
As he was left in an awkward silence after his ice-breaking comment, he then realized that the girl seemed to be in pain. From there, he wasn’t sure how to react. What if this girl wanted to murder him?…Probably not. She didn’t look like murder was one of her top priorities. He stared at her curled up on the floor for a few more seconds, considering this possibility, before standing up and towering over her, probably coming off more menacing than intended. He furrowed his brow in concern.
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”Yooo…you alright? You took a wicked tumble…If it makes you feel better, it looked pretty cool!…Oh shit, are you bleeding?”
He rocked on his heels as he waited for the injured girl to reply. As much as he wanted to help her up, he was kind of afraid to touch her. I mean, what if she tried to super-kick him next?
[Ab]normal Days: Ryota | To the Window, To the Door | ATTN: Komachi
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"What the hell."
Komachi didn’t sign up for this thing. She did not sign up against her will to be bossed around by a fluffy, two toned bear with a beary bad attitude. At this point in time, she was waiting for some television idol to jump up from behind the desk yelling ‘punked!’ and then they could go home and enjoy the wonders of wi-fi. Which this place lacked.
If she had to go one more day without it, she’d start breaking some bones. The bear’s specifically. 
The sound of someone banging against something loudly snapped the girl out of her sour thoughts.
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Komachi cast a glance over to the door which she had tried to open several days earlier, watching as the strong type male practically slam his entire body into it. There was no reaction from the door though.
Watching his failure, she only smirked to herself, making her way over to the door, a proud smile gracing her features.
"You’re completely doing it wrong you idiot! Watch the pro do this!"
She then took a few steps back, then running full force towards the door. As she got close enough, she then jumped up, to do a sort of running-jump-kick thing. Unfortunately, her time was extremely off. Her knee hit the door, causing her to fall forward, her face slamming into the metal before then falling onto the floor and curling herself into a ball, covering her now bloody nose.
"Real world graphics suck..."
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shslhockeyjock · 10 years
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  "Yo, is this thing on? Anyone alive out there? Yes? Okay! Now listen up. You don’t know me, and I definitely don’t know you, but if you could spread this post around if you’re a Dangan Ronpa OC blog, that’d be just swell. Alright, catch you on the flip side.”
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shslhockeyjock · 10 years
[Ab]Normal Days | Ryota | A Bear-y Surprising Development |Open Reaction
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Ryota was left speechless by the time the bear had completed its long winded monologue. Naturally for him, he had drifted in and out of what the bear was saying, but he had heard all the important factors loud and clear. By this point, with mind was brimming with questions. When the bear had said the flight was cancelled, did he mean it was cancelled cancelled? Did he really expect the students to kill each other to escape the airport? And if the doors were sealed, how long before this airport ran out of air?! This airport was starting to feel more like a prison.
As the bear vanished without a trace, the lobby was left in an uncomfortable silence. Well, that was until the lobby was in an uproar in a matter of seconds. Some students brushed off the bear’s speech as some sort of sick joke, while others were outraged that their flight had been cancelled.  The rest just sat in silence, either from fear or just confusion. Ryota was unsure of how to feel. Sure, his flight had been cancelled, but was that the most pressing matter? I mean, the bear had said that they had to kill each other to gain their freedom! …Unless, could murder have been a synonym for something else? Sadly, Ryota doubted this.
He assumed that the whole ‘’murder’’ thing was getting to some of the other students, as several took their leave from the lobby. Maybe he should do the same? No… being alone at a time like this did not seem like a wise decision. Tensions were high, and murder was the only way of gaining your freedom? Yeah, not wise to be alone, Ryota concluded silently to himself.
To occupy himself, he decided he had better look over the rules that Monobear had mentioned were sent to his new phone. He fished it out of his pocket, flipping it open and assessing the new list of rules. Blah blah littering… blah blah no violence… pretty standard rules for an airport. Well, not including the rules pertaining to murder and dead bodies. And what was this about Hope Shards? Huh. He supposed that will be more relevant later.
He put away his phone, unsure of what to do next. He glanced at the door through which they had entered earlier. Did that bear really seal the exits that fast…? He sauntered over, giving a brisk tug on the handle several times. Become more irritated by the second, he switched to trying to knock down the door by running at it with his shoulder. After being thoroughly defeated by the door, he slunk down beside it, sitting by the wall. Yep, that thing wasn’t budging anytime soon.
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shslhockeyjock · 10 years
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sprited new oc ツ im going to bed
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shslhockeyjock · 10 years
[7:29:19 PM] NEUDLY DOO: i love hanas new look [7:29:23 PM] NEUDLY DOO: she is so funky fresh
actual words orla said (via shslastrologer)
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shslhockeyjock · 10 years
Removing himself from Ryota’s company for a brief moment, Nagisi made his way into room 204, which, thankfully, was unlocked. At least the room was posh; everything was well decorated and clean, which was better than some of the other hotels that he had stayed at. Gordon Ramsey’s Hotel Nightmares had nothing on this guy. However, what was on his bed was more immediately fascinating: Usami’s gift.
Let’s take a quick peek inside, yeah? First off, a water bottle. Nice, nice, he won’t die of thirst now. Still, tap water was good enough for him, so he might as well save it for a drier day. Maybe if he went to exercise with Ryota or something, then he’d really need it. He’d probably need everyone’s water bottles if he did that. Scary.
Up next, box of chocolates. Eh, sweets weren’t a huge deal for him, but the sentiment was kind. Perhaps one day he’d share them with someone here as an icebreaker. Mk… Oh, a towel, with his name. Nice, now no one can accidentally use his towel! Oh wait, they wouldn’t have done that anyways because it will be in his room. Nice.
A phone? Whoa, they went all out, a slick black phone with everyone else’s contact information. He’d never be lonely again (although he had his own phone in his luggage- would he be getting that any time soon?). Aaaaand a keycard. Must be to his room, and apparently also for purchases? Huh, nice, though he didn’t remember seeing a store on the map. Whatever, he’d just have to look around a bit more. All of this begged a question though: How?
The initial plan- or what he believed it to be- was to go to an airport, get on a plane, and arrive at the school. However, now that they’ve had a sudden ‘unexpected’ delay, they already had rooms prepped? The water bottle, keycard, and chocolate were easily explained, but a phone? An embroidered towel? You have to order those special, and if they were meant to receive it at Hope’s Peak, wouldn’t it already be there? Maybe this was all planned… Oh! Ryota! Right! Nagisi sprinted to the door in just a few short bounds, looking up and down the hall for the behemoth.
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"So Ryota, I got a bottle of water, a towel, some chocolates, a phone, and my room key in my bag. I assume that you got something similar, yeah? What do you think of all of this?"
Ryota watched as Nagisi disappeared into his own room, before doing the same. He was greeted by something similar to a posh hotel room, with the bed made and the furniture dusted. He even got his own bathroom! Ryota had never been in the presence of such luxury. He stood in awe for a few moments, before remembering why they had came to these rooms in the first place. The goodie bags!
He found his goodie bag on the bed. He plopped down on the bed, grabbing the bag and rifling through it. Within he found: A towel embroidered with his name, (Perfect! Now no one will be able to steal it! Although...why would they if they already have their own?) A bottle of fancy water, (Is this what the prime minister drinks?) A box of chocolates, (What! Ryota couldn't eat these! It would completely ruin his athletic build.) and a key card. (Neat! Now he can lock his room. But according to the note in the goodie bag, it can purchase stuff. There's shops in here...?)
He fished around in the bottom of the bag before pulling out a shiny new royal blue phone. He flipped in open to find that already alot of numbers had been saved into it. He assumed these must be the other students. He browsed the phone for a moment, in search of games, before he realized that he had come here with someone.
He bounded out of his room, skidding on the floor in the process. He looked up and down the corridor, spotting Nagisi, before returning to him to assess the situation.
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Not sure what to think of it, But we got free phones! Woop woop! Not sure why they gave us them, though. I'm not ever sure it has games! Bummer. Well, I'm just hoping they give us some real food. We're gonna be here for days! And did you read that note in it? Says that key card can BUY stuff! Isn't that neat? 
[Ab]Normal Days | Ryota | What The Puck? | ATTN: Nagisi
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shslhockeyjock · 10 years
Ryota waited as patiently as he could for Nagisi to return as he went to check the front desk. As Nagisi returned, he nodded to him as he was informed of his own room number. Cool! Although he may be stranded in a seemingly  deserted airport with around two dozen other students, at least he'd get a nice cushy hotel room! Maybe this wasn't so bad.
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Alriiight! We each get our own rooms! Talk about classy! Huh, I guess they have to be unlocked? Or we'll all be sleeping out in the lobby for a few days. Hey, I guess that makes us practically neighbours! Talk about good luck, am I right?
Ryota stood there, scratching his head as Nagisi moved on to explain his fitness regime. A regime where you don't even get buff?! What's even the point of that! Well, to each their own, I suppose...
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...I guess, that kinda makes sense...But if you ever wanna get REALLY fit, you come to me first! That offer of a free boot camp is limited, and I don't like making my friends pay! Ha! C'mon dude, we'd better hustle. 
He followed after Nagisi towards the stairwell, unsure of what to expect from an airport hotel. I mean, who's ever been to a hotel in an airport?
[Ab]Normal Days | Ryota | What The Puck? | ATTN: Nagisi
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shslhockeyjock · 10 years
Ryota was pleased by how interested Nagisi seemed with what he had to say, with his reassuring idle nodding and creepy un-breaking eye contact. It’d been a while since someone had listened to him talk about how strong he was for this long. It was a refreshing change compared to his usual conversations.
He couldn’t help but feel disappointed when Nagisi declined his offer of giving him a crash course in how to get ripped. Who could ever decline such a tempting offer with such promising results? Well, you can’t win them all, I suppose. Maybe it was a good thing he would rather be a string bean, that suit didn’t look like it could cope with its wearer having bulging muscles.
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You actually have a…fitness regime already? Well, you could have fooled me! No offense… But yeah! I’m always up for a fitness jam!
What did he mean by “interesting”? Ryota shrugged it off and took it as a compliment, nonetheless. When he noticed Nagisi inspecting the contents of his goodie bag, he saw it as the right time to do it himself.
I might not have anything interesting myself, but atleast this airport has some sweet loot. I’m more pumped about the fancy water than the phone! Have you seen that stuff? I can see my reflection in the bottle! Was never crazy about chocolate though… Sticks to my teeth, makes me feel fat, it’s pretty-
He stopped as his phone buzzed. Wow, who could be contacting him already? He flipped open his shiny new cellular device to see that Nagisi had texted him with a simple “Yo.” He turned the phone around and gestured to the message to show the magician himself.
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Haha hey, that’s you! Neat! So these things already have everyone’s numbers? That’s cool, although I don’t know any of these people by name…
He scratched his head, but decided to ignore that fact for the moment.
Yeah you’re right, maybe exploring would be a good idea! This place is kind of a drag.
[Ab]Normal Days | Ryota | What The Puck? | ATTN: Nagisi
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shslhockeyjock · 10 years
Ryota was overjoyed to meet someone who was just as enthusiastic about introductions as he was! Anyone who put that much emphasis into saying his name must be someone worth befriending. Wait, was that fear in Nagisi’s eyes? No way, he’s probably just upset about the flight being delayed. Understandable.
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  Yeah, I’m pretty buff. I get that a lot! Hah!
He paused momentarily to flex obnoxiously for the magician. It seemed that Nagisi wasn’t the only student who could be over the top.
I don’t usually make friends with shrimpy people, but I can learn to forgive you for it! And if you want, I can help you get totally ripped like me! Completely free!
Ryota was floored by Nagisi’s response. What! He wasn’t behind all of this?! This only created more unanswered questions for Ryota, which he decided to keep to himself. For once. Thank God.
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Aw, that sucks! Looks like there won’t be any rabbits being pulled out of hats today. And I doubt that talkin’ one in the dress would fit in a hat that small!
He pondered for a moment at the magician’s question.
 Huh? Interesting? Well, I didn’t bring any magic cards, that’s for sure…I tried to bring my hockey stick, but they said it was considered too “dangerous” to have on a flight. Figures! But I won’t let the man bring me down. And no sir! I just got my phone. It’s a pretty ugly colour, but I didn’t get to pick it. These phones must be pretty cheap and crummy if we all got one! I wonder what they even do…
[Ab]Normal Days | Ryota | What The Puck? | ATTN: Nagisi
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shslhockeyjock · 10 years
Goodie Bags!
u get nothing
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shslhockeyjock · 10 years
Goodie Bags!
It seems that someone left a surprise for you! 
Goodie Bag Contents:
Bottle of Fancy Spring Water- Whoa, refreshing!
Box of Chocolates-  ”Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” - Someone Famous Probably
Fluffy Towel- It’s super a soft towel with YOUR name on it. Literally. 
Shiawase Mobile Phone- 
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A phone provided by Shiawase Airlines. You can use this to contact your other classmates from almost anywhere in the airport! Don’t be fooled by its flip-phone appearance, it’s extremely useful! You can also receive updates (maps), messages, calls, and pictures from your guide! Unfortunately, it does not work outside of the airport.
Shiawase Card-
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A card with two different uses! It works as a key to enter your Hotel room-… so you probably shouldn’t go anywhere without it. This card also helps you pay for anything within the airport and withdraw money from your Shiawase account! Lucky for you, Hope’s Peak has already provided money for you to use on your account.
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shslhockeyjock · 10 years
[Ab]Normal Days | Ryota | Clever Title | ATTN: Nagisi
Ryota watched with his mouth gaping open, as one particular student, sporting a gaudy top hat and a cheesy smile, tipped his hat, causing a full deck of cards to spill out and litter the lobby’s floor. Before he even had the chance to ask the stranger why he had been carrying a deck of cards around under his hat, he somehow commanded the cards to return to his hand. Ryota couldn’t help but give the young man an obnoxiously long clap.
His clapping faltered as the stranger suddenly addressed him.
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Wha’? Oh, me! I’m Ryotaaa Takehikooo! Super High-School Level Hockey Champ, at your service!
He suddenly grabbed Nagisi’s hand, shaking it rapidly.
Nice to meet you, bud! And oh man, I wish I could do something like that! You’re putting my talent to shame, dudebro! Tell me, how’d you do that. The card thing, I mean-
He suddenly stopped and stared straight ahead, as if something suddenly clicked in his head.
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WOAH! Wait, if you’re a magician, yeah? And magicians work with rabbits? Are you controlling that talking rabbit thing? Is this like a big prank? That’s so cool! 
He let out a chuckle before crossing his arms, looking particularly chuffed. That boy was really convinced he’d figured this whole incident out.
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shslhockeyjock · 10 years
[Ab]Normal Days | Ryota | First Impressions | Open
To receive an invitation to Hope’s Peak Academy was something many students only dreamt about. But for Ryota Takehiko, it had (somehow) become a reality. For the first time in his life, he was excited to go to school! Not so much the learning aspect of attending school, but he’d heard some good things about the size of the school. Bigger ALWAYS means better! Although he was never so keen on flying, he steeled himself for the unavoidable fate of having to get there by plane, as indicated in the invitation.
On his arrival to the airport, he wasn’t sure what to expect. But he was pretty sure it wasn’t a talking stuffed animal.
If Ryota had been listening, he would’ve been greatly disappointed by the news that his flight to the prestigious Hope’s Peak academy had been delayed. But he was far too busy trying to make sense of the stuffed white rabbit sporting a pink frilly dress that was currently leading them through a seemingly deserted airport. Was it a puppet? Was it a trick of the light? Or was it simply some sort of fevered dream that he’s soon wake up from? It was hard to tell.
As the rabbit finally made it’s exit, he came back to reality and realized he was in the presence of other youths, each renowned for excelling in their own unique talent. Wow! It was essential to make a good impression on such impressive classmates. Now, what would be the ideal greeting to give one of these lucky classmates?
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                “Haha! That rabbit thing was freaky right? Was it talking, or was that just me?”
Maybe that wasn’t the best line to open with.
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shslhockeyjock · 10 years
[Prologue] Make yourself at home! ★
A few days?
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“Oh…! D-don’t panic, evewyone…! Wemember you’re flying with Shiawase Airlines! We’ll take vewy good care of you.”
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“We even have somewhere you can stay during your visit!”
She gestured to an entrance to everyone’s left before hopping down from the desk.
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“This way! I’ll show you your wooms. It’s always good to be pwepared, class!”
Usami led the class to the hotel entrance. Once inside, they could see another lobby that was just as nice as the airport’s. Oddly enough, the hotel was also empty. However, this didn’t seem to concern Usami the least bit! She simply motioned for everyone to join her in front of the fountain.
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“This is where you’ll all be staying! Don’t worry, it’s vewy comfy hewre!” She assured, gesturing with her wand. “All of your woom information is on the fwont desk-… pwease be kind to your woommates! It’s part of my job to hewp evewyone become fwiends!”
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“If you have any questions, I’ll be-… uuuu, twying my best to phone your headmaster…! You’ll find me in the Main Lobby!”
She turned to leave but stopped suddenly.
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“O-oh-! I almost fowgot! We have goodie bags for evewyone in their wooms! I hope you all like them… they’re filled with weally hewpful stuff!★”
And with that, Usami did a small twirl, waving goodbye to the class. She scurried out of the hotel as if on a mission, leaving the students behind. Goodness, this was awkward. And it seemed introductions were in order. After all, this lobby held a lot of fresh faces-the faces of Japan’s finest, Super High-School Level students.
(Ab)normal Days start!
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