Sam wrote a letter to Hank Loomis fanfiction
You wouldn't know who I am but I am Sam Carpenter, I am currently 18 years old.
I am writing to let you know that a few years ago at age 13 I found out your son, Billy Loomis, is my father. 
I have been in contact with him ever since a few months after I figured it out. 
I decided recently to extend contact to you. You are my parental grandfather after all.
Billy does know I am contacting you, he doesn't want me to do so though. However he doesn't control me. 
He said he didn't want me to contact a cheater who ruined people's lives but I called him a hypocrite and pointed to my existence. Not that I condone cheating or cheaters. He "begrudgingly" allowed me to contact you.
So I have a few questions to ask you.
Was there ever a hint they would kill?
Does a history of mental illness run in either your family or my grandmother's family?
I asked Billy but he refused to answer. Either he didn't know or just was refusing.
I have been taking antipsychotics for a few years now and I would like to know more of my dad's family's medical history.
Oh and if you believe I am lying about Billy being my dad I have sent a copy of the paternity testing.
Samantha Carpenter
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I posted this on ao3 already
Scream 2022 fanfic
This is just letters between Sam and Billy (who is in jail)
Probably once but I am having fun
(Though I have too many fanfics and I need to chill. (Not that I posted them here) Bad attention span)
I don't know if you know who I am or if you even knew I existed, but I am Sam Carpenter. I am 13 years old and I was born in July 1997.
My mother (Christina Carpenter) wrote in a diary I recently (a few months ago) found. In it she talked about a lot of normal things then she mentioned she loved another man other than who I thought was my father.
Well, my mother cheated on my dad or I guess my stepdad, but considering he left I guess he isn't my dad?
Either way, she went to say you had a fling with her which resulted in me. She is so sure you are my dad. I honestly hope you are not but the timeline in my mom's diary lines up with you.
I don't want to be related to a killer or 2 I guess, since I found out that your mother also killed some people.
I just feel like I have been drowning since this happened. 
I wish I had never figured it out. I wish I had never known you were a killer. I just wish you were a normal person I guess. It would be easier to accept a normal random man than a person who was a murderer. Not Billy fucking Loomis.
As I said, my dad, the one who raised me, left not only me behind but my baby sister. Tara doesn't deserve this but I caused her harm this way.
I am causing so many problems because of this. Just everything has gone wrong because of this.
I guess this explains why my mother held me at arms length
Funnily enough, I hate you for what you've done, but I also hope you would've been a decent dad.
Sam Carpenter
Dear Sam,
Well, I wasn't ever expecting to receive a letter claiming I have a daughter, but I do recall your mother, I believe.
Christina Candella?
Either way, if you wouldn't mind, I am going to request paternity testing. 
It will be a long process. I believe your mother will need to request it but I will bring it up.
If you wish, you can send more letters. They would bring some entertainment. Also, if you turn out to be my daughter, we will know each other better before then.
I believe we should ask each other questions.
What is your favorite subject in school?
What is your favorite movie?
What is your favorite horror movie?
What is your favorite color?
What is a hobby you have?
You mentioned a sister, but do you have any other siblings?
Do you have any pets?
Can you play an instrument?
That is all I will ask. Just simple ice breakers. We just have to get used to one another. Don't we?
Billy Loomis 
==[9/26/2022 | ^^^^]==
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I am bad at posting my writing lol
Also just writing the stories as I am taking forever
It is fine I am mostly writing for myself
I haven't posted anything on here in awhile despite having some writing done
Idk when I will post them on here but I hope to remember at somepoint
Update : Still haven't done much as of July 2nd 2022
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On ao3 I just got my first ever comment and it was on this story
I still think my writing is kinda bad but I was told they thought my story was great and they hope I expand someday
All I said was thanks
I just feel so happy 💛🌻💛
(If I am to ever expand I will expand the timeline i will give her actual time to decide her leaving the Amish over her kid and selling Klaus. Also show her love of him more. Her realizing she wouldn't be able to raise him. I just dont want her seen as a perfect human)
Rachel Herschberger & Sarah-Beth Herschberger
After the birth of Klaus
Somewhere in Pennsylvania a woman Rachel Herschberger has awakened from having passed out. As she had come to, she looked down to see a pale baby, a baby that came from her. She moves her shaking hands down to the child where she picks him up. As she looks at her newborn son - a son she didn't know she was having - Rachel notices he isn't breathing. She doesn't move.
A moment passes and Rachel comes out of her shock. She looks down at him and holds his cold body against her warm one. Rachel begins to quietly cry for him. Here Rachel lies in piles of hay with her son against her chest. It is peaceful to her.
She stays there for a while when a person walks in. Rachel hearing someone walk in sits up and puts her son on her lap. Rachel looks at the door and sighs in relief as it is just Sarah-Beth, her sister. 
Sarah-Beth looks at her sister in her disheveled state and asks "Rachel. What is wrong?"
Rachel looks at her and just responds "I am upset."
Sarah-Beth moving closer to her sister sees the baby in her sister's lap. She gasps in shock and looks Rachel in the eyes.
"Rachel," she begins whispering, "you had a child out of wedlock?"
"Yes," she sadly says, "I do not know how I became pregnant but it matters not."
Sarah-Beth looks at Rachel in puzzlement and responds "What do you mean?"
There is a quiet pause then Rachel moves her baby back up to her chest. "He isn't alive. He was born dead."
Sarah-Beth moves closer and hugs her sister. During the hug Sarah-Beth asks her "What shall we do?"
Looking away from her sister Rachel says "I want to bury him. A nice burial with flowers."
Sarah-Beth nods and Rachel continues "I may not have known he would exist but he is still my flesh and blood."
Sarah-Beth was beginning to ask a question when a baby's cry was heard. Rachel looks down in her arms to see the baby - her baby - squirming and crying. Her son, after being dead, is now alive. The sisters look at each other in resignation. Rachel will now have to tell their father he has a grandson.
Sarah-Beth ran out of the barn to get a blanket to swaddle the baby. Rachel hugged him resigned to her fate. To be cast out or shunned.
It didn't take Sarah-Beth long before she was back. The sisters clean the squirming baby up and swaddle him. Rachel gives him a kiss on his forehead then leaves the barn.
Rachel walks to their father's house with Sarah-Beth following behind when they see a strange man. The man is talking to their father. As if he heard them the man turned to look at Rachel.
"Why hello," the man began, "how much would you want for the baby."
Rachel stares at him and pulls her son closer to herself. "I don't want to give him up."
Sarah-Beth and Rachel's father looks at her and tells her "You will not keep him or you will be kicked out."
Rachel continues to protest for a while before getting hit with a selfish thought. Rachel looks at her son who had fallen asleep. She asks the stranger to discuss it privately.
They move to sit down. The man introduces himself. "I am Reginald Hargreaves and as I said I would like to have your child."
Rachel pauses then asks "Could I have $3,000 for you to give him a life away from her?"
The man nods and writes her a check. Rachel wants to give her child a last look but she cannot. Rachel sold her child for a check out of here.
Reginald leaves and Rachel moves to go pack as much as she could. She is leaving the only community she has ever known. Rachel is chasing the greener pastures.
Think I could have written this better but I had an idea and just wanted it out there.
I dont write much okay much less a multichapter fic
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Rachel Herschberger & Sarah-Beth Herschberger
After the birth of Klaus
Somewhere in Pennsylvania a woman Rachel Herschberger has awakened from having passed out. As she had come to, she looked down to see a pale baby, a baby that came from her. She moves her shaking hands down to the child where she picks him up. As she looks at her newborn son - a son she didn't know she was having - Rachel notices he isn't breathing. She doesn't move.
A moment passes and Rachel comes out of her shock. She looks down at him and holds his cold body against her warm one. Rachel begins to quietly cry for him. Here Rachel lies in piles of hay with her son against her chest. It is peaceful to her.
She stays there for a while when a person walks in. Rachel hearing someone walk in sits up and puts her son on her lap. Rachel looks at the door and sighs in relief as it is just Sarah-Beth, her sister. 
Sarah-Beth looks at her sister in her disheveled state and asks "Rachel. What is wrong?"
Rachel looks at her and just responds "I am upset."
Sarah-Beth moving closer to her sister sees the baby in her sister's lap. She gasps in shock and looks Rachel in the eyes.
"Rachel," she begins whispering, "you had a child out of wedlock?"
"Yes," she sadly says, "I do not know how I became pregnant but it matters not."
Sarah-Beth looks at Rachel in puzzlement and responds "What do you mean?"
There is a quiet pause then Rachel moves her baby back up to her chest. "He isn't alive. He was born dead."
Sarah-Beth moves closer and hugs her sister. During the hug Sarah-Beth asks her "What shall we do?"
Looking away from her sister Rachel says "I want to bury him. A nice burial with flowers."
Sarah-Beth nods and Rachel continues "I may not have known he would exist but he is still my flesh and blood."
Sarah-Beth was beginning to ask a question when a baby's cry was heard. Rachel looks down in her arms to see the baby - her baby - squirming and crying. Her son, after being dead, is now alive. The sisters look at each other in resignation. Rachel will now have to tell their father he has a grandson.
Sarah-Beth ran out of the barn to get a blanket to swaddle the baby. Rachel hugged him resigned to her fate. To be cast out or shunned.
It didn't take Sarah-Beth long before she was back. The sisters clean the squirming baby up and swaddle him. Rachel gives him a kiss on his forehead then leaves the barn.
Rachel walks to their father's house with Sarah-Beth following behind when they see a strange man. The man is talking to their father. As if he heard them the man turned to look at Rachel.
"Why hello," the man began, "how much would you want for the baby."
Rachel stares at him and pulls her son closer to herself. "I don't want to give him up."
Sarah-Beth and Rachel's father looks at her and tells her "You will not keep him or you will be kicked out."
Rachel continues to protest for a while before getting hit with a selfish thought. Rachel looks at her son who had fallen asleep. She asks the stranger to discuss it privately.
They move to sit down. The man introduces himself. "I am Reginald Hargreaves and as I said I would like to have your child."
Rachel pauses then asks "Could I have $3,000 for you to give him a life away from her?"
The man nods and writes her a check. Rachel wants to give her child a last look but she cannot. Rachel sold her child for a check out of here.
Reginald leaves and Rachel moves to go pack as much as she could. She is leaving the only community she has ever known. Rachel is chasing the greener pastures.
Think I could have written this better but I had an idea and just wanted it out there.
I dont write much okay much less a multichapter fic
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Wroef Milton
You ever lie down and just feel
Like just staring nowhere 
Just feeling the ground and your feelings 
Acknowledging you lost someone you loved
Well loved is the wrong word you still love them
It is just knowing you'll never see them again 
All you have is memories and anything of theirs
Including pictures, videos, drawings, and so forth
Things that showed they once lived
Here I am mourning someone I never really knew
A few years is never enough time to know anyone
Especially if it has been awhile since I last pay attention 
How should one feel truly 
"Grief is not the same for everyone"
I cried until I could no more
So now I just lie staring upwards
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I haven't posted anything on here in awhile despite having some writing done
Idk when I will post them on here but I hope to remember at somepoint
Update : Still haven't done much as of July 2nd 2022
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Woo more vague pokemon writing only because the ocs are fankids!
I never posted this apparently.
I turned this one into my teacher
    There is a set of twins who are meeting up after half a decade after they turned 18. They used to be inseparable but they were not anymore and they wished to be. So Melody and Rhythm are almost completely identical. With their seafoam green hair lies a ruby hair clip in Melody's hair and an emerald hair clip in Rhythm’s hair. For their 8th birthday they begged for the hair clips so they could have a jewel that represented their other half. So each wore the hair clips but not having seen each other for five years they don't know if the other is wearing theirs. Which they are as distance doesn't stop them from loving each other. Life gave them different opportunities.
    At a cafe the set of twins are meeting up for lunch. Melody walks in with her hair clip now a necklace as it broke a few years ago. Looking around the cafe she spots Rhythm in the back corner of the cafe. Melody trotting forward to the table calls out “Rhythm! It has been so long since we last saw each other. I missed you.” Having heard her name Rhythm turns and sees her sister. Rhythm smiles at Melody as she sits down. “Nice to see you.” Rhythm mumbles to her sister. “Nice to see you too! I love your earrings. Do you love my necklace?” Melody asks her twin. “Thanks. I made my hair clip into earrings last year because I felt childish wearing it as a hair clip. I love the necklace though I think it fits you much better” Rhythm just dumps out. “Thanks! I cannot believe it has been five years,"Mel responds loudly at her sister.
“So how have you been Mel?” she asks Melody. “You would not believe it!” Melody yells out not very mindful of others. “What?” Rhythm responds. “I am planning for a baby. Which is why I contacted you” Mel yells out happily. “What!” Rhythm yells out, “wow I am going to be an aunt.” “Yes! I wanted to let you know because I am going to have twin boys.” Melody says, “ It reminded me of how much I missed you.” “aww I missed you too Mel” Rhythm says so softly. Melody moves to sit next to Rythm to hug her. “Do you think giving them something to represent each other would work for them like it does for us?” Mel mumbles. The other twin laughs and says “I would wait until they are older until then. After all, we got ours at 8.” “True, true. I guess I just want them to have what we have” she sighs. “What is that?” Rhythm hums back. “Something to have just so their other is always with them. I mean five years without seeing each other but we both have something to represent the other '' Mel says longly. “It will be years before they want to leave each other” Rhythm points out. “True,” her sister says grumply.
Moving back to the other side of the table Melody just talks and talks about her new babies on the way. Rhythm smiles and nods until Melody is done, to which Rhythm tells her to remember when she lost her hair clip and cried until their dad found it in the fridge. Mel laughing tells her twin that she left hers in Lily's fur. So back and forth they tell each other childhood memories and what has happened in life so far. Melody is having her twins and has a great job at a pet daycare. Rhythm is working as a ranger and is dating someone. As time passes they notice it is time to leave and they head out. They give each other a gift before they part. Melody gave Rhythm a pair of sapphires to represent her nephews and Rhythm gave Me a plush toy of her favorite animal. Hugging they walk down the street in opposite directions to not see the other for a while.
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So this is po/kem/on fankids but I made it vague because I originally wrote this for school.
Along the streets of the city a pair of twins are walking side by side. They are walking to the ruins of a manor their family grew up in. Melody and Rhythm want to find out what this silver ornate key goes to in the house. The key was given to them by their dad. He didn't tell them what it went to just that it was in the manor. Dad also told them if they went to be careful after all it is in ruins. So here they are hoping to discover the mystery of where the key goes to. Coming upon the house, Rhythm stops as Melody continues. The younger of the twins asks quietly “Melody do you think this key will actually lead to anything?” Turning Melody looks at her sister and confidently says “yes! I would hope so.”. So they both continue to walk into the ruins or a once beautiful manor.
    “Wow! Look at this place” Melody yells out, “Still looks very pretty.” “Not very safe though so we should be careful” she continues. Rhythm listening to her sister walks up to a door. “Hey, do you think the key goes here?” Rhythm questions. Melody shrugs her shoulders and walks over to try. “Nope! But let's keep trying every keyhole we find” she says loudly. Rhythm nods and grabs Melody’s hand. They start walking all around the broken manor checking every single keyhole. As they wander around they come upon a door they hadn’t seen yet. The door is a very pretty dark wood with their fathers name painted on it. The name has faded after a decade of disrepair. Stopping Rhythm walks up to the door. “Do you think this could be it?” she asks tiredly. “I don't know. Let’s try it!” Melody responds back. Trying the keyhole the door unlocks and the girls get excited. “I wonder what is in there!” Melody says while grabbing Rhythm’s shoulders. In turn Rhythm starts to say “I don't know Mel-” before she is dragged into the room.
    In the room the girls find a bedroom, or well what should be one. The room looks to be a giant playroom but there is something off about it. “Melody was this dad’s bedroom?” Rhythm says uncomfortably, “there is no bed but the door said it was his bedroom”. Melody has no words to comfort her sister so she just walks farther into the room dragging the younger with her. Despite toys strewn all about and debris everywhere the room looks as pristine as it could be. The room was giving off an eerie vibe when music started playing. The girls scream. “What the heck” Melody yells startled. Rhythm walks towards the sound wearily until she comes upon a music box. “Mel it is just a broken music box” she says while turning to her sister. “Whatever. I think we should leave now.” Rhythm nods and grabs Melody’s hands to which they leave the ruined manor.
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Milton and Monroe Finch Fanfic
2/4/2022 to 2/5/2022
       "Dad? Can you tell me a story?" Monroe asks you kindly to which you say "yes" and move Monroe in your lap to be more comfortable.
     "There was a long time ago a queen and her children. They lived in a castle made of magic that would grow as the family did. However the queen was cursed with tragedy" you start the story with sadness. "Why?" Monroe asks you quizzically. "She was cursed for no reason. That is just the way life is sometimes. Talking of life being cruel, each of her kids died of unnatural causes. Sickness, murder, and accidents. She outlived her kids and what they left behind was the memories" you finish mournfully. "That was sad. Why did you tell me this story?" Monroe says as his voice sounds hurt. "That was only a snippet of a story and I want to not sugarcoat the world. You know it is cruel" you add sounding rather mean about it. "Ah. Now I am curious how this will continue" he says, sounding happier.
    You look up at the clock and notice the time. "Well it looks like it is bedtime. Up, time to head upstairs and to bed" you start muttering, leading to your normal volume. "Nooo. I want to stay up and here more" he whines at you. "No. We can continue tomorrow only if you go up to bed." "Okay!" Monroe gives you a big hug and kiss tonight and runs upstairs to his room shouting that he loves you. "Goodnight! Love you too. Monroe" you shout back upstairs. You walk around making sure everything is clean before heading to your room. Looking at your room you let yourself feel sad before lying in your bed. You wonder whatever happened to your siblings but feel a longing that you haven't felt in decades. You turn and fall asleep dreaming of a world you once knew.
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Wroef Gus and Dawn fanfiction
You and your sister Dawn walk down from your house to the beach on your land. Dawn and you have been planning for a week to go down to the beach and look at the stars together and to talk about the future.
So here you and Dawn are sitting on a picnic blanket looking at the millions of stars. They go on for miles upon miles just empty space. You turn to look at what Dawn is doing. She is looking at the waves which are crashing on the beach and rocks. You look away.
"Gus. What do you think you will do when you are an adult?" Dawn says with a quiet voice. "... I would want to be a vagabond. Wandering and seeing the world. Never settling down." You say that with such conviction that Dawn believes in it. "What about you Dawn?" You quizzically ask. "I want to be a teacher or a social worker in another country! I also want to see the world while helping." Dawn's voice speaks with lots of joy and excitement. 
Silence sits between you two for a few moments before you decide to interrupt the silence. "Do you want kids when you are older? I don't think I want any." "Hmm. Yes. I would like kids but no more than 3." Dawn answers honestly before teasingly adding "now why don't you want kids. Afraid to change diapers~." "Ew no. I am 13" you say, voicing your disgust. "So? I am 14 and I answered" Dawn tells you. "Fine. I just think kids are a handful. I would rather be a great uncle" you say starting off grumpy before ending it with pride. "I would hope so." Dawn says, ending the conversation.
You and Dawn spend the next 30 minutes just watching the stars and waves. Just enjoying the night sky and admiring it. You guys hear a storm coming in. Dawn packs up your guy's stuff and heads up to the house before the storm rolls in. You begin to follow but quickly turn around and take one last look at the ocean. The storm has started to come in and hard. You quickly begin to follow as you hear Dawn yell "Gus! Hurry up!". You go inside just as thunder cracks hard.
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White American
Use any pronouns
I am not a pro writer and I have barely written anything not for school.
Also very inconsistent writing
This is just for fun
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