sibsarerideanddie · 2 years
What came first? The chicken? Or the heat death of the universe?
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sibsarerideanddie · 2 years
Person A: *ites a watermelon rind like it's a french fry
Person B: excuse me?
Person C: bite it like you're a sexy man
Person A: spits out original bite, and sexily bites the melon rind like it's an apple
Person D: laughs pasta out their nose
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sibsarerideanddie · 2 years
do you ever just look up at the sky and realize that you're looking out... not up? the only thing keeping us on this spinning rock is gravity? gravity is considered to be such a powerful force. and yet, we fight against it. we move. we run. we jump. we push ourselves to be able to defy gravity for even just a couple seconds. it just seems so cool to me that we continually strive for the sky but the coolest thing to me is that every object in the universe exerts gravity. even you and i. isn't that neat?
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sibsarerideanddie · 2 years
Person A: I'm gonna give you a stroke
Person A: *rapidly clicks a flashlight on and off*
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sibsarerideanddie · 2 years
“It’s been a while since there was a fresh face around here.”
“Not as fresh as you think.”
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sibsarerideanddie · 2 years
So words got shortened, unnecessary letters omitted.
And then remembering how text messages used to be charged by the message, and how Twitter only gave you so many characters to work with, thereby promoting the creation of even shorter words and acronyms to get our point across as simply as possible
not me, thinking about how the French King paid for documents by the letter so people would add all the extra letters into their words, and how in english, American english, newspapers would charge ads by the letter, so people would oh my shoot no
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sibsarerideanddie · 2 years
not me, thinking about how the French King paid for documents by the letter so people would add all the extra letters into their words, and how in english, American english, newspapers would charge ads by the letter, so people would oh my shoot no
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sibsarerideanddie · 2 years
Person A: Why do they call jail the pokey?
Person B: Maybe the pokey is short for the hokey pokey, and that's where you go to turn yourself around
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sibsarerideanddie · 2 years
Person A: I'm going to enjoy this sausage. Watch!
Person A: *stuffs an entire sausage in their mouth and starts chewing*
Person A: See! It's in my mouth! I am enjoying it!
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sibsarerideanddie · 2 years
Person A: I'm pretty sure I came out of the chute, looked at the doctor, and said "who the hell's in charge here?"
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sibsarerideanddie · 2 years
Person A: Me, goes live every now and again to let people know I'm alive
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sibsarerideanddie · 3 years
“Being kidnapped on a bi-monthly basis doesn’t seem to be bothering you.”
“I’ve turned it into a bit of a game. Immediately after being taken, I begin the slow battle of psychological warfare to gain the upper hand.”
“I annoy the shit out of them until they regret their own existence.”
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sibsarerideanddie · 3 years
Person A: You have eaten a lot of carbohydrates today
Person B: Yeah, I was feeling carbo-dehydrated
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sibsarerideanddie · 3 years
Person A: You're impeding traffic!
Person B: Impeding, my butt!
Person C: an imp is eating your butt!?
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sibsarerideanddie · 3 years
Person A: *points at a license plate* Hey, look! Pennsylvania!
Person B: The vampire state!
Person C: *chokes on food/drink*
Person B: Oh, wait, that's Transylvania
Person A: *falls out of chair*
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sibsarerideanddie · 3 years
Person B: *slowly slides the tablet under their pillow*
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sibsarerideanddie · 3 years
Person A: I wonder what I did with my eyeballs...
Person B: Your eyeballs?
Person A: My eyeball assistants.
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