skatesfasteatsass · 2 years
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This is my try to make a dracula/vampire/monster The first version didn't have the dracula mostache but you know Those details are always a must 👌✨
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skatesfasteatsass · 4 years
A Little Luck - Nagito x Fem!Reader
“Hey! Today seemed like it was dragging on forever, but it always does when I’m not by your side.” Nagito Komaeda laughed happily as he closed the door to his cabin, locking the multitude of locks he painstakingly installed one by one. Kicking off his shoes and shrugging out of his coat, he looked around the room until he spotted you; right where he left you that morning. “How did you spend the day? It doesn’t seem like you were up to much.”
He was greeted with silence, but tried not to let that bring his spirits down. He sank into the couch next to you, snuggling up close. “Have I told you recently how much I love that dress on you? The color really goes well with your hair. You look beautiful.” He gently pushed the bangs out of your face then kissed your forehead. “When the killing game is over and we get out of here I’ll take you out to buy all the pretty dresses you could ever want.”
The quiet echoed on uncomfortably. Clearing his throat, Nagito tried again. “Is there anything you want to do first when we’re out of here? I just want to show you off, like on an actual date. Make sure everyone knows how beautiful my girlfriend is. How Ultimately Lucky I am to have you, even though I’m such undeserving trash.” He laced his fingers through yours and did his best to ignore the cold, limp response.
After a few more minutes he finally got the hint that you weren’t in a talkative mood tonight... like most nights. He never let it bother him. He knew that you returned his feelings, you just weren’t sure how to express it.
Nagito cupped your cheek with his free hand and turned your face to look at his. Your pretty blue eyes refused to meet his, instead they were glazed over and seemed fixed on something far away in the distance. Unresponsive as always. Regardless, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours. The pungent taste made him instantly gag, nearly vomiting all down your front. “G-guess we should clean you up hmm? It’s been a while, hasn’t it.” He smiled sheepishly, trying to put the taste of that kiss out of his mind.
With practiced hands he untied the myriad of rope that kept you bound tightly in an upright position on the couch, then carried you to the bathroom. He got the water running then set to peeling your clothes off of you. It wasn’t an easy task, it was almost as if they had become an extra layer of skin, cemented on with bile and blood.
As good of care he took of you, baths were the one thing that you sorely needed way more often than you got. Probably because every time your torso was exposed Nagito had to confront the reality of his situation. Where a good portion of your intestines should have been was instead a large gaping hole, black and festering around the edges. The skin was stitched shut in a patchwork job, pus and blood leaking out around the sutures. He could see the bathroom tile straight through your body.
He tried so very hard to forget about it, pretending it wasn’t there, that you were complete under your clothes. He was the one who found you first. The body discovery announcement only went off when three people have seen the deceased’s body. The announcement wasn’t triggered when Nagito discovered your corpse, which could be considered his Ultimate Luck kicking in. He wasn’t sure why, it was like his body acted before his brain could process what was going on. He took you to his cabin and hid you away. He cleaned and stitched your wounds, bathed you, and brushed your hair. When you were dressed again it was hard to tell there was anything wrong, so he just ignored it. It was easier that way.
He gently placed you into the bath water, lathering up some soap and gently working it into your skin while he continued his previous conversation with you. Reassuring you of how much he loves you and convincing himself that you love him back. 
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skatesfasteatsass · 5 years
Morning after with Chrom or Henry?
(Idk why you guys still use “or”– you all know if you give me more than one character in a prompt I’m gonna write them all ;0)
Chrom: He’d be lying if he said he didn’t pinch himself the second he woke up.
The night had shot by in a blur; a hot, passionate, love-fueled blur of experiences he’d never had, before. There were feelings and emotions he’d never forget. All because of you.
The woman that snoozed beside him seemed completely oblivious to his adoring gaze, the blue-haired bedhead simply beaming at you, and nothing more.
He couldn’t help it, and he was sure he looked like a total dope, but…Chrom didn’t care. This was his new life, after all. Waking up every morning next to you; his new wife.
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skatesfasteatsass · 5 years
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skatesfasteatsass · 5 years
PROFANE by Ashe Vernon
The first time he calls you holy, 
you laugh it back so hard your sides hurt. 
The second time, 
you moan gospel around his fingers between your teeth. 
He has always surprised you into surprising yourself. 
Because he’s an angel hiding his halo behind his back and nothing has ever felt so filthy 
as plucking the wings from his shoulders— 
undressing his softness 
one feather at a time. God, if you’re out there, if you’re listening, he fucks like a seraphim, 
and there’s no part of scripture 
that ever prepared you for his hands. Hands that map a communion in the cradle of your hips. 
Hands that kiss hymns up your sides. He confesses how long he’s looked 
for a place to worship and, oh, you put him on his knees. 
When he sinks to the floor and moans 
like he can’t help himself, 
you wonder if the other angels 
fell so sweet. He says his prayers between your thighs 
and you dig your heels into the base of his spine 
until he blushes the color of your filthy tongue. You will ruin him and he will thank you; 
he will say please. No damnation ever looked as cozy as this, 
but you fit over his hips like they were made for you. You fit, you fit, you fit. On top of him, you are an ancient god 
that only he remembers and he offers up his skin. 
And you take it. Who knew sacrifice was so profane? And once you’ve taught him how to hold your throat in one hand 
and your heart in the other, 
you will have forgotten every other word, except his name.
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skatesfasteatsass · 5 years
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he’s trying to seduce me….
and it’s working
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skatesfasteatsass · 5 years
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I imagine it gets rather hot out on Route 66 so here’s some dressed down McCree
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skatesfasteatsass · 5 years
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skatesfasteatsass · 5 years
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( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)  M O O N W A L Kを完成した… Best scene of Dante in the game! ↳ : デビルメイクライ DEVIL MAY CRY 5 
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skatesfasteatsass · 5 years
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Leon S. Kennedy in Resident Evil 2 remake
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skatesfasteatsass · 6 years
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drawing porn of a character should be a great excuse to take off their 84 layers of clothes, but i’m an idiot
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skatesfasteatsass · 6 years
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(nsfw text under the cut)
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skatesfasteatsass · 6 years
the shape of water’s fishman looks like he’d wait till the third date to have sex and when we did it’d be in the candlelight with a handpicked lovemaking playlist on in the background meanwhile venom looks like he’d raw me in a gas station bathroom at 3am
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skatesfasteatsass · 6 years
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Here’s some of that good stuff
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skatesfasteatsass · 6 years
Dude I AM SO dead. All I can think about is Hanzo fingering me throughout the night with those black gloves and waking up in bed with his blue tie snug around my neck. BLESS. 🙏🙏🙏
Bruh, you’re dead? I woke up this morning thing that I hallucinated such a blessing in my life.
BOIIIIIIIIIII This may have gotten out of control…But like…I really, really love that skin. Also, I was supposed to write other stuff today, but like I started on this and I couldn’t fucking stop.
WARNINGS: Noncon/Abuse/Drug Use/Choking/How To Not Use A Tie
Pairings: Dark!Scion!Hanzo x Reader
Word Count: Exactly 2,300.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14246505
The drug that had been slipped into your food earlier had finally begun to take effect, and you struggled to keep your droopy eyes open as the Shimada lord crept on top of your body. Your heart pounded in your chest as Hanzo captured your trembling lips in his, the smell of his cologne, masculine with hints of familiar sakura, quickly invaded your senses as he slipped his tongue into your mouth.
You couldn’t pull away. Couldn’t fight Hanzo. No matter how much you willed your body to move, it wouldn’t listen.
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skatesfasteatsass · 6 years
Author has gone
Hours without thinking about monsters and their big, loving arms. Perfect for hugs.
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skatesfasteatsass · 6 years
Perfect - Mystic Messenger Yandere Saeran x Reader Ficlet
I finally played the Xmas DLC and WOW my boy’s route was very, very good yandere vibes. He needs love. So it’s 2am and instead of sleeping I wrote this to get these emotions out. SFW, themes of kidnapping, hinted abuse
“Here, open this one next!” Saeran smiled as he thrust a brightly-wrapped box with an even brighter bow in to your trembling hands. Your fingers slowly pulled off the ribbon and tore through the paper while he anxiously awaited your response. You opened the gift to find a lovely necklace that held a sparking light green gemstone the color of his eyes, and you whispered a meek “thank you.”
“I’ll help you put it on!” He took the box from your hands and quickly fastened it around your neck. “That’s beautiful! Now you’ll always be thinking of me whenever you catch your reflection.” He raised his phone to snap a quick picture of the two of you and when he showed it to you, you wanted to cry.
The entirety of the floor was strewn with pieces of wrapping paper, boxes, and the pretty ribbons that once adorned them. New gifts of clothes, makeup, jewelry, and other such things covered every available surface, piled up nearly two feet high. What was most striking was the person sitting in the chair amidst it all. You knew that it was yourself, but it couldn’t process in your mind. Your dress was new and lavish, with jewels and a hairpin placed expertly in your updo. The makeup on your face was degrees far more expensive than anything else you’ve worn and felt lightweight, even though it was applied thick enough to hide the bruises. It just made the dead, hollow look in your eyes that much more noticable. Your lips were pursed in a small smile, but the edges were quivering in a way that made it obvious you were fighting back tears. A stark contrast to the happy atmosphere, though it made sense if you noticed the tiny gleam from the metal chain wrapped tight around your ankle.
“You look so pretty… but you always do! A picture-perfect doll.” He grinned at the picture, then tucked away his phone to dig around in the stacks of unopened presents.
“Please Saeran, I don’t need anything else.” You tried to smile at him, but your blood ran cold as you saw him freeze up.
“What… what do you mean?” He spun around to face you, fingers tightening around the parcel in his hands. “It’s Christmas! Aren’t you excited to recieve presents?”
“Yes, of course I am.” You tried to backpedal, “but you’ve given me so many I don’t know how to pay you back! That’s all.”
“Oh, is that it? Here I thought you didn’t like the gifts I spent so much time picking out special for you.” He laughed, but his fingernails continue to dig into the wrapping paper. “They’re better than anything he would have gotten you. I promise. I made sure it would all be to your tastes. I made sure it would be perfect. For us.” He closed the distance between you two, towering over you since you were seated. “Isn’t it a perfect Christmas?”
“Please… it’s February already. Please let me go. It’s been Christmas for months. I can’t take it anymore.” You pleaded, already knowing the answer.
“Isn’t it a wonderful, extraordinary, perfect Christmas? Didn’t I make it everything you’ve ever dreamed?” He whispered sweetly, making you shiver. “...Yes. Thank you.”
Saeran laughed and lightly kissed the top of your head. “Good. Now shut up and open the next damn gift.”
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