sk1nnyblowfien · 1 year
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Sometimes it feels like this.
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sk1nnyblowfien · 1 year
Don’t wish for a better body work for it.
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sk1nnyblowfien · 1 year
cant wait to be skinny for winter🎀
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sk1nnyblowfien · 1 year
i deserve to be skinny.
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sk1nnyblowfien · 1 year
cant wait for my bones to show without having to do weird flexes in the mirror
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sk1nnyblowfien · 1 year
i hate regaining weight, feels so shit that only a month ago i was significantly skinnier, i’ve lost so much progress in such little time :/
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sk1nnyblowfien · 1 year
tysm for 21 followers hopefully i don’t get banned again😭
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sk1nnyblowfien · 1 year
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when will it end…
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sk1nnyblowfien · 1 year
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u can do it too🎀
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sk1nnyblowfien · 1 year
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sk1nnyblowfien · 1 year
I will lose 10kg this month🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️
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sk1nnyblowfien · 1 year
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sk1nnyblowfien · 1 year
WL TIPS 🎀 (I’ve lost 13kg so far by doing this)
Calorie Deficit:
Burn more calories than you eat for example, i walk a lot and on my fitness app i have a target of burning 500 calories a day.
So on the days that i burn that amount i’ll eat around 300-350cals.
Low calorie, high volume food
Obviously only eating 200-400cals a day isn’t good but it works, so to make sure that you feel full even though you’re not consuming a lot of calories, you have to eat foods that are filling but low calorie. E.g fruits, yogurt, rice etc.
Half a watermelon is 150cals but so is a chocolate bar…. which one will fill you up more? WATERMELON because of the amount.
Liquid Fasts
Liquid fasting is hard at first but the more you do it the easier it gets. Personally i can’t fast without being able to have drinks because firstly i just really don’t like water and drinking too much of it makes me feel sick, it also doesn’t fill me up which is the whole point of fasting, when u feel hungry u chug water to fill u up, but that doesn’t work on me so instead of water fasting i replace water with monster. If you’re gonna do this only drink zero sugar monsters they are only 11-15cals a can, where as normal monsters are 200-300cals a can. Another alternative is diet coke it has 0 cals a can. Also aim to liquid fast once or twice a week maximum but no more than that or else it could trigger a binge.
How to prevent binging
I’m ngl when you start restricting your food intake in these ways you will binge along the way because it takes time for your stomach to get used to not eating as much. The ways that i prevent binging is to distract myself i’ll do things like go on a walk, watch a long film, look at thinspo, scroll on ed tumblr etc. but that won’t always work. If i’ve binged the first thing i do is go on a walk to try and burn as many calories as i can. If you have binged the night before don’t starve yourself the next day because you will most likely binge again, instead eat small portions of food and go on a walk and drink alot of water so you feel full and so that your stomach resets back to only needing small amounts of food to be full. Another thing to not do after a binge is weigh yourself because it will honestly make you feel like shit and it could make you give up or starve yourself and remember if u starve after a binge you’re very likely to binge again. So after a day or two after your binge do a liquid fast and weigh yourself in the morning.
How to accurately weigh yourself
If you want to weigh yourself the best time to do it is in the morning right after waking up but remember to pee first. Weigh yourself naked bcs clothes add weight.
Hair also adds weight so just tie it up with a thin hair band. Take off any bracelets, necklaces or rings you have on. Also make sure the scale is on a flat hard surface for best accuracy (don’t put it on carpets or rugs).
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sk1nnyblowfien · 1 year
currently living off monster zero and cigs🤝🏻
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sk1nnyblowfien · 1 year
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sk1nnyblowfien · 1 year
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sk1nnyblowfien · 1 year
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It’s not a want it’s a need
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