sillyromantic4ever · 1 month
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Chapter II: "The City-Planet" from Beneath the Armor, Vol. II
Re-introducing R6-D12, Talia's astromech droid. He and Mando don't get along too well, which is quite amusing. And here is a new droid: TR-G3T, aka TARGET.
Read here: Beneath the Armor, Vol. II - Chapter 2 - SillyRomantic4Ever - The Mandalorian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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sillyromantic4ever · 1 month
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Chapter II: "The City-Planet" from Beneath the Armor, Vol. II
Talia's Attire!
Read here: Beneath the Armor, Vol. II - Chapter 2 - SillyRomantic4Ever - The Mandalorian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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sillyromantic4ever · 1 month
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Chapter II: "The City-Planet" from Beneath the Armor, Vol. II
Excerpt: "...the Mandalorian finds Talia gesturing to a squat-looking warehouse about three stories tall. Its design is a mixture of concrete blocks and durasteel platings... Din counts three durasteel doors leading into the base of the warehouse, each a different size. The larger and medium-sized entries are closed... His eyes veer to the smallest door, which is currently open.
"'No outside sign?' he off-handedly remarks.
"'Nenseko relies on word-of-mouth,” Talia replies, her gaze assessing as well.
"Bet he’s a gossiper, too."
Read here: Beneath the Armor, Vol. II - Chapter 2 - SillyRomantic4Ever - The Mandalorian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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sillyromantic4ever · 2 months
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Chapter I: "Ponderings" from Beneath the Armor, Vol. II
Quick reminder of what the Alabaster Star looks like. Seems as if Mando is getting used to flying and living on it.
Read here: Beneath the Armor, Vol. II - Chapter 1 - SillyRomantic4Ever - The Mandalorian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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sillyromantic4ever · 2 months
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Chapter I: "Ponderings" from Beneath the Armor, Vol. II
Talia's attire!
Read here: Beneath the Armor, Vol. II - Chapter 1 - SillyRomantic4Ever - The Mandalorian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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sillyromantic4ever · 2 months
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Chapter I: "Ponderings" from Beneath the Armor, Vol. II
Excerpt: "[Din] smirks to himself beneath his helmet. When he had first met Talia on Cholganna over five months ago, he had kicked and punched against the intrusion of his privacy. But after time passed and after seeing that this perplexing woman was being kind, understanding, and simply herself, he had stopped. Even now, he does not quite remember when he did. And after a moment, he calmly realizes that he does not care.
"Not anymore."
Read here: Beneath the Armor, Vol. II - Chapter 1 - SillyRomantic4Ever - The Mandalorian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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sillyromantic4ever · 2 months
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NOW LAUNCHING: Beneath the Armor, Volume II from my Mandalorian Legacy Series
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sillyromantic4ever · 3 months
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Chapter XXIX: "Ignition" from Beneath the Armor, Volume I
Excerpt: "The heat coating her accent is mesmerizing. She shifts on the ground and re-arranges her legs, folding them on her other side. Her movement causes his eyes to drop, and he observes how her tanned legs, long dried from the fire’s warmth, appear exceptionally smooth. When he raises his gaze, he sees that the front of her black robe has parted a little more, revealing a few extra centimeters of precious cleavage. His mouth begins to feel parched, and he cannot tear his eyes away from her flawless complexion. How long has it been since he has seen this much skin on an attractive female?
"A long time.
"Too long, his primal needs agree in a deep growl that resonates throughout his body."
Read here: Beneath the Armor, Vol. I - Chapter 30 - SillyRomantic4Ever - The Mandalorian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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sillyromantic4ever · 4 months
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Chapter XXVIII: "Into the Shadowlands, Part III" from Beneath the Armor, Volume I
General Tarfful, Chief of Kachirho City. Ralrracheen, former Senator of Kashyyyk. Gungi, former Jedi Youngling. So many Wookiees in this chapter. Read about them here: Beneath the Armor, Vol. I - Chapter 29 - SillyRomantic4Ever - The Mandalorian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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sillyromantic4ever · 4 months
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Chapter XXVIII: "Into the Shadowlands, Part III" from Beneath the Armor, Volume I
A Kashyyyk Greyclimber. Looks like a Bantha from Tatooine, huh? Find out why and how it makes an appearance, here: Beneath the Armor, Vol. I - Chapter 29 - SillyRomantic4Ever - The Mandalorian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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sillyromantic4ever · 4 months
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Chapter XXVIII: "Into the Shadowlands, Part III" from Beneath the Armor, Volume I
Excerpt: "At [Talia's] kindness and hope, Din feels a warming sensation start deep within his chest and then spread to his entire ribcage. With a barely-there smile on his lips, he nods in response. He keeps his eyes fixated on Talia as she gracefully walks over to where Ralrracheen is debating with Tarfful. Like Onderonian royalty, she gives the Wookiee leader a dignified bow.
“'He remembers her,' he hears Gungi remark."
Read here: Beneath the Armor, Vol. I - Chapter 29 - SillyRomantic4Ever - The Mandalorian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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sillyromantic4ever · 4 months
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Chapter XXVII: "Into the Shadowlands, Part II" from Beneath the Armor, Volume I
Excerpt: "They are now near the center of the Wookiees’ activities, and Talia is amused at the surprise in Din’s voice in his one-word question. Should she tell him that their bond has become so important to her that she can sometimes sense his emotions without even trying anymore? She can also feel them from a distance, just as she did earlier. But if she admits these things to him, would he believe her? Would it affect him and cause his heart to rattle beneath his armor? Or would he put up a Beskar wall, keeping her away from him?"
Read here: Beneath the Armor, Vol. I - Chapter 28 - SillyRomantic4Ever - The Mandalorian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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sillyromantic4ever · 9 months
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Chapter XXVI: "Into the Shadowlands, Part I" from Beneath the Armor, Volume I
The Wookiees that Din and Talia meet while searching the Shadowlands. And yes, that is indeed Gungi from The Clones Wars and The Bad Batch Season 2. I was inspired to include him in my story. So, if there are any fans out there of Gungi, check him out here: Beneath the Armor, Vol. I - Chapter 27 - SillyRomantic4Ever - The Mandalorian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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sillyromantic4ever · 9 months
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Chapter XXVI: "Into the Shadowlands, Part I" from Beneath the Armor, Volume I
The Shadowlands and some of their creatures. From left to right: wooden elevator leading to Shadowlands; a Kashyyyk blue primate; a Mykal; a Phosflea
Read here: Beneath the Armor, Vol. I - Chapter 27 - SillyRomantic4Ever - The Mandalorian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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sillyromantic4ever · 9 months
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Chapter XXVI: "Into the Shadowlands, Part I" from Beneath the Armor, Volume I
Talia's attire as she ventures into the Shadowlands with Din and Vandar.
Read here: Beneath the Armor, Vol. I - Chapter 27 - SillyRomantic4Ever - The Mandalorian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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sillyromantic4ever · 9 months
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Chapter XXVI: "Into the Shadowlands, Part I" from Beneath the Armor, Volume I
Excerpt: "As Din trudges through a carpet of knee-high ferns, he inwardly scoffs...how is it that the further he, Talia, and the kid had descended on the Wookiees’ elevator, the blacker their surroundings became? The obscurities in this dreary place have shadows on their shadows...
"But for some reason he cannot seem to understand, the darkness in this rainforest is different than the mere fact that there is a dire lack of light. It is almost as if he can feel the darkness on him, and it is thick . . . heavy and . . . oppressive."
Read here: Beneath the Armor, Vol. I - Chapter 27 - SillyRomantic4Ever - The Mandalorian (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
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sillyromantic4ever · 1 year
Chapter XXV: “Falling” from Beneath the Armor, Volume I
Author’s Note: Talia's perspectives in this chapter are inspired by Celine Dion's song "Falling in Love Again." The moment I heard it, I immediately thought of her. When I read the lyrics after listening it the first time, just so I can make sure I heard it correctly, I thought that this is definitely her song. So, as I was preparing to write this chapter, one that will explore her feelings for Din, I decided to arrange her perspective according to this song's lyrics. I had considered putting some of the lyrics at the beginning of the chapter like I've done with quotes in the past, but I felt that doing this would disturb the mood I was hoping to convey. But I knew I had to share this song and insert it at the end of the chapter. I hope you give it try. Maybe you'll agree with me, dear Readers, that this -- at this point for Talia -- is her song.
Read the chapter here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28495434/chapters/126888154
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