sildavar-archives · 4 years
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More art of my boy Aetas 🥵🥵🥵
@ramavatarama-o-rama is the artist I have to credit for this masterpiece! ❤ Highly recommend working with him, he's fantastic!
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sildavar-archives · 4 years
Eeeeee thank you so much ❤❤
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Commission with Quel'Dore for @sildavar-archives
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sildavar-archives · 4 years
It's my baby Aetas!! You did amazing work @haimeart ❤
Thank you again!
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Commission with Quel'Dore for @sildavar-archives
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sildavar-archives · 4 years
I have learned now that while those who speak about one's miseries usually hurt, those who keep silence hurt more.
— C.S. Lewis
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sildavar-archives · 4 years
You keep storing up all that anger and grief. Eventually it spills over. Or you drown in it.
— Leigh Bardugo
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sildavar-archives · 4 years
Do you know what people really want? Everyone, I mean. Everybody in the world is thinking: I wish there was just one other person I could really talk to, who could really understand me, who'd be kind to me. That's what people really want, if they're telling the truth.
— Doris Lessing
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sildavar-archives · 4 years
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Photography: Studio Doma Vaquera Model: Marta Woltosz
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sildavar-archives · 4 years
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sildavar-archives · 4 years
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King of Swords
Of morning clarity the King does display, his sword
Ready to differentiate right from wrong—tired Lord
That sits upon his throne in judgment, he weighs his
Options: the ideal or the real, that which simply is.
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sildavar-archives · 4 years
I am making animal crossing tarot cards and no one can stop me
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sildavar-archives · 4 years
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sildavar-archives · 4 years
“Nothing on earth consumes a man more quickly than the passion of resentment.” - Friedrich Nietzsche, Ecce Homo
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sildavar-archives · 4 years
We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.
— Maya Angelou
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sildavar-archives · 4 years
📂 : How would you describe your character in two sentences?
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Hmm... I know you said character not characterS but here goes!
Delesca) An amalgamation of cunning and arrogant villannesses from different movies, shows, books, plays and myths. She is also Freudian in some ways!
Aetas) My first serious character, started on a private server over a decade ago; he borrows some aspects from original FMA's Hohenheim and a little bit of Lestat from Interview with a Vampire. Fun fact: his name translates from Latin as 'a period of time, an era or an historic age' — he is a Bronze Dragon!
Korostykos) My Legion baby! A cool-headed Illidari with a kind heart, big muscles and an even bigger stomach; his name is a corruption of the word 'corrosive'!
Ebernum) A void-wielding shadowmage with a sad beginning and even worse end. He is the character I put most of myself into—I hope to bring him back soon.
Halathion) One of the only good people among the Sil'davars, he's a red-headed noble paladin with idealistic views on the world and not enough discipline. He's my moral good, spiritual/religious component.
Ilibrius) One of my favorite characters; this ancient high divinist represents the other side of the "spiritual" coin, the inability to keep promises and tell the truth at the cost of ego. His name is a corruption of the word 'equilibrium'!
Noxxigar) This guy is my lore junkie character, an Orc DK with a long history that highlights my commitment to the Warcraft franchise over the years. He is similar to Koro, except without the manners and cool attitude.
Syssinia) The antithesis of Delesca—she is all of the best maternal and powerful women from different movies, books, shows, myths, poems and plays. Her biggest influence is Yunalesca from FFX since she's a priestess with dark affinities.
Erythanos) This guy is my latest fascination; a Kaldorei spirit who still has a lot to reveal to even me. His name comes from one of my first RP partners back in Warcraft 3, 'Rith' and his biggest influence is Groveck Marcus from Vampire Hunter D.
Gravetalon) A Tauren plagueshifter I didn't get to do too much with, but nevertheless meant something to me. He was the last of his clan and died a gruesome death... but at least he helped someone along the way.
Jivisha) My sweet, sweet psychopomp Zandalari shaman. He's very mysterious and represents a lot of my occult interests.
Harukaze) My FFXIV Summoner... who still needs a lot of attention! I've not done much with him yet.
Whew! That was a lot, but I couldn't forget my babies. Thank you @ms-winford for the ask. ❤
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sildavar-archives · 4 years
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” - Anne Rice
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sildavar-archives · 4 years
Roleplayer Ask Meme
🙌 : When did you start RPing?
👋: Did you ever think about quitting? Why or why not?
💬 : What community did you start RPing in?
🎉 : What's your favorite part of RPing?
🎬 : Have you ever done script-style RP?
📝 : What's your go-to: Paragraph RP or one line RP?
👀 : What's something that you dislike writing yourself, but love seeing others handle?
📂 : How would you describe your character in two sentences?
🧣 : Is there a fashion style you think your character would be good in, but they'd never wear it IC?
📜 : How numerous are your character's flaws? Are they severe? Do you have trouble writing them?
👟 : What's something mundane about your character that you adore?
🛑 : What's a giant turnoff for you in regards to RP etiquette?
❌ : Do you think it's fine for a mun to refuse to RP with someone because they dislike them IC or OOC?
⚠️ : How do you handle metagaming?
🔊 : How important do you stress OOC communication? What things do you want communicated? Do you prefer things to be kept a surprise or do you like planning things out?
💥 : Has anyone ever escalated IC problems with your character OOC?
👊 : Have anyone taken OOC issues with you IC? What happened?
🤝 : Do you like to have all bodily interactions with your character to be asked for beforehand or do you prefer to go along with it?
👥 : Do you prefer being friends with someone OOC before you start RPing with them?
🌇 : What feelings do you aim for with your writing? Dreamy and romantic? Or dark and grounded? What do you try to create with your prose?
🌾 : Do you like a lot of scenery description or do you like to keep it simple? Any reason for it?
🔭 : What are some tropes you really like using? Any you like seeing as opposed to writing it yourself?
⌚ : What's the longest period of time you've spent on a single RP? Was it in one sitting? Did it take place over the span of a few days/weeks/months?
🖋️ : Do you find dialogue harder than prose or vice versa? How much? Are they about the same?
👣 : Which PoV do you prefer to write from? 1st Person, 2nd Person, 3rd Person?
🤔 : Do you speak another language, and if so, have you ever tried writing a story in it?
💫 : Have you noticed any large stylistic changes between your writing from when you first started vs how you write now?
🔜 : Are you guilty of overusing a comma?
⏭️ : Did you ever struggle with linebreaks? Why?
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sildavar-archives · 4 years
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XIV Temperance
Let balance be your guiding word this day
For sooth you stand on rock, in water and say:
"On my right your iris, on my left your sunlit crown
So mote it be—two become one, foward bound."
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