skini-babie · 4 years
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All of this is true for me
I don’t like being called out like this lmfaooo 😭
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skini-babie · 4 years
Zoom Dance Meetings is really just me trying to hide my fat because I can see how bad I look while dancing and also looking at the girl I’m jealous of because she’s so fucking skinny
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skini-babie · 4 years
Damn well gonna do it when I’m done fasting.
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1 smallish apple (80)
1 cup green tea (0)
1tbs lemon juice (10)
2tbs stevia/any sweetner (0) (you can add more or less depending on your tastes)
2tbs apple cider vinegar (6)
1tsp cinnamon (6)
1 cup of ice (0)
cut your apple, add the brewed tea and other ingredients besides ice. blend that up then add ice and blend again. this shit is the mother of all cleansers and metbolistic boosters so be careful!
BONUS: this is SUPER DELICIOUS. it’s always irritating when you want to drink acv green tea etc but can barely keep that shit down.
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skini-babie · 4 years
Me looking at brandy Melville youtube videos like
Cuz I can’t fit in any of the clothes.
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skini-babie · 4 years
I lost two pounds haha let’s keep that going.
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skini-babie · 4 years
I should drink mine more often
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This tea is really good for making you go to the bathroom, it is a laxative and the box tells you that you may experience cramps but I didn’t experience any whatsoever and I’ve gone to the bathroom a good 5 times today and they’ve all been pretty solid. I honestly didn’t even realize how much I had inside of me and it helped me so much with bloating. I’ve also lost 4 lbs :)
This stuff is AMAZING and I just want to say it is safe if you drink one a day and hydrate to avoid the side effects!! You can usually buy it at markets or online too :)
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skini-babie · 4 years
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I feel kind of bad because the people who make the videos are like “I CoULd hAvE diEd! yOuR eD wiLL KILL YOU!” And I’m like “ahah ahah yeah but... s k i n n y.“
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skini-babie · 4 years
I have a skateboard but I can’t skate. I’m told. “Wait unto you lose weight”
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I wish I was a skinny skater girl.
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skini-babie · 4 years
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skini-babie · 4 years
wow i look so fat today.
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skini-babie · 4 years
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Day 9: did people ever make comments about your weight in a negative way?
Mostly my mom. She's been skinny and perfect all her life and was really embarrased of me when I was eight and started gaining weight. She used to say she didn't want people to know her daughter was fat, she used to cry and yell at me when she couldn't dress me up the way she wanted because clothes didn't fit me the right way. When I got skinny she was all over the moon, but now she just says stuff like "look at your fat cheeks" "suck in your stomach, you look pregnant" "you really wanna eat that?" "Remember when you could wear that?"
That's the reason I was scared to come back home to quarantine after gaining so much weight. But I guess it's okay, she's kinda ana-coaching me.
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skini-babie · 4 years
Reasons I wanna be S K I N N Y :
(in an overweight/obese girl's perspective)
to fit on clothes that show my real style, not to hide on T-shirts and jeans.
to eat infront of everyone and not hear comments like "you'll gain more weight if you continue eating like that" or "no wonder you're fat"
so that people will be concern about me genuinely
be reckless and carefree about my movements and look cute
to look like a "girlfriend"
so that i can be smaller than guys
to be confident whenever i stand, walk, or dance
to run without being awkward or being teased as if there's an earthquake
to be okay if someone rejects me (because i know its not going to be because im fat and ugly)
to be a part of something active like a dance group or an athletic team and not be judged if i can really do it
to not worry if im in a room with pretty girls
so i wont be the center of attention in family reunions and to not put shame to my parents because they have an ugly child
so i can take pictures and focus on the whole background not my body figure
so i can post ootd's
to not be a duff (designated ugly fat friend)
so someone will actually believe that i can do something
so rings will fit and not make my fingers look like sausages
to be able to wear cute/sexy costumes on holloween or cosplay
so i can wear long socks and look fashionable not funny
so heads will turn whenever i put make up or put on a dress/gown/sexy outfit and not look like i tried so hard
so i can shop and always find my size
to be able to live normaly and think about more important stuff to improve myself not just to become skinny..
so much more reasons but these are most of it. someday i will not be defined by what i look like.
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skini-babie · 4 years
I’ve gained weight. Then lost three pounds. I’m still the same weight when I started hahaaa. Kill me.
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skini-babie · 5 years
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Excuse me is this my ed talking?
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skini-babie · 5 years
Gotta save this for when I’m actually IN school ya know
instead of eating I'll make these diet things
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skini-babie · 5 years
Her stuff works really well! If I hadn’t stopped I probably would have lost weight.
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Im doing all of these at the same time starting tonight, I'll post results as I go. If you want to join lmk!!
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skini-babie · 5 years
you will be skinny
you will be skinny
you will be skinny
you will be skinny
you will be skinny
now put the food down and have some self control
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