shutupandbealoric · 8 years
Ok so... (Spoilers for UAO)
Can we just list down all the errors we find in the LL books? I wanna see how many we can get. I'll start with the 3 that I found: - Eight's eye color changes from green to brown. - In Adam/One's flashback in "The Lost Files: The Fallen Legacies" he claims to see another blonde girl besides One enter the loric ship that escaped to Earth. However, One is the only Blonde garde who boarded the ship- Six colored her hair blonde in "The Rise of Nine" but her natural hair color is black. Thus, her hair color in the flashback should be black, not blonde. - In "United As One" in the epilogue Marina tells John that they never got the 4th scar, referring to Five being alive even though they thought he was dead. In fact, the Garde have 4 scars- The scars of One, Two, Three and Eight. The author must have meant that they haven't got the 5th scar. That's all for now! Feel free to add to the list!
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shutupandbealoric · 9 years
Well... I wasn't here lately since I'm on family vacation (Germany's really pretty!) so I decided that I should post something. Anyway, here's a song that kinda reminded me of Six & Sam so... Enjoy, shippers!
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shutupandbealoric · 9 years
Amazing! I want this so bad!!!
You know, it would be so nice if Lorien Legacies became a TV show instead of a remake of the movie. I think they would have more accurate results and it would relate more to the book. I mean if it's a show, there will be a lot of episodes and a lot of story to cover. I think a TV show is way better and Loric and Mogs every week would be so amazing. Would you guys watch it? What do you guys think? I want this to happen. :D
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shutupandbealoric · 9 years
Hello.... :3
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The Fate of Ten is 61 days to go.
Any Navrina shippers out there?
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shutupandbealoric · 9 years
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Here's a proof that I have no artistic talent whatsoever. Anyway, I got bored so I drew the loric symbols.
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shutupandbealoric · 9 years
Sorry, not sorry.
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shutupandbealoric · 9 years
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#TuesdayFeelsTime! Imagine Henri telling this to Marina right after Eight's death.
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shutupandbealoric · 9 years
You're an amazing writer, navrinaoflorien. I hope you write more one-shots like these, if possible about more ships (gotta love those ships!). Anyway, this is really great.
the devedor project
the ultimate bunch of devedor drabbles brought and written for you by me! all of the drabbles were taken from this post and sent by the wonderful megan-the-magical who I need to apologize to for taking so long to finish. please send me/tag your opinions!! it’s very important for me to hear what you say!! and this better get notes I worked my ass off on it so I’ll personally break your room’s window if you only like and don’t reblog!! and now, a few notes by the author (yes I’m calling myself an author because why not).
words: 8546
pairing: devedor (like da)
warning one: I typed very fast and there’s no way that I’m re-reading all of these right now, so sorry for any small grammar/spelling mistakes.
warning two: I didn’t write drabbles number 96 and 99 (only now I realized there was 99).
warning three: don’t read 53 if you have a problem with the words period tampon and pads
warning four: 58 will make your nose bleed like an anime character BECAUSE IT’S THE MAKE OUT SCENE
warning five: 86 might ruin you
warning six: 100 might make you cry like I did
warning seven: watch your windows pals
and now… I’m not thirsty anymore!! so let’s begin this bomb!
Keep reading
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shutupandbealoric · 9 years
Hi guys, this is my new blog! I decided that I should make a separate blog for this fandom, so... Here we are! :D In this blog I will be posting mostly pics I designed and quotes I liked from the books, so stay tuned ;) Just another thing before I go- I can't wait for The Fate of Ten to come out!!! :D
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