siriusdisaster · 9 months
James wanted to protest that he never wanted to get rid of Sirius, the work he had was hard enough, and then on top of that they were working for the Order, they had more than one opportunity to get hurt of killed and lately that had been on this mind. How little he felt he was doing, how he could actually improve his help with the resistance of Voldemort and his followers.
"i've been selected to be the commentator on the World Cup." he added, looking at Vesper more than at Sirius. It was a good kind of news, he always dreamed to participate at the World Cup, but more as a player than anything else. It was somewhat bittersweet, specially since he wanted to change careers.
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siriusdisaster · 9 months
         alastor understood the need for all of this, the unity fair, the campaigning to get the world cup to britain, but it still did not make him feel any better. there was too much risk, crows were always a danger, but with the darkness lurking around, well the chances of something happening increased tenfold in gatherings with people from all over the world. in this war secrecy was the biggest commodity and in a crowd it was easy to disappear. so alastor attended the event, even if that was the last thing he wanted to do. to keep an eye on things, he said to himself, to keep an eye on people.
         would alastor be allowed the lodge? probably, his name still carried his parents legacy, even if their money remained in the vault, even if he had not set foot back in the mansion. would he be welcomed? not really, but they could hardly turn him away. did he want to be there? absolutely not. so he wandered the camping grounds instead, and then a familiar face called to him.
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         alastor offered sirius a smile, ❝thanks but i've got my own❞ the auror said patting the outside of his coat, these days he hardly consume anything not thoroughly tested or prepared by him, you can never be too cautious,❝but i will join you❞ he said moving towards the empty chairs, ❝all of your friends are here?❞
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siriusdisaster · 9 months
The ministry had a habit of keeping one busy even on days when work should be secondary. An event such as this and still Emmeline had found herself swooped up in smaller tasks, finishing up both paperwork as well as a minor curse-breaking incident. When she'd finally managed to make it to the camp grounds of the world cup it felt like the world had already moved ahead, rushing into perfect position to enjoy the event while she'd barely set foot on the grounds that would soon be filled with fans cheering for their teams during the event of the year.
With hurried steps, big box in her arms and a bag slung over her shoulder had the witch gone about, searching for the tent. Of course she knew which one but within such a large crowd it seemed a bit tougher to find than she originally anticipated. Finally, and by chance perhaps, did she find it. She'd just been scanning the area around when Sirius' voice had drawn her into the correction direction.
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"Actually," She lowered the box she'd been holding. "I was busy getting snacks because I was sure that I was surrounded by at least a few people who get hungrier than a hippogriff and given everyone's track record would need enough snacks around to last the entire duration of this thing. So, hopefully no one will be fighting any hippogriffs around." She plopped the box down. "If this are enough, I'll happily take that drink though. Given that at least one of your friends has shown back up."
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siriusdisaster · 9 months
A day without work, that was to say without work at the ministry yet there was quite enough to be done at home. Narcissa never liked sitting by idly without anything to do. At the very least one could read a book and learn something along the way or converse with the house elves about potential meal plan changes or stitch out of habit. Every now and then, almost daily, would she find herself walking the grounds with light steps. No one ever got hurt by a bit a fresh air. In fact, she could have sworn it helped her think.
Her feet carried her lightly down the steps and toward the more remote areas of the garden, tall hedges covering most of the area in what could only be considered a decorative maze without the added confusion. Here and there bushes of roses could be found, mixed with the most intricate tones of violet and lilac. It was where she felt the most at ease. That was until her eyes fell onto an unknown dog. "Oh." She observed the area around her, scanning for anyone who may turn out to be the owner. Of course, the grounds of the Black estate weren't that easy to walk onto. No one seemed to be around, from what she could tell.
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Narcissa moved closer, carefully reaching out to see if she could find any other hints of an owner. "Where'd you come from, hm?" Her voice was filled with curiosity, a kindness only known to those she cared for usually. Of course she couldn't be judgmental with a dog of all things.
The witch wasn't sure what to make of it and the more she observed the dog, the more she felt a twinge of sadness whenever her eyes would move over the slightly chaotic nature of the creature in front of her. "You look about as chaotic as anything, quite mischievous if that's something one could ever dare say." A sigh. "I think my cousin would have rather liked you." This little fellow looked precisely like the type of dog she could have pictured her cousin with. Somehow the events still managed to bring sadness to her features. All the way out here within the outer layers of the manor she didn't have to hide them either.
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siriusdisaster · 9 months
The entire camp grounds had been transformed into one giant celebration of quidditch and the countries represent. It was, although not overly intense still a bright variation of colors; an ocean of cheerfulness all around. Mary couldn't help but smirk at the enthusiasm of the world around her, every single wix taken over by the joy and the festivities.
Every now and then she'd allow herself to scan the crowd around her, checking if there was a familiar face hiding here and there. A few had stood out, been granted a nod or a wave or even a small cheer before she'd moved on. Seemingly in search for faces more familiar than those few found within the sea of quidditch fans. For a moment she paused, glancing around to see if anything sparked an idea or interest when a familiar voice pulled her from her thoughts.
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"So it seems. Abandoned Sirius Black. What has the world come to!" The witch chuckled, corner of her mouse moving up into a smirk. "I'll take that drink. Someone has to keep you company until those friends of yours show up. Considering your and their track record who knows what type of trouble or mischief you'll end up in otherwise." Mary found the whole situation more than amusing. "James and Remus around as well? When they're not busy abandoning you, I mean."
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siriusdisaster · 9 months
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"Maybe one day you'll understand wanting to be able to see the room from every vantage point. But you haven't learned that tip yet have you?" He stuttered. "Oh, look at that. Maybe I gave you a little tip. Doubt it will help you though, huh, sunshine?" Rodolphus raised his brow followed by an eye roll.
"You talk like you know me. But you don't." He was calm and collected. Sirius wasn't worth his burst of anger. "There are things in this world that are more important than others, yes. And loyalty is one of them. But loyalty is loyalty. I choose to be loyal to a certain group. You choose to be loyal to another. We both think we're right. In fact, we both say we're right." He leaned in to Sirius. "How does that make you any better than me? Fighting for a cause. Fighting because you're right. Wanting to come out victorious." He chuckled. "Go ahead and tell me how wrong I am and how you're helping save innocent people while people like me destroy them."
He tilted his head to the other side. "You're so predictable and boring but think you're the complete opposite because you're the 'infamous' Sirius Black."
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siriusdisaster · 9 months
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"people rarely come here, hence why i choose it. so, i do think it's unexpected, yes." she watched him. for a long moment it was all she did, studying her baby cousin up close for the first time in what felt like a lifetime — it was somehow always surprising to her that he was a man grown, that time had kept moving after her aunt had blown him clean off the family tapestry and started pretending she only had one son. it was odd, to see him standing in front of her like this, and it took everything in her body to keep the anger down. sirius black made bellatrix lestrange angry, in that twisted way that andromeda made her angry — in the same way that one is angry at someone for dying — in the same way that anger is the second stage of grief. thankfully, anger wasn't something a woman in bella's delicate position in the world could unleash onto the world, so she bit it down. she shifted to straighten up properly, took a long drag of her cigarette and nodded more to herself than him, grey smoke surrounding them as she finally spoke again. "no need to sound so distant, i won't bite if we're polite enough to exchange pleasantries."
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siriusdisaster · 9 months
marlexne For how bad Marlene claimed her communication skills are- and trust her, misinterpretation could absolutely be her middle name- she had quiet a good froup of people in her support system. She does not really remember the time she thought working with Sirius of all people would not be the worst, actually their shifts together are honestly her favorite. Not as gloomy as other Hit Wizards who have seen too much to even try and muster some kind of happiness. But, that was it- both Sirius and Marlene have seen enough, and they still wanted to snicker, to be heared, to be alive- it was a communiality that she appreciated. Not that she would ever tell him, it would get too much to his head. She knew it was him before she even got out of bed, the charms working wonders on helping her realize who is at the door before anything. She swings the door open and narrows an umipressed eyebrow at him. “What did you make me get out of bed for this time?” It is not like she was sleeping, but she enjoyed her time laying down onto her bed and just existing- the comfiest clothes ever which for her is oversized shirt and the most incredible of snacks. She steps to a side though, letting him in. ‘I’ll get the glasses. Or are we getting drunk like vikings today?’
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“The real question is, why are you sleeping at this hour? Haven’t turned into an old lady going to bed in the early evening have you?” he questioned with a raised brow, turning to her and walking backwards into the flat. He faced back the other way, walking over to the couch placing the bottles on the coffee table before plopping down onto the couch. Based on Marlene’s oversized shirt, comfortable attire she had been prepared for a dull evening staying in by herself and while they were still staying in he was sure to liven things up.
“Whichever you prefer, you know me, I’m up for anything, so if you don’t feel like doing dishes later we can certainly drink like vikings,” he chuckled. It was certainly something he would do as well, not wanting to deal with cleanup, the tedious household chores, which was why he was often found eating straight out of containers rather than grabbing a bowl or plate. “Don’t tell me this is how you spend all your days off Mckinnon, naps are great, but have to have some fun too despite these times.” With the nature of their job it was easy to get dragged down into it, but he made sure to leave his work at work for the most part and try to enjoy himself in his free time.
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siriusdisaster · 9 months
However many times had Emmeline found herself amused at the other's comments? Over the years the number of times had gone past any amount the witch could have ever kept track of. In the end it didn't matter. It was simply nice to know that she could still find amusement within it all.
With an eyebrow raised she listened, laughing at his comment before a serious expression took over. Even there, the glint of mischief ever so present it was obvious that Emmeline Vance was anything but serious in that moment. "Don't tempt me, Black. I stood in line with various witches threatening to hex me should I decide to skip said line. I may just take you up on that to make up for the glares thrown my way." She moved onto her toes to peek over his shoulder. "I'm pretty sure one of them spent half of our time at Hogwarts staring at you in pretty much every class we shared."
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Emmeline scanned the booth. "So, who had this glorious idea?" Of course, nothing about this seemed beyond something the brunette could see the former Gryffindor do. It appeared to be perfectly up the alley of someone whose entire life was a road of mischief down a lane of chaos. "By the looks of it quite the brilliant idea." She pointed back at the seemingly never-ending queue of people lining up for the volunteers at the booth.
"No chance I can drag you away from here before you go through half of Hogsmeade over there?" By all accounts the line of people seemed to almost count for more people than she'd ever seen in Hogsmeade on any of her visits. "Any more people and I might have to grab you lip balm before they fall off. We couldn't have that, could we?" Oh, what a tragedy it would be. That thought caused a small chuckle.
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siriusdisaster · 9 months
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Best of Kai - 107 / ∞
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siriusdisaster · 9 months
When the evening set in Lily often found herself with the urge to walk. It helped her to process her day and think things through, something she'd been needing to do more and more lately. It was usually quiet and serene but with the hustle and bustle around the campsite Lily knew she wasn't getting that tonight. She'd at least enjoyed looking around at the different tents - even after all these years she wasn't used to the magic of it all. Two storey tents, larger on the inside, she let herself be captivated by the sights.
It was a surprise when she realised she was back at the spot Sirius had started setting up his tent. Now complete, she admired it on her approach.
"You might have my favourite tent. Except for the one with the flower garden, up that way." She gestured vaguely in its direction as she flopped down into a seat by him.
"Actually, yeah a drink would be great." She had paused, unsure for a moment before deciding she needed to live a little. One drink wouldn't hurt. "So, what are your friends doing? Off looking for leprechauns?"
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siriusdisaster · 9 months
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Teagan was happy to have escaped the Lodge for at least a bit. She hated that she couldn't spend the whole World Cup on the campground -- her tent was certainly made for the pureblood princess, amenities and all, but her family would kill her if they even knew she was gracing the grounds as it was. Good thing she was a puppeteer and quick on her feet who always had a plan. But she was still a pureblood.
After getting her tent set up, Teagan decided to take a stroll, excited to see the nature of the boring folk not in the Lodge. She couldn't have been more pleased. People were running around, laughing, smiling. There were faces painted, kids pulling on their mum's skirts, arguments about which team would win. There was noise. There was life. The Lodge may as well have been sudden death. It was quiet mumbles, constant rules, expectations and predictable. But the campsite -- Teagan would have given up her pureblood status to live that kind of life.
Though at the campsite Teagan was still dressed like the model she was: a short, scrunched up skirt with tears on each side and the Vivienne Westwood signature on the back pocket showing off her long legs, along with a soft corset in black. And she made sure she wore sensible shoes, black sneakers adorned with sparkles.
Hearing an inviting voice, Teagan turned her head and saw Sirius sitting outside a tent. "Plenty to drink? You may have just made a new friend. It's Sirius Black, isn't it?" Of course she knew who he was. Every pureblood did. But who cared about that?
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siriusdisaster · 9 months
James looked at his friend, his brother, and he couldn't help to worry. Last time they had a mission Sirius was severely injured, and James couldn't help to wander what it entailed for Sirius to be out there hunting wizards all day long, he didn't want to ponder on the possibilities for long.
"That bad, huh?" he asked looking at Padfoot, "I'm glad you came home." he mumbled, being truthful, but there was a real feeling behind those words.
"That's why I cook around here, if you do, then we might end up poisoned," he teased, taking Sirius' glass and giving a sip from it. "I have news, it's not as good as food but we can work on that later."
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siriusdisaster · 9 months
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siriusdisaster · 9 months
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"Having a plaque would be boring. Besides, this place is so dusty and filthy that it would be noticeable for a short period of time. He shrugged, not caring. "Letting people know myself is more effective. Keeps them away from it for good." He closed his eyes while rolling them at the same time. "Have you never heard of someone having a seat they prefer having?" Rodolphus dropped his head.
"This place is a fucking mess but Abernathy isn't too bad. You might be surprised that I have loyalty to someone so ordinary." He tilted his head toward Abernathy. "Or are you too young for that, sunshine?" Rodolphus tilted his head to the side, his face expressionless.
This kid was an annoyance and obviously wanted to get a rise of him Rodolphus was no fool. He did enjoy causing pain and elimination but he wasn't worth it. He wanted Rodolphus to yell, scream, pull out his wand. Nope. Not worth his energy.
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siriusdisaster · 9 months
regulusx         never in a million years would regulus ever imagine sitting across from his brother as if nothing had happened. well maybe he could, he was after all well versed in denial and bottling up his feelings and emotions. he was also not just thinking about the years that they had spend apart, after regulus had refused to go with sirius and leave their parents reign of terror behind. no, what was tearing regulus apart were all the things he had done since taking the mark. sirius knew only but a fraction, and it terrified regulus what his brother would think if he knew what had become of him.  his brother who in regulus greatest hour of need had come to him, no questions asked when regulus refused to explain what had happened, his brother who upon looking at his cold, damp, shivering form, offered a shoulder for regulus to finally break down. they had that conversation later, much much later, when regulus realized he could not do it alone and reached out to dumbledore, and regulus finally told his brother about what had happened to him that night. sirius who had spent their childhood protecting regulus, what would he think if he learned regulus was a murderer? regulus was not a stranger to disappointing people, his family, his parents, but he was sure he would not survive the look of disappointment from his brother. 
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shoving all those thoughts away regulus selfishly allowed himself to enjoy the moment in front of him, returning to his what ifs, what if we didn’t grow up in a house that hurt us. regulus reached out for the tray, a smile before getting a mouthful, ❝you know i once asked kreacher to make me some, mum was… well she reacted as you would expect, i never asked again❞ he said with a shrug, regulus knew sirius was not fond of their house elf, but kreacher had always looked out for Regulus, like everyone in his life, he remembers being scared about the shouting matches in the hallway, usually having to do with Sirius, and how Kreacher would always bring him sweets or hot chocolate to help him calm down. ❝it’s good to see you brother, with everything going on i feel silly asking but i kind of want to know how’s work going for you…❞ what if all we had to worry about were our silly little muggle jobs and not our friends dying around us. 
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Sirius couldn’t help but smile as he watched Regulus take a handful of fries, wondering how long it had been since he’d had anything decent to eat. Of course, he probably snuck out on his own when he couldn’t stand the food served at the Black manor. “Some fries? That was bold of you, though I would have got mum’s response from Kreacher, he never much liked me,” he mused. Probably because he didn’t fall in line with what his mother wanted and Kreacher worshipped his mother, so maybe not so much of a mystery as to why the house elf disliked him. He did like his brother though and that was a bit of solace for him knowing that there was someone in that house looking out for him, even if he had limited power under his mother’s orders. 
“Can’t be doom and gloom all the time I always say, have to focus on other things so as not to drive yourself mad,” he noted running a hand through his hair. “Oh you know, it’s always a good day when I don’t get injured, rounding up those that have been bad, some paperwork I have to not fall asleep while doing, the usual. How about you, not that you could tell me, I suppose, department of mysteries and all its secrets.” What they did there was beyond even those in the ministry, only the names of the rooms listed which held enough intrigue with their vagueness. It wasn’t lost on him how many who sided with the death eaters worked there which made him feel uneasy that they may be privy to some useful secrets. Of course, his brother was on their side too, so hopefully, anything they could use he would pass on.
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siriusdisaster · 9 months
James entered the flat and let himself fall on the couch, she had meetings upon meetings to talk about future sponsors at the Radio show and other events. He had been to Order meetings and missions and he didn't know when was the last time he stopped and had a moment to collect his thoughts.
There on the couch he remembered the last few months and something was still nagging at him, and it was made more clear when Sirius entered the house, from a job that felt more important than talking shit on the radio. "Honey, welcome home. Where's dinner?" he teased, knowing that Sirius was probably was as exahusted as him.
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