Shameless promoting! Doing one last night of charity stream with some friends, so close to our goal of 200$! Come share the link, laugh at the drunk idiots, and for every 5$ donation we will all be taking a shot. On top of that, if we manage to make our goal before the time runs out for the stream(about 9 hours left now), then on camera I will be eating a jigsaw pepper grown in our front yard...and I do not like peppers or spicy. Incentive to donate: watch someone torture themselves by eating a spicy pepper!
Share the link as much as you can please, join the gaming randomness, donate if you can! All proceeds go to the West Virginia Children's Home Society. Current donation amount is 167$ out of 200$!
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Hey all! Doing some more charity streams with friends! Gonna be playing South Park Stick of Truth, Mario Maker, and some other funs games! Join the fun, share the link, donate if you can! All proceeds go to the West Virginia Children's Home Society. Come join us for tons of gaming shenanigans!
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Hey all! Doing some more charity stream with friends! We've already raised $77 towards our goal!! Come check us out, share the link around, join the gaming fun, and donate if you can! All proceeds go to the West Virginia Children's Home Society.
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Hey all! Very shameless promote after so long of not being active... Me and some friends are doing a gaming stream on twitch for charity. If we could get as many shares of this as possible, get people joining, watching, donating, anything, it would be super appreciated! All proceeds will be going to the West Virginia Children’s Home Society. We are trying to reach a goal of 200$, more if we can manage. Please spread this link as much as possible and on as many social media sites as you have please! Thank you so much!
ps: we just started playing some five nights at freddy’s, i’m the only chick in this group of 3 and when we swap to a different game, the other camera will turn back on so you can see me be a nerd in a teemo hat!
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i know i said i was gonna try and be more active, but since i’m working on trying to get a job and get into college again, i haven’t really been doing that. but right now, i am wondering, are any of my followers in the ohio area(preferably around cincinnati), that have done, or are interested in trying out LARP? there is a group called CASTLE that is having an event this weekend, and i’m going to be working as the tavern keeper for it, and my previous tavern helper won’t be able to make it.
if you are interested, please send me a message and i can give you the details about it all. you would need to have this coming friday to monday free however, because that’s the date of the event. seriously, this group is super fun, and larp is super awesome!
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Sona! The Huns are coming! ////been a long time
“The Huns? Who are they, and why are they coming to Demacia?”
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the oomu has awoken!!
aka i’m kinda back now...so since i have been gone for a while with reasons i would rather not get into, i see some things on the site have changed, and i would very much like if someone could tell me what the hell is up.
where is the activity button, where is the followers/following button, and how is everyone doing?
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silent-musical-maven · 10 years
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Do you like League of Legends?
Like free things?
Want this badass Riot Kayle skin?
Reblog this and one random dude, follower or not, will get a code for Riot Kayle from PAX East this year! I got an extra one, and I’m giving it to a lucky one of you. One reblog is all it takes, extras get ya nada. Will pick a winner at Noon EST, Thursday March 12th! Leave your askbox open to claim your prize!
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silent-musical-maven · 10 years
ask-malzy because they requested a Malzahar parody of an Imagine Dragons song. for some reason, i couldn't find a good enough karaoke track of it, and i couldn't remember what i used to do before to remove vocals, so for now this is actually a capella....hope you enjoy!
Oh, the rift is cold As this match unfolds And the minions they Are just simple gold
When the top lane fails And support just flails Now our jungler's gone Mid lane has grown stale
I wanna run you down I'm gonna silence you Caught in my void-like gaze You can't escape your fate
No matter what you buy Deathcap or Liandry's My voidlings find their mark They're gonna tear you apart
When you feel that freeze Glance around your feet That's where my voidlings hide That's where my voidlings hide Get closer now See what the darkness hides It's where my voidlings hide That's where my voidlings hide
As the tower's fall I'm the last to stall Waiting on cooldowns Gonna slay you all
You just sealed your doom Cause now you're all oom Spamming all your skills Watch me take this kill
I'm gonna bring you down Now you're all void bound My voidlings target you Then I'll add silence too
You think you've won this game I tell you say my name My voidlings chase so hard My name is Malzahar!
Come and feel my gaze I'll dominate your lane I'm gonna make it work My voidlings make you hurt Don't stick around Or I'll ult you down You won't get very far Cause I am Malzahar
My team says it's GG I guess it's up to me I'll carry and I'll tank I'll climb up through the ranks
My eyes shine with the void No I can't be destroyed You chase and fail so hard For I am Malzahar!
When I win your lane Then I will win this game I took your inhib down You can do nothing now Don't step too close To my void spawn sites That's where my voidings hide That's where my voidlings hide
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silent-musical-maven · 10 years
Rules: When you get tagged, you gotta write a note with 92 truths about yourself. After that, you’re supposed to tag 25 people. You also gotta tag the person that tagged you. i got tagged by and-im-a-proxy
//a note from me here, i'm bored so i'm gonna do this, but i'm not tagging people. if you wanna do it after you see it, go right ahead. up to you if you do or not.//
1.) Last beverage: shirley temples at a gay bar/nightclub 2.) Last phone call: Rei 3.) Last text message: 'Morning' 4.) Last song you listened to: i....i don't remember the last song that played on the radio...wait no! it was 'Every Time We Touch' by Cascada. i remember, cause i was surprised they played something from that long ago but then i realized...it's 4am, they'll play anything that sounds like it needs to be in a club... 5.) Last time you cried: not yesterday, but the day before...
HAVE YOU EVER: 6.) Dated someone twice: nope 7.) Been cheated on: yep 8.) Kissed anyone and regretted it: yep 9.) Lost someone special: yep 10.) Been depressed: yep 11.) Been drunk and threw up: new year's party was the most recent
12-14.) blue, red, and...ummm....that really pretty blue-silver-grey color that's like...the sky/ocean before a storm... my little sister's eyes are that color and i just love it
IN THE LAST YEAR, HAVE YOU: 15.) Made a new friend: many 16.) Fallen out of love: yep 17.) Laughed until you cried: yep 18.) Met someone who changed you: yea, kinda 19.) Found out who your true friends are: sorta? 20.) Found out someone was talking about you: someone's always talking 21.) Kissed anyone on your FB list: ...yesh
GENERAL: 22.) How many people you know irl on your FB list: most all of them...maybe a small handful i don't yet 23.) Do you have any pets: 2 dogs......14 cats..... 24.) Do you want to change your name: nah 25.) What did you do for your last birthday party: i....had a cupcake cake with rapunzel on it, and i stayed in and watched movies and netflix....cuz no life... 26.) What time did you wake up today: 11:40 27.) What were you doing at midnight last night: umm...watching a friend sing karaoke at a gay bar/nightclub while i sipped on a shirley temple 28.) Name something you cannot wait for: my birthday this year because i would really really like to go to this Disney On Ice show being held that weekend here! 29) Was there a question here? i dunno...probably 30.) Last time you saw your mother: 10minutes ago 31.) What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: motivation....and get rid of my depression 
32.) What are you listening to right now? the tv in the front living room(i'm in the back living room area we use for storage..), and the sound of my furious typing 33.) Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: nope 34.) What’s getting on your nerves right now: the fact that my brain knows i'm hungry and should eats food, but my stomach is like 'nah bro, no appetite'.... 35.) Most visited webpage: tumblr....flight rising....facebook now sorta... 36) Blood Type: the one that can be used for anyone....i think it's like O+ or something... 37.) Nickname: Lilly, Sona, Nami, Tear-Bear(you don't get to use this unless i've told you that you can), Adorable, Taco-Paco(don't ask....), Kitty.....i think that's it... 38.) Relationship Status: single...sort of looking...? i just want someone to cuddle with because hugs... 39.) Zodiac sign: Pisces 40.) Pronouns: whatever the fuck you wanna call me.... 41.) Elementary: ummm.....there were like three for this, and for some reason i can't remember the first ones, just that it was in california... the second was in west virginia...and the third was DODEA elementary/middle school(guam) 42.) High school: there were 2 here as well... belchertown high school(massachusetts), and north stafford high school(virginia) 43.) College: i've done some at macomb community college(michigan), and some at ivy tech(indiana) (CAN WE TELL I TRAVELED A LOT???) 44.) Hair colour: brown/dirty blonde... 45.) Long or short: short now...cut off 4 years worth of hair on new years 46.) Height: 5’ 5” 47.) Do you have a crush on someone: yep, and she knows it ( missthickbitch )(notice me Lolita-Senpai! =D 48.) What do you like about yourself: i can sing, and i somehow have the ability to make people feel better even if i'm not feeling my best... 49.) Tattoos: mhmm...pentacle, with panther on top and triple moons below it. right on the chest, above my boobs... 50.) Right-handed or left-handed: Right
51.) First surgery: appendix taken out, 8 years old on halloween night...that fucking sucked... 52.) First piercing: i had ears....but i stopped wearing earrings cause i they bugged me and then they closed 53.) First best friend: was someone i met in high school, but her and someone else kinda screwed me over, and now we aren't friends. i hope she enjoys the damned avengers on blu-ray i got for her birthday... 54.) First sport you joined: t-ball i believe... 55.) First vacation: don't remember how old i was, but i remember Disney Land 56.) First pair of trainers: who the fuck really remembers their first pair of shoes? yes, i know that trainers is shoes because harry potter
RIGHT NOW: 58.) Eating: nope 60.) Drinking: just opened up a can of ginger ale 61.) I’m about to watch: probably catch up on sailor moon new episodes 62.) Listening to: american dad playing on the tv in the other room....either the washer or the dryer(can't tell which) going...and the sound of my furious typing as i answer these questions... 63.) Waiting for: preferably my appetite to return... 64.) Want kids: eventually... 65.) Get married: eventually 66.) Career: i would like to teach preschool/kindergarten...maybe first or second grade
WHICH IS BETTER: 67.) Lips or eyes: i tend to find myself staring more at people's lips when they talk, cause i feel awkward staring too long at someone's eyes, plus i can retain info better if i watch their lips 68.) Hugs or kisses: both... 69.) Shorter or taller: i don't care 70.) Older or younger: i don't care...if i like the person, i like them 71.) Romantic or spontaneous: romantically spontaneous/spontaneously romantic 72.) Nice stomach or nice arms: ummm....i don't care..? 73.) Sensitive or loud: a good balance of both 74.) Hook-up or relationship: i've had enough hook-ups...i would kind of like a relationship 75.) Trouble maker or hesitant: hesitant...to keep me out of trouble...
HAVE YOU EVER: 76.) Kissed a stranger: yes 77.) Drank hard liquor: yes 78.) Lost glasses/contact lenses: yes 79.) Sex on first date: ......yes... 80.) Broken someone’s heart: yes 81.) Had heart broken: yes 82.) Been arrested: nope 83.) Turned someone down: yes 84.) Cried when someone died: yes 85.) Fallen for a friend: yep
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 86.) Yourself: meh....
87.) Miracles: sometimes...
88.) Love at first sight: it can happen....hasn't with me yet, but it can...
89.) Heaven: sure
90.) Santa Claus: no, and my kids(when i has them) will believe that The Doctor is the one who delivers presents on Christmas....this will happen
91.) Kiss on first date:  i have....and honestly, i prefer kissing on the first date. you can tell quite a bit about a person based on their kissing
92.) Angels: yes
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silent-musical-maven · 10 years
//so if someone could do a thing to this, where they put little headshots of the new sona skin on the ice-cubes in the water.....
that would be fan-fucking-tastic. because this was me when i was told of the new skin. someone please do this for me.
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silent-musical-maven · 10 years
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Could you reblog this if you’re a League of Legends roleplayer or are willing to interact with LoL roleplayers?
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silent-musical-maven · 10 years
//friends of mine went to the con over the weekend, and they met this person. they are super sweet, and deserve no harm. please please signal boost and keep an eye out if you're in that area. weather gets bad, and temperatures drop, which adds to the danger level
This is a missing persons case that could use more signal boost.
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silent-musical-maven · 10 years
This arrives by post on the morning Feb. 1st
You are cordially invited to the reception of Talon du couteau and Twisted Fate’s joyous wedding vows that will be held on the morning of Feb. 12th. The reception will be held with-in the Dining hall of the Du Couteau mansion from the hours of 5 o’clock in the afternoon till dawn the 13th of February. Catering will be provided on site. Expect alcohol to be served.
Sona read over the invitation, smiling brightly. “Finally, they picked a date. I can’t wait to see how everything goes.” The maven placed the invitation somewhere to see it each day, a constant reminder of the happy day to come.
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silent-musical-maven · 10 years
Sona gave another nervous laugh, turning suddenly and running down the hall, sliding a bit as she turned the corner. "Sorrygottagolater!"
"Sona, I get that it's funny. But replacing my soup with a shard of Nexus crystal has the risk of, Iunno, blowing me up. And getting splinters in places they should never be."
"Don’t look at me! I did not do it…this time. Or at least, not with the Nexus shard. I was behind the plant bloom in your soup that sprouted and started attacking during dinner that one time." She gave a nervous chuckle, slowly backing away as she prepared to run.
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silent-musical-maven · 10 years
"Sona, I get that it's funny. But replacing my soup with a shard of Nexus crystal has the risk of, Iunno, blowing me up. And getting splinters in places they should never be."
"Don't look at me! I did not do it...this time. Or at least, not with the Nexus shard. I was behind the plant bloom in your soup that sprouted and started attacking during dinner that one time." She gave a nervous chuckle, slowly backing away as she prepared to run.
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silent-musical-maven · 10 years
"So I'm the favorite? That's wonderful to hear."
Top 5 members of Pentakill (hue hue)
Sona’s my absolute favourite. As an ex-Summoner, her Influence Orb is one of the few that actually still works as a medium for telepathy, for me. Maybe I just have auditory hallucinations, but I’m told only I can hear her sometimes.
Next up would be Karthus. I’m in agreeance with Kalista that death is not solely his purview; however, he sings nicely and is one of the first undead Champions I ever let grace my life vis a vis Influence Orb acquisition.
The middle favourite would probably be Yorick. He’s been noted as a genuinely calm, cool guy. He’s also an undead Champion whose Influence Orb I have got in my possession. 
Mordekaiser is the DAMN 4TH PENTAKILL member because I like most of the Pentakill members all in all. He’s actually one of the first Champions I’ve summoned after Riven, and I learned a thing or two from Summoning him in middle lane.
Last is Olaf, whose Influence Orb I unfortunately never got the chance to get. I didn’t learn he was in the Winter’s Claw or anything until it was too late to get his Orb.”
((Mun translation: I like Sona, Karthus, Yorick, and Morde. Of them, I still need to get Yorick’s ‘Influence Orb’ as of this post’s date. I wish Olaf’s new lore was more interesting. Him, Gragas, and Volibear seem to suffer the most from their lore reworks. Here’s to hoping something allows any of them to actually develop.))
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