sillylangs · 2 years
Norwegian can modify expressions by using a wide selection of short adverbs with little or no stress, that can express doubt, politeness, irritation, etc. How you use these adverbs is one of the things that will indicate your degree of mastery/understanding in Norwegian.
The lady's marital status in the examples below doesn't actually change, the adverbs merely indicate what the speaker believes that status to be:
Hun er sikkert gift. I'm sure she's married. Hun er nok gift. She's probably married. Hun er vel gift. I'd guess she's married. Hun er visst gift. I've heard she's married. Hun er kanskje gift. Maybe she is married. Hun er neppe gift. I doubt she's married.
These unaccented adverbs have a fairly regular position in the sentence, they follow immediately after the verb. The same adverb can sometimes indicate slightly different nuances of meaning, depending on tone of voice and the context. Click the link for each one for more information.
From Exploring Norwegian Grammar by Kirsti Mac Donald and Marianne MacDonald.
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sillylangs · 2 years
Do you have some good songs in Romanian to share with me? ❤️
of course. here are some of my faves, hope some will be to your liking too ❤️
Activ - Doar cu tine
Activ - Visez
Activ - Zile cu tine
Andra - Niciodata sa nu spui niciodata
Andra - Inevitabil va fi bine 
Bere Gratis ft. Elena - Iarna ne-a surprins indragostiti
Carla’s Dreams - Pana la sange
Carla’s Dreams - Cum ne noi
Dara cu INNA, Antonia si Carla’s Dreams - Fie ce-o fi
Delia ft. Kaira - Pe aripi de vant
Delia - Inimi desenate
Elena Gheorghe - Pana dimineata
Hi-Q - Asa-s prietenii
Hi-Q - Gasca mea
Hi-Q - Razna
INNA - Spre mare
Lidia Buble ft. Amira - Le-am spus si fetelor
Lidia Buble ft. Matteo - Mi-e bine
Lidia Buble - Camasa
Lidia Buble - Tu
Lidia Buble ft. Adrian Sina - Noi Simtim La Fel
Maxim - Noapte fara tine
Maxim - Sarutari criminale
Maxim - Vreau sa te
Nosfe ft. Ruby - Condimente 
Rosu si Negru - Pseudofabula 
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sillylangs · 3 years
We’ve all seen Inktober, Goretober, all the fun drawing challenges, however, consider the following:
What is Writevember you ask? Well…
It’s a challenge where you write something based on a prompt every day of November! Similar to Inktober, minus the drawing!
It can be any length, from 2 paragraphs , to 10 pages, to 100! I don’t care how long it is! As long as you write!
Here’s the list!
The goal is to write every day and get more motivated to write!
If I may, can y’all boost this?
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sillylangs · 4 years
Yiddish Survey
Hello! I am currently working on my undergraduate dissertation on Yiddish and I am looking for Yiddish speaking or learning participants for a short survey. It should only take a couple of minutes and is entirely anonymous. For ethics reasons I can only accept answers from people 18+. It would mean a lot to me if you would fill this survey out and/or shared it with any of your Yiddish speaking friends or family. You will find more information and contact details in the header of the survey. 
This is the link to the survey on Google Docs
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sillylangs · 4 years
Immersion: how to immerse yourself in a language when you don’t live in that country
By someone who spends their life trying to convince themself they live in Norway
Put on background noise in your TL. Stick the radio on while you’re studying, listen to a podcast while you’re doing housework, listen to an audiobook while on the bus, whatever. Don’t worry about understanding it all - heck, you don’t even have to pay full attention. Even passively listening will improve your comprehension skills as you get used to the language’s melody (and also find yourself catching the occasional word/phrase).
Change the language of all your devices to your TL. Personally, I don’t recommend doing this until you’ve got a good grip on your basic vocab because getting a pop-up message on your phone that you don’t understand at all can be quite alarming! At least learn how to say confirm, cancel, delete, share and save.
Set your homepage to a news or webzine in your TL. I have NRK as my homepage, so whenever I open my browser I can read the headlines (and then maybe an article).
Watch the news in your TL. I highly recommend watching the news because then you get to know what issues are current in that area of the world, so then you’re learning about the culture too. (It’s also really interesting to see how world events are reported on in other countries and cultures!)
Follow people on social media who post in your TL. Not sure who to follow? News sites, TV show accounts, musicians, actors, athletes etc are always a good starting point. Also search hashtags in your TL (eg #gymnastikk #sminke #treningsglede or whatever you’re interested in)
Music. Find a playlist on spotify of your favourite genre and get listening (do the search in your TL - so for example, if you type in “norwegian rock” you may get a mixture of Norwegian and English songs by Norwegian bands, but if you type in “norsk rock” you’re more likely to get songs in Norwegian)
Video games. If you play ‘em and you have the option, change them into your target language!
Find recipes in your TL. Bonus points if they’re traditional recipes from that country because then you get to learn about the culture too! But anything that looks interesting/tasty is good.
Write lists in your TL. I write most of my shopping lists and to-do lists in Norwegian (and sometimes I post them to my blog so I can get feedback). Then, while I’m at the shop, I’ll think to myself in Norwegian: “where is the cat food? There is the cat food. Now I need soap. Where is the soap? Oh no, the soap is sold out!” Or while I’m doing my chores I’ll try to think, “now I’m washing my clothes. Next I need to clean the kitchen, and then I’ll make lunch.”
Read books. Children’s books are a good starting point if you’re a low level. Also books you’ve read in your native language, especially if you still have the original copy. (Tip: don’t get bogged down trying to translate every word you don’t know. If you can work it out from context, leave it. If you’re unsure about it and it keeps cropping up, look it up. If the sentence doesn’t make sense without it, look it up. If you wanna note down useful phrases do it, but don’t do it for every new word/phrase)
Find youtubers who create content in your TL. Again, do the search in your TL. So instead of typing “norwegian makeup videos” search for “sminkevideo norsk”
While we’re talking about youtube, try to find grammar videos in your TL, searching in your TL rather than in your native language (eg instead of searching ‘present perfect spanish’ try typing ‘el préterito perfecto español’)
Watch TV shows and movies in your TL. You can start by watching with subtitles in your native language, then move to subtitles in your TL, then eventually switch them off. (tip: watch with subtitles in your TL and then note down words/phrases that recur or words/phrases that you like. As with reading, don’t bother noting down everything you don’t know - just the odd one or two here and there that you’re like “oh hey that’s useful I wanna remember that”). You can use the Language Learning With Netflix browser extension, or google news stations in a country where your TL is spoken if you don’t know where to start.
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sillylangs · 4 years
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happiness, joy - glede, lykke happy - glad, lykkelig love - kjærlighet loved - elsket pleased - fornøyd thankful - takknemlig cheerful - munter loving, affectionate - kjærlig satisfied - fornøyd optimistic - optimistisk warm - varm positive - positiv playful - leken confident - selvsikker calm - rolig considerate - omtenksom peaceful - fredelig understanding - forståelsesfull hopeful - håpefull comforted - trøstet touched - berørt courageous - modig bold, daring - dristig eager - ivrig curious - nysgjerrig thrilled - begeistret reliable - pålitelig lucky - heldig energetic - energisk interested - interessert fascinated - -fascinert impulsive - impulsiv comfortable - komfortabel sympathetic - medfølende free - fri certain - sikker relaxed - avslappet reassured - beroliget devoted - viet inspired - inspirert enthusiastic - entusiastisk admiration - beundring passionate - lidenskapelig excited - spent engrossed - oppslukt
fear - frykt scared, afraid - redd frightened - skremt wary, skeptical - skeptisk doubtful - tvilsom worried - bekymret anxious - engstelig confused - forvirret nervous - nervøs panic - panikk surprised - overrasket concerned - bekymret helpless - hjelpeløs uncertain - usikker uneasy - urolig paralyzed - lammet stupefied - lamslått despair - fortvilelse terrified - livredd threatened - truet desperate - desperat cowardly - feig restless- rastløs uncertain - usikker powerless - maktesløs unpleasant - ubehagelig hestitant - nølende appalled - forferdet
grief - sorg sad - trist sensitive - følsom unhappy - ulykkelig pessimistic - pessimistisk hurt - såret woeful - sørgelig mournful - sørgmodig depressed - deprimert crushed - knust doubtful - tvilsom empty - tom shy - sjenert dissatisfied - misfornøyd disappointed - skuffet alone - alene lonely - ensom gloomy - dyster miserable - elendig embarrassed - flau guilty - skyldig vulnerable - sårbar ashamed - skamfull
anger - sinne angry - sint irritated, annoyed - irritert aggressive - aggressiv frustrated - frustrert bitter - bitter hateful - hatsk enraged - rasende fuming - illsint hatred - hat cold - kald rebellious - opprørsk hostile - fiendtlig disinterested - uinteressert offended - fornærmet tense - anspent insensitive - ufølsom provoked - provosert indifferent - likegyldig alienated - fremmedgjort humiliated - ydmyket stressed - stresset despicable - avskyelig disgusting - motbydelig gross - ekkel suspicious - mistenksom
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sillylangs · 4 years
Unpopular(?) opinion: Learning about languages is just as much fun as learning to speak languages. 
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sillylangs · 4 years
hello everyone I really don't know how to say this but basically a friend of mine (Nourhan, 22, Egyptian) has been raped and impregnated as a result of the rape. unfortunately living in a misogynistic islamic culture her family refused to report the rape and decided to force her to marry her rapist in order to "fix" the situation because they can't ruin their reputation by having a pregnant daughter outside of marriage. it's considered a dishonour. rape victims being forced to get married to their rapist as a cover up or as a "settlement" is extremely common in muslim majority counties, it's very normalised and at that point the law does nothing (not that it'd have been a great help anyway).
imagine getting pregnant with your rapist's child and getting forced to marry him. it's absolutely disheartening and that's why we're currently raising money for her abortion and to escape from the forced marriage. we need at least $5000 to make that happen. (abortions are illegal here and they happen undercover and are very expensive.) I know it's been a hard time for everyone financially due to the pandemic but this is our last attempt to help her. any amount helps! if you can't donate, boosting this post would be highly appreciated! thank you so much❤
p.s: we tried setting up a gofundme page but apparently you have to live in the country of the currency to be able to withdraw and our currency is not listed on the site meaning it's not available here so we're using paypal. I hope it'd work fine because we're panicking and have no other options.
TL;DR: we're raising money for a rape victim to have abortion and escape forced marriage to her rapist.
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sillylangs · 4 years
Some little language-learning milestones:
The first time you feel brave enough to leave a comment on a social media post in the language
Realising that extra tricky grammar rule is finally starting to click
No longer cringing at your accent when you speak
Talking to yourself and realising you managed to construct a coherent sentence without notes to prompt you
Starting to string together sentences without stopping to think about how to say the next one
When you can start figuring out unknown words from context
Coming across a word you always forget the meaning of, only to find that this time you actually remember it
Starting to recognise distinct dialects, even if you don’t understand them at all yet
Falling in love with a particular dialect
Seeing someone new to the language asking a question and thinking, “oh, I know the answer to that!”
Knowing the perfect idiom for the situation
Singing and meaning the words, rather than just approximating the sounds
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sillylangs · 4 years
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This is my post for the OLCC challenge :)
a) All pieces of vocabulary were taken from Mango Languages. If anything is inaccurate/outdated, message me and I will gladly fix it!
b) Stress is indicated with an apostrophe over the stressed letter. Please assume that и́ is stressed и and not й. 
ня́шный: cute
отхвати́ть:: to snag/get 
доста́ть: to get (used when something is not widely available or at a very good price)
та́чка: car
смартфо́н: smartphone
униве́р: university
клёвый: awesome/cool
перекуси́ть: to grab a bite/have a snack
ре́стик: restaurant
дешёвка: a piece of crap/shitty
шту́ка: one grand ($1000)
предложе́ние: a deal/bargain
офиге́нный: amazing
больши́е ба́бки: a lot of dough/money
сходи́ть: to go (future tense. Я схожу́, мы схо́дим)
кру́то/прико́льно  : cool
су́пер: great
Practice Sentences For You to Translate:
1. Где отхвати́ла тако́е ня́шное пла́тье?
2. Дава́й переку́сим! -Где? В ре́стике, ря́дом с униве́ром.
3. Э́то офиге́нный клуб! Я сего́дня туда́ схожу́.
4. Я купи́л брю́ки за две шту́ки.
5. Э́та ку́ртка - дешёвка.
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sillylangs · 4 years
How to learn a language and its culture together
1 Learn typical recipes (maybe try to recreate them)
2 Watch movies (not only the genres and themes you prefer, but watch their classic movies that everyone there already watched)
3 Listen to music (same as 2)
4 Watch and read the news (follow the news on social media)
5 Watch people travelling around the country
6 Follow youtubers (the vloggers who visit buildings, who talk about festivals and holidays and do stuff at the town)
7 Read books (you can read in english and then re-read in the target language, it’ll make easier)
8 Follow random people on social media (in that way you’ll can see the everyday language, photos of some city, political stuff, etc)
9 Follow meme pages - memes aren’t spaceless and timeless, they talk about some subject the people from that culture are talking about
10 Talk to natives and ask them about their daily lives
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sillylangs · 4 years
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this is my first vocab list, so i hope you like it! i’m hoping to make more soon. if you think i’ve made a mistake, feel free to dm me :-)
Merkur — Mercury Venus — Venus Jorden — Earth Mars — Mars Jupiter — Jupiter Saturn — Saturn Uranus — Uranus Neptun — Neptune Pluto — Pluto
sol [f.] — sun måne [m.] — moon planet [m.] — planet stjerne [f.] — star konstallasjon [m.] — constellation komet [m.] — comet asteroide [m.] — asteroid galakse [m.] — galaxy Melkeveien [m.] — The Milky Way solsystem [n.] — solar system
romskip [n.] — spaceship romfartøy [n.] — spacecraft satellitt [m.] — satelite rakett [m.] — rocket romstasjon [m.] — space station romvesen [n.] — alien astronaut [m.] — astronaut utenomjordisk — extra-terrestrial [adj.]
tomrom [n.] — void verdensrom [n.] — outer space atmosfære [m.] — atmosphere gravitasjon [m.] — gravity omløpsbane [m.] — orbit rotasjon [m.] — rotation astronomi [m.] — astronomy
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sillylangs · 4 years
Eurovision 2017
Amar Pelos Dois
Se um dia alguém perguntar por mim Diz que vivi p’ra te amar Antes de ti só existi Cansado e sem nada p’ra dar
Meu bem, ouve as minhas preces Peço que regresses, que me voltes a querer Eu sei que não se ama sozinho Talvez devagarinho possas voltar a aprender
Meu bem, ouve as minhas preces Peço que regresses, que me voltes a querer Eu sei que não se ama sozinho Talvez devagarinho possas voltar a aprender
Se o teu coração não quiser ceder Não sentir paixão, não quiser sofrer Sem fazer planos do que virá depois O meu coração pode amar pelos dois
Luísa & Salvador Sobral
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sillylangs · 4 years
Introducing the “Temauke”
Hey everyone! 
Since langblr has felt kind of inactive lately I’d really like to create more of a community feel around here! Since my “specialty” is Norwegian, I’ll talk mainly to Norwegian learners (and natives!) in this post, but anyone can feel free to join in their respective languages. 
My idea to achieve this is to do themed weeks (“Temauker”), so that each week we create and share resources in Norwegian (or any language, really) on a given theme. I could make vocab lists or grammar explanations of my own, and I could reblog posts that you made. 
Of course, I understand that you all have your own, sometimes busy, sometimes exhausting lives, and you wouldn’t have to participate every week (or any, I’m not forcing this on you guys). I just want this to be a chill and fun way to build a community of learners and to create and gather resources about things you’re genuinely interested in. 
I think the best way to decide on a theme each week would be for you to send me suggestions for themes throughout the previous week (say, Monday to Friday), and then I give you the weekend to vote on those suggestions through a polling system. Some examples of potential themes at the top of my head right now are: Music, Films, Literature, Housing, Travel, Relationships, Nature and The Outdoors, The Internet, Technology, Food, etc., but I’m open to anything!
It could start whenever you want, really! Or never, if you hate the idea :) Just feel free to send me feedback and suggestions on how to do this in the best possible manner (if you want to do it at all), along with possible themes - preferably to my ask box instead of as replies - and the first Temauke could potentially be starting this Monday (June 15)!
I can’t wait to hear from you guys! <3
Lots of love, Amanda x
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sillylangs · 4 years
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Noen oppgaver fra da jeg øvde på til og for. Det er fortsatt litt forvirrende for meg, men jeg skal skjønne det én dag. 
Jeg har faktisk tilbragt mesteparten av tiden min å se på Love Island UK da haha.🙈Det har vært så vanskelig å fokusere på norsk, men disse er merkelige tider, så det er helt vanlig, jeg må bare huske det!
Some homework from when I was practicing til and for. It’s still a bit confusing for me, but I’ll get it one day.
I’ve actually spent most of my time watching Love Island UK though haha.🙈 It’s been so hard to focus on Norwegian, but these are strange times, so it’s completely normal. I just have to remember that! 
Corrections always welcome
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sillylangs · 4 years
typing your target language in without any of its special characters and hoping the translator catches it so you don’t have to switch keyboards
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sillylangs · 4 years
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Quit romainian, start czech
Nu 😤I’m loyal to 🇷🇴 atm
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