simspasttime · 3 years
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“A lot has changed over the years, the only thing that stayed the same is our friendship.We’ve been to weddings, we’ve been there through a divorce, seen kids be born and watched them grow. We’re stronger than we were before. My best friends through everything.” - Emma <3
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simspasttime · 3 years
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“After loosing my dad my world crumbled down, I thought that I had no one left, no siblings, no relatives, nothing. Got in the wrong circles and did a lot of bad things. Until I met 4 crazy people my age who showed me that I wasn´t alone and that I could do something else with my life. I´ll never forget them.” - Emma
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simspasttime · 3 years
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“It´s been the 5 of us for a long time, all with a different past. We stuck together to watch each other´s back. No matter what, we´re not innocent, no far from. But without them I don´t think I would have found the family I have now.” - Matt
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simspasttime · 3 years
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“I’ve hated you, I’ve missed you, I can never say sorry enough. You’ve been the constant in my life, you took care of the both of us after our parents were killed. I owe you so much Rine. For now it’s just: Thank you.” - Gabe
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