sizzycranberry · 12 days
god. the way she’s so rude specifically to the doctor. how she keeps reacting like he’s condescending to her, even though both ruby and ricky are speaking the same way. the fact that she’s smitten with ricky and able to run and perform complex tasks when he asks, but resists the doctor’s doctor-ing at every turn. the cold open is her reacting to him with immediate disgust and blocking him. “i thought that you just looked the same.” “i knew i was right to hate you.” “he’s going to be so disciplined.” “he’s not as stupid as he looks.” the doctor keeps being like “the monsters must be differentiating who to eat for some [superficial, silly] reason - height, perfume, astral signs, etc,” and for the slug monsters it is something silly, it’s the first letter of their last name, but at the end we realize that to these actual human beings, race is the metric through which they judge the quality of the people around them, and despite him literally being The Doctor of Doctor Who, the Guy Who Saves People And That’s the Show, he is not worth their time… fuck.
like, if it was any other doctor, the entire episode would have unfolded differently. they would have taken the ride in the tardis. but with this doctor, they don’t. and then it ends.
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sizzycranberry · 14 days
When the episode looked like it was just a “kids these days with their tinktonks” and then suddenly the protagonist kills harry styles and then reveals she’s been racist this whole time
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sizzycranberry · 29 days
I love seeing people in love, that’s literally so sweet 🥹
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sizzycranberry · 29 days
There has been like 50 interactions like these between them since 2020
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And then DJ said he is marrying Ty and yet y’all were like hmmmm it’s probably a different Ty.
Well. no. it’s that same Ty.
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Congratulations to DJ and Ty 💕 🌈
+ bonus
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sizzycranberry · 1 month
I was really hoping the monster would turn out to be one of the babies that had been abandoned below and mutated. Just gimmie something dark in my DW amidst all the silly that's all I ask.
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sizzycranberry · 1 month
So like that little boy at the beginning and end of the devils chord is sus as hell right? Like he’s almost definitely the third being they were talking about right? Or at least affiliated in some way?
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sizzycranberry · 1 month
does anyone realize how crazy it is to have the actor of a mostly headcanoned queer ship say the fans were never crazy and they were right all along after 10+ years of everyone just absolutely going nuts over the said queerbaited ship
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sizzycranberry · 1 month
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SABRINA CARPENTER Coachella weekend two + looks
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sizzycranberry · 2 months
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sizzycranberry · 3 months
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sizzycranberry · 4 months
i mean sure trans women are beautiful thats a fact but you are also aware that even if every single trans woman in existence was ugly wed still be deserving of love and respect right?
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sizzycranberry · 4 months
please spread this so that it can actually be funny instead of just 1 person voting
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sizzycranberry · 4 months
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Reblog for a larger sampling size, a bitch be curious 💚 💙
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sizzycranberry · 5 months
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HAPPY 45th BIRTHDAY DEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sizzycranberry · 5 months
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sizzycranberry · 6 months
I don't think Mr. Martin is as evil as we think, just very extremely flawed, and here's why (School Spirits)
So I know he's out here taking detailed notes on dead children. That alone is a red flag. However, let's look at the facts that we know:
He started the fire that killed Janet
He hasn't crossed over, so clearly there is some unfinished business that he needs to deal with himself
He has been keeping notes on everything that killed the spirits at the school, as well as their current states
He and Janet were arguing about something, and we hear her calling for help and saying "I don't want to" and him asking her "What did you feel?" before she ran off into Maddie to steal her body
He and Janet lied to everyone about their deaths
He was able to manipulate the real world, as evidenced by locking Wally, Rhonda and Charley into his fall-out shelter.
He is pained by the thought of looking into the past instead of moving forward
What if Mr. Martin's "unfinished business" is giving justice to Janet, but in a very flawed and unhealthy way, by any means necessary? Think about this. He's a science teacher from the dang 50's. It's in his nature to not only conduct experiments until there is a result of some sort (science teacher), but to also take control of a situation in a way that he thinks is right, despite what a woman thinks (50's male). There are already articles on the internet saying that Mr. Martin lied because he felt guilty about starting the fire, so I imagine that he took control of the situation when he realized that he and Janet had died. That is how they stayed for a while, alone with each other, with Janet being heartbroken over the fact that she never got to finish high school and Mr. Martin feeling guilty about it. And yet, there may have been some comfort with the fact that they at least had each other. A mentor-student relationship with a bit of resentment, if you will.
I believe Mr. Martin first acted out of a survival instinct, figuring out the initial rules to help himself and Janet have a grasp on what the afterlife is like for the two of them (i.e. you can interact with everything, it just won't change anything in the real world, you can't jump the fence, etc.) But once they figured out that this was all they could do, Mr. Martin's "experiment" instinct mixed with his guilt, and he started trying to find ways to start pushing that boundary between the spirit world and the real world. He wanted to give Janet her life back somehow, and maybe in order to do that, he needed to see if he could manipulate the land of the living--which he did (see #6). Once he saw that, it was all downhill for him. He became obsessed with seeing what they could do, because if he could manipulate one thing, he might be able to manipulate another, and break more and more rules until he can finally, at the very least, get Janet out of this school and into the world. But he couldn't figure out what it was about him and Janet (whether it was circumstance or trauma, or anything), that made these changes happen...until other students started dying and showing up in the afterlife. Experiment instinct struck again. If he couldn't figure out what it was about him and Janet that manipulated the land of the living, he could use other students to find similarities, right? To see if any of them had the key?
This is why he took all the notes and listed everything about them, kept the objects that resulted in their deaths, etc. He wasn't helping them to pass over, he was only looking for ways for Janet to benefit (which is why there are no notes on her). He was blind to everyone else who looked up to him, because in his mind, Janet is the only one he failed. SO he told Janet to stay quiet against her will and participate in this experiment, which she did and THIS TIME, JANET WAS THE ONE THAT DISCOVERED SOMETHING BIG, HENCE THE ARGUMENT (see #4). But she was clearly in distress, and didn't want to be in kahoots with Mr. Martin anymore because she saw how wrong this all was, and didn't trust him with this new ability she found for herself. So she stole Maddie's body and ran. Better someone who didn't wanna be alive anyway than her, right (this is a whole other theory I have btw, I'll write a separate post about it). And the reason why he didn't say anything to everyone about Janet stealing a body is because he has done it...he has gotten Janet out, and now she can have the life that he stole from her back. Plus, if he shares that Janet ran away and was able to possess someone, that opens so many doors for students to find out what he's been doing and why. His deepest guilt and flaw. So he kept quiet and thought this was the best way forward. The only way Janet could keep Maddie's body was for Maddie to cross over. That's why he rushed to get Maddie to accept her death. He kept notes on Maddie to ensure she continued to stay in the dark. And he probably would have gotten away with it if Simon and Maddie hadn't been talking to one another.
But of course, comes my claim that I don't think he's as evil. I think he's just a flawed antagonist. He is the type of antagonist that lets his ambition get in the way of his logic. I think that experiment with the fire was a result of him wanting to show the class something rad, even if he knew it was dangerous. He had too much confidence and cost a student her life. And when he tried to fix it, he let his ego and ambition take over again. But it all roots from knowing he done fucked up. He wants to help, he's just doing it all wrong, and if he stops acting selfishly and starts realizing he's the problem, he may actually fix something for once. Maybe even get a student to cross over. Better yet, he may redeem himself enough to cross over himself.
Disclaimer: I am not excusing his behavior, btw. This is an explanation of why he does things, not an excuse. I am simply listing his thought process and that his antagonistic nature may be a doorway for a teensy redemption plot. After all, he is the only adult in the afterlife and if he learns how to do his job right, he could actually help the students. He had failed Janet already, someone who looked up to him. I don't think his guilt will ever let him actively do that again once the mirror is held up and he sees exactly what he's doing. Just my theory. Would love to know yours!
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sizzycranberry · 6 months
super early predictions for the show's future that might and probably will change once i rewatch:
Part 1/?
- There are few ways Janet being in Maddie's body could go. (There are more possibilities yes but these were the most plausible in my head)
Maddie gets her body back and continues living her life with the ability to communicate with the spirits
Maddie gets her body back and dies for real
Maddie will allow for Janet to stay in her body and Maddie herself stays in the afterlife
In the 1. case scenario
- If Maddie gets her body back by the end of s2 and we continue onto s3, it's possible that Maddie will still have the ability to communicate with the spirits
-> She was able to see Janet and Mr. Martin before Janet possessed her + she's kind of been balancing between this state of life and death
- That way we could expand on the universe with Maddie having the ability to communicate with all the characters
- Maybe even more living characters develop that ability. Simon can already see Maddie, that ability could expand. Xavier is already on the brink of death as it is so he'll probably be swooped into that world. Maybe.
- One issue though: Maddie and the others are seniors. So it's hard to say exactly how long the show could go on with this line up. Or. Well. It's not like most streming shows last beyond two-three seasons anyway so 😭
- But on the other hand I don't think this show has gotten too far in the timeline. Episode 6 was homecoming which is usually late september/early october (i guess? i'm not from the US 💀). Which means it's probably late october-ish. So there's plenty of time to explore the dynamics within this world if they pace it slowly.
- Although there's only so many months in a school year so even in that case that would leave room for 3-4 seasons at most (which I think is a good length for the show!)
- The timeline pacing applies to the show in general not just this theory
In the 2. case scenario
- Maddie stays in the afterlife and the story expands more on her dynamic with Janet (if she doesn't move on). I mean, she's just been in Maddie's body for MONTHS. That's bound to bring up some complicated feelings.
- Maddie might still have the ability to talk to Simon, maybe even the other characters. The show highlights that living people are able to see the spirits after a breaking point. Maddie actually dying could be that for specifically Nicole & Sandra.
- And for those for whom it necessarily wouldn't be. Like Claire and Xavier. Claire obviously has a tough home life, which can break anyone. Xavier, again, is possibly injured mortally so he COULD die for real -> ability to talk with Claire???
- I'm not a super big fan of this one personally. But maybe!
In the 3. case scenario
- This is my favourite one. It has the possibility to offer conflict, confusion and complications.
- Again, I don't think Janet has any bad intentions. She might want to just run away and/or live the life she lost. Maddie has been shown to be emphatetic.
-> Maddie gives Janet the opportunity to live in her body but in this case they'll settle that Janet will do that in Split River.
- Simon still sees the real Maddie, but to everyone else Janet!Maddie IS Maddie.
-> Being good at school, specifically english, is a big part of Maddie's character. Can't testament to Janet as a student, but she's from the 60's and as an individual has different strenghts to Maddie.
- The differences between the two in general will be a central conflict between the characters
-> Simon will have complicated feelings about interacting with Janet!Maddie. I think he'll help Janet adjust, but it won't be easy. He can only see his best friend at school, and even then ever so rarely. And here's this random girl living in Maddie's body, going about life as Maddie and no one but he knows.
- cue “she's nice, but she's not you” type of line
-> As for Maddie, she'll be fine first. It was her idea, after all. Over time things start getting complicated, though. It'll be hard for her to see Janet interact with her friends, teachers, mom. Maddie doesn't seem like a jealous person but seeing everyone she loves treat someone else as her from the sidelines will be hard for her.
- Maddie will want her body back.
- If Janet truly just wants to live, it might be harder for her to give it back -> conflict ensues.
-> As Maddie's want to come back grows, I think her and Janet's consciousnesses will start fighting for control.
-> The show ends with Maddie leaving the spirit world for good, but there might be remnants of Janet left in her.
the end.
What do you guys think? Any ideas for s2 and moving forward?
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